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Topic: I'm alt-right… (Read 32665 times)

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #51
Who would defend the Constitution of the United States?
Democrats? Republicans? Trump? Clinton?

[irony tag on] Wall Street! [irony tag off]
It's something above Democrats, Republicans, Trump or Clinton. :D

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #52
Franco was not an ideological fascist. His regime was an authocratic one that had a few pitoresque fascist notes not uncommon at the time at many other places. Falangists were basically Spanish Nationalists fighting comunists without too much ideological subtleties.

But you can say that Franco was more fascist inclined or tolerant than Salazar.
A matter of attitude.

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #53
With the political nonsense Oakdale's land has he has a nerve sniping at somewhere else!

I dare say there will always be arguments about General Franco being fascist and Dr Salazar but I muse that there is something in them being nationalist an maybe a wee bit of fascism creeping in? And what about America back in the days of senator McCarthy that obnoxious weed of a man? He was a virulent nationalist bordering on fascist the way he acted. Democracy? Nah.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #54
It's something above Democrats, Republicans, Trump or Clinton.
Well, it used to be… Didn't it?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #55
With the political nonsense Oakdale's land has he has a nerve sniping at somewhere else!
I assume, RJ, that you take "sniping" as a late night hunt for a creature that doesn't exist… (There's another definition, as your RedCoats found out, long ago! :) ) But you make a good point: Why should anyone other than a vetted Prot and Prog be allowed to say anything?
Well, because we "others" can… And, boy-o, you can't stop us! :)

Is the BLM movement legitimate? Should groups and individuals be censored, because they are "white" (Caucasian is now the "preferred" nomenclature… I'd say we then revert, from "Black" or African-American, to Negro or Negroid… :) Don't you still say Paki?)… Indeed, the so-called Alt-Right is, in some ways, racialist: They resent the denigration of their "race" — which all good Libs refuse to acknowledge as a legitimate biological concept, even as they bemoan "white" privilege!

Myself, I think categorization of people by race is silly. But, in America (and many other places), it's a politically required entry to "serious" discourse…
How did this come about?

Communist propaganda, primarily.
"Class" wasn't working very well… :) They needed a new paradigm.

Except for loonies like Louis Farrakhan, they mostly made race-relations the main problem. Farrakhan made race the problem: Whites were devils! (Blacks were angels…? :) )

But the odd Scott murder trial bothers me.
How did the officer come to kill the suspect? And for what? (One juror kept the trial from reaching a conclusion… I'm just saying, if  the 11-1 jury had been "mostly" black, what would we be talking about? Damn. I'm disgusted…)

I wasn't in the courtroom and I'm not privy to the evidence presented. But — the officer who shot an unarmed suspect in the back probably needs to spend the rest of his life in prison.

Of course, my opinion doesn't matter (…in case it might come up, in future cases!). I'm white (…actually, pink or orange or tan).
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #56
Calm down OakdaleFTL.
A matter of attitude.

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #57
Yep, a practical piece of advice Belfrager but I suspect he isn't sober.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #58
Sobriety and stupidity are quite compatible, as well, RJ

This case is much in the news. Here are some of the facts that the news (but not the jury) had to deal with.
Is it any wonder, that the so-called Alt-Right feels abused? The main reason the cop was charged was because he was "white"… (Had he been black, he'd have been called an Oreo!) BLM is a terrorist organization, and should be prosecuted as such.

Can you guess what I think of the Southern Poverty Law Center? :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #59
I can, I can guess what you think about that South item!
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #60
, that the so-called Alt-Right feels abused?
A motley crew of fascists, KKK members, racists feel "abused?" Cry me a freakin' river. Or is it that you still don't understand what "alt-right" is yet.
BLM is a terrorist organization, and should be prosecuted as such.
You're learning libel and slander. Excellent skill set for the post-truth Trump presidency. Of course, components of "alt-right" really are terrorists (yes, the KKK is a terrorist organization, as are many other white supremacist groups.) and thus far committed over 700 hate crimes since the election. How many have BLM committed?
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #61
Although the KKK and other such nasty groups still exist in hard reality they don't mean much in practice or politics I would say. They are small and no chance of being in real life politics or representation.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #62
components of "alt-right" really are terrorists (yes, the KKK is a terrorist organization, as are many other white supremacist groups.) and thus far committed over 700 hate crimes since the election
700? Wow! And yet every case investigated -that I've seen- turns out to be a "false flag"… But, of course, you have to stick with your narrative! :(
There are prison gangs, of course. (We wouldn't mention the Bloods and the Crips, would we?) Outside of the incarcerated, there hardly seems to be any such thing as a white-supremacist "organization". But the mobs shouting "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want them? Now!" were just poor put-upon progressives — who meant no harm… They felt aggrieved.
Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims can claim discrimination; the merest glance sideways from an ostensibly white person is enough.
Your SPLC statistics aren't backed up by anything verifiable and you know it. But you don't care: You'd have bought into Manson's insanity…

By the way, how -since you have an undergraduate degree in a "social" science- do you define "hate crime"?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #63
And, if you're an American, don't waste time talking politics with Europeans: They're always less than a year away from war! Let them have at it! We need nothing from them.
We (Belfrager, Howie and others) have different reasons… But NATO needs to go away. (Or Europe needs to become our 51st state… :) )
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #64
By the way, how -since you have an undergraduate degree in a "social" science- do you define "hate crime"?
How about when Trump supporters burn churches and write "Heil Trump" and swastikas on it and physically assualt minorities, also invoking Trump's name. Oh I get it. Liberals did all this for your false flag :rolleyes: Wow that Trump-Aide must taste delicious.

Even you must have heard about the violence resulting from "Pizzagate." Many of these "alt-right" people are not mentally stable. Now Trump made personal attacks on Twitter against the Union president at Carrier, who is now getting death threat calls.  I still don't think you understand we're well beyond the usual liberal/conservative bickering and into containing some very dangerous elements. This isn't to say that people that threatened the union president are nazis or even run of the mill racists (we don't know this yet), but Trump has a hardcore of supporters that are not rational and are prone to violence and threats of it. I doubt Trump meant for this to happen, but he needs some sort of filter before somebody gets killed because of his tweets (assumming it hasn't already happened...)

In fact, we don't actually know the size of the national socialist movement at this point, or the number of Klan members. A larger number would be the number of would-be joiners that don't know how yet. Actually we don't even know what you and Howie consider "small." I personally know of a neo-nazi. He was an ex-coworker's boyfriend. By the way, even one percent of the population is still 3,200,000 people.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #65
Typical, Sang: When you don't have the numbers, make them up!

I note that the Greenville, MS, church burning remains unsolved; at least, so Google informs me… It's been more than a month since local police reported having "a person of interest" in custody!
Perhaps the truth runs counter to the preferred narrative?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #66
I note that the Greenville, MS, church burning remains unsolved; at least, so Google informs me.
Did it happen or not? Do you really think all 700 incidents are "false flags?" Why is it that you're sudden invoking the language of conspiracy theorist when he's corned by the slightest bit of logic? I wonder if you now think the Federal government perpetrated the 9/11 attacks? You might as well, if you're reduced to thinking the liberals and progressive are carrying out the spat of attacks.

A liberal did this, right?

When you don't have the numbers, make them up!
As far as the numbers of attacks are concerned, the numbers are readily available. As far as the total number of neo-nazis, klan members, etc go;  I never said I had the numbers. Nobody does. That's the point. The Klan used to call itself "the Invisible Empire" because they remain hidden.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #67
As far as the numbers of attacks are concerned, the numbers are readily available […]
Which is why you don't cite your sources: It's another case of "everybody knows"!
A liberal did this, right?
Because so many can't spell? :)
I think  I'll blame ETs. Or poltergeists… Or conservatives! (You remember that arch-conservative Al Sharpton and the Tawana Brawley episode? It hasn't gone away, as far as the liberals are concerned: It fits the narrative!)
Why is it that you're sudden invoking the language of conspiracy theorist when he's corned by the slightest bit of logic? I wonder if you now think the Federal government perpetrated the 9/11 attacks? You might as well, if you're reduced to thinking the liberals and progressive are carrying out the spat of attacks.
I'm still bemused: Why do your language skills deteriorate proportionately as your arguments become more shrill…
Take an ESL course, for crying out loud! (You'd never pass a logic course… :) )

BTW: I was gonna let this one slide, but…
Wow that Trump-Aide must taste delicious.
I've never been a politician, nor a public school teacher! And I don't share your proclivities.
The term should be Trump-Ade… And you should learn how to speak, write and spell your own language. (Or, perhaps I'm wrong: You know another? :) Ignorance is not a language, Sang…)

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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #68
Did liberals do this?
New York city’s growing hate epidemic spread yesterday when for the second time in a week, a Muslim woman was taunted on a train and accused of being a terrorist, reports the New York Daily News. Soha Salama, a transit worker, was wearing her uniform and a hijab when a passenger harassed her around aboard a Manhattan-bound train. “He attacked me,” Salama said the Daily News. “He called me a terrorist and told me to go back to your country.” The assailant, described by police as an Hispanic man, then pushed the mother of four as she was walking up a flight of stairs.

Police say hate crimes in the city more than doubled last month, with more than 43 cases, compared with just 20 in November 2015. Mayor Bill de Blasio ripped into Donald Trump, saying the President-elect said horrible things that set the tone of hatred in the U.S. Last month, state Sen. Brad Hoylman was targeted three separate times with anti-Semitic hate. Hoylman found a swastika carved into his Greenwich Village apartment: “Anti-Semite named to Trump White House post. Connect the dogs.” On Nov. 19, a pamphlet featuring a masked figure with a sword slashing through symbols of Islam, peace, the gay and lesbian community and Judaism was sent to his home.
Or conservatives!
You do know that nobody is blaming conservatives. right?  Nope, you sure don't since you don't know the difference between alt-right and conservative.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #69
You do know that nobody is blaming conservatives. right?
Nope! I know you… You'll get there, soon enough: It's what you do! :)
BTW: You can keep any cite to CUNY or SPLC for other readers. They burned their bridges to me long ago.

Still, I will admit that 40+ is damn-near 700… :) (Speaking socialogically.)

So. What's up with that investigation of the MS church burning? Have you heard anything?
(Also, why did the MTA worker file a police complaint — against an Hispanic… Oh, 'kay. Never mind; she's new here. Or not ask Transit cops for help? Again: Okay, she's new here. Another interesting point: The Hispanic who accosted her should have known she was the mother of four…? What, he should have sought someone less fecund? More?
What have the Transit Police or NYPD done? (My goodness! Someone got shoved on the subway… In New York! The horror! And no cameras caught it… Hm.) But damn Fritz! This was the second episode in a week? Are they trying to go into syndication? :)
My guess it, yes they are! The grievance committees are running out of donors… And they're panicking! Club Clinton is no longer a fashionable resort. The Podesta Ponderosa ain't got a Hoss…
What other Democrats ya got left? :)

Are you going to break Charlie Manson out of prison? (Obama's first Atty. General was capable of such perfidy… Lynch isn't. Because she knows O. won't be in office long enough to pardon her; she may be a lot of things, but stupid ain't one of them.) You do remember Manson, don't you?
He wanted to incite a race-war in the U.S., so he said.

He's just like you, Sang: He wants what he wants, and nothing -in his way of thinking- should be allowed to get in his way.
Not rational discussion. Not democracy. Not anything close to morals…

Another point: De Blasio doesn't seem to have a problem with the increase in murder rates in his city, since he ended the highly successful "Stop and Frisk" program… (Methinks very white liberal man speaks with fork-ed tongue!) But I can see his point: After all, most of the dead bodies are black… And who cares about that?
Most certainly not white liberals.
Oddly enough, not BLM protesters, either…
It's a strange world!

But it's the one you want/
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #70
But I'll go back to something important, a serious way of viewing the world:
Of course, Libtards don't like this… Except when they do. Or when they've stepped on their dick… Or when they didn't have one to begin with…
But we all know, white people are evil!

(I surely should have given this thread a better title. (Can I change it, at this late date? :) I'd just want it to be "I'm Alt-Right"… See, I didn't even use the word "white"…!))
Still: (It's worth hearing again!)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #72
But we all know, white people are evil!
You also know nobody but a few radicals from Nation of Islam and whatnot actually says this. Of course, Trump all but said Hispanics are evil (remember that bit of Mexicans being rapists and murderers...) Of course there are groups that consider Jews and African Americans  to be evil. Idiocy and bigotry knows doesn't respect race. Do you have point not vomited up from some idiotic blog? Do you have any data suggesting the 700+ figure is incorrect? Didn't think so. All you can do is attack the SPLC, while offering no means to question their figures.
We don't call them "attacks".
How's this for an attack?
In Grand Rapids, police said Friday they are investigating an incident in which an immigrant from Ethiopia was beaten several times by a man repeatedly yelling "Trump" and using racial slurs,
And it's far the only one. While graffiti , including Nazi imagery  combined with Trump's name, are most common there's also widespread reports of physical attacks.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #73
Yeah, I commented about graffiti. I don't think an intelligent[1] American adult committed to KKK would go graffitiing all around.
I would not.
Remember, evil people use to be pretty intelligent.

Re: I am alt-right…

Reply #74
I know that midnight raccoon is a strong anti-Trump man and fair enough in the crossing of political swords but I muse that a wee bitty over the top. I have already said that the extremists on the fr right don't amount to a hill of beans and that includes shouting or painting slogans. Even trump's thing about Muslims is overdone to be frank. He did state that those entering the company would be checked first but time after time this is studiously ignored and people fall back on simply barring Muslims end of. Rather subtle  but not quite right. Personally i do not have a lot of time for Islam. And i know only too well before someone rabbits that there are million of moderate ones  but they along with the would-be open mind thinkers studiously ignore the actual life of Mohamed the founder of the thing.  A whole bunch of wives, women treated like rubbish and one of his wives was a girl of Primary school age of around 6/7 so what does that say of the person?  He encouraged violence against opposition and the moderates just act daft. When they try to equate him with Christ it is intelligence insulting and utter nonsense.

For the large numbers of "moderates" who ignore the truth about their wonderful man there are also large numbers of hellish dangerous people and everywhere islam goes it brings them with them. Here every so often arrests and the same elsewhere.  Anyway for all the negatives about Trump let us see what actually happens, eh? You cannot bum about being a great democracy them go bananas. It was simply him or Clinton. The friend of mine who went to live in California decades ago with her husband has been moaning to me about the result and like others there got round to moaning about the college electoral daft thing. Trouble is that that corner of the system has not really been challenged but just accepted and now when democracy doesn't vote a certain way all of a sudden time to argue for that disposal! What a country!

If President Trump turns out to be a practical groan or failure then in four years time you lot in the part democracy can vote him out.
"Quit you like men:be strong"