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Topic: Something from history that decent Americans need to see (Read 17717 times)

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #25
You know there's an awful smelly pile of stuff the British Empire was responsible for. The Irish Potato Famine.

Incidentally, I don't know about Great Britain, but the Dutch government did officially apologize to Ireland a few years ago for not sending more aid during that famine.

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #26

I was rubbished on this and ignored it even when I said I had read a book on it!

You might be more specific. I think that Hiroshima and Nagasaki the most horrid examples of what war produces. Over 225,000 died.

Dear Mrs Jones,
               The war in the Pacific is almost over. Our victory over the Japanese is assured, but there are some battles still to be fought, and in one of those battles your son will be killed.
               Your son will be killed, Mrs. Jones, unless we can shorten the war a little and not have to fight the battle in which your son is to die.

               We can do it. We have a powerful new weapon that will kill hundreds of thousands of Japanese and save your son.

               Should we use it, Mrs. Jones?

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #27
Mrs. Jones is deceased, but I'm her authorized spokesman. No, you dunce! What a question!

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #28

Dear Mrs Jones,
               The war in the Pacific is almost over. Our victory over the Japanese is assured, but there are some battles still to be fought, and in one of those battles your son will be killed.
               Your son will be killed, Mrs. Jones, unless we can shorten the war a little and not have to fight the battle in which your son is to die.

               We can do it. We have a powerful new weapon that will kill hundreds of thousands of Japanese and save your son.

               Should we use it, Mrs. Jones?

A cynical fairy tale, trying to legitimate a war crime. However, the new weapons had to be tested somehow...
The nukes didn't stopped the Japanese but the Soviets.
Ever heard of Manchuria?
Capitulation was the only way to prevent the Red Army from invading the islands.

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #29
I wonder. It was close as it was. Information came out long after the war that the Japanese military weren't ready to quit yet, and it was only because the Emperor managed to get the surrender message out to the people that it finally came to an end. If the Japanese military powers had successfully stopped that transmission, the war might not have ended "just yet". It was inevitable of course--- with the Red army coming through Manchuria and the Americans coming from everywhere else, Japan couldn't win. But, the Emperor's message stopped it from being a lot worse than it already was.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #30
A cynical fairy tale, trying to legitimate a war crime.

We are just going to have to disagree on what a war crime is for the period.

More than 6 million Jews, 20 million Russians and an equal numbers of Chinese with 30 million other Asian peoples dead from German and Japanese occupations. You have to stretch things quite a lot to say something done in the effort to stop these regimes was too much. It is sad even two nukes can't compare. On that I'll agree. 

* You wouldn't have to go too far back in time to where the complete eradication of the German and Japanese people would of been seen as fair play. We would no doubt look back now and say what a shame. But history has judged and convicted the defeated far worse in the past. Try to see the evolution of humanity in all of it at least.

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #31

A cynical fairy tale, trying to legitimate a war crime.

We are just going to have to disagree on what a war crime is for the period.

More than 6 million Jews, 20 million Russians and an equal numbers of Chinese with 30 million other Asian peoples dead from German and Japanese occupations. You have to stretch things quite a lot to say something done in the effort to stop these regimes was too much. It is sad even two nukes can't compare. On that I'll agree.

"there are worse people than me" is rarely a successful defence for some reason.

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #32
"there are worse people than me" is rarely a successful defence for some reason.

My grandfather fought in the pacific campaign. If it weren't for those bombs I may not be here to agree with that. 

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #33

Mrs. Jones is deceased, but I'm her authorized spokesman. No, you dunce! What a question!

I take it you, too, have read a book!

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #34

If it weren't for those bombs I may not be here to agree with that.

You were lucky.
You could have been born as a Japanese child with some malformation, decades later...

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #35
Now all you have to decide is if you're going to hold that against me.

That statement was meant to confirm I don't have to agree with what happened to be the consequences of it. Saying it was wrong goes nowhere but appreciating what was gained can do good. Look at Germany and Japan today. Fine places and fine people, both praised for their unique culture and technical prowess. Am I supposed to hold that against them that they came out so good from a war so long ago?

When you say "Americans" don't assume I'm the one you have a problem with. But if you want to get your country to stop participating in and justifying my country's crusades it would be a lot easier for me to clean house. Don't get it twisted (hehe) you will be judged by all time. This isn't an anti-American campaign but a "for their own good " campaign. You have to do this with the highest of moral standards because I aim to judge your grandchildren on the results.    

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #36
Quote from:      The Diplomat    
  ......... I also believe that President Harry Truman’s decision to use the atomic bombs against Japan almost certainly saved lives. This is undoubtedly true if one accepts the arguments of U.S. leaders at the time; namely, that not using the atomic bomb would have forced the U.S. to launch a full invasion of Japan’s home islands, and this would have killed far more people than Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

It’s impossible to know how many people would have perished if allied forces invaded Japan. However, given the stiff resistance U.S. and allied forces faced during the island-hopping campaign of the Pacific War, it would have been many, many times greater than the 200,000+ people that died from the atomic bombings.

In fact, the casualties from the U.S. strategic conventional bombing campaign greatly eclipsed the number of individuals who died from the atomic bombings. The March 1945 firebombing of Tokyo alone killed some 120,000 Japanese. A ground invasion would have resulted in nearly immeasurable more casualties. As one scholar who studied the U.S. invasion plan, Operation Downfall, notes: “depending on the degree to which Japanese civilians resisted the invasion, estimates ran into the millions for Allied casualties and tens of millions for Japanese casualties.”.............. continued

Now, for my personal point of view, I think those 2 bombings were exactly what should have happened to those Japs  ---  In a twist of fate,  they were forced to suffer so the world could live.

For two (2) reasons, most importantly it saved countless American lives as noted above, & because it showed the world a horror beyond horrors that has kept actual Nuclear use to just a threat & a thought, rather than a horrendous reality, for the last 70 years.

If I had the luxury of seeing the future & knowing the outcome, if I lived back then, & it had to be done again, I'd say do it, & do it quick!

I don't feel one bit of pity for those Japs, they made their choice on December 7th., & in my bluntly honest opinion, they got exactly what they deserved for making that choice.

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #37
AFAIK , when Japs made alliance with NAZI they  claim themself as the master race .
even NAZI also  Claim themself as The master race .
and when Their Allies ( Italian and NAZI ) Defeated  , Japs all alone .
so it seems , the decision  to Bombard Pearl Harbour is made by the Japs , not NAZI order .

not to mention , in the certain level of insanity , the one is just understand consequences .
since their Logic is Fu***ed up .

and indeed , Appeal to consequences is Logical fallacy .
Btw , that was a war , NAZI - Italian - japs went all out , disregard all rules and law .
so does the alliance of British,Russia,mericans,  etc .

what do you expect from a war anyway  ?
Logic-full Polite People  ?  :rolleyes:

i think it is not  important which side  did the most collateral damage , war crime , etc ( Except thou are Rhetoric-ass Bigots-zealots-fundamentalist with Bully mentality - Herd mentality  that loves to propaganda  ,    cherry-pick  , Appeal to emotion , etc )

see the Goal differences ..

The One That went to war To Dominate , Expand their territories , etc
and the one that Went  to war to Gain World Peace .

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #38

"there are worse people than me" is rarely a successful defence for some reason.

My grandfather fought in the pacific campaign. If it weren't for those bombs I may not be here to agree with that.

And if Stalin had invaded Japan things might have wound down differently in Europe as well.

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #39
Something from history that decent Americans need to see

:D There's no such thing as a decent American.  :D

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #40
That was a war caused by Hitler and his NAZI goons, not by the US - the country that saved your British ass.

The US didn't save anybody's ass, British included; the Russians did because of Hitler's ill-considered decision to take Moscow, where his troops suffered disastrously, 750,000 men, either dead, wounded, missing or ill.

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #41
The Russians had plenty of help. The British and Americans-- mostly the British-- made sure the Russians got supplies (the Murmansk convoys), and British and American troops opened up the Western Front and got it going. I don't know how long the Russians could have held out without Western involvement. Hitler's mistake was to get involved in a two-front war. His generals wanted to tell him that, but he wouldn't have listened.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #42
Quite correct mjsmsprt40.

I know 3 decent Americans jimbro so is that an over the top statistic?? Don't want to be too imbalanced..... :whistle:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #43
The Russians had plenty of help. The British and Americans-- mostly the British-- made sure the Russians got supplies (the), and British and American troops opened up the Western Front and got it going. I don't know how long the Russians could have held out without Western involvement. Hitler's mistake was to get involved in a two-front war. His generals wanted to tell him that, but he wouldn't have listened.

Britain put up hell of a fight, would have fell without the Americans. There goes the Murmansk convoys.  Yes, Hitler's troop suffered disastrously but we're also talking an order of 20,000,000 Soviet deaths . In fact, even that staggering number is on the low side. USSR population 1941: 196,700,000  1946: 170,500,000.

Given such heavy casualties, could the Soviets have really "liberated" all of Europe basically by themselves? It seems doubtful. And if they did, they would have turned it communist like they did Eastern Europe. With the Western front taken care of with Britain defeated and Ireland not being much of a threat and Soviet citizens dying by the millions and the US not being in the picture at all, the most likely scenario is the Nazi and Soviets dividing Europe between them.

Fortunately, America's entry in the war was inevitable. That fact did save Howie's ass from living under fascism or communism.

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #44

Given such heavy casualties, could the Soviets have really "liberated" all of Europe basically by themselves?

Of course not. They didn't have to, given German mistakes; i.e., attempting to take Moscow.

It's so nice living in such civilized times, isn't it.


Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #45

Now all you have to decide is if you're going to hold that against me.

That statement was meant to confirm I don't have to agree with what happened to be the consequences of it. Saying it was wrong goes nowhere but appreciating what was gained can do good. Look at Germany and Japan today. Fine places and fine people, both praised for their unique culture and technical prowess. Am I supposed to hold that against them that they came out so good from a war so long ago?


Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #46
Typical redneck side of America we are the greatest piffle from Sanguinemoon. Thank goodnes there are the odd ex-colonsit thinking here that is not full of "we are the greatest" bore. Wasn't it Germany who declared war on you? And anyway you were feet draggers anyway and may I also remind you of practical history not your hollywood guff. Hitler needed Goring to destroy our air defences and instead the RAF blasted them in the Battle of Britain due to the RAF being superior. What you did do was make one heck of a profit out of us. Not surprised that Hitler aimed the battle of the Bulge at you know who-woo! It was running out of fuel that stopped the Germans from changing the war.

Yes in practical terms eventually being dragged into the war after a long time (even longer in WW1 where you were too gung-ho and generals sent loads into being slaughtered full knowing that a ceae-fire was announced.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #47
Thank goodnes there are the odd ex-colonsit thinking here that is not full of "we are the greatest" bore.

:wait: wait for it...
our air defences and instead the RAF blasted them in the Battle of Britain due to the RAF being superior.

Not surprised that Hitler aimed the battle of the Bulge at you know who-woo!

**Irony meter explodes**

Are you sure you're not one of these "Americans". You act like how you say they do.

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #48
Nothing we can do appears to make RJH happy. Stay out of the war-- we're dragging our feet. (Which, in 20-20 hindsight, we should have kept doing and in fact, just let Germany and Japan do what they wanted. Turns out the ingrates we saved don't like us to this day anyway.) Get in, we're still bad (see above). RJ, next time your country wants to fight somebody else, I for one am inclined to stand aside and let you go at it. Hey, you don't need our help-- men, materials, food or anything else. You're big enough to handle it.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #49
You -especially the republican leaning lot are something else. What other country beats it's chest so much has hundreds of military bases everywhere, spend half the planet's military bill, interferes so much in the affairs of other countries, if they don't agree with what you say is "democracy" or your ideas then heaven help them! You leave yourselves wide open for digs but for decades been brainwashed into thinking superior to all. Thrw in constant was footings and money for the big military corporates and the money me on the Hill. Instead oif answering what is in your face you like niggled children just fall back on groaning about being singled out. Most of the time you cannot even answer the things I have spoken on. By all means moan about me pinpointing the obvious and I can almost understand it the way things are drummed into you about being the greatest country on Earth. 

May I remind you yet again mjsmsprt40 that you didn't automatically get involved in the 2nd WW it was Germany and Italy declaring war on you! Otherwise you would have stayed out and still made money out of the conflict. As for comments about us being liable to be taken over by fasicts the Italians were too far away! And shows how much you Yanks now about things when you consider that for decades you supported and funded fascist dictatorships all over South America. A wee bit of history is dangerous in an ex-colonist mind and select what is suitable! You tried to get us involved in the debacle you created in South Vietnam but we were very wise staying out of that disaster even though you had half a million there. The country should never have been lost and some of the antics there did not help either.

I have commented in passing a favourable point in being in WW2 but foloowing the usual limited mindset here suitably ignored. Why do you feel you have to keep sticking your nose into the running of other countries and go on about rights when things inside the greatest country on Earth (?) have piles of problems, poor and ignored? Ever since WW2 one has to think of all those young and decent Americans killed in one crusade after another and for what? Many of the times a mess has been left in the countries invaded or damaged.  As for calling me names do feel free and it only confirms the fact that when unable to give a proper answer we get huffy-puffy stuff or that you are not appreciated.  :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"