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Topic: Something from history that decent Americans need to see (Read 17716 times)

Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Some time ago when we were on the Opera Forum and during a thread discussing mass deaths, etc in war and campaigns, I mentioned the massive numbers killed by the US in 1945. I was rubbished on this and ignored it even when I said I had read a book on it! Well now for those who always waffle about wanting links the following one will confirm what I argued all that time ago.

The US under Eisenhower's command exercised a shocking mass death in complete contradiction of rules and the moral principles the Allies aired. It is a disgraceful record and instead of moving to prepared camps hundreds of thousands had to live in the open air in all weathers. Suffering, violence, torture, starvation and deaths in the hundreds of thousands. US soldiers stole personal belongings including watches and anything they could lay their hands on. Charities and even the Red Cross were refused admittance to help. Occasionally an odd shocked US soldier would throw over a food ration he had but were repeatedly warned.

So here is the link to the vast numbers well into 6 figures done to death and where were the principles?

"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #1
I was rubbished on this and ignored it even when I said I had read a book on it! Well now for those who always waffle about wanting links the following one will confirm what I argued all that time ago.

For a book the author and title would suffice.

Being a European, it's the Asian-related stuff that I know less about (transcript here):

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #2
I was rubbished on this and ignored it even when I said I had read a book on it!
I don't know what you read but I do know that there are books that make claims, and there are books that make counter claims.

You might be more specific. I think that Hiroshima and Nagasaki the most horrid examples of what war produces. Over 225,000 died.

There's also this.

And this.

And lets not forget the "Irish Potato Famine".
The immediate effect on Ireland was devastating, and its long-term effects proved immense, permanently changing Irish culture and tradition. The Irish Potato Famine was the culmination of a social, biological, political, and economic catastrophe. In the colonial context of Ireland's domination by Britain, the root cause of the famine was perceived by many to be British policy, which reduced the amount of land available for feeding the Irish, and therefore stimulated the demand for political autonomy."

Beginning 150 years ago this fall (1995), British "free trade" policy--the same policy Thatcher and her imitators still fanatically insist upon--caused the genocide of 2 million out of 8 million Irish subjects in four years.

War and bad policies are a bitch.

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #3
RJ, if you got ragged on back then it's because of the same thing you're doing now: Pointing out everything America ever does wrong while turning a blind eye on the British Empire doing the exact same kinds of things-- only worse sometimes.

Go back and see what the British Empire was up to when they thought nobody was looking, or if they were looking couldn't do anything about it. Hmmmm......... pot calling the kettle black, are we? Seems the UK has a history that is somewhat less than savory.

Now, before you go to screaming that this was all in the way-past and should be forgotten---- so was WW2, and frankly--- yeah, stuff happened on both sides of that conflict that make you wish to swear off membership in the Human Race. Despicable, just despicable.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #4
It takes a Global Moderator to put thing straight.

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #5
 Compare this -->internment camp
With this -->bataan Death March
This also a Good Topic ---> Romusha

hmm...  Disregard Probability is bad habit .
--perhaps 'Mericans is just too good at Propagandas .

Quote from: Jimbro3738

There is no Book that Genuinely free from politic ,  even holybooks .

Quote from: RJhowie
mass deaths, etc in war and campaigns

Sir RJ , i think what you need is Different Perspectives .
so , Render this information .
My country is Ex - Colony   of Spain , Portuguese , French ,    British  , Netherland  ,   and the last is Japan ( NAZI Coalition )  .

All of them are have the same pattern -->  Expansionism 

one does not simply .
to explain Why 'Murica not Colonize this country , when they can .

Note: i do not intend to  defend 'Muricans.
since this country seems like always have tendency to Russia.

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #6
Something from history that decent Americans need to see.

As a student of human nature I'd have to ask why? It's not a national secret and it's been pointed out the very notion that people are deluded to the past isn't solely an American thing. (In fact more often Americans are criticized for doing very European things.)

So, one has to ask, why?

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #7
yeah, stuff happened on both sides of that conflict that make you wish to swear off membership in the Human Race. Despicable, just despicable.

But you can't. So the only thing to do is learn the lessons of past sins and move on.
There is no Book that Genuinely free from politic ,  even holybooks .

Sometimes especially holy books. Observe the Book of Revelation 13:18. "This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man."  (NIV) Many scholars say that the man was Emperor Nero and the number of the beast equates to his reign in various ways. So it's propaganda against Nero and the Roman Empire. The Old Testament is politically one sided in favor of the Israelites. Given the conquest of Palestine and supposed orders from Jehovah slaughter all men in the Canaanite cities it's no wonder the Philistines weren't fond of them.  

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #8
Well especially for jimbro and my groaning Chicago man especially let me remind of this. At the time I mentioned the book you were all waffling it away and as rubbish then I came across this by sheer chance as i did not know it existed. And what sensible answers to I get from the ex-colonies? Hype, body swerving and another saying the name of the book would have sufficed. No it wouldn't but I will search for the book which I still have. Meanwhile an answer to you over the water excuse men.

The Irish Famine was not a war. There was also a famine in northern Scotland and was a blight no-one in those days could have known was going to happen or do much about so what a weak argument. On the subject of every nation has a black spot yet another dance. So too is trying to diver to the British Empire and the conduct of a country that is supposed to be above this film is scandalous. The USA always brags about it's high standards of honesty, principles, rights and fairness but this film blows that propaganda right out the water. The US Army refused the Red Cross and charity food people - WHY? There was sheltered accomodation further on but mostly left out the equation -WHY? The majority starved and any US solider who felt guilt or worried about giving arny basic rations over the fence threatened with disciplinary action - WHY? UprivatesS in droves, searched and stole German prisoners personal belongings that meant much to them and got away with it -WHY?

I would suggest the main reasoning behind this disaster was that General Eisenhower hated not just Nazis but he actually hated Germans! How you intelligent Americans can watch that film and not feel guilty is beyond comprehension as it is certainly not made up. It flies in the face of what the country was meant to be and the torture, beatings (some on the film) lack of food, disease, deaths which the book gives better totals of are beyond arguing for. Yes the French worked with the Yanks on this but Germans who surrendered to the Brish Army were more fortunate. Even elsewhere i have watched documentaries where US soldiers battered German ordinary soliders as they surrendered on roads and sometimes with rifle butts.

In the past when i mention some big thing that is totally at odds for what the country says it stands for I am rubbished. I mentioned the book and scoffed off so I show a film and excuse made or utterly negative and not very good responses. When i find the book I will list it but the film is a very practicable description of something to be ashamed of. Bad enougt eh Soviets doing such but a civilised nation supposedly with ideals openly letting this happen and refuse evn the Ree Cross speaks volumes. Deal with the film and it' s obvious in the face truth.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #9
I would suggest that General Eisenhower WAS German. But, don't tell anybody. It's a secret, OK? Just you, me and everybody else who bothers to check history.

So, for General Eisenhower to hate Germans, he'd have to hate his own parents, grandparents, any other relatives living or dead that had any connection to the old country. Got a problem there I think.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #10

I would suggest that General Eisenhower WAS German. But, don't tell anybody. It's a secret, OK? Just you, me and everybody else who bothers to check history.

The name looks very much German with just a little bit of spelling adjustment, by the look of it, to preserve the sound value. Popular thing to do around the late 1800s to early 1900s ( especially the latter - world war I made Germans kinda unpopular in the US ). In fact it looks more German than mine :right:

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #11
The Irish Famine was not a war.

Even if the intent wasn't genocide, the results of British policy were. Ireland losses half it's population and the excuse is that wasn't a war? That almost makes it worse. Oh there was also a blight in Nothern Scotland? Was all the other food exported out and starving Scotts made to be lazy, stupid drunkards in England? Hitler and Stalin could have learned a lesson from the Brits on that one. The earlier invasion by the butcher Cromwell also halved Ireland's population. Was that not a war?

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #12

[The earlier invasion by the butcher Cromwell also halved Ireland's population. Was that not a war?

Everyone knows that was an anti-terror operation :right:

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #13
Kind of expected that irish-American body swerving guff from Sanguinemoon as he cannot justify what the US Army did in 1945. We also got this dance to Cromwell who was parcticing a reaction that ALL did back in those simple days before sophistication. May I remind that in the 1798 Irish Rebellion and events leading up to it there was a mass execution in Portadown of Protestants and elsewhere people spiked  up into the air. A black flag carried with "MWS" (murder without sin) so it is a load of cobblers trying to harp back to bloody times and potato blights that were caused by nature NOT us. The same blight affected those loyal to Britain. So don't try and go back to elementary times we are dealing with a modern nation in a modern setting within many of our lifetimes and it was deliberately atrocious and despicable. You are as bad as sanguinemoon  mjspsrt40 thinking it would not be possible for Eisenhower to hate Germans.

The German bund in the US leading up to the war was a very active and extensive thing  and instead of purposing to the stated principles of the US Constitution fully supported a dictatorship style. So instead of trying to do a bodyswerve try and face the issue. It was deliberate and flew in the face of the Geneva convention which the Allies were supporters of. You lot moan when I raise something so when you get a long and detailed film you travel in a time machine to a different era than face the facts. Many of those Germans who survived probably wished they had surrendered to the British and they most certainly did not expect the barbarism they got from a supposedly democratic and rights county and it's army. It doesn't matter what you get as proof the arrogance comes through and instead of giving yourselves some sense of decency admitting it was a mistake we are hit with centuries ago.

The film makes it difficult for you to come up with answers because they do not give a good light. Shame on you.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #14
Who's body swerving? I'm merely holding you accountable for holding all of America's sins to the spotlight and excusing those of your country. Now if you want to compared crimes committed during WWII, I don't think any of the major countries is innocent.

However, the claims of a million dead in those camps in the few months of their operation goes a step beyond being factually challenged to pure and utter bullshit, as you can read in Ike and the Disappearing Atrocities

Eisenhower was an enthusiastic supporter of denazification, but not because he hated the Germans or believed in collective guilt. To the contrary, he believed that there were Germans who were committed to democracy and that the task of the occupation was to find them and bring them to the fore. In a speech in Frankfurt in 1945, he declared: "The success or failure of this occupation will be judged by the character of the Germans 50 years from now. Proof will come when they begin to run a democracy of their own and we are going to give the Germans a chance to do that, in time." This does not sound like a man who simultaneously was directing the death by starvation of one million young Germans.

Food from the Red Cross? No. Plenty of food in Europe? No.

An assertion that is central to Mr. Bacque's accusation is his contention that there was no European food shortage in 1945. He points to warehouses in Germany full of food. He says that the Red Cross had food available. One of his most damning pieces of evidence is that a train from Geneva loaded with food parcels sent by the Red Cross to feed German prisoners was forced to turn back.

This is shocking -- food was available, men were hungry and American officers ordered the train to return to Geneva. But there was a reason: the Allied Governments had decided that Red Cross food parcels would be used to feed displaced persons, of whom there were more than two million in Germany, and the orders to Eisenhower on this policy were explicit. So D.P.'s got those food parcels. It is painful beyond description to have to set food priorities in a hungry world, but it had to be done, and who could argue with the decision?

In his conference report on the food situation in Germany, James Tent of the University of Alabama-Birmingham says there was no question that there were severe shortages. Still, as Mr. Tent points out, there was food stocked in warehouses that was not distributed to prisoners living on a near-starvation diet. Again, this is shocking, until the reason is noted. The Allied Governments were fearful of famine in the winter of 1945-46, and they were stockpiling food. Even with the reserves, they barely got through the winter, and it was three years before the European food shortage was overcome.

Mr. Bacque's myth was Eisenhower's nightmare. No food shortage? Eisenhower wrote the Chief of Staff, Gen. George C. Marshall, in February 1945: "I am very much concerned about the food situation. . . . We now have no reserves on the Continent of supplies for the civil population."

As I said, 1,000,000 killed? Not even close.

With regard to another of Mr. Bacque's conclusions, he arrives at his sensational figure of one million dead through a system of analysis that has left almost everyone who has tried to check his statistics and methods befuddled. He did make one mistake because of a typing error by a clerk. He saw a figure of 70,000 prisoners in an Army medical report and then calculated the total death rate for all prisoners in American hands on the basis of that number and the 21,000 deaths also mentioned in the report. That is, he arrived at his most basic conclusion, a death rate in all camps of 30 percent, by dividing the 21,000 deaths by the 70,000 prisoners. However, the 70,000 figure should have been 10 times higher. All other figures in the document make it clear that the correct number of prisoners was 700,000. This would make the death rate not 30 percent but 3 percent.

In fact, as Albert Cowdrey of the Department of the Army's Center of Military History reported to the conference, the overall death rate among German prisoners was 1 percent. Mr. Cowdrey's conclusion, strongly supported by another conference participant, Maj. Ruediger Overmans of the German Office of Military History in Freiburg (who is writing the final volume of the official German history of the war), is that the total death by all causes of German prisoners in American hands could not have been greater than 56,000.
Not innocent, but nowhere near the claims.

But Bacque find the rest of his million? In people returned home and NOT killed.

  the greatest number of "other losses" is revealed in the August 1945 Report of the Military Governor. (These monthly reports are in the Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Kan., in the National Archives in Washington and elsewhere; they are a basic source on every aspect of the occupation, including food shortages and prisoners; Mr. Bacque did not cite them and there is no evidence he examined them.) The August report lists the numbers of disarmed enemy forces discharged by American forces and those transferred to the British and French for forced labor.

The report continues: "An additional group of 663,576 are listed as 'other losses,' consisting largely of members of the Volkssturm [ People's Militia ] released without formal discharge."

It takes little imagination to see what happened here. The People's Militia consisted of older men (up to 60 years of age, mainly World War I veterans) and boys of 16 or sometimes less. American guards and camp authorities told the old men to go home and take care of their grandchildren, the boys to go home and return to school. Along with the transfers to other zones that Mr. Bacque ignores, these people account for all the "missing million."


In short, Mr. Bacque is wrong on every major charge and nearly all his minor ones. Eisenhower was not a Hitler, he did not run death camps, German prisoners did not die by the hundreds of thousands, there was a severe food shortage in 1945, there was nothing sinister or secret about the "disarmed enemy forces" designation or about the column "other losses." Mr. Bacque's "missing million" were old men and young boys in the militia.

Nevertheless, Mr. Bacque makes a point that is irrefutable: some American G.I.'s and their officers were capable of acting in almost as brutal a manner as the Nazis. We did not have a monopoly on virtue. He has challenged us to reopen the question, to do the research required, to get at the full truth. For that contribution, he deserves thanks. But as to how he presented his discovery, I turn again to Albert Cowdrey: "Surely the author has reason to be satisfied with his achievement. He has no reputation as a historian to lose, and 'Other Losses' can only enhance his standing as a writer of fiction."

Yup. the author of Eisenhower's supposed atrocities remains one of fiction.

People in the movie blame America for the German deaths. Of course there a lot of those. The real person to blame, however, is Hitler and his genocidal war.

The author of the article offers a bit of advice:

Under these circumstances, what is a lay reader to do? I suggest that he or she trust common sense. As when confronting the Holocaust-never-happened school, ask the obvious questions. If the answers aren't clear, the charges have not been proved. In Mr. Bacque's case, two such questions are: Where are the bodies? and Is this book consistent with our picture of Eisenhower's character as we know it from innumerable other sources? Ultimately, in cases such as this one, it is often the obvious questions that bring us closest to the truth.
In fact, it defies common sense that Eisenhower killed a million people in those few months, an efficiency far surpassing that of Nazi concentration camps.

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #15
It doesn't defy the "Hate America First" policies of a certain poster here, however.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #16
Oh dear.kinfd of typical reaction from the nationalistic US mindset being shown.

Instead of just simply admitting what is actually SEEN and heard from those involved you just shut an eye and hope it will go away.  If was to challenge say Nazi death camp figures all hell would let loose (even though the worst camp stats now sow a vast decline at Auschwitz from over 3 million to under 1! So much for 6 eh?Uh-oh that will give another chance to do a dance.

All you had to do is admit that as a civilised nation what you did in 1915 was a wrong. Ignoring the Red Cross, Geneva Convention, seeing beatings, an army living in all sorts of weather out in the open. Ridicule, ignorance, theft. Instead of practicing the common sense you inherently feel you have you think can do no wrong. So instead of sense we get mumbled nonsense in the face of reality.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #17
i think some chlorpromazine will solve that irritated issues .

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #18
All you had to do is admit that as a civilised nation what you did in 1915 was a wrong.

It was wrong.

There. Somehow I knew this would boil down to a rather stupid point.


Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #19
I have a wonderful idea. How about if we hold you, RJHowie, personally responsible for each and every despicable thing the British Empire ever did from the time they first colonized another country until---. You--- yes, you--- are called upon to explain and apologize for each and every mistake, depravity, taking of land that belonged to somebody else and so on. Think of it. That even makes you, personally, responsible for the American colonies and the way the Indians were treated by same before we became an independent nation. After all, the colonies were Crown colonies and therefore your personal responsibility.

You know there's an awful smelly pile of stuff the British Empire was responsible for. The Irish Potato Famine. The Opium Wars. Sacking and pillaging in the Caribbean back in the days of the Buccaneers. Many of those Buccaneers were at least initially Privateers, carrying "Letters of Marque" signed by English noblemen and sometimes by the Crown itself, so--- reckon that makes you, RJHowie, personally responsible for that. Hey, that's just the tip of the iceberg as they say. Clean up that mess, then come and help us clean our yard.

See, that's the problem with holding every American now living responsible for something that happened way back when. Hold our nose in dog-droppings from several decades back and you just might get somebody returning the favor. Seriously.

Do you think it's right to hold every German now living responsible for  Auschwitz? There's only a handful left who were even alive back then, most Germans have to learn about Auschwitz the same way I do--- by reading history books. In the same way, I don't think holding every Japanese citizen now living responsible for the atrocities committed during WW2 is very workable. Again, how many Japanese now living were alive back then? A handful, and the numbers shrink every day. Of that number, the folk who actually were responsible--- are such a minute number that I doubt they would crowd your living room if they all got together. Most now living don't remember the Eisenhower presidency, much less have anything to do with what he may or may not have done way back when.

Now, this sort of thing really needs to stop. I mean right now. I'm sitting here remembering a thread that was deleted not too long back that poked some fun at the Queen. It needed to be dumped because it was, in fact, more than a little distasteful and I personally felt it was mean-spirited. I find it hard  to justify a thread in return that seems to track dirt all over my carpet, kick my dog and tell my wife that she is of ill repute--- which this thread has that sort of feeling about it. Look, nobody requires you to bow down and worship America. If you really don't like us, that's your privilege. But, a sense of decency would be appreciated.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #20

I have a wonderful idea. How about if we hold you, RJHowie, personally responsible for each and every despicable thing the British Empire ever did from the time they first colonized another country until---. You--- yes, you--- are called upon to explain and apologize for each and every mistake, depravity, taking of land that belonged to somebody else and so on. Think of it. That even makes you, personally, responsible for the American colonies and the way the Indians were treated by same before we became an independent nation. After all, the colonies were Crown colonies and therefore your personal responsibility.

You know there's an awful smelly pile of stuff the British Empire was responsible for. The Irish Potato Famine. The Opium Wars. Sacking and pillaging in the Caribbean back in the days of the Buccaneers. Many of those Buccaneers were at least initially Privateers, carrying "Letters of Marque" signed by English noblemen and sometimes by the Crown itself, so--- reckon that makes you, RJHowie, personally responsible for that. Hey, that's just the tip of the iceberg as they say. Clean up that mess, then come and help us clean our yard.

See, that's the problem with holding every American now living responsible for something that happened way back when. Hold our nose in dog-droppings from several decades back and you just might get somebody returning the favor. Seriously.

Do you think it's right to hold every German now living responsible for  Auschwitz? There's only a handful left who were even alive back then, most Germans have to learn about Auschwitz the same way I do--- by reading history books. In the same way, I don't think holding every Japanese citizen now living responsible for the atrocities committed during WW2 is very workable. Again, how many Japanese now living were alive back then? A handful, and the numbers shrink every day. Of that number, the folk who actually were responsible--- are such a minute number that I doubt they would crowd your living room if they all got together. Most now living don't remember the Eisenhower presidency, much less have anything to do with what he may or may not have done way back when.

Now, this sort of thing really needs to stop. I mean right now. I'm sitting here remembering a thread that was deleted not too long back that poked some fun at the Queen. It needed to be dumped because it was, in fact, more than a little distasteful and I personally felt it was mean-spirited. I find it hard  to justify a thread in return that seems to track dirt all over my carpet, kick my dog and tell my wife that she is of ill repute--- which this thread has that sort of feeling about it. Look, nobody requires you to bow down and worship America. If you really don't like us, that's your privilege. But, a sense of decency would be appreciated.

I second the enlarged portion. Cannot wait to read the load of "old cobblers" as Howie puts it, as he fiercely pecks away typing his response, "cottoning on" about how Diet Irn Bru causes the brain to go soft and how Cromwell was some kind of hero.   :left:

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #21
Tut, tut laddie.

It is always the same when something in a more modernly history disaster happens with good ole US of A. They always try to avoid such subjects by trying to get at someone else or what they might have done eons ago.  We are still in times with the Geneva Convention (oh maybe US soloders are not told about such then?) and here we had a leading light in the world (or so your country thinks) on human rights, fairness, decency, respect and all those other virtues. And what did you do? Starved, physical beatings, starvation, deaths in the legions. You are fallowing the usual US creed here and sidestep anything that doesn't fit into that false claim listing. Explain how that camp was any different from something under a Nazi punishment? The vast majority in it were not SS (they did get worse treatment) they were ordinary soloders some of them very young and used towards the end of the war.

So don't insult my intelligence or youre own by falling line with the dancing routine. If there had just been an admittance of what the film portrayed and you lot had said it should not have been that way that would have been fine but you cannot mentally do that over the pnd can you? Why do you think occasional US guards gave out some of their rations and felt concerned (and threatened with punishment)?

Every time i recount something negative about the land of the free I get smirked of with a link. You get a very long and practical one but still body swerve the truth . I am still hunting for the book I have on the subject but a damn film of the actuality is somehow untrue. The problem over there is even deeper than imagined and would get more respect if you accepted what is visible. Deat;s in just over twenty odd thousand? Pathetic and the book is even better at the actuals.

Shame on you for defending the indefensible Colonel.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #22
Somehow I don't really expect any better of you, RJ. It's all fine to kick at the US and stick our nose in every smelly pile you can find, but let the tables be turned- as happened just a short time ago-- and we find out that you can't take the kind of stuff you so love to dish out.

Next time Smiley serves up something about the Royal House of Windsor, I'm inclined to say nothing. If you serve it up you'd better darn well learn to take it.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #23
You are fallowing the usual US creed here and sidestep anything that doesn't fit into that false claim listing.

False claims? I know facts mean nothing to you, but the claim of 1,000,000 dead (turns out it was in the 4,000 to 6,000 range, not an unusual amount given the sheer number of prisoners) is so ridiculous that it throws all the other claims into doubt, calling into question the honesty of the entire film. Want side-stepping? When presented with ample evidence that accusations against Eisenhower are exaggerated, if not outright fabricated you merely put it down as nationalism. I suggest looking into the mirror for all your side-stepping needs.  
If there had just been an admittance of what the film portrayed and you lot had said it should not have been that way that would have been fine but you cannot mentally do that over the pnd can you?

Admit to what as been demonstrated to be false? I even showed what Bacque's mathematical error in arriving at his numbers was, the overall food shortage in Europe at the time (even the Red Cross didn't have food for prisoners even though the film lies that it did.)
So don't insult my intelligence or youre own by falling line with the dancing routine.
I can't speak for mjmsprt40, but that film is an insult to my intelligence. I already gave objection to number of dead in the camps, but the main points of the film are intellectually insulting as well. On of the men speaks of 12,000,000 German soldiers dead in the war. First of all that number is wrong. See the chart . The real numbers were horrific enough, so why risk losing further credibility by exgratating easily checked numbers. Maybe because the film's audience is people like you, those willing to believe any horrible thing about America and lack critical thinking. Then the former soldier blames it all on the US. Certainly plenty of Germans were killed by American bullets and bombs, but what about the British and the Soviets. How about by Hitler himself exterminating the German Jews? A minor point, but you look at the chart carefully, you'll not that not all the German military deaths were actually Germans; but Spanish, Latvian. Estonian, Lithuanian, and of course Austrian. In summary of the paragraph, both the deaths in the camp and total German deaths were embellished greatly. The former by a factor of more than a 100 fold.

None of that goes to say there wasn't starvation in camp. That happened even in the European cities in a continent devastated by war. That was a war caused by Hitler and his NAZI goons, not by the US - the country that saved your British ass.

I am still hunting for the book I have on the subject but a damn film of the actuality is somehow untrue.

Of course the film is untrue. I know this is redundant for anyone but Howie, so my apologies. First of all common sense kicks in. Eisenhower kills off German soldiers in a camp much more efficiently than the Nazi concentration camps did their prisoners and keep in mind the Nazi camps were designed to kill off "undesirables"? Really? Why would he even do that? Germany was already defeated. However, a check of the numbers from various sources only confirms what somebody with a half a brain already knows - that it's bullshit.

Re: Something from history that decent Americans need to see

Reply #24
And your point is.......?  [Mod edit: removed a sentence or two. Please try to keep it civilized. Rule #16 "attack the ideas, not the poster"]  No one here is on your side, does that tell you anything?  This is beyond pathological for you to persist in this deviant behavior.  You will eventually end up on some shrinks couch crying your bloody eyes out about the demon USA coming to get you.  I worry about you now Howie, I mean that.  You are not the complete idiot I thought you were--you are merely sick.  You have to WANT help for it to work rj, think about this seriously before it is too late.  Good luck.   :worried:  :knight:
James J