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Topic: Forum requirements and (un)desirables (Read 48763 times)

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #75

Is there a way to block or minimise forum posts by undesirable members?

In your profile you can edit your Buddy & Ignore lists. I haven't tried those features myself yet.

I found it and tried now. Ignore list works like at My Opera. The ignored posts show up with the content "You are ignoring this user. Show me the post." :)

Edit: But notifications when the ignored person makes a forum post do not cease :(

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #76
D&D had (*) a feature which showed all posts that an individual had posted. It was useful when looking for a remark which one remembered but forgotten where it was.  Is that possible here?

(*) Without thinking I used "had...showed" and not "has...shows" - a revealing slip.

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #78
That is, go to someone's profile and you'll find a "show posts" link.

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #79
Thanks both - fascinating.

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #80
Ahh, so we all have user numbers......Mine is 9.....Just hover on any user, & the u=# at the end of the url is the user's user number.

My user number is 9   
Code: [Select];u=9

To find a users posts just put their u=# at the end of this url 

Code: [Select];area=showposts;u=#

I'm guessing that my number signifies that I was the 9th person to register on [glow=green,2,300]DnD[/glow]

That would logically make Frenzie #1;area=showposts;u=1

It would be small/short, but I wonder if there is a listing somewhere of all the [glow=green,2,300]DnD[/glow] User Numbers, otherwise just hovering the user on the [glow=purple,2,300]Members List[/glow]   will enable you to find a User's user# & you can do the procedure manually.

Personally, I'll use a homemade FireFox Custom Button.

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #82

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #83
It would be small/short, but I wonder if there is a listing somewhere of all the DnD User Numbers, otherwise just hovering the user on the Members List   will enable you to find a User's user# & you can do the procedure manually.

You're making it a bit complicated. :P Just click the link to get to the profile and then click the "show posts" link.

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #84

You're making it a bit complicated. :P Just click the link to get to the profile and then click the "show posts" link.

I agree.

The reason I went through the exercise was for those who, like myself, who just might use/want links for FireFox Custom Buttons, or FireFox Custom Button Menus, or use links for other reasons only known to them.

My suggestion was simply to outline what could be done.

If anyone chooses to use those suggestions or not, that's their choice .....

The information I gleaned, & then outlined, is there for anyone to find or use in any way, manner, or form they so wish ......... Personally, I have no interest in any particular outcome.

Re: POST Modifications --

Reply #86
Presently there are 2 places on a post where one can click on to modify a post that needs modification.


I would like to know if the lower modification option could also include a preview?

It would make it easier to use, & make the post modification process more uniform.

I'm asking this relative to another post where these two different approaches were possibly one cause where unfinalized posts led to user misunderstandings.

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #87

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #88
It's 100x100. I'm not sure why it doesn't display it there by default.

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #89
Punctuation is used everywhere else but here:
Quote from: DnD Header
Hello Josh
Why shouldn't it be "Hello, Josh!" or something!:huh?

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #90
I would not use a comma there unless there were more words after Josh.

Not that it matters, but I wouldn't put one after Forum requirements and (un)desirables either, nor a full stop.

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #91
I would not use a comma there unless there were more words after Josh.
I don't think there happen words after me at all.:P
In case you meant the word "Josh", there is a hracking general grammatical rule about addresses.  They are always separated by a comma/commas from the surrounding clause. I don't invent English rules, dude!:lol:

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #92

I would not use a comma there unless there were more words after Josh.
I don't think there happen words after me at all.:P
In case you meant the word "Josh", there is a hracking general grammatical rule about addresses.  They are always separated by a comma/commas from the surrounding clause. I don't invent English rules, dude!:lol:

What clause?

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #93
ANY clause having happened to contain the address (vocative).
I was about to meow that "it's usually imperative", but that would be bullshit.

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #94
Is "  hello Josh  " a clause?

.... waits for Jimbro to talk about Xmas ....

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #96

Is "  hello Josh  " a clause?
No way.
It looks like a meaningless sequence of graphic symbols vaguely resembling letters. To happen a clause, something ought to be part of a proper sentence in the first place.
Then I go back to:

"I would not use a comma there unless there were more words after Josh."

now that we've established that Hello Josh is not a clause.

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #98
1. Of course it's not -- why would it be! :crazy:
2. Clauses (unlike Santa Clauses) don't survive isolatedly (which means they are considered and can be shown in a linguistical context - but that's all).

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #99
Do I drink? - no - not at the moment.

I would not use a comma there unless there were more words after Josh.
I don't think there happen words after me at all.:P
In case you meant the word "Josh", there is a hracking general grammatical rule about addresses.  They are always separated by a comma/commas from the surrounding clause. I don't invent English rules, dude!:lol:

So - about the comma, or the absence of one, in the phrase "  Hello Josh  ", which is not a clause, should be there because of some rule which is about clauses?

Is, this, something, to, do, with, hracking?