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Topic: Forum requirements and (un)desirables (Read 56791 times)

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #50
Alright, patching in support for selectSingleNode makes the quick quote now also work in Chromium and Firefox. I fixed up the smilies handling code up to work with this forum, and  I changed the the generated images bbcode from [IMG=http://etc] to [img]http://etc[/img].

What this means is that in Opera it properly handles lists, smilies, images, and some text styling. In Chromium and Firefox lists fail for some reason, but it does still handle the rest.

There are obvious issues left, but I trust this will stifle any cries for removal of the experimental quick quote.

NB This doesn't mean I might not use the other as a basis instead. It just means that the My Opera Enhancements quick quote is quite significantly more functional than the other even in a broken state, with rather little work involved.

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #51
and  I changed the the generated images bbcode from [IMG=http://etc]http://to .
It already was this way!
and  I changed the the generated images bbcode from [IMG=http://etc]http://to .

Your "experimental" now works peculiarly: I hit it - nothing, then I hit the other (old) - double blow...

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #54
I'm good, thanks:zzz:
< "Experimental".
Your "experimental" works, but some other way than the old: it won't scroll&show - I rather have to even open the "Quick reply" thingy first - but it's ok when you do multiple quoting. I think...

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #55
Change Use quick reply on topic display to "Show, on by default" (that's now the default for new users). I'm not really sure why the default was to have it hidden; at the bottom of a thread it hardly gets in the way or anything.

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #56
Change Use quick reply on topic display to "Show, on by default".
Nah, it is ok![abbr=:ok:][/abbr]
(We might need an "ok" smilie, don't we?)
I'm not really sure why the default was to have it hidden; at the bottom of a thread it hardly gets in the way or anything.
Nah, I don't feel so.
It's been o'k for me so far, and it stays that way[abbr=:ok:][/abbr]

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #57
Frans, would you mind, in the "Members" [abbr=or how is it called?]"tooltip"[/abbr] menu (dropdown menu), adding a "Buddies" item? What do other folks think about it? ???

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #58
Hm, I haven't even tried that buddy list thing yet. What does it do?

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #59
Sorry if it doesn't exist as itself. It exists in my profile though, but I thought it could be comfortable to have it faster.
"Show only buddies" is present in "who's online", though, too, by the way.:)

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #60
Latest Post: "Re: Profile settings and..." ( 1 January '14, 13:52:51 )
What if - in the paretheses - we had also "by Mr.User", a comma preceding?
Latest Post: "Re: Profile settings and..." ( 1 January '14, 13:52:51 ; by Josh)

O'k, it was not a comma, I think a semicolon fits better

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #61
Frans, make the "toggle" in 'Profile' and 'Messages' a shortcut.  It executes slow now, did you know...???

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #62
Could you be a bit more specific?

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #63
The thingy that has a tooltip "toggle blabla" or so.
In both 'messages' and 'profile': it shows/hides the folders etc. or the user's tools&funs, respectively.
It 'toggles' quite much slower than the average loading of a page here on the site.

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #64
Then I recommend not using it in toggled form. :P

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #66
"Show only buddies" is present in "who's online", though, too, by the way.
It isn't.
Maybe it WAS - I'm not sure...
Frans, what is this freaky thing doing on the "Members" page? It "creates" the exact twin of the normal "Members" page - no any difference at all! (Well, why not changing it to "buddies"?:))

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #67
You have two options under members: view all and search. View all is the default.

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #68
I mean why is it needed as a GROSS button there then! Why not making some additional "sorting" instead?

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #69
I find the text "News: Settling in" generally an undesirable. It should appear when there are real news concerning the entire membership, in the category of the notification at My Opera that it will be closed down. Or when we are having a voting on the matter.

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #70
You're right, disabled.

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #71
Nice to have, bordering upon needed:

I don't know if you have been approached for this feature previously, but at the very beginning of each page would it be possible to insert a 
"Last Post" button,

thus saving all users from having to click on the last page, & then scroll down to the end of that last page, which if done often enough can lead to severe headaches & nose bleeds  

Thank you for your consideration

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #72
There's the End button on every computer. In browsers it jumps to the bottom of the page. If it doesn't, then that's not a browser you are using.

Is there a way to block or minimise forum posts by undesirable members?

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #73
There's the End button on every computer. In browsers it jumps to the bottom of the page. If it doesn't, then that's not a browser you are using.
Apart from that, you always can hit back or click on the board - where every topic item has the last post button.
I think that would be redundant.

Re: Forum requirements and (un)desirables

Reply #74
Is there a way to block or minimise forum posts by undesirable members?

In your profile you can edit your Buddy & Ignore lists. I haven't tried those features myself yet.

"Last Post" button,

thus saving all users from having to click on the last page, & then scroll down to the end of that last page, which if done often enough can lead to severe headaches & nose bleeds

As ersi and Josh said, there is a last post link on the topic index page. I made a note of it, but transplanting that functionality may be less self-evident than it seems at a glance.