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Topic: Is there a Black psychology problem…? (Read 31142 times)

Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Well, we've recently seen what happened in Ferguson… (We've seen much more, over the years. I'm old.) What we have yet to see is a coherent explantation for why Blacks are more violent, less intelligent and more "prolific" than Whites…

Would my (more) Liberal brethren please explain to me why this shouldn't matter?

Eric Holder derided my country, for not openly discussing race relations… In a sense, he was right when he called us cowards: (fill in the blank)

Discuss? (I doubt that's possible.) Rant and rave; call me a racist — that's going to happen; and, of course, it should! [A "racialist"? C'mon, let's stop pussy-footing!] (But Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, et al., would, too! If you don't agree, you're a racist!) I am a —sort-of racist: I believe evidence from observation (of the real world) matters.
So do people — I mean, for the Libs among us, to say that people matter, as well as that others believe that evidence does. (Okay. I know I've gone out on a limb, there…)

Here in the United States (because of our history) we have a serious problem with regards to "race relations"… Because we don't really want to discuss our history.

I mis-keyed, and this post "disappeared" — as often happens, on the Net.
I thought, "Oh, well." And considered letting it go… (After all: If the Atty. General of the U.S. can't goad people into consideration, what is the likelihood I can?) But it was easy to retrieve…
(Is this what Sang means by "free" speech? :) )

Are we ready to discuss race relations?
Most people whom I've broached the subject with prefer to avoid it. (They say "race" is an inappropriate concept — sort-of like that of "intelligence," which we all know doesn't matter!) Yet these are the people who want race consciousness enshrined in statutory quotas; the "quality of a man's character" be damned!
I'd disagree, because we still seem to have serious problems

Well, I've vented a bit… Been as incoherent as usual. (Pissed-off lots of folk I respect…) AND brought up a subject that can't be talked about, in polite company…
(That's one of the reasons I come here!)

Help me out here: What am I missing?

Why do we still obsess about race?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #1
You're drinking again, aren't you?
Your brothers.

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #2
You're drinking again, aren't you?

Yes, dumbshit: My first wife was Black (…not her fault; both her parents were…). And I loved her with all my heart.

And I want to know if anyone has something "constructive" to say…

(It's not like it doesn't matter, you know.)
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #3
Well you actually do touch on something there Oakdale although people will instantly decry because of their open-mindedness. However different races do in day to day practice have particular bents. Over the years I have noted how so many Chinese have a flair for gambling, black people are great athletes, Americans are great entrepreneurs, Scots are canny with money and so it goes on. But at the same time it is a rather one-sided attitude and with a built-in imbalance the open mind does a neat dance in any negatives. For example in the case of being black it is okay to advocate a built-in athletic prowess but if you say there is a mental depth that sees so much poverty, lack of progress and incapablility.  We all are very aware of the history over in the USA regarding race and having been kept down for so long can get into a rut and do little about it but the racial failure is not just in one country you just have to look at the incompetence and failures right across Africa. Oh I know, someone will quote some country doing well BUT it is not the routine. People do have racial differences no matter what colour they are.

Here they go to the same schools as everyone els, families get housed and so on yet the outcome is usually a negative black community with the expected exceptions. It is liberally fine to snip at whites but if you dare say anything on a different  people who don't happen to be white that is somehow inherent racial. Due to the massive numbers in a land like America and the long history of slavery, misuse and persecution this may well have gradually demoralised black people but there seems to be a difficulty for them to do something about it.

In the local case of Ferguson where the police force is 97% white against a massive black population this should have been dealt with years ago. The same applies to the city council and other political positions. Many of the Irish who came here in the 19th century were uneducated, not very progressive and struggled. Through time they were granted state schools for their own religion they gradually improved and even today one of our main parties here in Scotland had a long tradition from their background.  So as much as I can understand the heavy history in one particular country that is not very complimentary, I still think that Oakdale (having also shown his own personal experience) has touched on something that is valid. For too long the word 'race' has been used as for something else and varied people/places can be very different.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #4
Is there a Scot psychology problem or is it a rj psychology problem?

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #5
Typical Yank system supporter answer there dear man from Kangaroo Land. For a so-called policeman to come on the screen and say he had no problems with his concience shooting a culprit 6 times only shows the deep flaw in what passes for police in too many places in the ex-colonies. Eery week there is another. That this buffoon in a uniform says it is okay and the system says it that then means that the 12-year olf gunned down and the man on the stairway whioch the police chief said was innocent makes them okay as well. That there are so many such shoot-to-kill incidents over the pond shows there is a problem and you want to skip it but there again look who you have as a PM. Wouldn't trust him with a pistol.

As armles blacks are gunned every week there isn't a problem? Yeah, right. Everyone totally ignores a baton, a laser and the cannister but instead the last resort is standard first resort. If this was an isolated incident I could see the point as thrown in by jimbro but the regularity is something else. The stairs killing and the boy in the play yard totally body swerved. Too many people over there do a dance over the hard fact that the previous persecution has gradually been replaced by an attitude of a different form of keeping blacks in their place.  Yeah we know there are white poor but the black population is more widely so and their areas become nightmares of poverty then the violence and the vast majority of the over subscribed prisons are black populated. That it is okay to just gun dow a black is acceptable shows that the race question is still alive and well in the land of the free and home of the brave (well if you are white).
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #6
scientifically , and anthropologically , in this world there is only Human race - homosapiens  ..

there is no such white or black  race.

sir , Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence , spatial intelligence , etc ..  is also intelligence.

is people should started to call another people as Retarded or dumb ...
if they are Bad  in Sports ,   Drawing , nor Music , etc ?

i can confirm if what White people used to called with "White People " is talented  with Insanity ..

eh .. Intelligence in Maths , Arts , Science , etc ...

but i also can Confirm if Niggas talented with Sports , Interpersonal Intelligence , Linguistic Intelligence, etc ..

so , IMHO ... White people is Smart ..

But also retarded .

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #7
on the other hand ..
i think it is a "No true Scotsman" , or generalization .
why Blacks are more violent, less intelligent and more "prolific" than Whites

Why do we still obsess about race?
Perception and Emotion

birds of the same feather flock together .
that explain why Violence People liked to hang out with Violence People .

But in My Perspective there is no Correlation between Violence with skin  Colors .
Since , Any colors  there is chance to  be so Violence ..

also , the most things that motivated  Human is Emotions .
i made this reply , because this thread influence my Emotions , not my logic .

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #8

Well, we've recently seen what happened in Ferguson… (We've seen much more, over the years. I'm old.) What we have yet to see is a coherent explantation for why Blacks are more violent, less intelligent and more "prolific" than Whites…

Would my (more) Liberal brethren please explain to me why this shouldn't matter?

It's precisely because you are so old. Your mindset is locked in the pre-Lincoln era when Blacks belonged to the plantation, and that's why, in your mind, there cannot be any coherent explantation for Blacks.

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #9
I'm 77 and much older than he is. Age has nothing to do with it.

He's a soured jerk, quite bright but stuck in life as a supermarket clerk. You might look for somebody to dump on if you were in his shoes, but I doubt it.

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #10
Well I agree with Oakdale to the extent that the subject is worth discussing, but I do feel that it is the wrong discussion. More important in my view is the culture and its impact on the way people behave.

We may be dismissive of riots by coloured people in a white dominated country but the next moment moan about the (white) Russians while making fluffy remarks about Eskimos oblivious of the fact that we have swapped the bad-guy race for the good-guy race and vice versa. So concluding broad-brush things about skin colour is, by its nature, inconsistent.

All I need to know is Wessex uber alles.

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #11
I do feel Sparta that was a wee bit of intellectual cobblers that there are no race differences and we are all just simply human. Too easy and cumfy by half. Different racial groups do have differences. Not so long ago we discovered in Britain that p[articular immigrants suffered certain illnesses more than the indigenous here. One just has to look at the African mess. Coloured people do have a background that shows them to be great athletes and so on.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #12
.....More important in my view is the culture and its impact on the way people behave......

I'm attempting to follow this emotionally charged conversation/debate/discussion.

Some 'clarifications' would be helpful.

Firstly, what is the correct definition of a [glow=black,2,300]'Race', [/glow] & what are the defined Races comprising what is called the Human Race?

Am I to understand that some consider each 'race' to have a unique 'culture', or can  each 'race' have many different (unique) 'cultures'?

Is then one's culture 'part' of one's race, or just a 'variation' adopted by one's group within a particular Race?

Does, or better yet, can combined racial parentage cloud the perception, if not the actual meaning, of Race?

Which would you say is the prevailing (predominant), or correct, position? -- in your opinion, naturally

                                              (these are open questions to the forum, not just to one person in particular)

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #13
........One just has to look at the African mess. Coloured people do have a background that shows them to be great athletes and so on.......

Are you saying that athleticism emanated from what you call 'Coloured people'?

This is not a trick question ........ In your eyes is great/superior athleticism unique to their 'race'?

BTW.... what do you specifically define as being contained in your phrase ........ "and so on."

Lastly, if anyone -- regardless the source -- defined you, or called you, a 'Racist', would that offend you personally?

As brevity doesn't become you, be as definitive as you usually/traditionally please.

Any less would not be considered RJish.

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #14
Discuss about race will mostly conflicted with argumentum ad populum .
and Appeal to emotion .

it is illogical , but somehow so popular .

Discuss? (I doubt that's possible.) Rant and rave; call me a racist

the definition of racism = every  effort , processes or progresses to Harrass or exalts some people or Groups based on color / anatomical, cultural, ethnic, genetic, geographical, historical, linguistic, religious, or social affiliation . 

in a nutshell , any words even the most humble words but  make another people feel harrassed is harassment .

But any words even in the Most BS words but do not make another people feel  harrassed is not harassment .

the culture and its impact on the way people behave

well , in here

People used to determine   another people based on their Land they are from ( Geograhical )  ..

Orang Arab  is for Arabs since they are from arabs
orang Bule is for Foreigner  ( Westerns , arabs , or afrikans ) 
Orang Papua  is for Niggas since they are from Papua island .
orang China is for Chinnesse since they are From China .
orang Java is For javanesse since they are from Java island
orang Sunda is for sundanesse since they are from Sunda ( West java )
orang Batak is for batak since they are from Batak
orang Bali is for Balinesse since they are from Bali island

racist cultural ?

yes .. for sure . :idea:

especially those constant hate to Juice race ( Juice is a race and juice is not white )  .  :rolleyes:

also , this is my short observation  " Chart Of  insanity " from this land point of view.

1. arabs since they are  geniusly made a Stone , desert  and Oasis to be a Famous tourist spot which is always crowded every year. ( something that even Western cant even done )

2. western they are  Insane aka Genius since they Influence this Nation from Systems , techies , to Science .

3. Chinesse , they are good at  marketing  aka Deceiving

4. melayu ( javanesse , Sundanesse , Minang , etc )  they are   mastery Hypocrisy  , capable to be anything  .

5. papuas , they are gifted with easily  bulk up muscle  , talented with Sports , etc .
but easily deceived by that four candidate.

6. unsorted yet

i think , violence or unviolence  is related to grammar or vocabulary .
Thoughts that full of intend to hurt another people is a sign  it lack in social skills  .

also it seems , someday Human need  certain Formula for Pscyhe Uncertainty .

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #15 a nutshell , any words even the most humble words but  make another people feel harrassed is harassment......

Good Morning, looks like it might rain..?  Smile, & have a great day!

What did you mean by that!!!!!/!!?!! a F@%$**$# Racist?!?

Is that what you mean?

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #16
Is that what you mean?

close enough , but i want to pointing to ...

it seems,  any human is racist .
intended or unintended .
conscious  or unconscious .

probably it is something like tu quoque .
but it can be proved easily .
White people  is racist , but niggas  and sians is more racist .

perhaps,  "racism"  in the right dosage is acceptable .

also  i dare to propose an early Quantitative statement and Quantitative Question  .

Quantitative statement
premises ;

1. when human stepped to social world , they have to deal with racism .
2. racism is social concepts , it is a concept created by human .
3. Racism sensored by Human Sensory system , it shaped Perception .
4. Perceptions shaped Psyche
5. Psyche Shaped Realities .
6. Emotions ( state of feeling  )  Give Motivations to Psyche to act or react .

conclusions ;

1. A racist that do not liked racism , do not want to deal with racism ,  and against racism .
people used to called them with " Holy person aka Saint " . 

2. it is almost impossible to disregard nor control emotions , and using Logic only .

3. if Human do not have Emotions , Senses and Perception .
there is no such a social concept like "racism"  :monkey:

Quantitative Question ;

premises ;

1. what psyche resist not just persists , but also grow in size  ( check the ideas about racism from  Morgan Freeman aka GOD )
2. Emotions sometimes can not be controlled , oftenly it  act  in subconcious ( example :   feels bored then  go out more  )
3. psyche can Logic-well in the condition feels happy , and healthy ( Mind and Body )
beside that two conditions , the Logics-wellness  is Questionable .

Questions :

is Morgan freeman's Methode is just utopis ?

is satire the Right sollutions to deal with racism ?
satire  is   paradox or  logical fallacies , mostly -  Appeal to emotion,  black or white , gray , etc  .
But it Prompts the feel happy.
since jokes manipulate people mind  to laugh even in the reality the content is a offence or harras .

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #17
I tried dating a Romulan once, but her parents didn't approve.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #18
What woman's parents would approve?

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #19
In Ferguson the police quite deliberately left the west side of the town to the more negative trouble makers to go on the rampage which tells you something very direct. That the murderer who is a "policeman" kept saying it wereas his training also tells us something even more important. Their actions can then be blamed on the  city that employs them rather than them taking the blame and that gunslinger was well briefed by a lawyer no doubt.

The man who elsewhere was gunned down in front of his wife and the police admitted it shouldn't have happened is a typical situation in the country. As for that 12 year old boy at the playground it is interesting that no-one here has taken any note of the fact that the person who called the police said it is probably not a real gun. What di the police do on arrival. No conversation the boy was simply gunned down. The Ferguson cop came out with the usual tripe about being threatened as is the again routine stuff. So a man attacks you so the imdeiate response is to use a gun fire `2 rounds and pump 6 bullets into the culprit. Utterly disgusting and why even bother with money for a taser, gas spray or even a truncheon when that is the first resort?.

In a far wider mode the militarisation of the US police is diabolically crazy and over the damn top. War vehicles to patrol paces, army weaponry, use soldiers as the army and police get closer together. The policy is like that of a Third World or military dictatorship countryy. What it tells the rest oif the world is what it has mused that the place must either be one of the most dangerous places to live in or you have a a mindset that is fraught with elementary grey cells.  Two even more national things you should take note of.

(1) The FBI were instructed nearly 20 years ago to take note of all police shootings on citizens.This it seems to have "overlooked" so raises more concern.

(20 it is NOT possible to get statistics nationally of the number of police killings unlike the routine shooting of civilians killing each other which we know as around 10,000. So you ex-colonists try and find police stas for the country at large. This in itself tells you something that there IS a problem with the police. Telling me there are nice policeman does nothing to cover the regular immediate shootings where they could have been avoided or delayed. The police have been given a morally wrong status and freelance and they know they will get away with it. Beatings and IMMEDIATE shootings are such a regular matter and only emphasise what I have previously said that you are so brained letting police do what they damn like for "law and order."

So hiding national stats show that cops can do what they damn well like because they know historically they will always get away with it so don't bother with the baton, taser or gas just blow them away.  At the rate you are going tanks next? You already have soldiers out and what a picture it gives the world. A civilised, modern state? Nah, you are drifting into a martial and police dictatorship status and is about time the people stood up to ot because the problem is one hell of a one. It is all too much like dictatorships we criticise for over police action and one day you will all wake up and wonder how the devil you became such a dictatorship.Having friends living there and Looking like a dangerous place with trigger happy cops and military convoys you are heading that way.    :worried:
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #20
(It's "interesting"… I'll keep reading.)

@Jaybro: Need I remind you of Winston's reply to Lady Astor…?
BTW: Please stop posting your parents' wedding picture! It's unseemly.
The fifteen years' advantage you have on me has -obviously- been squandered… But maybe not: Stick around and see, I'd say! You might…
Well, maybe you won't — anything. But a little more enjoyment is nothing to be sneezed at.
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #21
I tried dating a Romulan once, but her parents didn't approve.

Quick question, where did you two meet?

Were you formally introduced, or did you meet at a truck stop over steaks & mashed?

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #22
..... it is NOT possible to get statistics nationally of the number of police killings unlike the routine shooting of civilians killing each other which we know as around 10,000.........


Would this do?

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #23
[glow=blue,2,300]After all the facts of the Grand Jury's findings were published for public consumption,
here's how the people responded in a poll.

Quote from:     ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH   

A new public opinion survey of St. Louis County residents shows that the public perception of the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown and its aftermath is sharply divided along racial lines.

The survey, released Monday morning by the Kansas City-based Remington Research Group, found that 65 percent of African-American county residents believe Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson acted unjustly when he ended Brown's life Aug. 9 on a Ferguson street.

Conversely, 62 percent of the white residents surveyed by Remington believe the shooting death of Brown was justified.

The fissure broke even wider when surveyors asked if Wilson should be "arrested and charged with a crime" with 71 percent of African-American residents responding "yes," opposed to the 71 percent of white survey-takers who believe the police officer should not be arrested or charged.

An equally stark divide emerged on the question of whether Brown was "targeted because of his race."

Over three-quarters of the white respondents — 77 percent — responded "no" while 64 percent of the African-American respondents answered in the affirmative........

..........A shade over 70 percent of white St. Louis County residents told Remington Research they have faith in County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch's ability to handle the Brown case equitably during the grand jury process and possibly beyond.

According to the survey, McCulloch holds the trust of only 32 percent of African-Americans. Sixty percent disagreed that McCulloch will perform "fairly and impartially" as the case moves forward.

The media likewise did not fare well in the estimation of county residents participating in the poll.

Nearly 75 percent of all respondents told pollsters the media contributed to making the situation in Ferguson worse.

Half of the African-Americans polled and 81 percent of the whites polled were critical of the media coverage.


Why is there such a divide of perception in this obviously  justified *  shooting?

*  =   "Use of deadly force" is often granted to police officers when the person or persons in question are believed to be an immediate danger to people around them. For example, an armed man flaunting a firearm in a shopping mall without regard to the safety of those around him, and refusing or being unwilling to negotiate, would warrant usage of deadly force, as a means to protect others.

The use of deadly force is also authorized when a person poses a significant threat to a law enforcement officer, usually when the officer is at risk of serious bodily injury or death.

In the United States, this is governed by Tennessee v. Garner, (U.S. Supreme Court 1985) which said that "deadly force...may not be used unless necessary to prevent the escape and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious bodily harm to the officer or others."

The officer has the right & obligation to protect his own life & well-being while carrying out his duty.

This extremely aggressive & mountainous thug tried to forcefully take the officer's firearm once before, & it's quite reasonable to believe he felt that given the chance this man would do so again, & then use that firearm on the officer to kill him if he could.

   How stark is that? 

IMHO  it couldn't be any clearer ........    Justified use of Deadly Force in Self-Defense ........ pure & simple.

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #24
String I cannot fathom why you are so oddly puzzled at my statement. It could not have been more explanatory. Once again I will repeat that there are NO statistics nationally for the number of people shot down by the various police forces over there. Saying that the FBI were told years ago to start amassing these did hot happen either. Heavens, I could have figured that out in first year of secondary school.  :whistle:
"Quit you like men:be strong"