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Topic: The Worldwide Politics Thread (Read 38351 times)

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #25
Speaking with an Ukrainian yesterday she told me that things there costs the same that in the rest of Europe but the minimum salary is about eighty euros per month.
No wonder people wants to join the EU.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #26
Speaking with an Ukrainian yesterday she told me that things there costs the same that in the rest of Europe but the minimum salary is about eighty euros per month.
No wonder people wants to join the EU.

Pootin says, "Nyet!"

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #27
Judging by the way the American media often when daft on Sochi for no good reason you should look nearer home jiimbro. You are so prone to drift into an anti-Russia stance like so much of the Western media as if the Cold War is still here. It is NOT Russia that spends half the world's military bill. It didn't bomb Serbia nor create the debacles in Libya or elsewhere.  it is NOT Russia that creates excuses to invade and destabilise countries as America does time after time. Perhaps it is that much of your life you grew up in a nationalistic country in the long period of the terrible Cold war that it has left vestiges behind but as an intelligent man you should look wider more.

The more behind-the-scenes scenario is that it niggles DC that it cannot control a big country that has now been in the capitalist market for a while as it does elsewhere. So time after time we get snidey comments from the leaders of the "Free West" after countless military sojourns by us. In falling into the haze I refer to your anti-Russia theme therefor debases your grey cells. Being more like the US political outlook is not very helpful at all.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #29
Quote from: rjhowie on 2014-02-24, 04:26:25
it is NOT Russia that creates excuses to invade
We've already had our share on that by now!..

Please note, Mr. Edinburgh, that a Russian made that :zzz:.

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #30

it is NOT Russia that creates excuses to invade and destabilise countries as America does time after time.

I have a Hungarian friend who would disagree.

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #31

Speaking with an Ukrainian yesterday she told me that things there costs the same that in the rest of Europe but the minimum salary is about eighty euros per month.
No wonder people wants to join the EU.

Good luck with that :)

Higher gas prices and austerity, only two of many demands of the IMF. For many people the takeover won't be painless...
'Europe' in Ukraine: many things to lots of people

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #32
Quote from: rjhowie on 2014-02-23, 23:26:25
it is NOT Russia that creates excuses to invade and destabilise countries as America does time after time.

I have a Hungarian friend who would disagree.

Georgia...not the one in the US. But when one considers Russian suzerainty, the list grows.

And don't forget that those damned Americans helped destabilize Germany in WWII when German bombs were raining down on England. Lemme see...London, Barrow-in-Furness, Bootle, Birkenhead, Wallasey, Birmingham, Bristol, Coventry, Exeter, Sheffield, Liverpool, Kingston upon Hull, Manchester, Portsmouth, Plymouth, Nottingham, Brighton, Eastbourne, Sunderland, and Southampton. Cardiff and Swansea in Wales, Belfast in Ireland as well as Aberdeen, Clydebank, Greenock, and Glasgow.

Admittedly, though, Russia bore the brunt of German forces.

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #33
We're all living in Amerika  :)


Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #34
Germans return to Moscow.

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #35
Or they could return to Alabama with the Leningrad Cowboys.


Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #36
Those damned Finns aren't fooling anybody. You want classic entertainment?

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #37
Earthshaking news from the Middle East.
WASHINGTON—As President Obama continues to push for a plan of limited military intervention in Syria, a new poll of Americans has found that though the nation remains wary over the prospect of becoming involved in another Middle Eastern war, the vast majority of U.S. citizens strongly approve of sending Congress to Syria.

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #38
........Continued from the Canada Thread, where the discussion became too OFF TOPIC.

Opposing republic with democracy is the same thing as comparing Smileyfaze with an orchid...
There's no patience for such ignorance from the Anglo Saxon country.

Something must have gotten extremely lost in the translation.

Here's another last attempt to shed light on the difference between Constitutional Republic & Democracy.

Republic vs. Democracy               Rule by Law vs. Rule by Majority  

Quote from:       An excerpt of an article here  ➜   
A Republic is representative government ruled by law (the United States Constitution). A Democracy is government ruled by the majority (mob rule).

A Republic recognizes the unalienable rights of individuals while Democracies are only concerned with group wants or needs for the good of the public, or in other words social justice.

Lawmaking is a slow, deliberate process in our Constitutional Republic requiring approval from the three branches of government, the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches for checks and balance.

Lawmaking in Democracy occurs rapidly requiring approval from the majority by polls and/or voter referendums, which in turn is mob rule 50% plus 1 vote takes away anything from the minority.
Here is one example; if 51% of the people don’t pay taxes they can vote a tax increase
on the 49% that do, which is mob rule...............  continued...

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #39
Now that rather un-subtle message about who to send to Syria gets 100% backing from me jimbro. What a land of wonderful people.  ;D
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #40
A Republic is representative government ruled by law (the United States Constitution). A Democracy is government ruled by the majority (mob rule).

I don't know who said that but I guarantee that such statement would grant him a zero at any political science test.

A Republic recognizes the unalienable rights of individuals while Democracies are only concerned with group wants or needs for the good of the public, or in other words social justice.

This part deserves to be part of some humorist talk show.

I's strange because it's not the first time that I see Americans using that pseudo distinction between democracy and republic completely convinced that they are speaking seriously.

Republics opposes to Monarchies and democracies to dictatorships. You can have several different types of each one. A democracy can (and usually is) a Constitutional Democracy but a system of one party (a dictatorship) an be also perfectly Constitutional.
Then we have also the question about Presidentialist/Parlamentary kinds of regime, where the USA are clearly Presidential which classifies the American system amongst the less advanced constitutional republican democratic regimes.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #41
Republic vs. Democracy               Rule by Law vs. Rule by Majority
Bel's right - and we told you that.
Democracy is not ochlocracy, but "cracy" by THE PEOPLE (who you've said you revere, huh?), which means not by PART of the people (by which you used "majority").

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #43

I don't know who said that but I guarantee that such statement would grant him a zero at any political science test.
(in response to Smiley)
This part deserves to be part of some humorist talk show.

I's strange because it's not the first time that I see Americans using that pseudo distinction between democracy and republic completely convinced that they are speaking seriously.

Republics opposes to Monarchies and democracies to dictatorships. You can have several different types of each one. A democracy can (and usually is) a Constitutional Democracy but a system of one party (a dictatorship) an be also perfectly Constitutional.
Then we have also the question about Presidentialist/Parlamentary kinds of regime, where the USA are clearly Presidential which classifies the American system amongst the less advanced constitutional republican democratic regimes.

As opposed to democracy in Portugal.

Anti-austerity protests are continuing to sweep across Europe. In Madrid, Spain, last week, a group of scientists, some wearing black, gathered to hold a moment of silence for the research they say has been killed by budget cuts. In Portugal, tens of thousands protested Saturday in the cities of Lisbon and Porto against the government’s plans to extend austerity cuts in next year’s budget.

How did that expression of democracy work out for you folks?

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #45
The EEC isn't much of a choice. Run by Germany and in a state of economic stagnation and the rise of nationalism across it. It is in fact quite a disturbing thing the gap betwixt the EEC and Russia and better if it were not so. As part of the "West" and it's leadership it has fallen into the pattern of digging at Russia. Russia has changed considerably since the days of the Cold War but it is the West that is harping on about that former matter instead of facing facts. However Europe is in such a damnable state that it is trying to detract from it's own deep failings. I look forward to the hopefull day my country gets out of europe. it is okay for a holiday but the 4th reich does no appeal to me at all.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #46
What "damnable state" is Europe in? I don't find this Wapo snippet comforting.
Earlier in the day, the new Ukrainian government said that hundreds of soldiers in green camouflage, without insignia but carrying military-style automatic rifles, had taken over two airports in Crimea. Regularly scheduled flights continued, at least until nightfall, when the airspace above Crimea, a region of Ukraine with deep ties to Russia, was suddenly declared closed.

Internet videos of Russian military helicopters flying over Crimea’s muddy winter fields went viral Friday. Russian IL-76 planes suspected of carrying 2,000 troops landed at a military base in Gvardiysky, near the regional capital of Simferopol, according to Crimea’s ATR television.

I know that you like to travel. How about taking your next trip to Putinville? Sochi, perhaps?

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #48
I do find this comforting.
North Korea has deported Australian missionary John Short, who was detained last month after it was reported that he distributed religious material.

Mr Short, 75, who has arrived in Beijing from Pyongyang, was detained after apparently leaving Christian pamphlets at a tourist site.

That said, I wonder about the sanity of anybody who chooses to visit N. Korea. His Eminence Kim Jong-un has proved himself a handful. Ask his uncle. Oops! He be dead.