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Topic: The Worldwide Politics Thread (Read 26143 times)

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #50
Don't you mean [ɨ]? :whistles:

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #51
No, as far as I've heard of it, the vowel is rounded. Rear, & rounded.
As I tend to spell that, it can use some "y" - which in early Latin (from Greek) represented a rounded [i] (which itself is not rear, though).

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #52

Republic vs. Democracy               Rule by Law vs. Rule by Majority
Bel's right - and we told you that.

SF can't be reasoned out of it. There's something you are missing. It's not just a point about the politological terms he is making. He is covertly making a political statement close to his heart: the Republican Party versus the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party is rotten, therefore everything with "democr" in it is rotten. The Republican Party is the beloved golden calf of the conservatives, therefore everything with "repub" in it is sacred. (Similarly, whoever mentions "social issues" deserves instant eternal curses of hell, because Socialism is of the Devil. This is the logic you have to learn.)

Incidentally, there's no "democracy" in the United States constitution. There's "republican form of government". This fact makes SF go yeehaw crazy happy because it's proving his point. The fact that this is only a superficial and incidental word choice in the constitution will never sway him.

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #54
SF can't be reasoned out of it. There's something you are missing. It's not just a point about the politological terms he is making. He is covertly making a political statement close to his heart: the Republican Party versus the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party is rotten, therefore everything with "democr" in it is rotten. The Republican Party is the beloved golden calf of the conservatives, therefore everything with "repub" in it is sacred. (Similarly, whoever mentions "social issues" deserves instant eternal curses of hell, because Socialism is of the Devil. This is the logic you have to learn.)

Incidentally, there's no "democracy" in the United States constitution. There's "republican form of government". This fact makes SF go yeehaw crazy happy because it's proving his point. The fact that this is only a superficial and incidental word choice in the constitution will never sway him.

Yes. I agree with all that.
But, there's a but... :)

My discussion is not about Smileyfaze political preferences, but about American cultural colonialism. A colonialism that tries to impose an absurd and wrong meaning of political terms. As you know very well Ersi, that's the first step to totalitarianism, misrepresentation of words and meanings.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #55
That's not a but. It's another related issue that you can't reason out of him. Actually it's the same with all issues about him: When you talk rationally, you are doing it wrong. Haven't you noticed he is already completely totalitarian, instead of taking some first baby steps towards it?

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #56
When you talk rationally, you are doing it wrong. Haven't you noticed he is already completely totalitarian, instead of taking some first baby steps towards it?

He's no more totalitarian than the others. All the political correctness vomit is by far much worst.

There's something good at the genesis of the American spirit. It's rude and illiterate but they are genuine. That's important.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #57

When you talk rationally, you are doing it wrong. Haven't you noticed he is already completely totalitarian, instead of taking some first baby steps towards it?

He's no more totalitarian than the others. All the political correctness vomit is by far much worst.

There's something good at the genesis of the American spirit. It's rude and illiterate but they are genuine. That's important.
Not so important when it's rude, illiterate, and genuinely shallow.

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #58

When you talk rationally, you are doing it wrong. Haven't you noticed he is already completely totalitarian, instead of taking some first baby steps towards it?

He's no more totalitarian than the others. All the political correctness vomit is by far much worst.

There's something good at the genesis of the American spirit. It's rude and illiterate but they are genuine. That's important.
Not so important when it's rude, illiterate, and genuinely shallow.

Pray tell is that your opinion of all Americans or just the Tea people?

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #59

The last vowel of his name must be better represented by a hybrid of /u/ and Russian /ы/:)

Josh, yer dead should go & talk to his daddy .... maybe he'd see your point & change his name to suit you.

Ohhh, before I forget,
@ersi    This is just for you    

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #61
Crisis management via Twitter  :)

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #63
Sons of Bi**ches

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #65

I do seriously hate that son of a bi**h Governor that we have, not because of this bill, but simply because he exists, along with a plethora of missteps, screw-ups, etc.

This only adds to the tally @Sanguinemoon

This think this poster there has it right:

"Go ahead, Mississippi. Make our day. The minute one of these immoral, misanthropic and blatantly unconstitutional bills becomes (a court-challenged) law, the 2014 election stops being about your whining and bleating about Obamacare and becomes all about Republicans and your undeniable bigotry. Conservatism won't survive it, any more than the law will survive the court challenge."

Yup. the conservative movement in America insists on digging it's own grave with all this unnecessary and possibly unconstitutional legislation. Polls show a majority of people think it's illegal to discriminate against LGBT people. In most states it isn't. Long as hell post cut short, this might well bring attention to that fact and ultimately codify the non-discrimination into law. Look at what happened with gay marriage. The Right overreacted to what happened in Hawaii and pushed for amendments against it. That ignited the movement which results in gay marriage being legal in growing number of states and a majority of Americans now thinking gays should have the right to marry. The Right never learns.

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #67

In any actual terms, no MAJORITY ever exists (apart from voting or other stats lists) -- hardly an idea can be imagined to UNITE ACTIVELY ANY REAL MAJORITY - ACTIVELY being a NECESSARY term with the meaning that no Uncle Sam/Yanuk/Whoever came to "unite" them - AS IF.  Being gathered by a shepherd does never count. Ever.
I'd better clarify myself.
Technically (theoretically) it is not prohibited for a majority to occur united&active, but that being highly improbable, things usually go the other way round...

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #68

I do seriously hate that son of a bi**h Governor that we have, not because of this bill, but simply because he exists, along with a plethora of missteps, screw-ups, etc.

I think it's OK to say "bitch". What a state Mississippi is!
The Mississippi House of Representatives could vote as early as Friday on a measure that would allow businesses to refuse service to customers based on religious beliefs, which opponents say could be used to discriminate against gays and lesbians.

I can see it now. "Sir, I have to see your religious belief/gay&lesbian documents before I'll serve you."

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #69
Why in the media, gays usually smile - while the "straight" are deadly serious? A covert gay propaganda?:)

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #70

Why in the media, gays usually smile - while the "straight" are deadly serious? A covert gay propaganda?:)
Smile when you say that.

But you've walked off the edge of the Earth, haven't you?

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #71

powerful authoritarian politicians like Otto von Bismarck who of course hated classical liberalism and capitalism with every fiber of his being.

Of course? Calling Bismarck a socialist is as silly as calling Obama a socialist.

He started more or less universal healthcare in Germany, therefore according to the teabaggers he's a dirty communist and a nazi.
Speaking of "political sides", most people may probably tend to think linearly, but AFAIK, the ancient "spectrum" concept is incorrect - it fails to account for all variety of weird politico-social oddities getting to happen among humans...

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #72

I do seriously hate that son of a bi**h Governor that we have, not because of this bill, but simply because he exists, along with a plethora of missteps, screw-ups, etc.

This only adds to the tally @Sanguinemoon

To add to this, as of today, the state HoR voted along party lines (Repubs have a majority, so it passed) to pass this afore-mentioned piece of legislation.

I expect the state to receive the usual bad press, for the politicians to complain about "outside influences", and for even worse international bad press.

You'd think these jackarses in the state legislatures would learn, but they never do.

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #73

I do seriously hate that son of a bi**h Governor that we have, not because of this bill, but simply because he exists, along with a plethora of missteps, screw-ups, etc.

This only adds to the tally @Sanguinemoon

To add to this, as of today, the state HoR voted along party lines (Repubs have a majority, so it passed) to pass this afore-mentioned piece of legislation.

I expect the state to receive the usual bad press, for the politicians to complain about "outside influences", and for even worse international bad press.

You'd think these jackarses in the state legislatures would learn, but they never do.

I think it's mostly posturing for the teabaggers that voted them into office in the first place. I doubt that many of them really believe their right-to-discriminate bills would survive in court. Then again, I might be giving them too much credit.

Re: The Worldwide Politics Thread

Reply #74

To add to this, as of today, the state HoR voted along party lines (Repubs have a majority, so it passed) to pass this afore-mentioned piece of legislation.

I expect the state to receive the usual bad press, for the politicians to complain about "outside influences", and for even worse international bad press.

You'd think these jackarses in the state legislatures would learn, but they never do.

1. They're doing what politicians do.
2. How would bad press hurt Mississippi overseas?
3. Actually using such a law is problematic except in limited situations.
4. What will the majority of business owners do, ask an incoming customer for his sexual preference identification card?

One solution for gays is to establish a church and elect a pope.

Yet one more dumb ass dance step from the right.