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Should Scotland be an independent country?

[ 8 ] (57.1%)
[ 6 ] (42.9%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Topic: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time (Read 99663 times)

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #101
I have well voiced my stance on being a NO voter as most of my associates will be too. As for that dirge "Flower of Scotland" I have never sung it, won't sing it or prefer not to be anywhere where it is. The thing is so pathetic drifting back to another world of the 14th century. Personally, i admire the Battle of Bannockburn and unexpected result but have moved on. It just epitomises the old Scots-English stuff over the years. Salmond simply appeals to the strident and mouthy radical side of Scots but doesn't match common sense. However there are more important issues than thinking his mouthy piffle is a direction to our future. Whether on economy, currency, Europe and much else the Nationalists simply do not answer the question and instead the answers are to scoff and ridicule and so on. The Brigadoon lot for example said that the UK stance on a shared currency "no" was simply bluffing (?). What don't they understand about what the 3 main parties have told them? Just a typical example of the scoffing froth instead of handling issues.

The one thing that has to be watched is for the No people to not get lazy and think it couldn't happen. I have also given examples where Salmond has lied and those silly Scots who allowed the SNP to get a narrow majority in the Scots parliament need heads banged together because the protest votes that got the Salmond mob in caused this stuff re September.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #102
So that brings up the interesting possibility that Scotland may successfully vote to become independent, but the day after independence find that they have no money since the UK government has already said the Pound Sterling can't be used by the newly independent Scotland. Free but broke. Of course, there's the Euro, but until the powers-that-be on the Continent choose to recognize the newly-minted Scots government that could be a problem too.

So, how many Monopoly games have you got? Until you get somebody to allow you the use of their money that just might have to do.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #104
You are spot on there mjsmsprt40. I hardly ever hear anyone talking about the Referendum but is an open argument as to whether that is good or bad. Television keeps yakking about it  but most get on with their daily lives. Independence would lead to all sorts of difficulties and that headbanger the First Minister and SNP Leader thinks everything would be sorted within 18 months.

When the Nationalists are faced with a challenging statement they resort to frustrating attitudes. You will get comments such as the matter of the currency ban by the UK as a "bluff." That is not the case at all and many up here would be concerned about all the difficulties following. On other routine matters the usual style is to try and joke it off or be demeaning as if only the SNP could satisfy Scots. They are so damn arrogant and think they own the country by some right. Anyone outside of the SNP waving a St Andrew's Saltire flag is almost regarded as a Quisling. They often wave the Lion Rampant and you get a black look when you ask why as that is actually a Royal Standard. The Nats like to drift back to 1707  and the Union of Parliaments but they equally choose not to dwell on the fact that we had financially messed up being greedy and in a state of bankruptcy we couldn't solve.

I am happy to have a broad width in society including the stupid but I confess to not wanting them to rule.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #105
They are so damn arrogant and think they own the country by some right. Anyone outside of the SNP waving a St Andrew's Saltire flag is almost regarded as a Quisling

What complete and utter bullshit. Jeez! I try to ignore your rantings, but sometimes you make it difficult for me to do so.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #106
Meanwhile leaving the bairn for the sie at the moment it is interesting that the reaction of the young is pertinent to the Referendum.

Previously, I indicated the reaction from Secondary Schools in Salmond's own north east corner of Scotland where they all except a Special School dismissed the Yes lot in mock referendums. So too did the students of Strathclyde university and even more recently a poll of 16 and 17 year-old school pupils.  Salmond and his greatest admirer, Sturgeon who looks up at him with awe) do scoff, sneer and bluff in place of definitive questions to them. A typical lie by Salmond was on the matter of Scots not getting what they vote for. I recently illustrated this as a downright lie and listed General elections where Scotland voted Labour and there was a UK Labour Government and of course 2 where the same principle applied to the Conservatives. I did note that Luxor of course choose to ignore this.

Salmond tries to use the traditional Scots radical attitude and cheekiness for his own dubious ends but will be increasingly found out of course.  Another ignorance is that he sneers at Scotland getting Tory regimes as if that one was something from outer space. As around 400,000 Scots vote Tory isn't that being ignorant of their rights as Scots? Salmond likes to dish out the smart alex stuff at Holyrood although i don't watch that show too often as it is a joke. He ridicules the Labour opposition but he doesn't like it when their leader dishes it back. Today the SNP was also rubbishing the Liberal Democrats with the usual sneeringly mocking stuff. The slated them for not being able to get anywhere after 100 years. That wouldn't be so much a problem if it wasn't for the other fact that the SNP has been after their daft aim for 80 years!One could look at him more reasonably if he acted properly instead of the scurrilous way he acts in reality.  Luxor can dance around his youthful ploys in place of depth but such is life and Salmond will get his come-uppence soon! Just as well he wasn't around at Bannockburn as he would have muffed that victory.  :yikes:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #107
I did note that Luxor of course choose to ignore this.

I try to ignore everything you say. But I don't think I'm missing much by doing so.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #108
A question to both of you Scots - the referendum campaign is rather bruising I think. What do you think will be the aftermath (in Scotland, not the rest of the UK) - will the "loosing side" accept the result? Will there be some form of national split? Will that depend on who "wins"? Is reconciliation even possible?

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #109
What do you think will be the aftermath (in Scotland, not the rest of the UK) - will the "loosing side" accept the result?

Unfortunately you have nutters on both sides who won't accept the result if it goes against them, hopefully they are in the minority. There is a certain group who support no, who will definitely throw their toys out the pram if they lose and if you know anything about Scotland you can probably guess who they are. I'm sure there will be fervent nationalists on the other side of the fence too, though I've never met one. There will be bitter disappointment for whichever side loses, that's for sure. But the majority will get over that after a few days and then just get on with their life.

The only thing I know for certain is how it will affect me personally. In my case I'll still be friends with the same people I'm friends with now, regardless of how they vote and I will treat anyone else the same. Can't speak for others though, but I hope they are mature enough to accept defeat.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #110
Maybe String is thinking the whole of Scotland will break down into the Hatfields and the McCoys. I note that the feud between these two families took place in Eastern Kentucky, but it involved two families with Scots ancestries.

In the case of Scotland, it might break down into the old Lowland vs Highland bad blood of old.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #111
In the case of Scotland, it might break down into the old Lowland vs Highland bad blood of old.

I don't think so. It's not about the north and south of the country and I say that as a lowlander.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #112
Luxor, it could be a mixture of arrogance and lack of an answer regarding your negative vibes on my stance. You are incapable of answering things like Salmond lying over the matter of how Scotland votes and what UK government it gets. You like me have rights of sa stance and Scotland could be independent  but I don't want to live in a backwater. The same applies to anything definitive. Ignoring the matter of sharing the pound, Bank of England control and much else. So you can be as toffy-nosed as you wish and avoid the direct matters raised in this thread. I on the other hand have raised actual matters have held public office and been much involved. in local life including politics. You do follow the SNP's rather arrogant and snooty leaning and when it cannot answer a question the scoffing and bluffing comes out. We should also remember that when Czechoslovakia split into two different countries they tried sharing currency and  just over a month later had to do away with that idea!

On a broader note for the more appraising minds, I do not think there will be any widespread antagonism after the Referendum.  Neither do i think there will be any dividing line between Highlands and Lowlands. I am a Lowlander but not carried away with the tosh about kilts and such. What i do find passingly amusing is that many in the Lowlands that have been brained into propaganda regarding the kilt being the national dress would if here in 1745 made up a big chink of the army that sorted out the Pretender on Culloden field. Being a Glaswegian born and bred I am especially proud that this city unanimously was against the so-called bonnie Prince Charlie who threatened to burn the city down (!).
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #113
i would hope that most would follow Luxor's example, although a close. result will do some damage I suspect.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #114
I would never, ever, in normal circumstances,  pronounce myself about such minuscule, unimportant, pseudo-happening  as this one, however reading the debate between RjHowie and Luxor I must say that the international public opinion (neither Scottish or British) is not elucidated.

In fact, if RjHowie fulfills the criteria for those that prefers to be dominated instead of masters of their destiny, Luxor doesn't seems to me a real fighter for the freedom of his beloved country but more a pacific, very political correct, modern citizen.

I would like to hear the part that hates the invaders, the irredeemables, the part that much more than the invaders has the legitimacy to say No Surrender!
Those are the ones that matters, no matter the consequences.

All over Europe people are trading principles for monetarism, freedom for subjugation to economics.
I hope that a good example can come from the land where men wear skirts. May it can ashame the rest.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #115
Well now Belfrager you should know about controlling your own destiny stuff by being reminded that Portugal was a dictatorship for decades. So the advice is a little out of sync! I am fighting for my country and have little time for political correctness or damp squib politics. I and many others will continue to fight to keep Scotland where it is. After we vote "no", I think the next stage will be greater powers for the Scots parliament in Edinburgh. Frankly that is not what I want but will put up with it as it negates the nationalist thrust. Now must get on with the campaign with other unionists and look forward to a big Unionist parade in Edinburgh later in the year!  :)  :knight:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #116
From the "Wait, what??" desk:

It seems according to the article below that Scotland will need a lot more immigrants if it is to become independent. This "fact" alone ought to set RJ alight, since one of his pet theories is that the UK as a whole already has too many immigrants. But, low birth rates and an aging population may make it necessary to import more people if a free and independent Scotland is to have a chance. See below-- and fergodsakesdon'tletthisnewsgetsouthofourbordertheyalreadyhaveenoughideas.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!


Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #117
From the "Wait, what??" desk:

Oh shock horror, yet another scare story from the better together mob.
This "fact" alone ought to set RJ alight, since one of his pet theories is that the UK as a whole already has too many immigrants.

The rest of the UK has a problem, that's for sure. Especially the South East of England, that can't be denied.
We don't have the same problem up here with immigration than the rest of the UK, though there are quite likely small pockets of areas somewhere. RJ is in Glasgow and it has it's fair share of immigrants there (I've met many of them), but I would stop short of calling it a problem. Mind you I don't live there, so it's easy for me to say that.

You have to remember a lot of those so-called immigrants that report talks about, will be coming here from the rest of the UK as they do now. It's just that, at the moment they're not classed as immigrants.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #118
You have to remember a lot of those so-called immigrants that report talks about, will be coming here from the rest of the UK as they do now. It's just that, at the moment they're not classed as immigrants.

The same kind of statistics play happens a lot over here. Three in ten Antwerpians is of foreign origin! Most of those foreigners — and this has probably been the case for centuries — are Dutch and from other EU countries, not the implied Turkish (2.5%) or Moroccan (7-8%). Also, at least a quarter of the yearly immigrants are people with the Belgian nationality.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #120
The immigration issue is complex because as an overlay on the normal "don't like immigrants" issue there is the matter of the Scottish demographics. With an ageing population Scotland needs an infusion of younger residents to generate the wealth which will pay, amongst other things, Pensions. Whether there will be sufficient jobs in Scotland to attract a full spectrum of immigrants/foreign workers is one of the things that the Yes and No camps would disagree, but the bottom line is that there may be insufficient jobs or even less jobs, precipitating an exodus of Scots South and elsewhere.

The other issue is that of border controls of which at present there are none. These would be needed especially given the current furore about uncontrolled immigration in the UK.

A report is due to be issued shortly on an economic assessment of Scottish Separation from the UK. It will no doubt result in the usual display of economic warnings and claims from the SNP that all will be perfect and rosy without a cloud in the sky.

As a British citizen I am indignant, to say the least, that my fellow Brits (The Scots) are being mislead by the SNP who continue to insist that there is nothing ahead but riches and glory. In fact we will all loose.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #121
Last report I read had the "Yes" crowd gaining some ground.
It's been fascinating keeping up with it all.

It's like a soap opera in here with Luxor and Mr. Howie. :right: :D

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #122
Good ta see ya back Dawg!!

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #124
Polls of course are what you want to make of them but I am still of the view that the majority of Scots wish to remain Scotland where it presently is. Salmond yesterday accused others of bluster, bluff and cheek. Kind of odd and presumptuous as these are his acknowledged personal failures. They have tried to subtly use the Commonwealth Games and the Battle of Bannockburn event yet accuse others of misusing things! If they cannot properly answer an important question the SNP always falls back on sneering and bullying. Salmond said UKIP had no right to be in Scotland - eh? Scotland is still in Great Britain and what damn right has that nationalist smart-alex got to say who can go for votes? it is the age old nationalist arrogance. As it happens they got elected!

The Battle of Bannockburn was a great historical battle and win but the 700th anniversary spectacle was to last 3 days and expected 40,000. Now it seems they have had to cut the suggested numbers to hope for 20,000. Don't think that will happen as they have only sold 5,500 tickets for those 2 days. However Armed Forces Day in nearby Stirling is expected to be supported by large numbers. The SNP comes out with this tripe that the Stirling thing  was deliberate. Considering that they were jumping on the Commonwealth Games and the Bannockburn thing it is laughable.

I may delay my third trip to the Netherlands until September and make it a celebration break. Roll on King Billy's palace visit again! As for that Flower of Scotland dirge I will rephrase the words and send the SNP home again. Bring it on.
"Quit you like men:be strong"