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Topic: Scottish Nationalist ignorance (Read 20659 times)

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #50
You are just like our Yankee chums in that when the truth is too obvious
You wouldn't know what truth was if it was to boot you up the arse.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #51
There you have an historical moment live in DnD, that's how civil wars begins. Historians will quote my words for a long time.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #52
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #53
You are still dancing Luxor and you lot do have an army of ignorant and emotional thugs supporting you and you know too well that what I said about the wee wummin who needs high heels to be seen trying to do a dance on them rabbiting about Europe. Just helping prove my points. Thanks sonny.  :rolleyes:  :hat:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #54
You are still dancing Luxor and you lot do have an army of ignorant and emotional thugs supporting you
Aye so we do petal. If ignorance is bliss, you must be in a very happy place.
Just a wee selection to remind you who the thugs are.

The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #55
Wow, it does seem like Britain is much better place than America and the political process is much more sane with a wide democracy :yes:
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #56
I fervently stick by what I said and the Nationalist were the people way out in front of the intimidation and just because Luxor gives us that drivel does not mean there was not another factual situation. Did the Sturgeon mouth leader get what the Labour Leader got in the street? In Glasgow's George Square where the Nats thought that was their territory Luxor also skips the hard truth that Nats went berserk that Unionists had the nerve to face them. Not only that the Nats climbed all over the Cenotaph War Memorial in George Square, Glasgow and showed complete disrespect waving flags and shouting negative stuff. And Unionists were expectde to regard that as fine?

Mouthy Luxor completely body-swerves the matter of Sturgeon knowing she will not get a 60% Independence rating hence the utter stupidity of going on about Europe. She will not get anywhere with that. On top of that there was a meeting she convened with European immigrants and she emphasised a family that was leaving Scotland over the issue. What she did tell was the same family had been involved in Referendum stuff and because the European thing was lost came up with this stupid nonsense. Sturgeon knows she has a problem with the army of Nationalist infantiles debasing people and has no basis for another vote. Luxor is amongst those emotional clowns. There is a deep deficit which the SNP government has and stats are due out shortly which will only make Luxor even more an obvious participant in those infantiles I mention. But there we are it is a democracy!

So he can slag all he likes because on the economy on debt on independence the SNP are going nowhere and when all those thousands of clowns have it eventually sinking into their limited tartan brains he and they have a big problem so hooray to that!  :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #57
But there we are it is a democracy!
Don't rely too much on that, after Scotland independence nothing will stop you receiving 50 slashes for each DnD post.
I'm counting them.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #58
Looks to see if rj typed anything new... Nope! same old drivel, not that we would expect anything else.
Showed it to a Dormouse and I wasn't surprised at the outcome.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #59
You call it drivel brain shorter as you simply cannot answer of face the basic truths here. The "nationalised" police force is in a mess and the debt is even  greater today and getting worse. The average number of officers in typical shifts right across Scotland is well down. The health service and education problems the debts and the hard truth that the oil industry is no longer something to hijack to boast about income. The terrible street situations I intimated with threats, spitting, cursing and disrespect. Neither are you able to face the other blatant truth about Sturgeon making an ass of herself going on about Europe as there is nothing she can damn well do.She has even been to the Balkans!. She also knows that their position has slipped and cannot guaranteed success in another damn referendum which puts her in a very difficult corner as there are so many damn idiots like you and the other making demands she knows she cannot guarantee. instead you come out with slagging as these things cannot be faced or dealt with. So feel free to do childish tripe as the hard truths are too much to answer of deal with.

So by all means slag me off and be like all those modern Jacobites yakking about independence because you cannot fce what she has to face. That is (in plain terms for you to try and grasp) that she knows getting a 60% surge is out hence her dancing away on the Europe issue which wll go nowhere.

Scotland is in Gt Britain and will remain there. So by all means come on here and try and be pompously stupid and crass because the truth hurts and cannot be vanished.  :P  :yes:

roud to be Scots and British!  :happy:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #60
So, you've decided you don't actually like your "wider" democracy? :)

You also said "roud to be Scots and British"… RJ, you've always and ever been roud. (Your typing merely made you say so… :) You are what you are, and you admit nothing! You're the Sgt. Schultz of Scotland!)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #61
you simply cannot answer of face the basic truths here
Truths! LOL See previous answers thanks.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #62
No you don't answer and making it very obvious you are slipping well into the army of Nats getting frustrating and being held off by your wee bossy woman having to concentrate on Europe in where she is going to get nowhere. The Scots economy report is shortly due and she will make excuses for that. You are her and all your mouthy Jacobites are never going to get 60%. instead of concentrating on the problems such as police, health, education, economics body-swerving is the order of the day.

So it doesn't matter that you circumvent the actual issues because my Unionist tradition will continue and the big changes that seen the Scottish Nose Pickers going down in the recent elections proves a point and also lowers the 60% vain hope. So by all means keep mouthing instead of coping with the truth in this thread. When a right hand woman of Salmond gets done in at that Edinburgh seat is another blow sign along with Ruth Davidson doubling her seats you lot are sooking in with those infantile Green Party entertainers.  Must be galling to realise in the back of the mind that the 60% is gradually getting distant.

Born and living a Unionist!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #63
If you won't celebrate your "wider" democracy, RJ, why do you wish it on us? :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #64
I intimated with threats, spitting, cursing and disrespect.
See, you still don't want to admit the thuggery from the yoons, even though it's there in printed headlines for all to see. Quite understandable I suppose as you wouldn't want to associate yourself with them just in case you know them.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #65
I am not paying any attention to you oakidale on this subject because democracy is a distant practice in your corporate hell hole.

Readers may not that smart alex Luxor is part of that Brigadoon army that Sturgeon is finding hard to control and she has to keep saying something about the possibility of another independence referendum to keep their limited minds under a desperate attempt to control. The reason is that she does know that another attempt at an exit from the UK has as much chance as me kissing the pope's ring. Note this readers.

Scotland handed over half a billion pounds to Europe institutions last year (£528 million in 2015-16) and what came back from Europe? Not much to boast about. Public spending in Scotland is £1,200 a head more than in the rest of the UK so the UK is of more value to Scotland than Europe. The collapse of the oil industry has devastated SNP grandeur economics so it needs Gt Britain more than Europe. Right across the practical spectrum in health, education, transport.roads and the poice is a mess. The nationalisation of the police service has vastly increased the debt being incurred by the Force and internally trying to find some way to operate. There is no way the 1745's mentality is going to succeed and the trend more recently has shown that in a reduction of MSPs the rise of the Scots Tories over Labour and Sturgeon doing all the European trips and talking garbage because another vote would never give what she wants so she is stretching things out for all those emotional nationalistic head-bangers  of which Luxor is a participant.  Every time he slags me off he as the grey cell users will notice he ignores the practical truths I mention here.

Scotland financially needs Britain more than it needs Europe and Scottish "freedom" in control freak Europe would be a disaster. and that individual UK subsidy I mention proves that one very practically!

Proud to be Scottish and British.  :yes:

"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #67
Proud to be Scottish
No you're not, you put Scotland down at every opportunity. A proud Scot would never do that.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.


Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #68
I'm not sure if that smiley is appropriate, @Luxor  :right:

Edit: then again, I just read what it was in response to. I suppose it's essentially more visual in kind. Tut tut you guys! /grandma

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #69
I just read what it was in response to. I suppose it's essentially more visual in kind.
Yep! I thought it better than using the one I was going to use.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #70
The usual snooty guff rom Luxor and kind of natural folks as the SNP mentality is well proved in that they think that Scots not in their corner are almost like traitors. Well when you consider the number of Scots who tally up in voting Conservative & unionist, Labour and liberal democrat that puts all of them in the same corner as me. So his attempt at dismissal is of that corner i intimate.

And that the corner he comes from would be in very serious trouble in an independent Scotland is always ignored as it does not suit the truth. We do far better as part of the United Kingdom and this is 2016 not 1745.  For all his attempt at trying to avoid the practicalities I have given he falls into the same corner as the rest of the Scottish Nose Pickers by being as hard as the legions of the emotional Jacobites that the rest of us are traitors if not SNP.  Anyway Scotland will remain where it is!

I do not need to be a Nationalist  waste of time to be somehow more of a Scot.  :D  :knight:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #71
The usual snooty guff [f]rom Luxor and kind of natural folks […]
who don't agree with Howie
When he advocates a "wider" democracy, he only means for those who agree with him! Typical majoritarian; when they're not in the majority, they prefer dictatorship… :)
Can you emigrate to Russia, RJ? I can't imagine any other place you'd be happy!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #72
this is 2016 not 1745.
Says the man who still lives in 1690.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #73
From the man who lies in `1745 AND 1314......
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #74
Ooft! I think I may have hit a nerve.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.