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Topic: What's Going On In Russia? (Read 45426 times)

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #75
More dross from our resident 20th century resident Jacobite. Some how these tartan crackers think that somehow an independent Scotland would be immune from world problems - oh and the oil which they always over estimate is now in a critical position. This is due to the dramatic price fall and the cost of getting it out of the North Sea.  Since the Jacobites lost in September they have been kept going with fairy tales and think they could have raised the tax threshold and pensions more than the national government. it is all emotion nationalistic bluster and sour grapes.  When tax limits were raised to the £10,000 then it went to another £500 and the government is aiming for a £12,500 threshold. As for dismantling the Welfare State what an utterly leftist and stupid remark that is when one considers the government has pumped more money into it. At the same time it also overdue for tightening up the Social Security thing as it was getting out of control and misused.  It is meant for the needy not an alternative to work. Right now there are more working than befoe and that includes youth. In the private sector wages are now going to rise.

Then falling back to history (typical Jaco stuff) and going on about thatcher. When she gave ordinary people the right to but large numbers of your and mine fellow Scots rushed to buy. So don't give us this nonsense tall Council housing was sold to the private. A barefaced untruth. Large numbers of people who do not own homes are in Housing Associations which are community run organisations dear know little. Here in Glasgow what used to be the City Council Housing is now a Glasgow Housing Association!. And your childish go at your Tory ridicule many of those same associations were aided by the Thatcher government!  And while at it with your emotional political uff about the Tories may I remind you also of this. At the last General Election, the SNP, Labour and conservatives were all polling over the 400,000 mark in Scotland. Because the Tory people were more scattered and the others in tighter areas the appropriate results happened. Some democrat or tolerant you are describing well over 400,000 of fellow Sots scumbags?? Yeah you are right you should shut up and move on.

Meantime in the real world well done President Putin with his excellent 3 hour gift to the media!  As Russia and the far east get closer there will be a broader base in the world but we can expect more hassle from the world dictatorship based in North America.  :D
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #76
Thought for a second there I had inadvertently browsed to the Daily mail web site. Same drivel, easy mistake. 
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #77

The Guardian a lefty, "liberal" paper in steep decline is as dependable as me saying I support the Vatican.

To find support for a personal opinion, look for a news source that supports it and denigrate any other view. Is anybody surprised by that?

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #78
Typical Luxor and like many here who are really lefty inclined on the nationalist front.  The fact that the Daily Mail as a black top sells a high number whatever you think of it is neatly sidestepped. If you lot of over emotional, rabid and frictional lot had won we would have been in some plight. Somehow the country would have been totally different than elsewhere in the financially pressed world. We in the norther part of the Kingdom would have had benefits and dish outs raised and borrowed like hell to pay for it. We were also going to be happy as larry due to oil and that has been proved a laugh. Better sticking to the thread sonny. Salmond is full of nonsense and still hasn't come to terms with getting bounced. What a laugh it would be if he didn't take the north east seat from the Liberal Democrats. And as for that mouth Sturgeon rabbiting about how Salmond would rock Westminster it shows the juvenile emotion of you lot!  Stick to the Sunday Post, Oor Willie and the Broons.  :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #79

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #80
Typical - although I should give you consideration for being so far away from the tartan shortbread mentality.. A long time ago and i repeated it, I stated I don't drink alcohol at all so well done doing the skipping act. Will give you pats on the back  for continuity in that.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #81

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #82
Ha, ha. Typical media absorber. Here we have a Welfare State, msasive public housing. Unemploymen is down, millions out of the tax system, increased pensions and a definitive campaign to reduce the deficit. And you lot? Trillions increasing, unemployment still to be reduced, people who cannot afford doctors or hospitals.

Really, Howie? I would have thought that bringing up the cost of Big Macs at total random was a dead giveaway that it wasn't serious. Who's your favorite poet?  I'll bet it's Edgar Allen Poe

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #84
I understood Howie's post perfectly. He said in part "Typical - although I should give you consideration for being so far away from the tartan shortbread mentality.. "  What he's saying is that tt92's mentality is like plaid cookies. I'm not saying that it makes any sense :left:

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #85
No you haven't Sanguinemoon and that jimbro was well aware of what was being said does show that unfortunately and even more so your down-under pal, unfortunately not able to deal with direct and simple statements! In such discussions the lesser general mind will go into hibernation and dish out some rubbish (a more typical and understandable expression!) scoffing or using pointlessness. Such is life of course but i am concerned that it it gives an embarrassment to you both  in doing the soft shoe shuffle...... :happy:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #86

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #87
What's wrong, tt. Don't understand plain Glasgow?

And speaking of Tartan Shortbread, here's a bit for the holidays.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #88
I had a Glaswegian working for me forty years ago. We could understand each other, up to a point, when he was sober, but when he was drunk even his wife couldn't make out what he was trying to say. He was a good programmer, but became increasingly agitated as lunchtime got closer and he could have his first drinks of the day. His nose was very much on one side of his face, and he attributed that to the fact that he used to go to The Gorbals to pick fights and always seemed to pick left-handers.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #89
What's wrong, tt. Don't understand plain Glasgow?

I don't think that's even Glasgow. I've had clients from that city and their variety of English was clearer to me than many American ones. So, my theory is that's Howie, peculiar dialect that's nearly unintelligible to the rest of the English speaking world.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #90
I know what might help.
:D :D :D :D :D
However, I do wonder what all of this has to do with "What's Going On In Russia?".

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #91
Oh you are trying to be acting an attempt at subtle slagging off there Sanguinemoon. It is of course easy to follow that direction than face the practical or truth. I dare say you are trying to be capable but even anything simple is a sad strain! It is unfortunate that whatever education you got in the ex-colonies it has not matured you yet. You should have taken up a career in variety as a dancer.  :cheers:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #92
Meanwhile, back in Russia the economy continues its collision course with deep reccesion and the American one is looking a five percent growth rate, the highest since 2003. Your man Putin is relic of the USSR. I recommend you both get with the 21st century. However, I'd wager he can speak English instead of whatever language you speak.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #93
Well you HOPE to see an increase so let us wait and see as I pointed out we have had a great unemployment drops, economic growth etc but you have an even harder climb with the constant adding to the trillions.

As for Putin he has an 80% approval rate whereas your President scrapes 40% And what utterly gobblygook political and media braining you have had like too many others. Youre mindset people thought when Communism collapsed and Putin right into that you could add the new Russia into you corner of political and more importantly, corporate and economic control. That didn't happen so the petted lip has developed into downright antagonism. In actual fact when you listen to President Putin away from the big press conferences he is in practice a very clever man and Russia is a far more improved place from the days of the USSR and the long bread queues and such stuff. You like to hit at me for being bias and you should take a long look at yourself boy. And as for straight forward language in that corner you have only copied someone else and didn't think that up yourself.

Your own country is going through a hard time so get on with doing something about it instead of being cannon fodder for devious politicians and corporates who also control everything you pontificate on.  Russia will get back to where it was and it's increasing trade and commerce with China that country that America is up to the ears in debt to (ha, ha the Communists of all people!)and China. Both those nations have stuck their tongues out at Imperial America so tells you something else as well. Gradually Russia will move to the Far east club and it is German industry that will suffer as well as the farming and fruit part of Europe. Not that such bothers the US too much as long as they can control people. So had your lot taken Russia over after the fall of Communism no doubt people like you would be boasting about Russia. Well good for that country to stay independent of your corporate and political corruption! Even Gorbachov whom you became pally with has supported Putin.

So you lost the chance to make money in the new Russia and tough on you!  :hat:
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #94
The amendments that the Duma voted on Friday include introducing prison sentences for failure to report a grave crime and doubling the number of crimes that Russians as young as 14 years old can be prosecuted. Another forces telecommunications companies to store logs and data for months, a measure which threatens to eat almost all of the companies' profits.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #95
The amendments that the Duma voted on Friday include .... telecommunications companies to store logs and data for months, a measure which threatens to eat almost all of the companies' profits.
I can't tell for the entire Free World but I can tell you for sure that telecomunication companies in Germany do also store logs for ten weeks (all server IPs you connect to and all tel. numbers of incoming/outgoing calls with the respective time of day).

Wonder if in your country such logs aren't made without your knowing. ;)
You probably heard about the saying: [sarcasm] We have nothing to hide. [/sarcasm]

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #97
I can't tell for the entire Free World but I can tell you for sure that telecomunication companies in Germany do also store logs for ten weeks (all server IPs you connect to and all tel. numbers of incoming/outgoing calls with the respective time of day).
They do all over the world. This is nothing special. It's a weak point in the article. However, imagine a company facing the other charge - failure to report their customers who are conspiring a crime as seen in the logs...

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #98
Oksanen: Länsstyrelsen utnyttjad i rysk propaganda-TV

An official at Gotland's[1] administration was interviewed about the natural reserves on the island, but later ended up being used as if talking about military preparations against Russia. The Russian channel who conducted the interview and later put together the news story was the Gazprom-owned NTV.

Now, this is common knowledge in the Baltic countries. It's simply how Russian journalism works since early 90's (a heritage from even earlier times, of course). We have policies in place to tackle the issue. We keep lists of outlets and journalists who operate this way, they are branded as propaganda-mongerers and barred from getting press passes. It's a hard work to maintain those lists and to check them every time you get an interview request, but when you have the kind of neighbour you have, you have to do it. Naive happy-go-lucky Swedes are easy prey.
An island county in Sweden

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #99
The little reportage by NTV is here

The relevant moment is at 3:35. The section is about NATO and Swedish military forces building up an attack base in Gotland.