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Topic: What's Going On In Russia? (Read 49093 times)

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #50
There are times when you talk sense Sanguinemoon then you drift into the loopy side of America brainwashing nonsense. May I remind you that it was the people IN Crimea that decided on a Referendum because they had once been part of Russia during Soviet times. For some odd reason the USSR moved it into the the local Soviet Republic of Ukraine. Do you understand that simplicity?? Why do you think most of the population spoke Russian and did not want moved to Ukraine in the first damn place?  There are Russian military who have been stationed in Ukraine for ages as it was brokered in a money agreement and Russia paid much for the provilige . The two south eastern provinces again have Russia as the number one language and again were part of Russia long before the USSR time. in fact they were part of Imperial Russia and the Tsar. Show either how much you don't know or like Republicans get brained into anything your controllers tell you - or maybe you don't want to know.

To try and show Russia as outdoing America on world imperialism is so damn laughable it makes you look a fool.What country has hundreds of bases across the globe, spends have the planet's military costs, has a long history of interference and political intrigue against countries? It isn't Russia and since WW2 you lot have been destroying countries that you cannot control or have your corporates make a fortune while so many Americans starve, homeless and dying due to no insurance.

You are a brilliant example of those over the water who if they cannot control a country will have it invaded and damaged. It is still the Cold war mentality that has never drifted from the US and must remind you that because you have a nation you cannot control espeically for making money you will snipe it. The Crimea referendum was properly run and you cannot take that. Those 2 provinces were kept out of the Kiev loop and serve to lose them. Your political bosses and system is the No 1 bad boy in the worl and Russia is most defitnitely not in the same league as your imperialism, arrogance, and hypocrisy.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #51

So are you suggesting that America should make off with Canada's, then Mexico's territory (after a sham election, of course) in order to "remain a strongly independent nation ."

It would substantially shorten the southern border so it would save money on border security :left:
And it would eliminate the old border so I'm sure the drug lords and their minions will happily vote for joining the US :right:

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #52

So are you suggesting that America should make off with Canada's, then Mexico's territory (after a sham election, of course) in order to "remain a strongly independent nation ."

It would substantially shorten the southern border so it would save money on border security :left:
And it would eliminate the old border so I'm sure the drug lords and their minions will happily vote for joining the US :right:

It would make crossing the border easier, there being no big problems going from one state to another.

However, I've long thought that we ought to absorb Mexico and Canada, and turn them into states. The Mexican drug problem would be easier to deal with. Have to admit, though, that the largest part of the Mexican drug problem has to do with  US drug users, damn their hides!

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #53
The Crimea referendum was properly run and you cannot take that.

Show me an election in which 97% of voters agree on anything and I'll show you a big steaming pile of horseshite, Howie.

Oh, you want more? Okay, then. Not a problem. :yes:

Crimea’s near-unanimous referendum to join the Russian Federation was a “grossly rigged” falsification of a “cynically distorted” populace whose vote was closer to 34 percent, according to former economic policy adviser to the Russia Government Andrey Illarionov.

Illarionov, who is currently a senior fellow at the Cato Institute’s Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity in Washington, DC, recently published on his blog a study of polling done in Crimea over the past three years, in which Illarionov shows support for joining Russia has varied between 23 and 41 percent since 2011, and concludes that “[a]t a minimum, two-thirds of the Crimea did not vote for the joining of Crimea to Putin’s Russia.”


Illarionov’s study referenced several opinion polls conducted by the United Nations, Democratic Initiatives’ Ilka Kucheriv, the Kiev International Institute of Sociology, Research & Branding Group, International Republic Institute, and Gallup.
According to Nezavsimaya Gazeta’s Tatyana Ivzhenko in Moscow, who analyzed poll results nine months ago, Russia had been “losing influence on Crimean residents.” This is a result, Paul Goble, American analyst and former adviser to Secretary of State James Baker on Soviet nationality issues and Baltic affairs, thinks might have influenced Putin’s decision to move into Crimea quickly.

Further recall what I told you before, that given the changing demographic in Crimea, ethnic Russians might not been a majority anymore (although the media reported as such, based on old 2001 data showing 58%, but that percentage had been declining sharply in recent decades.) The Tatars, at 12.1 percent of the population as of 2001 (again, probably higher now) wanted nothing to do with Russia, due to past treatment at the hands of the USSR. Those folks alone serve as evidence that the 97% in favor of joining Russia is a lie.

But what else do you lament? Oh yes, that Crimea didn't want to join the Ukrainian SSR in the first place? Well, expel the most opposed to being part of the Russian SSR and replace them with Russians and you can make that true :yes:

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #54
Getting desperate there Sanguinemoon.

The Guardian a lefty, "liberal" paper in steep decline is as dependable as me saying I support the Vatican.

International observers are better than a media that is bias. You still ignore the matter of majority being Russia and were part of the USSR as I explained simply as you are an ex-colonist Why is okay for the US to be fine with such steps in places it is dong financial business or wants a military base?  They voted properly to get back to where they didn't want to leave and as the Ukraine is in financial meltdown and cannot even pay it's pensioners their payments older folk are better off in their original homeland with bigger pensions.

You are such a wonderful example of the brain dead who just accept what the media say and government influence. If a country cannot be controlled by the US it is automatically a bad place which is laughable the way America runs itself! Russia did help Ukraine financially but your mentality cannot take that in and you lot thought when Communism was overthrown you were in with a shout to make money as you always like to do. That didn't happen so out comes the anti-Russian propaganda. You never think widely but just follow the DC line without question. As you were all brained as you grew up about the Cold War and the USSR it is not surprising the way you are. Ukraine does not need Russia to bring it down it is crumbling all by itself even though Moscow offered help.  Your country unfortunately thinks it is somehow untouchable and the world's beacon, inspiration and if anyone dares challenge that falseness there is hell to be dished out. Only this time you will not get away with it which your politicians and propagandists are angry about.

Russia has no wish to destroy Ukraine or anything near it and suggestion of that is a kindergarten mind approach (you have confirmed that one!). It would be nice if you lot controlled your overbearing nationalism in a patriotic disguise and left others alone. That you lot are constantly creeping up to the Russian territory with that waste of time and out of date NATO club speaks much. You also choose to completely ignore th background of the Ukraine President the wide corruption the SS imitators who went to fight alongside the Ukraine Army and much else as such does not fit in with the rubbish that influences you. The belligerence is coming from DC not Moscow and I am perfectly glad that there is a country that will not bow the knee to an over the top view of it's own importance and devilish stances.

You, meaning your country should spend more time trying to sort out you own widespread failings, disasters, economics, debt, poor, starving and homeless.  That would be in fact far more principled than the insidious stance on the world and Russia.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #55
That you lot are constantly creeping up to the Russian territory with that waste of time and out of date NATO club speaks much.

While Putin and men like him are in power there, NATO is not out of date. How many times does the Putin need to pull the same shit. In Georgia, now Crimea. What's next? Estonia? Latvia, Lithuania perhaps? Not for complete destruction, but to find some area with a Russian majority and lay claim to it.

If you care to learn something for a change, read this . Quickly deteriorating economic conditions.

First thing's first, though.

When history evaluates and casts judgment on the current crisis between Russia and the West, one that will inevitably end with Vladimir Putin leaving the stage, it might find it difficult to ascribe blame and responsibility.

Is the main culprit Putin himself, who determined that the disintegration of the Soviet Union is the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century; who admires Stalin and reinstated the Soviet national anthem with different lyrics; the same Putin who, in the VOLDAI conference in September 2013, said that: The integration of the former Soviet Union into a single geopolitical entity is a key priority for Russia.
Get his goal yet?

Putin’s misguided premise is that the West is politically weak and that the U.S. and President Obama lack resolve and determination and thus will tolerate whatever Russia chooses to do. Much in the same way that Hitler, his army at 50% capacity and preparedness, did not expect that Britain and France would declare war in response to Germany’s invasion of Poland, Putin was not ready for the U.S. and German-led Western decision to impose heavy sanctions. At a time when the Russian military is undergoing a major modernization phase, the French decision to suspend the delivery of a Mistral-class helicopter carrier, already manned by a training contingent of 400 Russian naval personnel, must have come as a huge surprise to Putin.
To be fair to Putin, Republicans in US underestimated Obama as well. So surprise since they both live in the past.

The scale and swiftness of economic deterioration indicates the wide gap between how Putin views Russia, through the rosy-pink lens of his cheerleading choir, and reality: The Russian stock market has collapsed, the ruble’s dramatic devaluation, massive capital flight (at least $120 billion this year alone), galloping inflation that is getting out of control, and a real economy that is dissolving, all may revert Russia to the bleak 1990’s images.
Without a man in charge that longs for the old USSR, Russia would be getting capital investments, not losing them. Russian industrialist and western capitalists alike would be building Russia into a bona fida advanced economy. But no, Putin had to get Crimea and supply rebels for civil war in Ukraine. Oh dear, I did mention western capitalists, huh? I'm sure you consider that a crime, too.

All these signs point to a crumbling Russian economy, perhaps on the verge of collapse because of US-imposed economic sanctions coupled with plunging commodities prices, especially oil. It is no surprise, then, that leading companies such as Rosneft appeal for government assistance, meaning digging into the country’s foreign currency reserves. 

The article goes on to mention empty shore shelves. Further, you like mentioning Ukraine not being able to pay its gas bill. Seems Russia can't meet its foreign debt either.

Oh yes, you like to accuse Kiev of being run by neo-NAZIs.

Putin recently accused the US of provoking conflict and instigating a coup d’etat that replaced the regime in Ukraine. In the fall, Putin had the audacity to justify the Nazi-Soviet pact—the Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement (the invasion of Poland and division of its territory between Germany and the USSR)—and is actively assisting and funding far-right and neo-Nazi groups in Europe.

I don't who you think Putin is, Howie. I do recommend you dispense with any romantic notions of him being a champion of liberty standing up to the supposedly evil West. 

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #56
It is America that stand up for liberty, freedoms and so on Sanguinemoon and your lot have an awful lot of stuff to apologise for.  Yous have used NATO to creep up on Russia and instead accuse them the other way round. Your country always contradicts all those lofty principles time after time. It is not Russia that wants to dominate the world, corrupt governments and if they do no subscribe to your system then heaven help them. Why do you need over 400 bases around the globe? Why ostracise those who don't give in to your corporate greed side? Time after time you have created wars since WW2 and usually left a mess behind. The way America is tun politically is a farce and millions are suffering for it inside the country yet you fall into the usual rubbish when somewhere else is politically or militarily swiped.  You are so damn taken in by all the flag waving mentality over there.  You have a romantic view of your land which is laughable and have the nerve of accusing me following that on Russia! Because Russia will not give in to your arrogance and total hypocrisy as a country that makes them the bad guys. Well good luck to Putin because he will not give in to the machinations of you morally and politically corrupt lot lot.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #57
Nobody wants to "dominate the world." Not the US, not Russia, not Scotland, Irn Bru and all other beverages included.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #58

But what else do you lament? Oh yes, that Crimea didn't want to join the Ukrainian SSR in the first place?

Somehow I doubt there was a vote on the issue. I also doubt that it made any difference to the people living there at the time.
What still gets me about all those 'historical' arguments about Crimea being part of Ukraine or not - most of the member states of the Soviet Union were creatures of the Soviet Union, more or less based on ethnic boundaries. When was the last time there was an independent Ukraine before the Soviet Union came along and created the Ukrainian SSR?
Answer: you'll have to go back to at least before the Mongolian invasion. And back then they didn't control Crimea either - the Byzantine Empire and some allied nomads did.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #59
Eh jimbro? War after war, half the world's military expenditure (plus literally hundreds of miltary bases) - widespread torturing,- picking on places that do not succumb militarily or commercially ? How do you figure that one out?? You might not agree with all that but to think it can be dismissed is definitely odd!

O the Crimea the people there never wanted to be in Ukraine as I stated and those in the two south eastern provinces were part of the traditional Tsarist Empire something I also said. Anyway the referendum was created locally and not because Moscow ordered it and those that try to dismiss what was done properly are daft. Russia has made it clear that they do not want to annex those 2 areas but the mind closed on thes forum are beyond simplicity. It annoys the US Empire that there is somewhere it cannot dominate like elsewhere and instead of accepting that sensibly goes out on a negative stance over Russia. Too many in the ex-colonies a having been brought up with a Cold war thinking find it hard to adapt but equally there are those in America who do see the crassness of political policy re Russia. It is a proud and independent nation will continue to be so live with it.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #60

Nobody wants to "dominate the world." Not the US, not Russia, not Scotland, Irn Bru and all other beverages included.

Are you suggesting that  the Bond films are based on a flawed premise?

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #61
Blond films? Which blond films?

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #62
You must be living in the Outback tt92 throwing in that stuff about the US not wanting to control the world. It spends half the globe's military budget has hundreds of bases gets miffed it any country does not submit to it's corporate interests and profits. If you do then heaven help you as trade will be blocked, government destabilised or an excuse to invade. It creates more terrorism than anyone and in fact has in the past supported terrorists if it suited. Face facts.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #63
I'm sorry I threw in that  stuff about not wanting to control the world.
Wait a moment! I didn't!
It wasn't me!
You cretin. You can't write, you can't even read.
Stick to your knitting.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #64
OK, I admit it. I want to control the world. But, you know how it is.
1. You just can't get good evil henchmen these days. Back in the days of Goldfinger, he had a couple of henchmen that could get the job done. These days-- not so much.
2. That #@%%^^ 007 always cuts in, takes my beautiful temptress girlfriend, and even seems able to persuade my feline companion to turn.
3. Underground hideaways aren't as cheap as they used to be.
4. Ditto the high-tech equipment. Used to be, you could skate by on 1 gigabyte hard-drives, maybe half that in RAM and everything vital could be stored on a couple of floppies. No more, now if you want a decent Evil Mastermind set-up you have to spring for a couple of Cray computers-- and that's just entry level.
5. I'll need a more impressive Evil Mastermind vehicle. Face it, a beat-up 1998 Chevy van won't even make it for selling candy to unsuspecting kids, much less trying to take over the world in it.

Well, I and my evil henchman-- yes, at the moment there's just one-- will have to work on it. Mwa-hahahaha!
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #66
Well she was lucky to get Bond and not the CIA.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #67
The Ruble plummets, and the central bank jacked up their equivalent to the Prime Rate to 17%. source It looks like a downward spiral for the Russian economy. The article briefly touches on way such a high interest rate damages the economy.

Another possible measure:

Restrict the flow of cash: Russian authorities could introduce capital controls -- limits on how individuals and companies can spend and move their cash.
That looks to be severely damaging to the economy as well.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #68
Well everything is not that rosy in the land of the free is it/ Unemployment still a problem a million annually losing homes, 40 million on food stamps and the lower paid really crawking as the rich get richer.

A great proportion of Russia's GDP is oil and with the price so crashingly low has made big inroads but mind you there are industrial companies murmuring about losing their trade with Russia and farm goods another area. None of this effects America of course it is Europe that bends the knee to Washington.  Certainly the Russian economy is suffering but they are a proud people and went through this back in the 1990's and survived. More recently China and Russia continue to trade including Russian oil so they have stuck two fingers up at the stupid ban on Russia. The more the West does the more Russians support their President and his rating is twice what Americans support in their man.  So Russia will continue to be independent and German industry and farming goods across Europe will continue to suffer.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #69
I'm afraid so, Mike.  Since Howie'a opinion is
so important,  we need to do what he approves of.   In this case, that would be taking another country'a territory after a bogus election. The reasons against it that you mentioned are valid,  but we have to please Howie.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #70

I'm afraid so, Mike.  Since Howie'a opinion is
so important,  we need to do what he approves of.   In this case, that would be taking another country'a territory after a bogus election. The reasons against it that you mentioned are valid,  but we have to please Howie.

Hmmm.... I wonder what we can scrape together for some Evil Mastermind equipment. Taking over another country after staging a bogus election isn't as easy as it looks, and at the very least we'll need a credible Propaganda Minister to make it look like we stole the election fair and square.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #71
Propaganda minister? That reminds me of that hilarious Iraqi minister about a decade ago. What's he up to these days?

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #72
Well everything is not that rosy in the land of the free is it/ Unemployment still a problem a million annually losing homes, 40 million on food stamps and the lower paid really crawking as the rich get richer.

With millions impoverished in Britain and many losing their homes or in danger doing so and Big Macs being hideously  expensive in Norway , we should indeed annex former US territory that now belongs to Canada.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #73
Ha, ha. Typical media absorber. Here we have a Welfare State, msasive public housing. Unemploymen is down, millions out of the tax system, increased pensions and a definitive campaign to reduce the deficit. And you lot? Trillions increasing, unemployment still to be reduced, people who cannot afford doctors or hospitals. Our economy is the fastest growing in Europe. You really need to get out more. The only way you lot will get out of your self-imposed mess is to financially collapse and a new world currency to replace it. There again you pout about being the greatest in everything and bang the big drum like a school band so don't try and evade the issue sonny.

Russia is going through the headache because you people don't like being challenged and so hypocritical to smipe at Russia's predicament. Even more so with your internal and external history. Russia is NOT trying to dominate the world with bases everywhere not take over Ukraine. That the US funded the illegal power thing in Kiev is body-swerved and all the countries the US effectively controls. The selfishness of you're country in the sanctions and the Europeans going along with it is shameful. That industrialist )especially in Germany of all places) and farming industries across Europe are all suffering now too means damn all because the USA can get by without any bother to it! That hypocrisy again.

You think you can sit back that anyone else could suffer due to the present oil problem is comfortable because you sneeringly think you have shale gas for a century. However it seems that some experts over there are saying it could actually only last 10 to 15 years so look forward to that chum. Ordinary Russians know there is a problem but one woman interviewed on a Moscow Street kind of summed up an wide attitude. She said that she was aware that the US led West was trying to get at President Putin and such but that she and her compatriots were patriotic (as Russians have always naturally been). In addition that their President was a patriot too and the right man to lead them. That 80% of Russians support Putin is a niggle to America and it's West poodles and any chance to snipe will be made. What is the US President's latest poll?? However once Russia gets by they now have great agreements with China and India (world's biggest democracy - not the word "democracy"). Those two have had the sense to avoid America which has never really left the old Cold War days. Someone should let ordinary Americans know that the USSR is no longer around! For a country with trillions in debt - so much in hawk to Communist China (there's a hoot and Senator McCarthy will be turning in his grave!) to try and take the moral high ground is something else!

I am a long appreciator of Russian history and historically a Tsarist but Putin is a great Russian so well done to him!  They should make him Emperor! :lol: :hat: :yes:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #74
Here we have a Welfare State,

Which the Tory party are dismantling.

msasive public housing.

No we don't. Because of Thatcher, most of them were sold to private owners,

Unemploymen is down

Because people are being forced to take jobs with zero hour contracts. But hey it makes them unemployment figures look good for the Tory scumbags.

millions out of the tax system,

Because peoples wages are so low,

increased pensions

A minuscule amount, but because of rising costs in food and energy, the pensioners are worse off in real terms.

Just thought I would add my tuppence worth, in case anyone thought britain (the lower case 'b' is intentional), was the land of milk and honey.
This is though. So I'll say no more.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.