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Topic: What's Going On In Russia? (Read 51418 times)

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #101
Way to show the world he plans on making the US an untrustworthy ally. Okay, GOP the joke's over. Nice long prank :lol: Now get that jackass off the stage and show us the real candidate.  Or maybe I'm having a long nightmare that an assclown reality show star that is orange for some reason could become president. (maybe the orange is assclown face makeup? :confused: ) I hope the second option is the correct one, but fear it isn't even an elaborate prank by the GOP.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #102
(Technically I suppose this is going on in America, but it seems more appropriate here.)
Why is it more appropiate here?
Is Trump a Russian citizen or have you got proof that Russia is planning to invade the Baltic states?  :left:

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #103
Nobody has "proof." But Trump throwing around statements like that just to appeal to the GOP base makes it more likely that Putin would pull something during a hypothetical Trump presidency. The rest of us remember their wasn't "proof" of what Putin was doing in Ukraine and Crimea until it was too late.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #104
@midnight raccoon

Firstly, my question was addressed to Frenzie. I don't think you're his alter ego.
Secondly, the entire mess we have now in the Ukraine is the result of the US staged putsch there. (F*ck the EU).
It was a signed agreement between representatives of the EU, Russia and the Ukraine. The USA blowed up that agreement with the help of the Right Sector 48 hours later...
Without Russian help the Crimeans would have never had a chance of a referendum. Thanks to Russia it was a peaceful secession without a single shot fired.
Too peaceful for some... Some would have preferred instead a bloody civil war as in Donetsk and Luhansk.
The Ukraine is bankrupt but its new 'democratic' leadership can still afford a civil war. Therefore part of my tax money is flowing thither. Yours not. Yours would be used at best to poison the situation there even more.

BTW, as disturbing it may sound to you, Crimeans are happy for leaving the mess and for enjoying their life in peace.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #105
My wife informed me that Trump said Russia can have the Baltic states:
Actually, he said (and it's stated in the article too) "If [the Baltic countries] fulfil their obligations to us..." The politicians here are quite upset at the suggestion that any of the Baltic countries somehow owes something to the US or that somebody is not fulfilling their obligations.

Of course, it basically also means what you(r wife) said: If Russia attacked the Baltic countries, Trump would not care. As Jax once said, the Baltic countries have "not worth it" written all over them. Jax meant of course that this is why Putin would not attack, but now that Trump has indirectly declared that the Baltic countries are on their own, nevermind Nato, then why should Putin restrain himself?

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #106
Why is it more appropiate here?
Is Trump a Russian citizen or have you got proof that Russia is planning to invade the Baltic states?   :left:
Because I forgot about our "Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland" topic and it's a lot further down while skimming topic titles. Or more concretely, because it concerns the Baltic states and Russia even if technically it isn't going on in either of those places.

And lest you forgot, the former Baltic provinces have faced increasing incursions by aircraft and submarines since 2014 (remember, e.g., this). The symbolically important NATO response you decry and Trump poopoos is meant to prevent such Russian provocations from one day turning into something more.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #107
Actually, he said
Well, that's why I give my interpretation with a link to a source as opposed to *cough, cough* "I heard it on TV". :D But I should've written "Trump effectively said.

but now that Trump has indirectly declared that the Baltic countries are on their own, nevermind Nato, then why should Putin restrain himself?
Because NATO - US = Canada + Europe? :P

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #108
Because NATO - US = Canada + Europe? :P
This is not how alliances work. Without USA there will be no NATO. Would there be EU without Germany? Or CIS without Russia?

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #109
This is not how alliances work.
It seems you're confusing "alliance" with marriage, when you should be conflating it with civil partnership! :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #110
Firstly, my question was addressed to Frenzie. I don't think you're his alter ego.
Secondly, the entire mess we have now in the Ukraine is the result of the US staged putsch there. (F*ck the EU).
Firstly, this a public forum. Anybody can post.
Secondly, who was again occupied Crimea and held a bogus referendum and even lied that unmarked uniforms were there's and latter had to admit it.
Without Russian help the Crimeans would have never had a chance of a referendum.
That  was conquest and annexation. Snatching up another country's territory is "help?"
The Ukraine is bankrupt but its new 'democratic' leadership can still afford a civil war.
A civil war egged on by Russian troops in the eastern part of the country, which also helped destroy the economy.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #111
This is not how alliances work. Without USA there will be no NATO. Would there be EU without Germany? Or CIS without Russia?
Perhaps Canada is too optimistic, but the tighter integration of European armed forces has little to do with NATO. EU without Germany? Hard to say given the original purpose of the EU was centered around Germany. I imagine a western EU (or perhaps rather, a 1980s EU without Germany and the UK) might well continue to exist. Much of the eastward expansion was under pressure from the UK anyway, even though now the hypocrites decided to leave instead of facing the (actually positive!) consequences of their own actions.

The CIS is a rather different story. I suppose you mean to imply that Russia is to CIS as the US is to NATO. Well, I guess there might be something to that. The Dutch army hasn't independently implemented a proper operation since Indonesia, and that was shameful. (Not militarily, but morally.) On the flip-side, when's the last time Russia did anything noteworthy since Afghanistan? The simple fact is that the American army is the most competent or at least the most practiced, but therefore also most overconfident army on the planet. Our chances may well be better without their expert certainty in supreme American military planning and technology. Remember, Americans train under the assumption that the enemy has inferior technology. The (potential) enemy does not, and neither do we.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #112
More and more interesting, Frenzie:) (And let's hope we all survive the next four years of Trump or Clinton! :( )
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #113
(And let's hope we all survive the next four years of Trump or Clinton!  :(  )
In practice, in spite of all the hubbub I don't think American policy really differs that much from one administration to the other. Regardless of your perspective, Bush or Obama was fairly unsuccessful at destroying or improving the place. Of course, under the separation of powers that is pretty much how it should be.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #114
Of course, under the separation of powers that is pretty much how it should be.
So: You do recognize that the American Congress has shirked its duties?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #115
Putin is riding a bear. That's the last post about What's Going On In Russia.

The moderators are sleeping?
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #116
The symbolically important NATO response you decry and Trump poopoos is meant to prevent such Russian provocations from one day turning into something more.
Russia has enough Lebensraum. They don't need the Baltic states. Another thing they don't need are US nukes stationed in front of their nose.
As for the symbolic sabre-rattling which you call an important NATO response, its only aim is to poison European - Russian relations.
A strong Europe in good relations with Russia would be a partner more difficult 'to handle' than a divided one.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #118
Another thing they don't need are US nukes stationed in front of their nose.
Ohh, they have already the German nukes ready for them...
By the way, are you already allowed to have just a simple army? last time I checked you were not. Consequences of your nazi past.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #119
The moderators are sleeping?
Which moderators?
The admin has just successfully resurrected the thread, ;)
Psst, @ersi posted first. :P In any case, it's policy not to moderate topics in which you're participating, excepting spam and other blatantly obvious violations of the rules. But in any case, looks like par for the course in my book.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #120
anywhere that does not bend the knee to the corporate/political control that runs America can expect propaganda against them, economic sanctions, de-stabilising or even invasion. Small wonder the US has so many in uniform being so imperialist and hundreds of bases for "protection." How insulting to the intelligence but you can get away with that in America. When corporate America could not get control of the new capitalist Russia that was the scene for bashing the bear. Well good for russia that it maintains it's independence so well done Putin!

"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #121
Have you heard of the Yarovaya Law 

The part about stripping Russian nationals of their citizenship has supposedly be taken out but:

Heated discussions around this scandalous amendment on the other hand diverted media and public attention from other extremely worrying provisions of the Yarovaya Law that require serious debate and evaluation for their compliance with basic human rights protections. They include:

- Requiring cellular and Internet providers to store all communications data in full for six months and all metadata for three years in the interests of the security services (who cares about the costs, not to mention the right to privacy);

- Making cryptographic backdoors mandatory in all messaging applications (who cares if WhatsApp and many others don’t even hold encryption keys… not to mention the right to privacy);

- Banning proselytizing, preaching, praying, or disseminating religious materials outside of “specially designated places,” like officially recognized religion institutions (who cares about freedom of conscience); and

- Reviving the infamous Soviet norm on criminal liability for failure to report to law enforcement authorities that someone else “has been planning, is perpetrating, or has perpetrated” certain types of crime, and yes,  just like in the Soviet times, it could mean that a priest, for example, will be under obligation to report on what he hears during confession. At the same time, it’s not clear what “planning” stands for or what level of knowledge needs to be proved to hold a person liable.
Still well good for Russia? Keep in mind this just one of many laws.

I hope you don't somehow think Russia is somehow freer than the West or has a "wider democracy" because this clearly isn't the case. And don't bother just claiming this is propaganda without being able to demonstrate the info provided is not correct. (This site isn't loyal to any country, just to human rights. Here's an article about US police killings for example . )
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #122
Have you heard of the Yarovaya Law 
I mentioned the very same law earlier in this thread.

Irina Yarovaya is a Zhirinovsky-type figure in Russian politics. For example, here she carefully explains that learning foreign languages is a threat to Russian values Edit: Unfortunately she cannot be dismissed as a clown. This year she pushed through the data-spying law, but earlier she has pushed through a law on politically correct (in the Russian sense) history-writing. For example, the law states that Russia's role in WWII was to act as a liberator and failure to present history from this perspective is punishable with up to five years in prison. Here's some discussion about it /edit

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #123
Whilst one is pushing a spying law  on its own people, the other spies on the entire world without the need of any law. :devil:

What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #124
Is it a democratic state or a floundering proto-Soviet empire wannabe? I'm sure there are many here who will be more than willing to enlighten me.

The idea for this thread came to me when I saw this photo in a journal that I subscribe to, Foreign Policy.

The photo appears to have been taken in a Russian store.