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Should Scotland be an independent country?

[ 8 ] (57.1%)
[ 6 ] (42.9%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Topic: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time (Read 99771 times)

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #26
Lucky you Josh.

You hiding the school matter Luxor - uh? Good attempt at an adult subtly. Typical of youth who are usually radical and think they can set the world right. When you see them decades later they get embarrassed when you remind them of youth.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #27
Can I vote? :)
Be men. Get rid of English queens, get yourself a decent King and attack Germany by the NorthWest.
I'll attack by the SouthWest, so they have no place to escape except to run away to where they come from, far than Russia.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #28
You hiding the school matter Luxor - uh?

Nothing to hide unfortunately for you. Sorry to disappoint you, but the feeling will pass and you'll get over it.

Be men. Get rid of English queens,

Get rid of all royalty and you'll have my vote. May I suggest the French way of getting rid of them.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #30
Do you mean "quean"?

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #31
“Scottish independence will bring Voldemort back” claims Lord Robertson

In a truly apocalyptic speech given in the United States former defence secretary and Nato chief Lord Robertson claimed that Voldemort would rise again if Scotland becomes independent. Citing “forces of darkness” and “cataclysmic” effects Lord Robertson warned that life as we know it would end if the union between England and Scotland is rent asunder.

“It will be Hell!” he roared at a stunned audience. “Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes! The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together…mass hysteria!”

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #32
I doubt very much that Scotland exists.
Besides vague rumors of monsters in lakes and, so it seems, men wearing skirts, never saw any real proof that the place wasn't totally imaginary.
I don't believe that whisky comes from there.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #33
I doubt very much that Scotland exists.

Then doubt no more. 

Besides vague rumors of monsters in lakes

Yeah! That's a load of nonsense that one. Brings in the tourists though.

and, so it seems, men wearing skirts,

I've only ever seen them at weddings, not mine though I hasten to add.

I don't believe that whisky comes from there.

I could go on a fact finding tour (if you would care to fund it) and visit a few distilleries if you like, just to prove it is from here. I would derive no pleasure from it at all of course.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #34
Now how is that for a revelation - I would get luxor's vote if I did away with Royalty?! Ha ha. The SNP leader years ago was a left wing Socialist firebrand but he is canny enough now to try and not disrupt things too much on the Monarchy. No doubt if we still had a Stuart line there would be a different take on this one. Anyway as well illustrated the Monarch has connections both north and south and isn't going anywhere. When that mother, Salmod gets an 80% rating come back on that one!

The onl person worse than Salmond is that female No 2 who always look up at him like watching a film star. We do not always get the answers from the man and for example on currency he simply dismisses the nehative as if it was fiction. Having been told both by the parties in the Coaltion UK government and th opposition he isn't getting co-operation he has noo plan B. Of course you could have an independent Scotland  like scores all over the world buyt it doesn't automatically mean they are all fine. Trying to hit us with Norway now is yet another non-starter. One simply cannot fuse another nation's style and tradition to someone else's. He used to go all out to show how Ireland was a tiger but doesn';t now he just moves to something else in lieu of sense.

There will be another pro-Union parade and rally this year and will as before dwarf the stealers of our Saltire Edinburgh bash!  :yes:  :happy:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #35
By the way Belfrager. On that Loch Ness monster I fear that jimbro has something to do with that hoary tale. It is a roundabout sneaky kick and wouldn't be surprised it a US sub is the cause.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #36
Now how is that for a revelation - I would get luxor's vote if I did away with Royalty?

No you wouldn't get it, that would be a wasted vote. Only people of sound mind need apply.   :P
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #37
Cop out if ever there was one. As for those of a sound mind don't look in the mirror and get let down. Nah, maybe you should get used to getting let down before September is reached.

Anyway for the grown-ups, Salmond will toady to anyone as will his camp follower, Sturgeon. He toadied in with Cardinal O'Brien for RC votes but got spoiled a bit when that prince  man got caught trying to seduce young priests. Haha, very funny. Salmond also scoffs and rubbishes Conservatives which shows a combination of stupidity or ignorance as 400,000 for for them. She is now trying to undercut the No organisation by saying that it would help Labour to be in an independent Scotland. She actually has enough grey cells to know that things are not going to be that easy for her and her trartan emotionals. No alternative currency, no automatic entry to the EEC, declining oil revenue, caught out in 2013 with wrong educational figures (Salmond and his Educ minister had to go back to parliament and apologise), Orkney & Shetland muttering about a referendum to leave Scotland if independence arrived. It is all about slogans - anyone remember "Scotland Free in '83"?? Slogans and superficial statements with little to back their waffle to anything deep. When in a corner the SNP gets nippy and sneering and Westminster at fault if it snows!

There have always been a body of people in this northern part of the Kingdom (how they have changed on that one too!) where emotional stuff is gurgled out to daft Scots. Indeed there was a airing of their view that they could perhaps do well in lower working class areas. In practice that is an admission they think people in that strat are easy to fool. Unfortunately that is also the group who vote less than others. This would-be variation of the Jacobite lot need to be shoved in a corner this September. They lost in 1715 and again in 1745 because more Scots were agin 'em than for them.  Right across the country after the last local elections even in Councils where the SNP were marginally with the most councillors they got niggled when various combinations of Labour, Conservative, LibDem had coalitions to keep them out.

It was one thing getting the Edinburgh Parliament  majority in MEP's but how come there is no parallel with MPS?? It is handy for a flight of fancy on an issue or a protest vote but when the hard stuff comes they are nowhere.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #38
Cop out if ever there was one. As for those of a sound mind don't look in the mirror and get let down. Nah, maybe you should get used to getting let down before September is reached.

If the people of Scotland vote no, then I will be disappointed of course and there's nothing wrong with that. But I will accept the loss and get on with my life.
I can only dread to imagine how you and your ilk will deal with defeat if it goes the other way. Such is the hatred of the SNP that emanates from you all. Too thick to understand this is a referendum and not an election. Voting yes is not a vote for the SNP you dummies.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #39
Let's model possible scenarios, huh?;)
1. Libya. Scotland goes wild, field commanders from different factions - and simply just "robinhoods" - roam the shires from Ayr to Aberdeen and beyond! NATO sends heavy bombers to restore the No-Fly-Zone in order! Plunder! Hunger! Desolation of Smaug.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #40
Scotland goes wild,

Not much chance of that Josh. Maybe in one certain city on the west coast, but it can be like a war zone there at the best of times.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.


Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #42
[O'k, take it easy, myself, that one's just joking...]
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #43
Oh dear Luxor you fail to see the thickness of your own corner. Salmond and his idolising deputy are going flat out as if it WAS an election. Anyway it IS more important than the routine as the whole future is involved.  It is always amusing that those who credit themselves with being aloof brain wise so easily slip into the hat word so easily. I have to remind yet again that the majority of scurrilous and deplorable hate has been on the net from your lot of Brigadoons. You try to act as if you are all above board and scrupulously moral and the media shows something else. In trying to take some odd high ground you ignore the SNP leader who a couple of years ago aimed for the RC vote hence  the cardinal becoming a pal. Now Sturgeon is after the labout vote in desperation. Facts dismiss your  waffle.

You have your basic right of opinion as I have nine but don't give us this attempt at innocence. One just has to watch the way Salmond acts towards opposition politicians to show you are somewhat distant from reality. He sneers, bullies and is contemptuous. so if looking for thickos look closer to home! Personally, I have had a long local political involvement and stood in city elections  so I don't need to act like a smug youth!  Anyway if you are not concerned about a No vote shows something else and it will make things easier for you to get on with life!  :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #45
So actually reading has its perks. Good to know.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #46
I have to remind yet again that the majority of scurrilous and deplorable hate has been on the net from your lot of Brigadoons.

Aye it's always someone else isn't it. A big boy did it and ran away. 
Take of your blinkers, I've seen enough of the vile crap that the bitter together mob have been spouting. Nothing but threats and intimidation, acting like the Neanderthals they are.
you ignore the SNP leader who a couple of years ago aimed for the RC vote hence  the cardinal becoming a pal.

What's wrong with going after the RC vote? Regardless of their political leanings, isn't it the job of any politician to get all people on their side?
Jeez you're unbelievable.
Personally, I have had a long local political involvement and stood in city elections

Apart from yourself, who really cares?
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #47
You obviously care although dishing out dross here. What is wrong with going after a religious vote? I can just imagine the uproar if someone went after the Protestant vote. He went after this corner because of it's long inherent links with Irish immigration here and a ground for getting an anti-British vote. So kind of see where you are coming fromon that one. Why not included them? Now Salmond his luvvy duvvy, Sturgeon are going after the Labour voterssaying how they have all the same value. For Heaven's sake how pathetic and desperate are your lot. Not satisfied with trying to get the Labour support (even though he goes after labour with a vengeance and showing hypocrisy) he rubbishes the Tories even though they have hundreds of thousands of votes. Talk about a joke.

Now let's inform all just on further truths - the 670 page "Scotland's Future" white paper.

Only 52,216 people asked for a copy which is 1.3% of the population.
It appears a mere 2.2% of households bothered with it.
Some 2,600 from England asked for a copy - 136 from Wales 108 from Ulster and 29 outside the UK!

Digitally they did better with 58,00 worlwide but that makes no difference to voters here.
So in essence the whole publication was a waste of time and money and the lack of interest tells us something very basic.
After continual pressure they admitted £800,000 was spent on it plus £60,000 on translations. However the SNP is still reluctant to give out info on newspaper and hoarding costs. The Nationalists accuse and sneer at any challenges to them as if the attackers are anti-Scots. It is an easy way to avoid the answers.  Now a poll has said that the majority of Scots say that in a No vote the SNP would be better forgetting about trying to repeat their loss and work with others to have more powers for Edinburgh. On that basis the SNP would fall back on their base core vote and the protest part go home.

I remain a proud Scot but not an emotional joke.  :yes:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #48
You obviously care

Nope! Seriously I don't. 

although dishing out dross here.

Mr Pot I'd like to introduce you to Mr Kettle... 
What is wrong with going after a religious vote? I can just imagine the uproar if someone went after the Protestant vote.

Why would there be an uproar? Protestant, Catholic, Jew, Muslim, etc, it shouldn't make the slightest difference. You must have issues if you think that's a problem.

I remain a proud Scot

Nothing wrong with that, I'm one too.

but not an emotional joke

Yep! You could drop the emotional bit in that sentence right enough.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #49
A Question to you two. There are many Scots living in the rest of the UK. They do not have a vote.


Is it any sort of issue in the election?