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Topic: bugs (Read 98869 times)


okay I finnaly duped Pale Moon and replaced it with Otter
as this lil browser is so fast in script loadings and leaves such little memory footprint

BUT, i stumbled upon 1 problem, yeah yeah i know its hated, but on facebook
it always gives me "chat disconnected, check your internet connection", which shouldn't happen
so my question is WHY and how to enable it ?
i don't have anything blocking scripts in otter nor nothing under content blocking
i only use "do not track"

and 1 obvious bug,
otter doesn't remember default zoom level
mine is set to 130% in settings, but it always reverts to 100%

I'm using portable version 0.9.04 #49

Re: question + 1 bug

Reply #1
I have the same issue with Facebook here, also.

Re: question + 1 bug

Reply #2
@exley, standard procedure, which Qt version and system are you using?
In case of facebook it could help to mask as Chrome (you can set that in Website preferences for their domain).

I see that zoom issue only in case of empty tabs, since they don't have history and zoom is saved per history entry.
In this case 100% was used as fallback, it's fixed now.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: question + 1 bug

Reply #3
hi Emdek & thanks for such quick reply

the problem seems to be random, as changing user agents (and even going back to default)
sometimes enables the chat and sometimes disables it
although funnily Chrome mask totaly breaks facebook :P

as for info:
OS: Win7 SP1 32bit
Otter: 0.9.04 #49
QT: 5.3.2
webkit inside: 538.1

Re: question + 1 bug

Reply #4
How about masking as Safari?

Re: question + 1 bug

Reply #5
all except Chrome give same result

Re: question + 1 bug

Reply #6
@exley, maybe they are caching something?
Try to remove cookies and clear cache after changing User Agent and then reload, maybe it will help.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: question + 1 bug

Reply #7
well removing cookies asks for re-log in, which is the same as page refresh "effect"
and removing cache (manual deletion), makes no difference

in fact, now it constantly disconnects me from chat, which is weird O_o

Re: question + 1 bug

Reply #8
@exley, I'm out of ideas, I guess that we will have to wait for more mature version of QtWebEngine.
Or one last chance, have you tried weekly #50? QtWebKit from Qt 5.4 has various fixes, there is chance that this issue might be gone.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: question + 1 bug

Reply #9
bug with facebook "live chat" still remains with #50
the zoom one got fixed -> nice !!!

also i noticed 2 more simple bugs, dunno if they existed before

1.if you do right click on image and do "open image", you get new tab opened with blank page
2. if you rclick -> save image, you get dialog for save, but no extension is ever saved, nor
does dialog offer one, nor one is assigned at the end of file name
(tested for both JPG and PNG)

at least this is on portable #50 the issues

Re: question + 1 bug

Reply #10
@exley, indeed, they appear to be Windows specific, it seems that we cannot rely on QWebPage::OpenImageInNewWindow which was to be expected after another built-in action from QtWebKit (QWebPage::OpenLinkInNewWindow) started to fail there.
Lack of file extension is intriguing, I'll take a look into this issue.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: question + 1 bug

Reply #11
hahah I think I found what is the problem with facebook live chat
it is so stupid... and it is infact webkit engine side problem

since all your friends apear on right side in a list, dunno if its TABLE or DIV object
if your page zoom is so high, that that html object "gets out" of your screen, it will show
"chat disconnected" and you lose your list/object from right side
if you zoom OUT to such % that object "fits back" into screen, you will be presented back
with friend list and chat will work :P

my screen resolution is 1600x900,
it triggers the bug when zoom is at 127% (and above)
but works with 125% and less

Re: question + 1 bug

Reply #12
@exley, then it could be a good idea to try solve this issue with some user CSS, as long as they don't use any in-line styles set by scripts etc.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: question + 1 bug

Reply #13
@exley, that missing file extension is result of "feature" (or bug by design) to hide file extensions of known file types...
Setting it to sane value in explorer fixes that issue, nothing can be done about that.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: question + 1 bug

Reply #14

hahah I think I found what is the problem with facebook live chat
it is so stupid... and it is infact webkit engine side problem

since all your friends apear on right side in a list, dunno if its TABLE or DIV object
if your page zoom is so high, that that html object "gets out" of your screen, it will show
"chat disconnected" and you lose your list/object from right side
if you zoom OUT to such % that object "fits back" into screen, you will be presented back
with friend list and chat will work :P

my screen resolution is 1600x900,
it triggers the bug when zoom is at 127% (and above)
but works with 125% and less

When I zoom out, I can now see all that you say, but chat remains disconnected for me.

Re: question + 1 bug

Reply #15
did you try to zoom out to small percentage ?

I noticed another bug with Otter, now beta4, for instance if you go to
to upload multi images, when Open dialog appears, user can only select 1 file,
while for instance in old Opera 11 you can do multiple files, I don't think QT uses
win32 default open/save dialog at all, as there is still also issues with saving images

Re: question + 1 bug

Reply #17
ah nice !!!
thank you :D

Re: bugs

Reply #18
heres another more of a quirk than bug report, for latest release
when you have bunch of tabs opened the X button gets centered
thus hard to click on tabs... like so:

also last release again has problem with saving images (dialog)
if you do again rclick on image it offers "save as all files"
user has to manually put in .jpg or whatever ... extension

++ a question, how do we disable mouse commands (rclick drag actions) ?

Re: bugs

Reply #19
@exley, that tab bar issue will have to wait for:

That issue with Save Dialog is kind of "feature" under Windows, to hide known file extensions, AFAIK works fine after disabling it.
We could try harder to workaround it.

For now you can go to about:config and set Browser/GesturesProfilesOrder to empty string.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: bugs

Reply #20
for #1 its ok just wanted to point it out :P

for #2, its not about hiding extension but if you hit "save", you get just saved "file" with no extension, dunno if this is QT problem itself or qtwebkit but should behave differently

for #3 thanks :D

Re: bugs

Reply #21
for #2, its not about hiding extension but if you hit "save", you get just saved "file" with no extension, dunno if this is QT problem itself or qtwebkit but should behave differently

Yes, but it's direct result of that feature. ;-)
Although most likely something wrong on our side too (possibly querying wrong property to get resulting path or something like that).
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: bugs

Reply #22
well, I don't want to seem like a-hole, since i love what youre doing for all of "us" here
but I think its on either qt or dev side-problem

if you do any save via link of no matter what file
or simple rclick save for any image, with ordinary opera (11/12)
in save dialog - the extension will still be not given after file name
but below on "drop down control", it will say "Archive/zip file" or "Image/PNG file" or "Video/MP4 file"
and thus it is reckognised and saved properly while Otter only provides "All files"
and therefore user always gets non-extensioned file saved

Re: bugs

Reply #23
@exley, we could try to do something more here (gets full path with extension):

This one returns absolute path (returns it without extension if it is known to Windows, with default settings):

As noted, it works just fine after disabling option to hide known file extensions in Windows Explorer, no idea why it was decided to do the same for save dialog, adding extra entry to filters with extension might solve it but also might not. :-/
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.


Re: bugs

Reply #24
I know nothing of programming :D
but by logic, if you can make it "read"/detect extensions (no matter what file type)
then that should work, since obviously this auto detect via windows OS doesn't work