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Topic: Is there a police psychology problem?? (Read 114746 times)

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #401
Yes jimbro something in that. We travelled the world and proved to be great administrators, etc but the lot who are running the country today are a mindless bunch of tartan Brigadoons
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #402
I hate it when you agree with me!

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #403
Isn't life a challenge and making you sigh will be a wonderment to muse on.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #404
In Wilmington the police shot a man whom they had chased. Seems he had tried to get cough syrup with a fals prescription. When they got to the man he was ordered to put his hands up which he did not do but instead he pointed a finger at the police maybe pretending he was imitating firing but they pumped 9 bullets at him.

The man was in a wheel chair.Of the rapidly approaching 900 killed this year 12 officers have been arrested. Roll on Police State staus

"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #405
Now a further 2 policemen arrested for what they did in a car chase. They pumped a fusillade of bullets in a car chase and when the vehicle stopped the 6-year old have multiple bullets in him which killed the child.The chased car had no gun. Police mentality continues.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #406
It is worse as it seems the man in the car had his hands up. Police State marches on.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #407
Meanwhile, in Edinburgh, knife attacks continue.

A LEADING solicitor has told a court that he was the victim of a daylight robbery bid in Edinburgh city centre.

Civil law expert Charles McGregor told a jury yesterday police took a long time to respond to the alleged incident, given that it happened around the corner from a police station.

Mr McGregor, 48, said a man barged into him and demanded he hand over his wallet outside his office at lunchtime.

To Mr McGregor’s horror, his assailant then pulled out a knife and slashed him across the cheek, sending his glasses flying, he said.

Read more:

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #408
Flying glasses is an absolute outrage.

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #409
You are really damaging your intellect with that stuff jimbro. It is the wide police problems you have that are away ahead of everywhere. No comparison at all and I am surprised that someone of your intellect comes away with something a limited grey cell would produce (even allowing for the subtle Edinburgh thing!).

It is your corner where so many loose brained police go about too quick to shoot and often unarmed people time after time. Now with military vehicles, armoured cars, gear, etc. No comparison whatsover. Does not bode well for the future and does the country's image no good whatsover and self-created.  The flawed police issue is a long and deep one which ion the past could be partly kept from many but the modern mobile phone only now proves what has been going on for decades.  I wouldn't trust many of them with a pea shooter.
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #410
Will you explain or excuse what happened in ROTHERHAM, England, RJ?

Of course, you'll say that was England! But you Scots are very tight-lipped… (And you voted to remain a united country; you must share a common ethic. No?)

There's a psychology problem: Liberals prefer to champion those who hurt people, either for fun or for profit. (I admit, I don't quite understand why…) And they find any excuse to denigrate "conservatives" who'd hold such responsible (…can we still use that word?).
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #411
Are you drunk or just plain daft Oakdale??

How that is equable to a police that you have in so many places that act like the servants of a Police State? Your police are armed, dangerous, beaters of people and so many killing incidents - including of unarmed people. That has been going on for donkey years and is only more known now  due (as I said) to mobile phones. You have tried this silliness before and obviously making it obvious you cannot explain the widespread misuse of power by so much of your police force. Try answering that and why such a land of the free and home of the brave the police need to be like soldiers and have army vehicles. You have well proved the police issue you have by your inability to face the truth. In a country that is gun mad the police are well part of that disastrous stance. What a damning stance for a modern country and you try and do a dance with such a national and very deep problem for decades.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #412
And the latest police killing (I think it is as they happen so often) is the man (wadda ye know, black) who was gunned down. Seems in an incident during an arrest he was intervening with ambulance men picking someone up and it is being said he was gunned??
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #413

And the latest police killing (I think it is as they happen so often) is the man (wadda ye know, black) who was gunned down. Seems in an incident during an arrest he was intervening with ambulance men picking someone up and it is being said he was gunned??

Blacks are not the only people that get gunned down here. There have been plenty of white people that share the same fate. The media only shares stories that have the most controversy behind them. Media is mostly negative. Annnnnd....."ambulance men" are actually referred to as paramedics/EMTs. You're welcome.  ;)

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #414
Well you call the crews what you want I am British so ambulance men! And yes whites are shot down to but you are neatly trying a fast one. The vast majority f shootings Do involve blacks so a neat try in what you allege. With a country rapidly looking like a Police State anything abounds. The other night I was watching an enjoable programme about my interest - passenger trains. It is a regular prog and at London Euston it covered one of the uniformed staff who was a supervisor (oooh, you have them too). Now there was an incident with some football supporters heading home to Manchester and a couple were arguing with the police. The woman supervisor was an American as it happens and she turned to the camera and said that she was taken aback. She added that in her country the police would not stand anyone disagreeing with them. Made me smile.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #415
The vast majority of shootings Do involve blacks so a neat try in what you allege.
Uh, no; they don't. Just the vast majority of incidents your (and our) media choose to report do
“Adjusted for the homicide rate, whites are 1.7 times more likely than blacks die at the hands of police,” he [Mr. Moskos] said. “Adjusted for the racial disparity at which police are feloniously killed, whites are 1.3 times more likely than blacks to die at the hands of police. Mr. Moskos listed two possible reasons for the racial disparity. The first is that police assigned to largely black neighborhoods face “more political fallout when they shoot, and thus receive better training and are less inclined to shoot.”
The second is that police assigned to black communities with high crime rates are more accustomed to dangerous situations and thus are more likely to be able to resolve them without resort to lethal force.
Figures on police shootings by race are thin on the ground, but Mr. Moskos’s results have some support: The investigative journalism website ProPublica came up with a similar percentage in an Oct. 10 article, reporting that 44 percent of all those killed by police were white, using FBI data from 1980 to 2012. The fact-checking website PolitiFact concluded in August 2014 that police kill more whites than blacks after the claim was made by conservative commentator Michael Medved. PolitiFact cited data from the Centers for Disease Control on fatal injuries by “legal intervention” from 1999 to 2011. “Over the span of more than a decade, 2,151 whites died by being shot by police compared to 1,130 blacks. In that respect, Medved is correct,” said PolitiFact. But PolitiFact gave his assertion a “half true” rating because whites make up 63 percent of the population, while blacks make up just 12 percent. “Yes, more whites than blacks die as a result of an encounter with police, but whites also represent a much bigger chunk of the total population,” PolitiFact said in its Aug. 21 post. But PolitiFact did not take into account the percentage of those by race involved in violent crime or shootings of police, as Mr. Moskos did. Despite the recent flood of media coverage involving police shootings, Mr. Moskos advised his readers to “keep all this morbidity in perspective,” reminding them that very few people, white or black, will ever be shot or killed by police. “The odds that any given black man will shoot and kill a police officer in any given year is slim to none, about one in a million. The odds for any given white man? One in four million,” he said. “The odds that a black man will be shot and killed by a police officer is about 1 in 60,000. For a white man those odds are 1 in 200,000.”
[my emphasis]
Are you suggesting that we need to institute an "affirmative action" program — for police shootings?! :) That'll work out well!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #416
Proportions are the issue Police State defender. You try well to drift away from the gun toting of those in uniform and where in other places routine crimes would be mire inclined to try non violent things your excuse for a police is far too ready to pull a gun out and if it is not several shots then that is a police failing! Your police do think they are something and as they also have all sorts of military hardware, transport, etc does not exactly give a very good picture of the place at all. That American woman I mentioned on the rail staff in London hit the nail on the head because too many of your officers think they are the law not it's servants. Violence is built-in and too instant.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #417
We have one going to trial, and dash-cam footage shows that the officer fired long after the "suspect" could have been any threat. The officer involved is now facing a murder rap, and is held without bond today.

16 shots-------- the officer had to have emptied his gun and possibly reloaded-- I can't be sure-- to fire that many times. Once or maybe twice would have stopped most offenders, so--- 16?? Worse, the officer did this within range of his own squad-car's dash-cam. Not only a murderer, but a brain-dead one at that.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #418
Yes, caught that incident here too and the report said that the vid would be available soon as well as being very disturbing? Despicable and at the same time is so very sad in a long trail of police actions. Wish it were not so.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #419
Does not your own country interest you, RJ?
Rampant crime, thuggery and police afraid to confront -let alone, police- "ethnic" minorities… (What's a few score young girls' terror, compared to the Politically Correct attitudes of your masters? :( ) That doesn't interest you! You'd rather cull a few incidents (and their outrageously biased media accounts) from a nation of more than 300 million — to apply your warped sense of justice at.
Surely, what you know of your own history should give you pause…

But, no, you'd rather vent your spleen at others! Well, sonny, your spleen is about exhausted; your wit has long since fled, if it ever was there. And your intelligent understanding of the world is pitiful…
Carry on, brave Scot! :) See your race crawl into the ash-pit of history.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #420
Any one that goes for police, judge or any other such thing is a psychopath. Societies that relies on psychopaths are not healthy societies.
Specially when such individuals emerges from the lowest social classes.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #421
You can't be serious, Bel… Or that ignorant. (Early on-set Alzheimer's? :( )
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #422
Dear, oh dear, Oakdale, you are so ridiculous.

Our police very often deal without issues your police have without gunning people down with 5, 6 or in this latest example, 16 bullets. That Chicagoan gunner gave his excuse that he felt under threat?  Here where a special police unit has to go to a gun incident (not very regular I may inform) bullets are restricted and efforts to avoid having them. But over in your hell-hole there is in general too much of a gin-ho attitude in too many places and they stretch from one side of the country to the other. One doubts if there is a country in the world where the police think they can do what they damn well like and shoot like cowboys. it IS a nation-wide issue with you lot over there from coast to coast. It has been happening for scores of decades but the arrival of mobile phones has given very practical examples of the tradition. People shot in the back, beaten up in public, shooting at the least thing something we know essentially nothing about.

Assuming you are part intelligent to compare our traditions, police, etc like your gun easy lot is daft. Indeed you fall back on the old adage of trying to avoid the truth and aim somewhere else. With so many people gunned down by police and especially blacks, 2.3 million in jails and so on you should feel embarrassed at the picture you try to give the world at such a wonderful place. Too many of your city police forces contain the gung-ho, officers who see themselves as special and the law and so on. Indeed, arrogance is almost automatic with too many. They think a uniform makes you automatically Superman and many would never make the police here. Thank goodness ours remain not with guns unlike your cowboys.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #423
This cop has an extensive rap sheet of complaints. Over the years he cost the city of Chicago 100's of thousands dollars in settlements yet he was never held accountable. Cops in Chicago are very rarely held accountable for misconduct, one could say, just about never. You're pretty safe when  you as a Chicago cop abuse a civilian.

The problem is the political leadership and the fawning love many Americans have for the police, their "protectors." As long as you have politicians excusing cops you allow these types of problems.

Now that the cop is finally charged, the mayor of Chicago said "We hold our police officers to a high standards ..." explaining how wonderful they are in charging him.. 
As the above article shows, the reality is there is really NO standard. The mayor's statement is self -serving bull shit. After a year they finally charge this cop, then mayor says how the police is held to a high standard with the political and law enforcement elite patting each other on their backs on the great a job they're doing.

Its sad, really sad and disgusting.

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #424
The Democrat party machine has always operated in this fashion… Specially in Chicago! (Something very similar happens in "socialist" states.) Mix corruption with power-politics, and you get lawlessness — and, maybe, order.

You can feel "disgusted," Jochie… But is that the best you can find, to react to? Is that really the most pressing problem? (Nothing in your country, for instance…) Bizarre cases occur.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)