Re: The State of Israel ~ vs ~ Hamas ---- A "Natural Right" to Self-Defence?
Reply #25 –
Methinks RJ's tune would change dramatically if someone started taking potshots at his home. Then, I doubt that which side has heavier armaments would matter much-- somebody is shooting at him and that needs to be stopped!
To me, it looks like the same kind of deal here. Hamas fires missiles at Israel and doesn't expect Israel to-- er, I don't know-- ahhh-- shoot back? Further, Hamas hides its weapons in civilian sectors so Israel has to kill civilians to stop Hamas from killing Israeli civilians. Sorta like the bully who picks on other children, then the instant trouble comes a-callin' the bully hides behind a girl's skirts. Can't hit back at the bully without hitting the girl. Real brave there, eh, Hamas?
Look, if you want an all-around bad guy, it's hard to find one nastier than Hamas right now. Start trouble, then use civilians as human shields-- they really don't give a (bless and do not curse) about the Palestinians, frankly Hamas wouldn't care if every Palestinian was reduced to corpses-- they just want to annihilate Israel.