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Topic: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia (Read 108494 times)

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #225
Putin has said repeatedly he does not want the East and in addition we get this utter further stupidity of large numbers of tanks and thousands of troops crossing the Border.

If he said it, then it must be true.
My mantra...
Never distrust a politician.
Never distrust a politician.
Never distrust a politician.
Oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ!

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #226
What a rather odd bit of stuff from Sanguinemoon that the Red Sector was created because of Russia??! It is as obvious as Hell that 10,000 hard necks on streets ARE a big problem as they proved in helping to overthrow an elected government. I would also remind that the same crowd of Nazis are IN the government and you do not get an Mp or a Minister with just saying they have 10,000. It is the influence they have proved to have well beyond that figure. So there is a bigger support of the Right Sector which wears Nazi style symbols and I would remind that Ukraine especially in the West side were very suppportive of the Nazis in WW2 and had their own SS Units. To this day there are still memorials and events to mark the Ukrainian SS Leader during the war.

In addition Right Sector also serve in the National Guard which they think is brilliant as gives them official permission to do what they almost like.  As for the Crimea it went back to where it belonged and fine Sanguinemoon should know it as it never wanted to be dumped into Ukraine. The vast majority there are Russian language speakers and the Crimea and the east were NEVER consulted about the coup. Now the citizenry there are getting better pensions, welfare and other important improvements. Having been forced out of Russia in the dictatorship days they have returned to their natural home and rightfully too. You would think that the great American minds on rights and such would be widely based but nah.

Ukraine caused it's own mess and their own corruption, decline and financial disaster. Too many Americans cannot think for themselves and just accept what they are told by the controlled media. Americans having been brought up to think the world is theirs and everyone should conform to what they have as a political system  will in turn take exception to any country that refuses to bend the knee. Crimea will not be going back so bleat all you like as the people are where they want to be not in a Ukrainian self created mess. If that out of date lot NATO, were ever to have Ukraine in it then kiss goodbye to the east it will be permanently gone too.  How a mind can cover up Ukraine's self amassed mess by blaming Russia that helped them finacially is beyond reason!

And never trust imperial US politicians in the world......
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #227
As for the Crimea it went back to where it belonged and fine Sanguinemoon should know it as it never wanted to be dumped into Ukraine.
Some parts of Canada and the US didn't want to be swapped, but that doesn't mean either country can simply take back its former territory. Most European countries have territory that once belonged to someone else and didn't want change hands. Of course, you don't realize that percentage that would want to be part Ukraine would have been much higher if Crimea hadn't been ethnically cleansed of groups such as the Tartars with Russians replacing them. I'm not sure how many times I mentioned before the 97% result of the referendum was obvious fraud;  that would mean the Tartars who had just fled Russia to Crimea would have had to voted to be in Russian again.

The Right Sector is nothing but a strawman to attack the Ukrainian government. A recall election of failed Russian backed president would have been preferable, but we can't go back and rewrite history and can only go forward and deal with the current situation. The current situation is Russian military combating Ukrainian troops in the east. The probable plan is to split Ukraine in two creating a buffer state between western learning and future NATO member Ukraine and Russia, hence Russian talk of Novorussia. If Ukraine is split or not, Russia's actions indicate it needs to join NATO. You say Russia has no intention of action in the Baltic states, Of course not, because from here it looks like Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania being in NATO is stopping that from happening. Even Putin the Magnificent does not want to start WW III, which pulling this shit in NATO countries would cause.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #229
As a long time Soviet KGB man, his honesty and integrity are second to none. As such, I'm so relieved by his words :yes:

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #230

I'm not sure how many times I mentioned before the 97% result of the referendum was obvious fraud;  that would mean the Tartars who had just fled Russia to Crimea would have had to voted to be in Russian again.

You're endlessly repeating the same twisted spin like a nasty spam robot.
Once again for refreshing your short memory:
The 97% are the result after counting the ballot papers. It represents the will of those who took part at the referendum.
Tartars or at least most of them did boycott the ballots as recommended by their leader. However the Tartars were a minority so they couldn't influence the outcome of the ballots anyway.
Those of you who are regretting that Crimea was exempted from the bloodshed the Donetsk region is facing, will have to get over this.


Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #231
You're silly, Krake. Did you really not understand the main purpose of that was post to illustrate that Howie's claim Crimea didn't want to be handed over to Ukraine can only possibly true because the Soviet Union forced the Tartars out. It would be a little like America forcing Canadians out of former US territory that now belongs to Canada and moving Americans in by droves than saying that area wants to be part of America. But to truly copy Russia, we would need to unmarked soldiers that everyone knows are America anyway occupying the area. Than have a referendum with our soldiers guarding the polling places :yes: When we get 97 percent of the vote, we can go ahead an annex the territory :yes: :yes: I'll write letters to Obama and Congress encouraging them to chew up Canadian territory using the Putin method. I'm sure you'd agree since there's nothing wrong with Russia doing that Crimea :yes: :yes: :yes:

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #232
Oh dear the brained propaganda is still working.

Just look what happened in the great old US of A in the 19th century when States were not content where they were and tried to break away. Kind of tells you something Sanguinemoon. And that swipe at Putin being ex-KGB - so what? Your own Gestapo agencies and there are more of them in America than any other land may I remind has included murders by them. But that is okay of course as principles in America mean sod allot is just a word for any cover up matter. You lot destabilise a country if it does not convert to what you and your corporate controllers want as a system. If you don't toy will either get sanctions or you will be invaded with the end game being a mess left behind. These thing you suitably ignore.  Waffle about the tartrs when you compare to what you did against the red indian people. Lied, misused and persecuted and for heaven's sake don't be a black in America!

Now your government are moaning about the BRIC countries especially China (woo-hoo that socialist lot who you are in hock too, haha!)and the gradual move to them because you think you have some divine right to rule everywhere. Instead of the rubbish about Russia you could spend time dealing with all the lack of rights, interference in private lives, massive poverty in the land of the free and home of the brave (groan). The vast majority of Crimeans speak Russian their leanings are there and the fact they were dumped where they did not want by a dictatorship means nothing to you unless a thing is under US control. Your pals in Kiev who illegally destroyed an election, included Nazis in the government system and content to have them in the National Guard are fine? What a sick thought and beyond the pale of anything sensible.

Tell you what. Stop interfering with countries, having hundreds of bases to protect your financial interests (controlled by the Wall street barons), get off with this damn nonsense of "having to be the world's policeman." You even give arms to dangerous cliques in Syria and now to your own Secretary of state has had to acknowledge that. So you do make things worse in the world. Kiev didn't care a damn about the large areas where Russian was the first language and had decided to remove it's official standing so what does that tell those millions? Crimea is back where it wants to be and good for them succeeding. And as pointed out better pensions, welfare, system cohesion to a Kiev government that froze pensions, welfare, bank accounts, etc of innocent people.

Crimea will not return to Kiev now through Kiev's intransigent stupidity encouraged by you lot the east may be lost. The sooner your trillions of debt collapses the place the better in the long run the world will be. So good on the BRIC as it will be a future direction including well for Russia. Europe will never get back all what they have lost in agricultural sales to Russia or industry. The screaming at russia is frustration as it like China are places you cannot influence or control so good for them and especially the bear. Well done Putin!

"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #233

You're silly, Krake. Did you really not understand the main purpose of that was post to illustrate that Howie's claim Crimea didn't want to be handed over to Ukraine can only possibly true because the Soviet Union forced the Tartars out. It would be a little like America forcing Canadians out of former US territory

Well  Mr smart-ass,
the Crimean Khanate was defeated and became part of Russia in 1783.
Do you know what your ancestral were doing at that time?

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #234
We (the US) might just have to take on Canada.

But every July 4th, Barna Norton, a crusty old sea captain out of Jonesport, Me., used to crank up his vessel, The Chief, and chug towards the island, a 20-acre lump of rock where the Bay of Fundy meets the Gulf of Maine. He would barge ashore with a large golf umbrella emblazoned with an American flag and plant it in front of a Parks Canada sign identifying the island as a Canadian Coast Guard facility.

“Once again, in front of this sign,’’ he would say, ‘‘I declare that this island belongs to the United States.”
Mr. Norton died eight years ago. But his cause remains. It, and North Rock, another nearby chunk of rock, are the only two pieces of disputed territory between Canada and the United States.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #235
Recently I read a book (whose title and author I can't remember), making a convincing prophesy that the increasingly Mexicanised states of the U.S. would eventually vote to secede and become part of Mexico.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #237
Back to Putin and Kiev. Yep, that's Vlad in Hitler mode.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #238
Trouble is you have no chance of secession in th ex-colonies at all. And as for this childish constant guff about Putin being morphed into a Hitler that really is ironic. I say that as West Ukraine was a Nazi traitor during WW2 and they served in Hitler's SS. They still have parades to remember the wonderful Ukrainian Nazi leader and thius is the tradition you are supporting?? The way Biden waffled on Kiev and that head-banger McClain going over there and giving the sensible world a laugh tells you something about US thinking. So supporting a regime today with Nazi involvement says much about what passes for US political principles. In a word you are being, well....daft.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #239
I say that as West Ukraine was a Nazi traitor during WW2 and they served in Hitler's SS.

And the UK was one of the world's most aggressive and brutal colonial powers.
Last week, the British government finalized an out-of-court settlement with thousands of Kenyans who were tortured in detention camps during the end of the British colonial reign. The historic apology — and the unprecedented settlement — has been years in the making.
You can listen to a radio report here...

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #240
Now there is a wonderful example of a brass neck! The USA imperial network can well outdo anything prior to it. And every brutal invasion or domination it has done has left a mess time after time. As I once said the British Commonwealth says something else that jimbro's mindset dances by. All those colonies now part of that system. The countries America bosses or controls through money and corporate power would never produce any like that. When it comes to hypocrisy and words like democracy, rights, democracy the "h" word is only amplified.

The US led anti-Russia guff is there because it is a country that the US whether corporate money-wise or militarily cannot control. That situation puts you at the top of the propaganda list for lies, mind control and much else on the negative. Just look how even after two centuries proper rights and freedoms in the States were dragging. You would think that the brain dead over the pond thought the USSR still existed!  Now the US has a military contingent in the Baltic States and getting militarily chummy with them, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania. Odd that they are all right back up beside Russia, eh? At the same time digging at Russia for doing military exercises in it's own vast country. Talk about a stupid load of nonsense!

With tens of millions of poor, legions losing homes, trillions in debt, massive racial problems and people suffering inside it's own Borders being electronically spied on, rights infringed, the US of A would be regarded more if it dealt with it's own lack over well past two centuries when it set down those things in that constitution. So having fails over two centuries Russia is the bad guy for not succeeding in everything in a very short space of time?? Russia will continue to move in the right direction and will help itself by maintaining it's own life without interference from the world's most failed principled corner!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #241
Odd that they are all right back up beside Russia, eh?

Or maybe those counties saw they still needed bigger friends as protection against Russia. Turns out they were right. You have no idea how bad most Americans wanted the USSR to be truly dead. A new era of peace and prosperity for North America and Europe, the "peace dividend" from not having to spend so much on the military. But now Putin, that relic of the called Cold War, seems hellbent on making that impossible. America wanted to move on from the Cold War, not relive it.  You have this bizarre notion that is about Russia standing alone against "American "corporates", despite what actually happened.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #243

America wanted to move on from the Cold War, not relive it.

For sure and pigs can fly.

Wonder what the invasion of Iraq had to do with the Cold War?

Wonder what you know about the Brzezinski Doctrine?
Wonder what you know about Stratfor, the private/shadow CIA and its doctrine?
Both doctrines are pretty much the same.
For the first you can easily find several references on the Internet.
For the latter, I'll be so kind to give you a helping hand: link

The Pentagon is calling now for more US nukes stationed in Europe.
Whom should they protect??? Europe???
After setting up the fire in the Middle East and its neighborhood, who should come next???

With friends like these, who needs enemies?

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #244
For sure and pigs can fly.

Indeed they can!

The nuke business is a silly reaction to Crimea and creepy goings-on in eastern Ukraine.
No major power is going to use nuclear weapons, and any lesser fool (N. Korea?) would be suicidal.

What's your reaction to events in Ukraine?

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #245

The nuke business is a silly reaction to Crimea and creepy goings-on in eastern Ukraine.

A silly reaction of the Pentagon to Crimea and creepy goings-on in eastern Ukraine?
It is rather an opportunity after 'successful' meddling.
Did you really expect any Russian president to patiently watch Crimea turning into an US military naval base?

No major power is going to use nuclear weapons,

Europe would become a convenient buffer zone to be sacrificed in case of a worst case scenario.
What other sense would make even more US nukes on European ground? Doesn't the UK and France have already enough nukes?
The only difference, those nukes are not (yet) under US command/control.

And now something rather funny, you have little chance to read about in your media: Czechs Warned Not to Throw Tomatoes at US Army Convoy

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #246
You've got the wrong person. I'm sick of US meddling in too many places. Europe doesn't need us, Afghanistan doesn't need us, the Japanese don't need get the picture.

What I was talking about is the reaction of our government to things that aren't our business. It needs to stop.
If you want something that will make your head spin, try this on for size.
There are 53,766 US troops in Germany. Merkel needs to give them exit visas.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #247
Oh Heavens that link is frightening and can only hope that common sense and reasonable thinking prevails.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #248
Howie, just because we're critical of Russia's actions doesn't mean we have to support every one of America's. It's almost as if Krake is asking me to defend wars that I attended demonstrations AGAINST just to distract from what's happening now. Frankly that man know nothing about America or its people. If he did, he'd have understood long ago how unpopular the wars in Afghanistan is and how the people turned against the one in Iraq.

At the end of the day, bringing up America's sins doesn't negate what Putin's Russia is doing now in Ukraine. They seized control of Crimea. For Howie, the fact that it was part of Russia until more then half a century ago doesn't change that it was sovereign Ukrainian territory. Russian troops and tanks have been caught in fighting in Ukraine. To this, Howie will tell us those are volunteers. Yes, as a result of a call for volunteers. The troops of any country are not allowed to self-deploy where they please. The American response to this was sanctions, which now appear to be crippling the Russian economy; but not American troops in Ukraine. Regardless of what the US did in the past, what's happening now is Russian aggression.

Some would attempt to defend Russia by saying this a reaction against Nato expansion. If so, it's a replay of what happened after WWII when the Soviet Union created buffer states between itself and western Europe. Therefore, this defense actually supports the idea Putin is trying to split Ukraine in two. You have an ex-Soviet man employing Soviet modus operandi. Obviously, Putin denies this. If this is the case or not doesn't change that this is Russian aggression, and not American.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #249
Sang, why do you spend time and effort answering to two wind-up slogan chanters?
Just curious.