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Topic: What's Going on in the Americas? (Read 279658 times)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #200

Meanwhile, church groups and others feed the homeless all the time. Any good sized city has soup kitchens as well social services to help them.

Remember all those stories in the Orlando Weekly about police kicking homeless people and those trying to help them out of certain areas of the city?

What the Hell is Going on in Obama's Former Kingdom of America?

Reply #202
[move][glow=blue,2,300]It's Official: The Republicans take back the Senate, remain in control of the House of Representatives, & overwhelm the demonrats in the State Houses! [/glow]          [glow=blue,2,300]It's Official: The Republicans take back the Senate, remain in control of the House of Representatives, & overwhelm the demonrats in the State Houses! [/glow]         [glow=blue,2,300]It's Official: The Republicans take back the Senate, remain in control of the House of Representatives, & overwhelm the demonrats in the State Houses! [/glow]          [glow=blue,2,300]It's Official: The Republicans take back the Senate, remain in control of the House of Representatives, & overwhelm the demonrats in the State Houses! [/glow]          [glow=blue,2,300]It's Official: The Republicans take back the Senate, remain in control of the House of Representatives, & overwhelm the demonrats in the State Houses! [/glow]       [/move]


Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #203
It's only news when muslims do it:
Quote from: OKnews
STILLWATER — Covered in blood and still holding a large knife that police say he’d used just minutes before to nearly decapitate his brother’s roommate, Isaiah Zoar Marin dialed 911.
At a news conference earlier in the day, Stillwater police Capt. Randy Dickerson said Marin admitted to authorities “that he had fantasized recently about committing multiple homicides” and that the victim was “one of his intended targets.”

“The conversation was that he had planned to to do it all at one time,” the police captain said.

The victim’s brother, Jesse Crockett, told police Marin is a “religious zealot” and “heavy drug user,” according to a court affidavit.

Police confirmed there was evidence at the scene that Marin might have been involved in the use of some illegal drugs.

The defendant’s brother, Samuel Marin, said “in the past Jacob and Isaiah had disagreements because Jacob and Jesse were practicing witchcraft and Isaiah had strong Christian beliefs,” a Stillwater police officer reported in the affidavit.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #204
Remains could be those of 43 missing Mexican students

Quote from: CNN
The 43 Mexican students who disappeared in southern Mexico in September were abducted by police on order of a local mayor, and are believed to have been turned over to a gang that killed them and burned their bodies before throwing some remains in a river, the nation's attorney general said Friday.
This is the conclusion that investigators have reached, Attorney General Jesus Murillo Karam said, though he cautioned that it cannot be known with certainty until DNA tests confirm the identities.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #205
Funny you posting that jax, I just finish watching Procurador da Républica Murillo's one hour long press conference.
He seemed to me as a competent man with a gigantic problem in hands to solve.

As it is, Mexico seems to have already gone wild out of control.

Quote from: Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico
I forgive everyone, and I ask everyone to forgive me. May my blood which is about to be shed, be for the good of the country. Viva Mexico, viva la independencia!
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #206
I wouldn't send my worst enemy to Me-hee-co it is a hellish, corrupt and dastardly place.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #208
Also: Let us know, RJ, how you determined who was your worst enemy! (Put yourself at the head of the queue, boy-o! :) You've earned it!)
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #209

Also: Let us know, RJ, how you determined who was your worst enemy! (Put yourself at the head of the queue, boy-o! :) You've earned it!)

Personally, I like RJ.  I do not consider him my mortal enemy.

The IRA & the AOH might, but I can comfortably live in the knowledge that he breathes air! 

After all, he's only a very old & frail man, & he will surly naturally die very soon anyway.

He doesn't need any of my help getting there, though the thought is sometimes tempting.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #211

The victim’s brother, Jesse Crockett, told police Marin is a “religious zealot” and “heavy drug user,” according to a court affidavit.

religious zealot=heavy drug user

There's little difference.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #213
If you're not a student. :o

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #214
Sanguinemoon are you in a mental retreat?

Time after time Mexico is in the world news. Widespread corruption including the police whpo are hooots with the baddies. Thousands killed annually (with police and authority help) , drugs and crime rampant so one does not have to go there it is in your face so to speak. The idea of Me-hee-co being miscalled is not just laughable it is stupid.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #215
Hockey in the Las Vegas? There's certainly momentum building for bringing a NHL team here :yes:

Bill Foley is trying to bring an NHL expansion team to Las Vegas, and so far he's marching in step with Commissioner Gary Bettman.

"I'm an ex-Army guy. I follow orders," Foley told The Canadian Press by phone over the weekend from his home in Northern California. "We've been very careful in our meetings with the NHL administrative staff, just trying to make sure that we do things in the proper fashion. We're not pushy, we're not demanding."

So far, the 70-year-old millionaire businessman has received permission to run a season-ticket drive and isn't pressing for anything more.


"Nevada and Las Vegas in particular are no longer what they were 50 years ago or 40 years ago: a gambling city, kind of a weigh station in the desert," Foley said. "A number of software companies, development companies have located in Las Vegas. ... Those companies and those people who work for those companies, that's our target. Those are the people that we want to have come to these games."

Foley said that after two days of an initial website launch that 1,500 people had expressed interest in buying season tickets.


In hockey circles, the prospect of a Las Vegas team adds a touch of glamor. Locally, the notion of finally attracting a team in one of North America's major four sports leagues is enticing.
Yup, glamorous :cough: :cough: sniff: :wheeze: :the flu:

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #216
NHL hockey in Las Vegas? :) Jeez! Why not Anaheim, with Mickey Mouse eared helmets?

Seriously, Sang: Good luck to you! Ice hockey is an interesting game… (The old joke goes: "When the play gets boring, they switch to boxing…") Should you be lucky enough to get a team, when games are broadcast — watch on your TV, with the sound muted, and listen to your local radio coverage.
Oh, and drink beer! (Start with Heinekens; after a few, you can switch to whatever is locally cheap — it was Falstaff, for me.)
And -if you're going to play any version of "street" hockey- make sure your insurance covers typical male stupidity!
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #217
Two countries in a warm embrace in the Americas: US and Cuba seek to normalise ties
Quote from: BBC
US and Cuba are to start talks to normalise diplomatic ties in a historic shift in relations between the two countries, US officials say.

The US is also looking to open an embassy in Havana in the coming months.

The moves are part of a deal that saw the release of American Alan Gross by Cuba and includes the release of three Cubans jailed in Florida for spying.

US President Barack Obama will later hail the "most significant changes in US policy towards Cuba in 50 years".

Mr Obama and the Cuban leader, Raul Castro, are expected to make simultaneous announcements at 17:00 GMT.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #218
And you can bet your last penny that Cubans in Florida and Republicans will go bananas.

Many of the Cubans who fled to Florida decades ago were adherents of the old corrupt and  thuggish system that used to exist. Havana was not just a playground for America but the CIA and as much for the Mafia and criminal world. Instead of helping the Cuban people that went on the back burner due to the corrupt game play. I would have proffered a more democratic system for the island but could understands the way it went.

When you consider that the US has full idiomatic ties and embassies in some very bad places such as Saudi Arabia for example and North Korea the Cuban thing was long overdue for tackling. I dare say that in a second term a US President will want to leave a legacy and understandable and is only a pity this move took so long. I do hope however that something good does come out of this in a very practical way and that the US is not going to be controlled by the maddies in Florida or out-of-date Republicans. So it is now a pleasing move and more power to it and time that the US got to heck with it's base and lack of respect for a country's sovereignty whether it likes the system or not.

Hip-hop-hooray and a pat on the back for Obama and Castro!  :happy:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #220

Hip-hop-hooray and a pat on the back for Obama and Castro!   :happy:

I second that ---       ---   [glow=blue,2,300]  :no: Guantanamo Bay Forever!  :no: [/glow]

But only if you approve of the stealing somebody else's country. Me? Not so crazy about it. Our Cuba policy has been batshit crazy a la mode of our Vietnam, Korea, Iraq and Afghanistan policy.

Do you like them, too?

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #221
And when chums is the Imperial power going to clear out of Cuba? So much for respecting rights, sovereignty, etc. And I do hope the CIA and their equal pals the Mafia will not be the(returning)  replacement for the existing Cuban regime.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #222
Clear out Cuba?!? You must know that's not going to happen, not now, not ever (probably). Coming, as you do, from over the pond  in the home of past imperialism, you know how those things used to work.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #224
Yes jimbro we all know about Empire BUT we eventually gave it up whereas the glorious US of A (financial and military one) clings on in the self-belief that it will prove all previous imperialism as different unlike theirs! In between the utter political baloney about being the world's greatest country and tall the freedoms tosh the actual  shows something else! In the Cuba matter here is a example of a slap in the US face about regarding sovereignty. No it does not unless you succumb to US influence the corporate legion, etc. Let me remind that Cuba was as corrupt as hell fulllof the American underworld and Mafia as well as a plaything place. Instead of spreading democracy in Cuba the people I mention along with the US Gestapo (CIA) ran the place as they liked. It is for those reasons there was a revolution. No sovereignty respect or concern for the "people" at all. In the overthrow the US was hypocritical in political respects too.

So the old system the US was content with (it supported fascist dictators across S. America) was gone and when told to leave you (as you well enough know I mean the politicos and uniforms) was gone and Cuba basically respected whether you liked the new system or not. I didn't like it but knew well why Cubans went in that direction. Just another one of those global hypocrisies and anyway there is NO reason in today's situation to claim anything military-wise.  Disgusting there is not just an unwanted base (do you pay for it?) there but a torture camp in it that even when victims are found innocent without a trial (!) they are still kept there. It is no different from the North Korean only just a smaller clientèle.  If it was Russia that was the cuplrit all hell would be the order of the day. No right in Cuba and especially a military one. Disgreaceful

As for the routine homelessness it would be a fool to suggest this is not a worldwide thing like illness, life and death. But unfortunately due to all the so-called principled waffle what goes on internally contradicts. Some 40 million poor and a million a year being added with no homes and having to depend on some local church or community volunteers to cope is despicable. It is fine for politicians to be in hoot with reps from commerce and then later get a job with them but stuff those down below. But hey, not to worry when the trillions go into something else I will organise a free raffle as i have 2 spare bedrooms for ex-colonists on a rowing boat who make it here.

As for me althoughIi have a couple of physical health problems I am most certainly capable of avoiding the arrmchair and television. Couch potato is as bad as having an unwanted base. I love walking, speaking at meetings, holding offices in organisations i am in. Buying a new pair of hiking boots for my sojourn walks in the nearby countryside. As for that poor Yank who typically of the republican mentality described me as being Marxist-Lenin inclined recently?! Someone like me in 2 organisations that are strong monarchy movements have stood for a national government party that is far from such rubbish i do worry like the White House does for the state of US education! Although Christmas is a jolly time I am still laughing at that pathetic line.  So I remain a forthright activist mentally AND physically unlike some here.  And the Pope the IRA murderous ratbags, and non-Glaswegians watch out!
:knight: :king:
"Quit you like men:be strong"