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Topic: What's Going on in the Americas? (Read 283840 times)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1500
...........Remember when Tea Party seemed like a huge nation-wide movement? They are still around, but not as a party with candidates and other requisites needed to get representatives into parliament and government. For Forward to get any limelight, they need a charismatic figurehead. But they don't have it and won't, so it is a total Abort Retry Fail in my humble opinion.

There was a movement from back then when there was also a lot of dissatisfaction with the Two Major Political Parties. The movement suggested that rather than creating yet another Party, that registered voters in both the Republican & Democratic Parties, or any Party for that matter, leave these parties by simply re-registering as an "Independent"........

"Independent" is not a Political Party, it just says to the 2 major parties that we, the "Independent" Voters, are no longer beholden to any party, & that these 2 Political Parties can no longer take us, the "Independent" Voters, these 2 Political Parties can no longer take us for granted or be counted on for our support.

The only negative aspect of being an Independent Voter (Non-affiliated voter) is that unless the State's Primary Voting rules state otherwise, a non-affiliated voter can not vote in the primaries of any party.

See the estimated strength of all major Party-affiliated & Non-Party-affiliated American Voters  in Wikipedia.

Since the 'Independent Movement started over 15 years ago, the ranks of the Independent voters has swelled to over 35 Million.....that's 35 Million+  highly-motivated voters the Democrats & Republicans can't take for granted or counted on for support.....these votes have to be won over the hard their platform & policy appeal.

See Gallop Polls breakdown by percentage

PS........JFYI, the USA does not have, & will never have, a Parliament....we have 2 Houses of Congress that basically run on Parliamentary procedures & rules unique to each.
     In times of universal deceit, telling the honest truth is a revolutionary act.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1501
I always liked the cheekiness of the Bond flick Never Say Never Again's title.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1502
PS........JFYI, the USA does not have, & will never have, a Parliament....we have 2 Houses of Congress that basically run on Parliamentary procedures & rules unique to each. [/i][/font][/size]
When it fulfils the role of a parliament, as in parliamentary procedures, then it is a parliament.

Not that you will ever learn it, but FYI in Europe the different countries have things like Bundestag, Riksdag, Staten-Generaal, Assemblée fédérale, Eduskunta etc. Many constitutions don't literally spell out that these are parliaments, but they are. It's just a name thing... like every country has a different name, but they are all countries.

Edit: Here's a simple way to gauge what the chances are for a third party in USA: Since 1950's, there has been only an occasional single stray independent in the House of Representatives[1] or in the Senate.[2] There was some diversity of parties earlier for a while, but not later.

It is quite conceivable that at some point the party landscape will be upset. There may emerge two new major parties or some diversity for a while. However, I'm sure that the future of Yang's party is to fall quickly into a more thorough obsurity than the Tea Party.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1504
Not quickly enough. :) Now it's not found.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1506
Sweet, now I saw. :)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1507
After a visit to Amazon rainforest in 2016:

“I wanted to see the Indian being cooked,” Mr. Bolsonaro said, describing a supposed cannibalism ritual in a remote region of the Amazon. “I’d eat an Indian, no problem at all.”


Siding with Mr. Bolsonaro, Brazil’s electoral court ordered the removal of political ads linking the president to cannibalism.
So, is he or is he not campaigning to legalise cannibalism? Brazilian elections are confusing.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1508
Biggest remaining issue is if Bolsonaro wants to do a Trump.

Congratulations to da Silva and to Brazil. I would not say da Silva is my favourite politician by any means, but you could do far worse, and very nearly did this election.

What's Going on in Bolivia?

Reply #1509
Bolivian general arrested after apparent failed coup attempt as government faces new crisis

The apparent coup attempt came as the country has faced months of tensions and political fights between Arce and his one-time ally, former leftist president Evo Morales, over control of the ruling party. It also came amid a severe economic crisis.

Still, the apparent attempt to depose the sitting president seemed to lack any meaningful support, and even Arce’s rivals closed ranks to defend democracy and repudiate the uprising.

In a twist, Zúñiga [the military general who had initiated the coup] claimed in comments to journalists before his arrest that Arce himself told the general to storm the palace in a political move. “The president told me: ‘The situation is very screwed up, very critical. It is necessary to prepare something to raise my popularity’,” Zúñiga quoted the Bolivian leader as saying.

As the crisis unfolded Wednesday, Arce confronted Zúñiga in the palace hallway, as shown on video on Bolivian television. “I am your captain, and I order you to withdraw your soldiers, and I will not allow this insubordination,” Arce said.
It was so short and pathetic that it was not similar to Russia's Prigozhin moment. Not even close.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1510
But the J6 tourists/protesters/rioters at the U.S. Capitol (or thereabouts) was definitely an Insurrection! :)
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