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Topic: Tripe about Ukraine (Read 248530 times)

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #200
rjhowie: There are lies and damn lies and both are the sum together of what the West is dong about Ukraine and Russia

West  :down: Ukraine and Russia   :up:

The rest of the globe  ???

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #201
If it's from The Onion you can believe it.
WASHINGTON—According to a poll released Monday by the Pew Research Center, the escalating conflict between Russia and Ukraine has left Americans sharply and bitterly divided along ignorant and apathetic lines, with the nation’s citizenry evenly split between grossly misinformed and wholly indifferent factions.,35428/

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #202

No Southern mouth your country is a guilty party. Time after time it has stuck it's nose into countries all over the place as if you have some right to do this from on high. Jimbro does have a built-in mental thing about Russia even though your land is the most imperialist place on the planet. Your youthful belligerence does effect your grey cells the way you resort to the language you have to use. It is your lot that leads the support of an illegal government in Kiev and is rubbishing the Crimea which HAS an elected government. Macallan does have a point and you forget because it suits that much of the Russian population in Ukraine has been woefully treated. Your President and that other lying part of Laurel and Hardy, namely, Kerry go on about illegality yet support that illegal Kiev government and it's Nazi inclusion. Must say that you don't seem to know much about the place hence you falling back on abuse and young crassness.

President Putin does not have to influence or sneak about Crimea. It has always wanted to be Russian and the vote will show that at the weekend. Crimea is wise because if the Kiev bandits keep on the path to Europe they will go down the financial drain. The financial institutions only want Ukraine into their fold so they can give big loans and get great interest. They don't give a damn really. Maybe you could explain why your country thinks that a rebel government which only reflects on half of the country is okay and that including Nazis is okay. Talk about hypocrisy. At least after the vote Crimeans will not be saddled with the great future debt that Ukraine will be saddled with for decades. The east of the country should get out to.

We have come nowhere near invading all but 22 or so countries on this earth; an "honour" only the UK holds.
Why did the UK do this? Because it wanted things done it's way, same as we have been known to do.

Where the heck do you think we learned it all from old chap?  :cheers:

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #203
We have come nowhere near invading all but 22 or so countries on this earth; an "honour" only the UK holds.
Why did the UK do this? Because it wanted things done it's way, same as we have been known to do.

Where the heck do you think we learned it all from old chap?  :cheers:

I learned them from my mom. She was a tough one!
I loved her in spite of this sort of thing.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #204
A weak reply by all accounts rebel man. You broke away from us well over two centuries ago and unlike us sticking to the 13 cooloies you lot wnet on to wipe out the red indians everywhere moving west. Something we never planned. Beaause your country became the champion at sooking in with dictatorships, creating wars and still doing it ais all of your own creation. After all you all stood on the premise you would be totally independent and rely on us for nothing and look at the damn mess ever since. Corporates planed the revolution and pulled the strings ever since. Really funny distancing yourselves then wanting to rule the world. No other nation since WW2 has been so deeply involved in creating mayhem than your lot. If anyone doesn't give in they can expect to be blooted the thing that tees you lot off is now there is one country you cannot control from your pathetic feeling the world must be run and influenced by you. For a young man you show why the land of nutjobs  is still resonant. Education over there is a lot to blame (you noting jimbro?).

You do display the arrogance of know-it-all youth but if I was a betting man by the wime you reach your wineter years yo will be a comfortable off corporate. If aliens ever land here I hope they looked at hollywood first then plunk in the ex-colonies and give the rest of the world normality and fewer conflicts.  :knight:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #205
I just heard a little bit about this on the radio while on my way home. I'm fresh out of people to like over there, it seems that all the governments involved directly in this-- the Russian, the Ukrainian and the Crimean-- are up to their armpits in questionable-at-best activity. Crimea and Ukraine could be said not to even have legitimate governments at the moment, so it's an open question whether any decision made would be binding.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #207
And Germany could claim a wee bit of Poland! Now the north east of Italy including Venice has a separatist movement now.

Anyway, if it is okay for Czechoslovakia to be two places and Kosovo to vote to detach it is just as right for Crimea. It never wanted to be part of Ukraine and is going home. So the West has tio live with it and not just accept the separations it wants to supervise.
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #209

Anyway, if it is okay for Czechoslovakia to be two places and Kosovo to vote to detach it is just as right for Crimea. It never wanted to be part of Ukraine and is going home. So the West has tio live with it and not just accept the separations it wants to supervise.
If Crimea wants to be separate, fine. But at issue is the Russian invasion and possible annexation by Russia.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #210
"going on about rights and stuff"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #211
Let them decide for themself. I might be wrong but I expect the majority will vote for 'annexation'.

Russian agent provocateur taking a bath in Sevastopol

Pro Russian militia pointing guns at voting Crimeans in Simferopol.

Thousands of Crimean Tatar protesters chanting pro Kiev slogans.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #213

balaclava (n.)
"woolen head covering", especially worn by soldiers, evidently named for village near Sebastopol, Russia, site of a battle Oct. 25, 1854, in the Crimean War. But the term (originally Balaclava helmet) does not appear before 1881 and seems to have come into widespread use in the Boer War. The British troops suffered from the cold in the Crimean War, and the usage might be a remembrance of that conflict. The town name (Balaklava) often is said to be from Turkish, but is perhaps folk-etymologized from a Greek original Palakion.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #214

I had no luck with that.
You might bring another one for an incisive and thorough analysis of Lord Obama. Maybe I'll have more luck with it. :)

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #216
This one worked for me :)

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #217
Latest graphic out of Russia.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #218
Firstly the comment from Sanguinemoon about the "Russian invasion." Ehrm, where is it? The only Russian military are the 25,000 entitled to be in the Black Sea base and which Ukraine is paid for in big money. There are NO Russian troops and NO Russian tanks. Western leaders led of course by some numbskull in the White House for some time have elsewhere said how good it is for people to have self determination - yeah, provided it is sanctioned by the US of A. For a nation that has interfered continually across the globe since WW2 the sheer brass neck is astonishing. So too is the media and politicians hype. There wass also a lot of guff about Russian military activity manoeuvres at the Ukrainian border when in fact the even was 800 miles away. Television led be America showed those tanks and lied that they were in Crimea, etc.

Ukraine had a coup led by the far right on the streets of Kiev. There are dozens of neo-Nazis in the Kiev parliament and they are in the government including the deputy Prime Minister. One neo-Nazi is standing for President. Somehow the Western logic is that a duly elected government is taken out and rump take over and that is legal? At the same time the Crimea given away when it didn't want to be moved decades ago has a properly run referendum in the face of an illegitimate government that didn't include their tradition and they are illegal? How crassly stupid is that? The idiots presently running Ukraine and led by that despeicanle and arrogant Prime Minister who also lied about Russians are a danger. The Russian Federation was giving Ukraine a loan without conditions. Now the basket case country will have even more debt and even more conditions along with austerity. Talk about being bonkers.

A convoy of armoured vehicles and TANKS the other day headed towards the east of the countyry but were stopped by unarmed people who asked them nicely to go away and after a few hours they di so back towards Kiev. That was the Ukrainian Army. So if you want to look at rights and secession, etc you must be cleared by the West first based on it's record of being two-faced.  One far right party boiss that clown standing for President has threatened to blow up a pipe line. Tv channels are still referring to the former government shooting down people in the Kiev square when it was actually a neo-Nazi lot who shot other fighters as well as policemen. It is frighteningly amazing how utterly criminal and outright liars the West lot are.

Nothing much from jimbro. If you don't know much about something fall back on clutching at pointless straws. The only thing he has give is his usual Cold War mentality obsession with Russia. Always the same when people don't see the thing in their own eye. In the end Crimea will return to it's home and whether the cabal here in the West huff and puff or not Crimea will become part of the Russian Federation and that will be that. However the way the Kiev illegals are acting towards Russian speakers may only make further collapse possible.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #219

Firstly the comment from Sanguinemoon about the "Russian invasion." Ehrm, where is it? The only Russian military are the 25,000 entitled to be in the Black Sea base and which Ukraine is paid for in big money. There are NO Russian troops and NO Russian tanks.
Notice that your statement is self-contradictory. First, Ukrainians are being paid big money for the military base, and then there are no troops and no tanks? Is the military base empty?

Everything is there, I tell you. Fighter jets, artillery, tanks, navy, troops, and they are now openly all over Crimea. It's just like the South Ossetia war was. Nobody is doing anything, only Russia is doing something.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #220
They look like tanks but they're actually rides at Disney World. And, yes, they are in Ukraine.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #221
There are TWO SIDES BUT SOMEHOW THAT IS IGNORED. When the first report came out about deaths there was deliberately no mention that almost half were policemen. Molotov cocktails, firing  bricks and anything that hands can lay on at the officers. One policeman was actually beaten to a death pulp my the mob . And mob is what they are. They yak about Ukraine then attack and burn government buildings so how does that help any future governemnt. Neither can an elected man be expected to give up by terror gangs on the street.

It is none of America's business nor the EEC interfering politicians business to shout on about Ukraine's internal affairs. Now talk about sanctions? Can we remind everyone that one half of the country does not want to be in the EEC. And anyway what financial advantage is there in it?

Senator McCain tops the list of utter balloons that gives America a bad name. He looks and sounds utterly stupid.

One policeman was actually beaten to a death pulp my the mob.
Go back and read what you wrote.
He has a counterpart in Glasgow.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #223
He may have meant "buffoons," but who knows. Scottish is a difficult language, and that's just one more Howieism to add to the growing list.

What's lost in all this buffoonery are the actual events in Crimea and eastern Ukraine. On those matters I have to admit to near complete ignorance, and in that respect I'm not alone among the posters in DnD.

We depend on press, internet and TV reports, then pick and choose the ones that support our built-in biases. Mr. Howie is not alone in that respect.

You're physically closer than most here, and I'm guessing that you're guessing, too.