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Topic: Sochi Olympics (Read 17978 times)

Re: Sochi Olympics

Reply #25
For @Josh:



Re: Sochi Olympics

Reply #26
All this bunkum and led by the West and it's "leaders." Can I tell you jimbro that in Edinburgh Zoo one of the toilets is actually like this. An adult and a child can be taken in for example.

Anyway on a more important note all the damn hype that has went on about sneering and sniping at Russia overlooks something. The interviews with the athletes is a totally different picture. The US media and some here have been at this for no good reason at all. Russia has produced the best facilities of any Winter Olympic and the participants would back that. One could almost tolerate such immaturity if oit was the USSR but the country is a capitalist one now but there again however not controlled by the American corporates so fodder for sniping.

Well done Sochi and well done Russia.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Sochi Olympics

Reply #27
Anyway on a more important note all the damn hype that has went on about sneering and sniping at Russia overlooks something. The interviews with the athletes is a totally different picture. The US media and some here have been at this for no good reason at all. Russia has produced the best facilities of any Winter Olympic and the participants would back that. One could almost tolerate such immaturity if oit was the USSR but the country is a capitalist one now but there again however not controlled by the American corporates so fodder for sniping.

I don't understand why you're so quick to jump on the Putin bandwagon. Do some snooping on some of the things that have gone on, from the $8,000,000,000 spent on the road to Sochi, the contract given to an old friend, to shabby accommodations.
Arkady Rotenberg, the boyhood friend and former judo partner of black-belt President Vladimir Putin, already is collecting his winnings from 2014’s Winter Olympics. Rotenberg’s companies have been awarded at least 227 billion rubles ($7.4 billion) worth of contracts for the Sochi Games, according to figures compiled from corporate and government filings. That’s more than the entire budget for the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, though it represents just 15 percent of Russia’s latest estimate for the event, which promises to be the most expensive ever.

You're always quick to castigate everything American and show no skepticism toward anything else with the singular exception of Edinburgh. Why is that?

Re: Sochi Olympics

Reply #28
Olympics are not sports.
Even less "winter games" that no one sees.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Sochi Olympics

Reply #29

You're always quick to castigate everything American and show no skepticism toward anything else with the singular exception of Edinburgh. Why is that?

When you get tired and your concentration wavers you sometimes take rj seriously.
A sad spectacle.

Re: Sochi Olympics

Reply #30
What a surprise from  jimbro and tt92.  ::)

How is that one for brass neck stuff on me jumping so quickly on Putin's bandwagon! You both have to look in your own corner and the ill based quick  approach by your media on Sochi. It was a case of mumblings, sneers from the very start so no surprise you two follow the braining so take the thing out your own eye before you sideswerve to mine. And anyway how much Russia wants to spend is it's right and they have the money. Plus the fact that athletes have been praising the facilities. Jimbro was fast off the mark at sniping Putin so no moral high grouns there. He and his fellow ex-colonist get ired at my views on the USA and I have no intention of aplogising for such. A country that interferes everywhere, tries to destabilise "enemies" who are usally not wishing to give in to big business attempts. Half the world's military expenditure from America. Constantly creating trouble and mayhem. Has an electoral system controlled by the millionaires and not the people. The comfortable off can passingly agree on some of it but think that because their corner is fine the greed and arrogance shown across the world is a passing phase. Well tough it isn't.

So right from the start we had the US and some here getting digs at Sochi for no good reason and there were Americans who cancelled trips because of the over the top hints about terrorism. The same moaners of course ignore previous  matters such as in Germany when terrorists killed Israel athletes or in Mexico City where authorities killed dozens.  On top of this i gave a degree of credence when the USSR was in existence but is now capitalist inclined and is on economy the US cannot control or undercut so not surprising the media and others will brain their people. As long as America does what it does in the world and create conflicts it will remain open for challenge. Both jimbro and tt92 can do nothing about either so adopt an attitude it is not them so that's okay we can forget the deplorable things that go on. Kid of laughable when people swipe at Russia on democracy especially from a land that doesn't really fit that word itself! Have a nice day.

Well done to Russia and Sochi for putting on a great show, wonderful facilities and promoting the Olympic principles. Even more so at the people quick enough to ignore the same principles here.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Sochi Olympics

Reply #31
I have to agree with RJ there that security and the facilities are in good order in Sochi. Compared to Vancouver for example

Not sure how much should have been spent and through which one of Putin's buddies, but the result manages to be both challenging and safe for the sportspeople and entertaining for the spectators. Gays were afraid that the authorities wouldn't treat them tenderly enough, but there's been no official interest in gays at all, so these fears were baseless too.

Re: Sochi Olympics

Reply #35
An American competitor saw a wolf walking inside her hotel.
It seems she didn't liked and is complaining about...
A matter of attitude.

Re: Sochi Olympics

Reply #36
Things are going very well in Sochi! That's Robocop in the foreground.

Re: Sochi Olympics

Reply #37
Winter Games are always an imitation of true Olympics.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Sochi Olympics

Reply #38
What's that picture got to do with Sochi??
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Sochi Olympics

Reply #40
Maybe the wolf wasn't so gifted by nature and she was complaining about that...
A matter of attitude.

Re: Sochi Olympics

Reply #42
Are you sure it was a wolf?

No, it was a dog, but it was deceased.
Thousands of dogs have been killed. Despite promising there wouldn’t be a street cull in preparation for the Olympic Games, the Sochi local government hired a private exterminating company to kill “as many as possible” for the Olympic Games, referring to the dogs as “biological trash.” The International Olympic Committee has done nothing to stop it.

What's an International Olympic Committee to do?  :'(

Re: Sochi Olympics

Reply #44
That lavatory story has been done so many times but I have seen one of these elsewhere and even the Russians have satired it as it happens. For one who always moans about going on the same take all the time you do it yourself with anything to do with Russia. Time you were told this instead of trying to warp at me! Heavens you are almost as bad as Fox News so waken up and get out of that damn chair for some fresh air. Oh and by the way your terrible snow was not due to Russia either.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Sochi Olympics

Reply #46
I was wrong...for the first time in my life. Curling is everywhere!
The members of the Detroit Curling Club welcome you to our website. The club offers a range of curling opportunities for players of all skill levels and a variety of social activities. Whether you are a novice, intermediate or experienced competitive curler, we're confident you'll enjoy our facility, excellent ice and camaraderie. We invite you to explore the website to learn more.

The Detroit Curling Club is a dedicated curling facility with four sheets of ice and a spacious lounge and viewing area. We're in Ferndale, Michigan, close to Downtown Detroit and centrally located between major freeways (I-75 and I-696). We are the only curling club in the Detroit metropolitan area and have an active membership who joins for one primary purpose - to enjoy the grand old game of curling!

For the interested curlers in DnD, see this.

Re: Sochi Olympics

Reply #48
Oh-oh a dreaming Abbey fan. Can we expect definitive reactions from such? I bet if you had lived then jimbro you would have been a footman and I as butler running the staff.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Sochi Olympics

Reply #49
More likely, you'd have been a lady's maid.

Make fun of Downton Abbey and you'll have my beloved, but sometimes violent, wife to deal with.

This pic I took of her spells it out.