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Topic: How To Sit (Read 17576 times)

Re: How To Sit

Reply #25
My dog already sits immediately ninety percent of the times I order. Not bad for a three month little dog.
Course, I'm not Cesar Milan.

Next train will be to kill. Specially police man and the sort.
A matter of attitude.

Re: How To Sit

Reply #26
Why not criminals? (I suppose such don't exist in Portugal...)

Re: How To Sit

Reply #28
I'm sure he can accomplish the task with his own hands.  8) Please, send the dogs over here...

Re: How To Sit

Reply #29
Why not criminals? (I suppose such don't exist in Portugal...)

...the way they do in Brazil.
Drug traffickers in Rio de Janeiro ordered shops closed in one of its biggest slums early on Thursday, defying efforts to restore order to the city's vast shantytowns and renewing safety concerns in Brazil as it prepares to host the World Cup and Olympics. Shops were shuttered and more than 5,400 children were turned away from school Thursday morning after traffickers, shouting from motorcycles, ordered a curfew following a shootout with police late Wednesday that killed a drug dealer.

There's standard law enforcement, then there's Brazilian law enforcement.

Re: How To Sit

Reply #30

Why not criminals?

Maybe it's Dom Belfrager? :D

Everything depends on the point of view... specially when the state has a criminal behavior.

Please, send the dogs over here...

The point with training dogs that I still don't know too well is how to train them to attack directly to the throat. I need someone's throat... maybe you want to help me train them, eh Barulheira? :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: How To Sit

Reply #32
Lots of throats here. Be welcome.

Re: How To Sit

Reply #35
Well, this seems to be the only physical thread we have...

My last bicycle tour let me with numbness at two fingers at my right hand.
I'm good now but it took me one week to pass. Irritating thing. I know the cause, so I can correct it.

This to say to you to pay attention to your physical form. Mens sana in corpore sano.
(I don't believe to be saying this... bicycles are really a life changing thing)

Some day I'm afraid that I will even quit smoking...
A matter of attitude.

Re: How To Sit

Reply #36
Yes, proper form is important no matter what you do.

Re: How To Sit

Reply #37
If I really wanted to sit comfortably and happily it would be using John McCain to sit on.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: How To Sit

Reply #38
Here's a Dawkinsian scientific overview how bad sitting is for you.

Re: How To Sit

Reply #40
I think you miss-read the word "sit" jaybro

Re: How To Sit

Reply #42
This looks like a perfect format for a computer desk.

The laptop (or monitor) would go to the very top. The attached keyboard on the main board. The trackball on the lower board. If the desk is high/tall enough, it should be comfortable to work at it when standing. Any carpenters in the audience?

Re: How To Sit

Reply #43
That probably wouldn't work for me seeing how I'm 1.91m. I figure it's probably best suited for people between about 1.70m and 1.80m. However, that does remind me of this cool video I saw a few months back:


I think an attachment to a traditional desk might be more practical solution, however.

But while that is nice, I think I prefer this product.


Re: How To Sit

Reply #44

I figure it's probably best suited for people between about 1.70m and 1.80m.

That be me.

The video is very cool. It would be wonderful to have a desk with adjustable height. Length-adjustable legs with some mechanism used in gym equipment would be a possibility, but more likely people will have to buy the right kind of chair to suit their desks.

The attached thingies look great too, but unfortunately they presuppose that the table is of excellent solid suitable material. This is hardly ever the case these days. When you try to drive an extra screw somewhere in a modern table, the table simply falls apart.

Ah, as to the pic I gave, I already thought how to height-adjust the desk. I have a wooden box that fits under it.

Edit: Mobile carts like this are a great invention, except for one thing - wheels. I want my workstation to stay put. If I want to place it somewhere else, I lift it. That's why I think my first pic displays a better solution.

Re: How To Sit

Reply #45
I'm waiting for holographic technology to catch up… :) Make it all virtual! (You know, like in the movies! :) )
No better way to go ergonomic…

(Of course, in the meantime, I adjust what I have to suit my needs and tastes. Not everything I've tried worked as well as I first thought it would: Tipping my monitor on end seemed, at first, a reasonable thing to do. But then I discovered much of my "computing" became difficult.
I like to keep a few (…okay, more than a few…) applications open. Tilting the monitor to vertical effectively defeats this.)
Of course, it shouldn't. But that's what we have for windowing systems, so far…

Hey, shouldn't they provide easily stacked and sorted panes…? (But what do I know? :) )
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: How To Sit

Reply #46
This must be a sado masochist thread...
A matter of attitude.

Re: How To Sit

Reply #47
I put my monitor on an arm. I find sitting in one spot uncomfortable so this way I can raise it up to face level or drop and tilt it so it's practically in my lap like you would view a tablet (or anything in between). But I brought it up because it also rotates to vertical and back easily. Not a feature I use, although if I read a lot of books on screen I probably would. Hours of tracking scrolling text can give me a headache.   

Re: How To Sit

Reply #48
I put my monitor on an arm.

Yours or somebody else?

Seriously, all those mechanical gadgets don't work. I agree with Oakdale, put it holograhic or even more radical, upload yourselves into software.
A matter of attitude.

Re: How To Sit

Reply #49
Seriously, all those mechanical gadgets don't work.

28" screen floating right in front of me. I'm just saying while you're waiting on those holograms you can have the next best thing. Tried and true.