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Topic: Anthropogenic Global Warming (Read 200260 times)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #300
Except for adding to my/our carbon footprint none of this has anything to do with climate change

You're good at finding things in DND. Can you find one topic where the focus is maintained? All topics drift.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #301

Except for adding to my/our carbon footprint none of this has anything to do with climate change

You're good at finding things in DND. Can you find one topic where the focus is maintained? All topics drift.

It would help if folk actually pay attention when they quote other people. Example: In the quote above, Jimbro attributes something to me that I didn't say. Jax said it.....
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #302
You're right again. My bad.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #303
I think it is naughty to pick on mjsmsprt40. After all he lives in Illinois you know.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #304
Except for adding to my/our carbon footprint none of this has anything to do with climate change, but it is pretty clear we've stopped discussing this years ago.
Yes. Except for those who are interested in the science or the politics…
Are you yourself interested in why few are interested in either?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #305
Quote from: Wikipedia
Ecological Debt Day, also known as Earth Overshoot Day, is the (claimed) approximate calendar date on which humanity’s resource consumption for the year exceeds Earth’s capacity to regenerate those resources that year.

(World Biocapacity/World Ecological Footpring)x365=Ecological Debt Day

This year it was yesterday, say sources like WWF. But they are a loony cult like Scientology, those greenie bastards...

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #306
This year it was yesterday, say sources like WWF. But they are a loony cult like Scientology, those greenie bastards...

New political parties, that defends the principles of New Economics, needs to appear. A new economy, a new environment, a new society.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #307
New political parties, that defends the principles of New Economics, needs to appear. A new economy, a new environment, a new society.
Seems to be a toss-up, for the "environmentalists": Brave New World or 1984

That's what happens when a majority of people get their "science" from literary sources.

Yes, ersi, the World Wildlife Fund is an NGO dedicated to "loony" pseudo-science…
Doing real science is hard! And it is quite instructive to see which groups opt for the easier tasks of opinion polling and fanciful computer modelling. (Things haven't changed much since the Club of Rome's early efforts.) And what type of mind prefers "scenarios" to predictions… :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #309
I read the list — it might have been culled from the phone book! You're a boob, Belfrager, if you are so easily gulled… And a nincompoop if you thought I'd be.
I can (and do) read technical papers. While I will occasionally read editorials, essays and even screeds, I don't give them much credence. Have you any sources beyond what you've indicated?

(Forgive my diction: I'm re-reading Rex Stout's oeuvre! Nero Wolfe is one of my favorite fictional characters; and his manner and tone are infectious. :) )
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #310

Doing real science is hard!

This explains why you shy away from it.

And it is quite instructive to see which groups opt for the easier tasks of opinion polling and fanciful computer modelling.

And also instructive to see what effect agendas can have. When you think industries are good - because they say so and they cannot lie -, you easily assert that there's no pollution. Instructive.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #311
When you think industries are good - because they say so and they cannot lie -, you easily assert that there's no pollution.
Surely, even a bright middle-school pupil knows what a straw man is? :)
Your problem is not pollution of the environment… It's pollution of the mind: Fanaticism or fatuousness! I have no cure for either, ersi.
But you have an ally in Belfrager — perhaps you could ask those who make and deploy devices that break the laws of physics to help your cause? Or ask Bel to ask them for you? :)

If you actually maintain that man's pollution is about to (or even can) catastrophically disrupt the earth's climate "system" — please provide evidence!
Not hints, hand-wringing and horrific scenarios. Evidence. (The IPCC has failed to do so, in 25 years… You may disagree; but I read their assessments a little more closely than you do, I think.) Also, if you would (though I doubt you will… :) ), say what -then- should be done, by whom, and to what purpose.
Easy-peasy, eh? :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #312

Surely, even a bright middle-school pupil knows what a straw man is? :)

Yes. And a bright pupil notices when someone else throws the term around without any clue what it is. Seriously, you stand quotable on everything I have said.

Your problem is not pollution of the environment… It's pollution of the mind: Fanaticism or fatuousness!

..says the guy who only dabbles in politics, illogic, pseudoscience.

If you actually maintain that man's pollution is about to (or even can) catastrophically disrupt the earth's climate "system" — please provide evidence!

It's done pages ago. It's your turn for several weeks already.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #313
Can you even cite a derivation of the IPCC's recent value for the transient climate sensitivity…? Half-baked ideas based upon and supported by computer models whose predictions have mostly failed won't do. Not for me. (If they will for you, that's your problem.) Or would you recognize recent works yielding a value slightly more than half…? Of course, that would remove the "catastrophic" from CAGW; but you can't have everything, if you want verifiable science!
Is that what you want? Verifiable science? :)

Please explain your position via a one-word answer. Then back it up, either by agreeing to discuss recent (or even ancient!) published work or by bloviating about ideologies and conspiracies. (Ask Belfrager for help on the latter… :) You can, I'm sure, handle the former yourself.) If all you can muster are the "works" of Oreskes, Cook and Lewandowsky and their like, admit it!
What have you got to lose? (I mean, besides your credibility… They can't take your high school diploma away, can they?! :) ) Seriously: If climatology doesn't interest you, just say so!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #314

Half-baked ideas based upon and supported by computer models whose predictions have mostly failed won't do. Not for me.

But they do - for you. In economics you are just fine with them. I never was in any science.

We simply disagree what the core model of climatology is. For me it's the greenhouse effect. For you it's predictions of warming. Different topics.

Please explain your position via a one-word answer.


Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #316
In economics you are just fine with them.
That's a presumption of yours… :) (You do that quite a lot!)
I never was in any science.
That has often seemed obvious…
We simply disagree what the core model of climatology is. For me it's the greenhouse effect.
Have you a reason for such a pronouncement?
But if such a model fails even the simplest of tests -verification- than why would you cling to it so desperately?
(Or do you have a super-secret pseudo-mathematical formula for waving away contrary evidence?)
For you it's predictions of warming.
As usual, with your either-or logic (Syllogistic and the oh-so venerable Venn diagrams…), you've reached a conclusion that you can't verify:
The models (based upon a simplistic understanding of the greenhouse effect) have predicted warming that has not occurred; and, since the models start from a misconception of that "effect", they hinder the science of climatology: They have predicated an outcome that both data and theory mostly don't support…
I take you at your word that you have no science in mind… Except the greenhouse effect itself, as understood by high schoolers! Or perhaps I took you wrong: Do you think it imperative that "the world" drastically reduces its dependence on fossil fuels, because of CO2 "pollution"?
Or perhaps you simply believe some trace gasses in our atmosphere are "magical"… :)
@Belfrager: You did read the (skimpy) article, didn't you? :)
"Ultimately," noted [Walt] Meier [,a research scientist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's Cryospheric Sciences Lab], "it is an editorial decision as to what to show and how."

Confirms [Rosemary] Wardley [National Geographic's senior GIS cartographer]: "We do not show the minimum extent simply because there is only so much information we can put on the map before it becomes confusing to the user."
(your source, Bel…)
Perhaps confusing the "user" was the point? :)

At any rate (so far demonstrable — pun intended!), 2012 was the end! Why bother with more data?
Oh, wait: That was the Mayan apocalypse… It's difficult to keep some of these doomsday scenarios separate!

But as they say: "Any storm out of port…" (That's not right, is it? :) ) But a "sailor" must have his sea stories to tell! Else how's 'e gonna cadge drinks?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)


Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #317

In economics you are just fine with them.
That's a presumption of yours… :) (You do that quite a lot!)

It's been clear, as soon as you chimed in in this thread, that you have no idea what presumption is. You are blind to your own presumptions while you think everybody else has them.

We simply disagree what the core model of climatology is. For me it's the greenhouse effect.
If such a model fails even the simplest of tests -verification- than why would you cling to it so desperately?

You have no idea what verification is either. Have you verified that ecological concerns are unfounded? Of course you haven't. You only have the ideological presumption that people are under an ideological mass psychosis.

The models (based upon a simplistic understanding of the greenhouse effect) have predicted warming that has not occurred; ...

And why do you keep confirming the silliest things I say about you, such as that for you it's only about predictions of warming? It's ridiculous.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #318
And why do you keep confirming the silliest things I say about you, such as that for you it's only about predictions of warming? It's ridiculous.
Well… The "In" crowd changed that to "Catastrophic Climate Change" a while back — and has vacillated since. (It seems that "climate change" isn't scary enough!) They've repeatedly tried to tout "severe" weather — which fails to match observations; sea-level rise, which has remained at a steady rate for centuries; glacier melts, which don't; impending animal extinctions, which refuse to happen; Arctic and Antarctic ice cover and extant, which confound the modellers!
If you must cling to the greenhouse effect as the major driver of climactic change, at least admit that the main greenhouse gas is water vapor!
And we understand very little about it, as yet.
But you seem not to care how little we know: You just want — what? (You never do seem to say…)

Since you admit that the science either doesn't interest you or is beyond your ken, would you kindly state any point toward which your posts here lead?
(The obvious one can be elided… We all know! :) )
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #319

And why do you keep confirming the silliest things I say about you, such as that for you it's only about predictions of warming? It's ridiculous.
Well… The "In" crowd changed that to "Catastrophic Climate Change" a while back — and has vacillated since.

No. It was changed to "global warming" in early 90's, maybe late 80's at the earliest. This change was (1) scientifically unjustified and (2) specific to Anglo-Americans. For the rest of the world it always was and remained the greenhouse effect. The rest of the world never vascillated in basic terminology. I have said this several times over, but you keep forgetting.

Edit: This does not mean there's no warming. There is. But the more important effect is turbulence. It's not linear warming. This has been the actual model for 200 years.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #320
For the rest of the world it always was and remained the greenhouse effect. I have said this several times over, but you keep forgetting.
That might be largesse on my part: This "greenhouse effect" you think so important has been grossly misrepresented! And you seem quite fine with such.

But —in case I'm wrong and you know better— give me a paper or textbook that explains this effect, as a primary element of the earth's climate "system"… (Ask anyone, including Google! I only want some idea of what the heck you think you mean!)
Edit: This does not mean there's no warming. There is. But the more important effect is turbulence. It's not linear warming. This has been the actual model for 200 years.
Holy shit! You're back to your quasi-Buddhist bullshit, again!

Turbulence!? When has the weather not been turbulent? When have not fools presumed their meager experience was the key to understanding all?
Science demands more. Or -at least- it used to.

Whose model was it (…just name one) 200 years ago? (Gee! I wonder!) Why not go back to Malthus… You'll get the same result.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #321

It's like the hydrologic cycle extended to space. Everybody knows it, only Oakdale's textbooks somehow don't have it.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #322
OK. How about this? The Obama administration, not content with throwing money down the drain on studies of the entire Earth's climate, now wants to spend 8 million dollars studying the effect of climate change indoors. Hmmm... give me 8 million and I'll be happy to re-adjust your thermostats and make sure that your humidifiers and dehumidifiers work right.

Now that I think of it a little-- here's a freebie. They'll find that mold tends to grow in the bathroom. Reasons: It's humid in there. You took a steamy shower (possibly in more ways than one but let's let your private life stay private) and that guarantees an abundance of humidity. Through the day, in most homes, the light tends to be "off" when you're not using that room, so it's dark much of the time-- or if there is light it's dim because you use some sort of frosted windows on your bathroom windows. Mold loves humid, dark places. The utility room--- usually in the basement in Upper Midwest American homes-- is another great place for mold. Same reasons-- it's dark much of the time, and after doing a laundry it's likely to be humid. Besides, basements have a tendency to be damp much of the time anyway.

So-- a couple of freebie ideas about indoor climate.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #323
Yup, they don't do science education in the US.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #324
I think mold got out of their basements and it's invading their brains.
A matter of attitude.