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Topic: Anthropogenic Global Warming (Read 200256 times)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #275
I could sincerely hope that you, Bel-- and RJHowie-- stay in your respective homelands. Such bigotry against anybody not like yourselves---- even the KKK hardly matches it, and they're known for it.

Aside from that, though--- I have some sources that tell me that the science on CAGW is hardly a "settled science".

Really, when you stop to think of it, it might be an impossibility to have "settled science" on the Earth's climate. We've only started studying it in the past handful of decades, and there's much that honest scientists would tell you is still not understood or at best poorly understood. If this were not so, computer models that forecast what will happen to earth's climate would have a much better record than they do. As it is, they can't even reliably forecast rain over the next 24 hours. (I have empirical evidence for this: Both Accuweather and the Weather Channel were forecasting downpours here over the last couple of days. We got------- a few drops. If you weren't standing outside and felt it, you wouldn't know.)

So--- if they can't reliably forecast rain over a 24 hour period, why should I believe they can forecast terrible calamity over a 30 year period? Their record to date looks a little shaky.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #276
Both Accuweather and the Weather Channel were forecasting downpours here over the last couple of days. We got------- a few drops. If you weren't standing outside and felt it, you wouldn't know.)

So--- if they can't reliably forecast rain over a 24 hour period, why should I believe they can forecast terrible calamity over a 30 year period? Their record to date looks a little shaky.

Ok. It only reinforces what I said.
Aside from that, though--- I have some sources that tell me that the science on CAGW is hardly a "settled science".

Yeah, I know... like Oakdale, you two are no different, just expresses it in different styles .The I wanna be an erudite and the I'm proud to be a peasant. Two faces of the same coin. The dollar.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #277
You're gonna have to do better than that, Bel. Actually, you've been producing a pretty good argument against your side of the story. What have you got? "Hate America Bigotry". Yep, that makes a strong argument. Well, not exactly. Because while you're spending your time calling the American posters here ignorant buffoons, you give us all the material we need to dismiss you out of hand. There's no reason to listen to someone whose hatred--- yes, hatred-- of us overshadows everything he writes.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #278
Because while you're spending your time calling the American posters here ignorant buffoons, you give us all the material we need to dismiss you out of hand. There's no reason to listen to someone whose hatred--- yes, hatred-- of us overshadows everything he writes.

Now, you just imagine that I'm right. Imagine, just imagine it, it will not hurt you.
See the result? and if that's the reality? :)

My words helps you.

But there's a vestige,a remnant of truth on what you say. Anti Americanism is a trend all over the place that I'm starting to get tired.
Now on I'll be anti Vanuatu. No one is against them.
Unfortunately, Vanuatu posters are hard to find. Like the Portuguese. :)
You're luckier than me...
A matter of attitude.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #279
I imagine that you're a "Hate America Bigot". You've been producing an abundance of evidence that this is so. After that, anything else you've got to say gets dismissed out of hand.

While I'm on this: Bel is the example THIS TIME. We have 3 posters here who are guilty of this sort of thing. Well, at least where I notice it. I tell you here and now that you waste perfectly good arguments when you open with hatred of the nationality of other posters here. All you do is to show yourself to be a xenophobic bigot, and after that--- why should anybody pay any attention to anything else you have to say?

I would like to think that, if I ever did visit your countries (admittedly the chance of this happening is remote, I'm just not wealthy enough to be a globe-trotter) I might expect a decent welcome. Instead, I get the feeling here that if I did visit the first response-- possibly even before I got off the plane--- would be that I should take my ignorant American #%% back home where it belongs. Soooo--- reckon I won't be visiting even if I could afford it. No reason to visit a place where you're not welcome, eh?
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #280
[…] and after that--- why should anybody pay any attention to anything else you have to say?
Because 2+2=2*2, which is not 5! That's the problem I have: No argument I've seen has convinced me that 2+2=5. (Cummings' slim volume didn't come close…!) Nor that 2*2=5. If someone is -for whatever reasons- committed to 5 being the answer, I can only laugh at them — and perhaps pity them.
In this topic, I expect either informed scientific argument or sensible political/economical argument. I get neither.
Either my "opponents" are not being honest or they have not the capacity to understand the topic.
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #281
Bel is the example THIS TIME. We have 3 posters here who are guilty of this sort of thing.

Three? three is already a conspiracy... :)

Stop complaining mjm, do you want a thread about AGW without mentioning the role your country, your industry, your government and your mentality have on it? not possible no matter how much you accuse us of xenophobic behaviour.
and after that--- why should anybody pay any attention to anything else you have to say?

Why should I be worried with that? I find my humble contributions very good. Specially, they are short, that's nice. :)

If it pleases you, I don't think that any of the Three has any special aversion to your Country. Well, maybe one but one out of three ain't bad. It's a fact of life these days that your country and your governments have an huge responsibility on AGW. Course you try to simply deny AGW as a way of sorting out of the problem. It will not work, you can't just run away.

I don't know the exact numbers but maybe more than fifty percent of Americans, one hundred fifty millions of people, can tell you exactly what I say. Are you also go to answer them as you do with me? :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #282

I imagine that you're a "Hate America Bigot".

While I'm on this: Bel is the example THIS TIME. We have 3 posters here who are guilty of this sort of thing. Well, at least where I notice it.

3 posters out of how many posting people from Europe? It might give an interesting percentage.
And since you are at it - what else have those 3 posters in common except "Hate America Bigot"?
Have they the same political views? Are they sharing the same cultural heritage or language at least?

A more in depth analysis of your findings might be interesting - not only for the 3. :)

I would like to think that, if I ever did visit your countries (admittedly the chance of this happening is remote, I'm just not wealthy enough to be a globe-trotter) I might expect a decent welcome.

A decent welcome you say? How decent would you expect it to be? :)
An even more decent welcome than many Europeans encounter on US airports at arrival?
Some of them are denied the entry after a long Stasi like interrogation at the airport, without any explanation.
Last example, a 19 years old high-school graduate. She just wanted to visit some friends in Cleveland.
She is cured for now. Just wonder if she will become another "Hate America Bigot"? I hope not but it was a tough experience for a 19 years old teen who had to do some savings for her US journey. 1000€ = 4 hours lasting US airport visit.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #283
She is cured for now. Just wonder if she will become another "Hate America Bigot"? I hope not but it was a tough experience for a 19 years old teen who had to do some savings for her US journey. 1000€ = 4 hours lasting US airport visit.

America is actually way down on my list of locations to spend my touristy money because American customs is just about the worst way to come out of an 8-hour flight. But I do wonder what you mean by Stasi-like interrogation. :P I had to go for further questioning one time at Minneapolis–Saint Paul International Airport and it was just a counter where you had to go to answer yet more annoying questions. Perhaps the Stasi would ask similar questions, considering the proper answer to most of them would be "none of your freaking business" under different circumstances, but I think their technique might've been a tad worse.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #284
What do the two of you think is going on? Is it Eurohate or something else? How bad is it?

I have no idea how bad it is and how many people coming in are affected. Obviously, it can't be everybody or it would take hours to deplane one flight.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #285

But I do wonder what you mean by Stasi-like interrogation. :P

Hours of interrogation without an interpreter and without letting you make even a phone call (your cell phone gets confiscated, you get it back together with your baggage short before taking your flight home).
OK, the StaSi comparison was a bit of a stretch. They don't beat you during interrogation, neither do you get waterboarded.
So far it's only a 'friendly' conversation which can take only hours.

Is it Eurohate or something else? How bad is it?

Obviously, it can't be everybody or it would take hours to deplane one flight.

How can it be Eurohate? Aren't we among your closest allies?

As I mentioned above - some but not all.
There must be a pattern and some with less luck get stick. I don't think that a 19 years old girl (even one coming from Germany) can pose a serious threat to the USA.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #286
How can it be Eurohate? Aren't we among your closest allies?

As I mentioned above - some but not all.
There must be a pattern and some with less luck get stick. I don't think that a 19 years old girl (even one coming from Germany) can pose a serious threat to the USA.

Such notions are silly. It meant something during WWII and postwar fear of Russia, I suppose, but not today. It's a game politicians play. Today there's a touch of that with regard to China and the Spratlys.

On the girl, I have no idea what was going on. I'm sure that you don't either, but I could be wrong. I do that a lot.

It's a shame that so much of what goes on here is so negative. Sadly, I'm a guilty party.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #287
There must be a pattern and some with less luck get stick.

Less luck you say? By Christ, the USA invented tourist harassment.

I don't go there because international seven hours flights should be forbidden such is the impact in climate changing. When Zeppelins will be back again, maybe I'll go. I have diplomatic immunity, I'm a member of an International Sanctuary and have nothing to answer to customs, I speak no English.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #288
I have to agree with you on US Customs Frenzie.

On my first visit over there the man was not only bad mannered but ignorant, glaring and not a very welcoming person at all. Two years later when I had a second trip i could not believe it as I got the same uniformed oaf as previously. Their attitudes to visitors is far from normal or decent and would put people off. In fact the entry to other countries was far more acceptable but being a strong person I made a point of not letting the Gestapo trainees at New York put me off.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #289
the USA invented tourist harassment

I have no idea who invented tourism harassment or tourism for that matter.

Obviously, it can't be everybody

I've stumbled by coincidence over some numbers for 2013. Over 700 Germans (a minority of course) have been denied entrance on US airports despite of a valid visa. It would be interesting to know about more actual numbers.

At least mjmsprt40 wouldn't need to worry  for such an experience on German airports.
Whereas I doubt that customs officials will roll out the red carpet for him, at least he can be assured that he will be treated with respect.
No dumb questions, no interrogations lasting for ours. He wouldn't even have to hand out his new cell-phone camera (which does motion) for being sifted through :)
As a bonus, he could whenever prolong his visa and even work here for as long as he wants.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #291
I've stumbled by coincidence over some numbers for 2013. Over 700 Germans (a minority of course) have been denied entrance on US airports despite of a valid visa. It would be interesting to know about more actual numbers.

700 German terrorists of course.
You do well Americans, don't let them enter. Probably the Baader-Meinhof kind, they reproduce like rabbits.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #292
The U.S oh, heck, anything to do with TSA is something of a crying shame.

It's possible to be on a no-fly list just because your name is similar to somebody already on it--- and neither you or the other person being guilty of anything. Once on a list, it's near impossible to get off of it, or even to find out why you're on the list in the first place.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Germans who were denied entry were denied on some spurious reason which, if an intelligent person actually looked at it, wouldn't stand up and the person would be granted entry-- and maybe an apology to boot.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #293
What do the two of you think is going on? Is it Eurohate or something else? How bad is it?

If anything I'd think it's more ignorance or a type of anti-discrimination. Just like how being together with my American spouse in Europe is not a simple formality because in essence I think "we" want to keep out Moroccan immigrants. But obviously you couldn't just put immigration restrictions on Morocco — no, that'd be bad and discriminatory. It needs to be the whole world to be fair! (Note that the number of Moroccan immigrants has always paled compared to, say, German immigrants like my grandmother…)

I have no idea how bad it is and how many people coming in are affected. Obviously, it can't be everybody or it would take hours to deplane one flight.

This one time when I came through O'Hare the customs guy was shocked when I told him I came from a flight that landed nearly 2 hours ago. Me, I was shocked this one time when it took only about 45 minutes to get through. As an American you may not notice. They have separate waiting lines for Americans.

Hours of interrogation without an interpreter and without letting you make even a phone call (your cell phone gets confiscated, you get it back together with your baggage short before taking your flight home).

Do you have a link to a news story? I found this, but it's HLN… but yes, those weirdos were already suspicious when I wanted to stay for three weeks. Ooh, how suspicious, I'll be spending more money in your economy than if I stayed the median amount of time. Couldn't have that, could we… :P

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #294
Try this link for a Google search.


Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #295
Try this link for a Google search.

I meant specifically the one you were talking about because that has the interrogation aspect.

Leider ändert das nichts daran, dass die US-Behörden uns verdächtig finden – denn heute gilt zunächst einmal jeder als verdächtig, der in die USA einreisen will, und es ist Aufgabe umfangreicher Sicherheitschecks, diesen millionenfachen Generalverdacht zu widerlegen.

Heh, that does sound accurate. :P

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #296

I meant specifically the one you were talking about because that has the interrogation aspect.

You can find it among the search results resulting from the link I gave.

For instance:
- USA verweigern 19-Jähriger Einreise wegen ... - Tagesspiegel
- Im Land der begrenzten Freundlichkeit
- Ich kam mir vor wie eine Schwerverbrecherin

BTW: Since even almost every US citizen is perceived as a potential criminal,  why should people from abroad make any difference?
So far there is nothing our US posters should be ashamed or feel guilty for.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #297
Thanks, the Frankfurter Rundschau article is the kind of thing I was looking for.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #298
It is unfortunate that the first contact with another country will be immigration officers. They can be a pain most places, though for European citizen the US may be the worst. Just harassing enough that when you have choice where to go, you might go somewhere else instead.

I might actually go to the US this year, if New York counts. That might be just in time for Arlanda US pre-clearance, so I can enjoy the pleasures of being harassed on my home turf instead.

Except for adding to my/our carbon footprint none of this has anything to do with climate change, but it is pretty clear we've stopped discussing this years ago. The travails of travel may be a tolerable substitute.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #299
Jax-- it works for me. I have to admit that TSA doesn't exactly shine when you come here from somewhere else-- I haven't experienced it much personally because I NEVER fly, but you can't help hearing from others. Especially when I meet a courier at Terminal 5 at O'Hare (Terminal 5 is the International terminal) and I sometimes have to wait HOURS for the courier to clear customs. It varies--- I've met the courier within 15 minutes of the plane's arrival, one time I was there several hours waiting. What does the courier bring? A couple of boxes going to the John Deere plant in Iowa. I'm sure lawn-tractor parts are a high-security issue, eh?
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!