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Topic: Anthropogenic Global Warming (Read 200219 times)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #100

So, swimming, boating, driving a car, flying on an airplane; heck, even bicycling, running and walking are too dangerous — since they are not certainly safe! :) Your rubber room awaits you…

Are you still talking about the Third Assessment Report of the IPCC? Evidently not. I'll answer to you as soon as you come back to your senses.

Wikipedia doesn't qualify as a publisher of academic papers! :)

Wikipedia links to them though, and I gave such a link. You have not given even this much. So we are even, as soon as you stop lowering yourself.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #101
Are you still talking about the Third Assessment Report of the IPCC? Evidently not.
I'm talking about the Precautionary Principle… Your acceptance of which apparently explains your fear of learning and thinking… How could you be certain such were "certainly safe"? :)

The IPCC is up to its 5th Assessment Report; and I've read most of it… You?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #102

I'm talking about the Precautionary Principle…
The IPCC is up to its 5th Assessment Report; and I've read most of it… You?

No, I haven't. What does it say about "swimming, boating, driving a car, flying on an airplane; heck, even bicycling, running and walking"? The earlier reports said nothing.

You may have read the thing, but your reading comprehension is zero. You have attached principles to random events previously too. Thus far you have not even touched ecological concerns.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #103
Random? :) Shall we then agree to apply the Precautionary Principle only to technology?
Start with crop rotation and irrigation… Obviously, the "certainty" required is a mutable term. And just as obviously you fail to acknowledge such.
Else, no technology is certainly safe — and, as such, should be proscribed!

Do you see the problem with a doctrinaire application of the Precautionary Principle yet?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #105
I read excerpts the day before it was released publicly; and re-checked today… Pope Francis is badly advised on and incompetent to judge the climate change debate.

You may disagree, Belfrager. (In which case, you have a gross misunderstanding of the Doctrine of Infallibility… An inexcusable lapse, for an intelligent Catholic; you might as well be a pagan or a Communist! :) )

You might want to read this
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)


Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #106

Random? :) Shall we then agree to apply the Precautionary Principle only to technology?

Sorry, dude. Why is it impossible for you to keep to the topic? Why do you spill everything over in all directions when the reports are specific and very moderate? The reports are not focused on technology. They are focused on climatology first, on technology only in relation to the emissions of greenhouse gases.

Start with crop rotation and irrigation… Obviously, the "certainty" required is a mutable term. And just as obviously you fail to acknowledge such.
Else, no technology is certainly safe — and, as such, should be proscribed!

Are you really saying this? "Certainty" is a mutable term? Do you prefer "presumption of innocence" or perhaps even "absolute freedom"? Like, nuke first, ask questions later? And you see no problem with your position?

Do you see the problem with a doctrinaire application of the Precautionary Principle yet?

I see that you don't even know what the principle is about and how it works. It doesn't mean "prevent technology". And even if it did (which it doesn't), IPCC is not a judge, jury, and police.

The principle means "be cautious". For example, don't go out into public with new technology without testing it properly first. The principle is not about technology, but about the effects. At this stage, environmental policies are still mostly concerned with restricting the very well known effects of coal power plants and such. Only a lunatic who doesn't care about facts can argue against this. They also recommend alternative energy sources, but nothing is known beyond solar and wind energy. Research is encouraged in the area of technology that would enable reduction of industry that emits greenhouse gases. Simple.

So, to summarise, we are not in substantial disagreement. You simply do not have a position that would merit agreement or disagreement.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #107
Yes, I'd have to agree: You are.

Coal and natural gas (along with nuclear…) will have to provide the majority of our -the world's- energy for about a century or so, unless a breakthrough occurs. The poorest countries will certainly have to be "allowed" to use such; to keep them from doing so would be to consign them to poverty…
But not to worry too much: They will learn to clean up after themselves, much as we did.
Wealth has a way of making one conscientious. (Communist systems have perverse incentives… You've yourself seen their results! So, you might want to study what actually happened in western democracies.)
I see that you don't even know what the principle is about and how it works. It doesn't mean "prevent technology". And even if it did (which it doesn't), IPCC is not a judge, jury, and police.
Many have suggested that it should be! Most recently, Pope Francis…

You won't convince me that the Precautionary Principle isn't self-refuting, ersi. If you just want to urge caution, do so. But requiring the certainty of safety is beyond human means. Risks need to be assessed — granted. There will always be trade-offs: What might we get for what we risk, is the perennial question.

Some people think that burning fossil fuels, thus adding a shit-load of atmospheric (or oceanic) carbon to our hydrosphere, will "tip" our climate over the cusp, into an unstable state — something that we've not seen before.
These people don't have anything more than failed models to support this contention (if that). Yet you seem to take it for granted that a scientific consensus backs them!
Do any of these models actually model the climate, in a scientific sense?

Of course, you don't care. You can't be bothered to learn enough about it. You just insult those who disagree with you from your ignorant perch… Piously preach the virtues of returning to the Stone Age, eh? :) (At least for the Africans…)

Give me at least a few papers from the last 20 years that predict global warming (or cataclysmic climate change) that I can argue against! (Surely, you came to your opinions rationally!) I've likely read them, and can show where you went wrong… :)
But -of course- you won't do that: You can't be wrong! Your ego couldn't stand the strain.

BTW: I'm not a "dude": I can ride a horse…
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #108

Coal and natural gas (along with nuclear…) will have to provide the majority of our -the world's- energy for about a century or so, unless a breakthrough occurs. The poorest countries will certainly have to be "allowed" to use such; to keep them from doing so would be to consign them to poverty…
But not to worry too much: They will learn to clean up after themselves, much as we did.
Wealth has a way of making one conscientious. (Communist systems have perverse incentives… You've yourself seen their results! So, you might want to study what actually happened in western democracies.)

Coal and natural gas and nuclear power have to provide the energy if you have to keep up the industries that feed on it. I'm not going to ask you which one you pick when the choice becomes between the survival of an industry and the survival of people. The answer seems quite clear. Right now the choice is between preservation of ecology and industry, and you already show your inclinations.

I see that you don't even know what the principle is about and how it works. It doesn't mean "prevent technology". And even if it did (which it doesn't), IPCC is not a judge, jury, and police.
Many have suggested that it should be! Most recently, Pope Francis…

And this permits you to ignore the fact that IPCC is not a judge and police? This permits you to behave as if your hypotheticals were in effect?

You won't convince me that the Precautionary Principle isn't self-refuting, ersi.

This never was about convincing you. When you are evidently doing your best to ignore both the facts and the basic logic, the problem is not what you are thinking about these issues. The problem is that you are obviously not thinking about these issues, just spewing nonsense. Despite your readingness, you do not have an opinion worth the name here, certainly not an informed opinion.

Some people think that burning fossil fuels, thus adding a shit-load of atmospheric (or oceanic) carbon to our hydrosphere, will "tip" our climate over the cusp, into an unstable state — something that we've not seen before.
These people don't have anything more than failed models to support this contention (if that). Yet you seem to take it for granted that a scientific consensus backs them!
Do any of these models actually model the climate, in a scientific sense?

The reports say what they say. What else have you got for facts? Thus far you have cited nothing besides Riggsian crap logic (just his easily refuted logic, no facts).

Give me at least a few papers from the last 20 years that predict global warming (or cataclysmic climate change) that I can argue against! (Surely, you came to your opinions rationally!) I've likely read them, and can show where you went wrong… :)
But -of course- you won't do that: You can't be wrong! Your ego couldn't stand the strain.

They are there referenced in the reports. You said you read them, dude. Now refute them with the kind of science you think is correct. Not holding my breath.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #109
They are there referenced in the reports. You said you read them, dude. Now refute them with the kind of science you think is correct. Not holding my breath.
No! By all means, hold your breath!
You cite nothing, and expect me to refute everything?! (I mentioned, I'm not a dude: I can ride a horse, and rope a steer! — northern valley Californian! Just because I grew up in New England doesn't mean I never learned more! What have you learned, ersi?) What do you claim makes your view of AGW something that others should accept?
(Heck: What is your view of AGW…?)

Please hold your breath long enough to achieve your natural level of intelligence… Coma.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #110

No! By all means, hold your breath!
You cite nothing, and expect me to refute everything?!

For a start, refute any specific fact that's been mentioned in this discussion thus far. But you have shown utmost disrespect for facts, so they probably passed you by totally, therefore I'm not holding my breath.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #111
For a start, refute any specific fact that's been mentioned in this discussion thus far
Have you mentioned that the earth's temperature is increasing — as a result of increased (admittedly - by anthropogenic means) CO2…?
Support that.
Then, make your case for a "World Government" solution for alleviating or mitigating those "horrendous" effects — that have been projected. :)

You and Paul Ehrlich are two of a kind.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #112
This is coming just after the warming subsides.

The earth is trying to kill us.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #113
About Anthropogenic Global Warming & other anthropogenic things:

Accelerated modern human–induced species losses: Entering the sixth mass extinction

The evidence is incontrovertible that recent extinction rates are unprecedented in human history and highly unusual in Earth’s history. Our analysis emphasizes that our global society has started to destroy species of other organisms at an accelerating rate, initiating a mass extinction episode unparalleled for 65 million years. If the currently elevated extinction pace is allowed to continue, humans will soon (in as little as three human lifetimes) be deprived of many biodiversity benefits. On human time scales, this loss would be effectively permanent because in the aftermath of past mass extinctions, the living world took hundreds of thousands to millions of years to rediversify. Avoiding a true sixth mass extinction will require rapid, greatly intensified efforts to conserve already threatened species and to alleviate pressures on their populations—notably habitat loss, overexploitation for economic gain, and climate change (31–33). All of these are related to human population size and growth, which increases consumption (especially among the rich), and economic inequity (6). However, the window of opportunity is rapidly closing.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #114
Guess that whole Evolution thingie didn't work out? :)
Stuff happens, ecosystems change, organisms adapt…or not. Isn't that how it's supposed to happen? :)
Seriously, this is akin to logic chopping… Either there is credible evidence of human-caused warming (…or disruption?) of the climate or there isn't. Either there is a credible theory -which makes verifiable predictions- about such or there isn't.
There. Isn't that simple enough?

If that's still too complicated for those who "believe in" CAGW (or inimical climate "change" caused by human activity), how about a simple bet — much like that Paul Ehrlich made lo! these many years ago?

I bet each "scenario" based catastrophe fails to occur. And that CAGW "true believers" still insist that they're right, dammit! 10, 20, and 30 years hence.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #115

Seriously, this is akin to logic chopping… Either there is credible evidence of human-caused warming (…or disruption?) of the climate or there isn't. Either there is a credible theory -which makes verifiable predictions- about such or there isn't.
There. Isn't that simple enough?

The problem with you, besides being a logic-twisting oversimplifier, is that you are an absolute zero when it comes to specifics.

You accused climate models of failing -  consistently failing. I cannot respond to this accusation as long as you are not telling what models you are talking about, what the models predicted, and what actually happened, according to you. You fail consistently in specifics.

Also, you said something about CO2 causing global warming. Something that the reports do not say (CO2 is at most among several causes of warming). Meaning, you are not reading properly. The reports say there's been consistent warming and there's been an increase of greenhouse gases. And they mention carbon cycle processes where the input of CO2 is crucial - this is probably the model you had in mind, but since you never mentioned it, really not my job to say anything about it either.

And you have refuted absolutely nothing concerning my own area of interest - ozone depletion. Looks like you didn't see that coming at all.

You are yet to demonstrate competence to discuss the actual issue. The issue is ecological, not political.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #116
And you have refuted absolutely nothing concerning my own area of interest - ozone depletion.
That actually makes sense, in a weird sort of way: The Montreal Protocol eliminated 98% if the CFCs (and other culprits…); but -you'll note- the "problem" hasn't gone away!
The science seemed simple and straightforward… It was; it was also simplistic.
As your favorite source states:
Since the ozone layer absorbs UVB ultraviolet light from the sun, ozone layer depletion increases surface UVB levels (all else equal), which could lead to damage, including increase in skin cancer. This was the reason for the Montreal Protocol. Although decreases in stratospheric ozone are well-tied to CFCs and to increases in surface UVB, there is no direct observational evidence linking ozone depletion to higher incidence of skin cancer and eye damage in human beings. This is partly because UVA, which has also been implicated in some forms of skin cancer, is not absorbed by ozone, and because it is nearly impossible to control statistics for lifestyle changes in the populace. [emphasis added; science is tricky, that way… :)]
Ozone, while a minority constituent in Earth's atmosphere, is responsible for most of the absorption of UVB radiation. The amount of UVB radiation that penetrates through the ozone layer decreases exponentially with the slant-path thickness and density of the layer. When stratospheric ozone levels decrease, higher levels of UVB reach the Earth’s surface. UV-driven phenolic formation in tree rings has dated the start of ozone depletion in northern latitudes to the late 1700s. [emphasis added!]

So: We don't know how much (if any) deleterious effects can be mitigated, because we don't know if there are any. And the problem began about 200 years before the culprit was invented!

Science by séance seems to be your preferred "method," ersi.

(If you won't even read the IPCC's assessment reports, what gives you a basis for your opinions about AGW/Climate Change…? Inquiring minds want to know! :) )
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #117
The issue is ecological, not political.

There you touch the point. The issue is ecological but the absence of a shared vision and strategy to fight it until now is, apparently, political.

The economical interests of a few are causing the biggest catastrophe imaginable. The problem is, in the first place, moral.

Therefore the Pope's Encyclical importance that now on defines the social teachings of the Catholic Church on the subject for a more than billion souls in the entire world. That's His contribute, by far bigger than anything else.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #118
Therefore the Pope's Encyclical importance that now on defines the social teachings of the Catholic Church on the subject for a more than billion souls in the entire world. That's His contribute, by far bigger than anything else.

You grossly overstate the importance of papal suasion in the modern world. There are seven billion people in the world, about six million of whom could care less about papal proclamations. My guess is that millions of Catholics don't know what the Pope is proclaiming and don't care. Most of my family members are habit Catholics, that is Catholics who were born into a Catholic family and who practice some form of Catholicism but don't pay any attention to papal proclamations. When my parents were alive I doubt that they could have named the Pope, but they went to mass every week, took communion, and that was it. My wife is a "Catholic" who never attends mass, could care less about the Pope but who prays for people she loves, including me.

Pope Francis is a breath of fresh air, but his presence in the world will not make it a better place to live.

Viva il Papa.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #119
Most of my family members are habit Catholics, that is Catholics who were born into a Catholic family and who practice some form of Catholicism but don't pay any attention to papal proclamations.

That is going to change, believe me. That's why Francis is there and that's what he's doing extraordinarily successfully.
Many of us fear for his life because of that.
My wife is a "Catholic" who never attends mass, could care less about the Pope but who prays for people she loves, including me.

She's a perfect normal Catholic, perhaps a little bit "European Style". :)

That Encyclical is worth reading by everybody. It's not a scientific paper nor it was ever intended to be but an holistic approach to Man's common heritage in these earthly matters.
Come'on, you can jump some parts, just read the more interesting ones... it will be enough. :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #120

And you have refuted absolutely nothing concerning my own area of interest - ozone depletion.
That actually makes sense, in a weird sort of way: The Montreal Protocol eliminated 98% if the CFCs (and other culprits…); but -you'll note- the "problem" hasn't gone away!

If the problem hasn't gone away, there are several reasons.

  • Montreal Protocol doesn't cover all known man-made ozone-depleting substances, notably N2O.

  • The protocol could in principle only cover man-made ozone-depleting substances. If the ozone layer has a natural tendency to wear itself out, we are only mildly postponing the doom.

  • Even if man-made ozone-depleting activity is the major or only cause, it's still reasonable to expect no immediate reversal of the effect after the cessation of the cause. It's called inertia.

  • Despite everything I listed, the worst problem is your reading skills. From the same page: "A 2005 IPCC review of ozone observations and model calculations concluded that the global amount of ozone has now approximately stabilized." Meaning, the immediate urgency of the problem has been averted. Policy can indeed work, when you don't sabotage it.

The science seemed simple and straightforward… It was; it was also simplistic.

It's your reading of the situation which is tendentious, to put it mildly.

As your favorite source states:
Since the ozone layer absorbs UVB ultraviolet light from the sun, ozone layer depletion increases surface UVB levels (all else equal), which could lead to damage, including increase in skin cancer. This was the reason for the Montreal Protocol.

I don't know anyone who doubts the link between UVB and skin cancer. It's a bit surprising you should even bring it up. For example solariums and skin cancer, heard of it?

So: We don't know how much (if any) deleterious effects can be mitigated, because we don't know if there are any.

We know the deleterious effects. You don't, by virtue of denial, but everybody else knows.

And the problem began about 200 years before the culprit was invented!

Similarly, the global warming thing has been related to paleoclimate studies, so that human causes could reasonably be told apart from natural causes. It's an interesting question to what extent this is a man-made suicide and to what extent it's mother nature euthanising us off because we have become a cancer.

Science by séance seems to be your preferred "method," ersi.

Modern science has always been like this, inductively guesstimating. The alternative you are providing is "We don't know and can't know. It's true science to not know and not give a damn."

(If you won't even read the IPCC's assessment reports, what gives you a basis for your opinions about AGW/Climate Change…? Inquiring minds want to know! :) )

It's been firmly established that you have no inquiring mind whatsoever. Your method is deliberate misreading and denial of facts.

My inference is straightforward - pollution pollutes. We should clean up after ourselves. We are obviously not doing it. It's natural to expect punishment for this.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #121
relax sir ...
ozone can recycle naturally  .

but sometimes , certain materials such as Freon , etc .
can interupt   Ozone Recycle mechanism .

so to make sure ozone in safe level , just reduce that culprits .

in case the culprits is unavoidable , then make a Huge Ozone Generator to make sure Ozone supply is fulfilled .

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #122
It's an interesting question to what extent this is a man-made suicide and to what extent it's mother nature euthanising us off because we have become a cancer.
It's that attitude that permeates the so-called environmentalist "wacko" movement. (As Rush Limbaugh called them, long ago…) that lead me to question AGW and ask for source material…
You see, I know how to read academic scientific papers. (I'd mentioned before, my specialty when I was young was called Philosophy of Science!) You think yourself clever, by never citing actual scientific work; you are, indeed! You're playing the old shell-game! But you're not very good at it.

If you feel humanity is a bane, do your part: Set an example!

But if you think you know something about climate change/AGW, say what it is… Or take an opinion poll! (That will help… :) )
Maybe you should sell lottery tickets…?
It's been noted; it's been done. It's been contemplated… :) (But not by Luddites like ersi.)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #123

You think yourself clever, by never citing actual scientific work; you are, indeed! You're playing the old shell-game!

Actually, you are the one playing the game and thinking yourself clever for this. Thus far EPA and IPCC have been cited, and they are on my side. You have cited nothing on your part.

Not holding my breath, dude. So long.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #124
Thus far EPA and IPCC have been cited, and they are on my side.
Yes. But I've read many of the papers cited by the EPA and the IPPC… So: I have opinions about them.
You only have the opinions of "others" to rely on.

I'm not a credentialed climatologist. (Briggs is…) So, I may not have the expertise to understand erey paper I've read. But I am not about to be cowed by the "97% consensus" papers — which only naive (or stupid!) people accept! I know enough about statistics, and science in general, to know that an appeal to Authority is non-scientific…
Apparently, you don't.

I'm not surprised: You think Logic Theory stopped at the Syllogism!
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)