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Topic: The Russians are coming (Read 38246 times)

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #75
This story is from HuffPo, but it relatively well balanced and informative about about this idiotic charge Russia makes of Ukraine being fascist.

It begins by explaining what fascism is, a logical place to start.

  Ukraine has a tri-partite government structure characterized by an independent presidency and parliament and a semi-independent (though corrupt) judiciary, a vigorous multi-party system, fair and free elections -- most recently, of both president and the parliament -- a free (if sometimes irresponsible) press and protection of human, civil and minority rights. Of special importance is the fact that Ukraine's government is run by civilians only and that its president -- Petro Poroshenko -- has none of the strongman features that a fascist supreme leader promotes via a machismo-based cult of personality. Last but not least, Ukraine has not pursued any of the repressive policies associated with fascism. Oppositions, minorities and marginal groups thrive, civil society is strong, and, if anything, Ukrainians accuse the government of being too weak -- and certainly not too strong.



Supporters of the Ukraine-is-fascist argument might say that Ukraine is not fascist, but its rulers are fascists who want to establish a fascist system of rule. Alas, this claim is absurd.

Poroshenko and his predecessor, Acting President Oleksandr Turchynov, are obviously not fascists. None of the current cabinet members has anything resembling fascist credentials. The government that succeeded the corrupt Yanukovych dictatorship in late February 2014 consisted of 19 individuals: only two (Defense Minister Ihor Tenyukh and Deputy Prime Minister Oleksandr Sych) were members of the right-wing Svoboda party and one, the Secretary of the National and Security Defense Council Andriy Parubiy, had right-wing ties until 2004.

In early 2014, Svoboda had 38 seats in Ukraine's parliament -- out of a total of 450. Svoboda's leader, Oleh Tyahnybok, had run for president in the 2010 elections that brought Yanukovych to power and received 1.43 percent of the vote. He ran again, in the presidential ballot of May 25, 2014, and received 1.16 percent. Dmytro Yarosh, head of the right-wing Right Sector, received a mere 0.70 percent in 2014. In the October 26, 2104, parliamentary elections, Svoboda and the Right Sector got, respectively, six seats and one seat.

Note poorly the Right Sector candidate fared in the election, Howie. The Right Sector is not Ukraine.

So why, then, do Putin and his supporters see fascism ablaze in Kyiv? There are several reasons for this bizarre charge.

First, as the above characterization of fascism's key features should have suggested, the country that possesses all of them is not Ukraine -- but Putin's Russia. Its democratic institutions are at best moribund, having been transformed into pliant tools of the Kremlin; civil society and the press have been severely circumscribed; representatives of the military and secret police dominate all ruling elites and suffuse them with their antidemocratic ethos; the Russian nation and state are unabashedly glorified; Putin is the undisputed leader, and his macho image exudes vigor, youth and manliness; a variety of rabidly pro-Putin youth groups act as the vanguard of the state; the population overwhelmingly supports Putin and has done so since he assumed the presidency; ethnocentrism, a mistrust of both internal and external foreigners and a corresponding glorification of Russia's past (including its criminal Stalinist period) and present are the official worldview; Russia has taken to asserting its "rightful" place in the sun by engaging in war against Georgia and Ukraine.

It makes a great deal of sense for Putin and his propaganda apparatus to accused Ukraine of the very crime that he has committed -- so as to deflect world attention from his own transformation of Russia into a repressive state.

Second, the Kremlin needs to insist that Ukraine's democrats are fascists because it insists that Yanukovych was a democratic leader. Yanukovych was corrupt and dictatorial. He was rapidly closing down Ukrainian civil society and transforming the parliament into a rump institution, but he was too incompetent and too comical to be able to project the he-man image that Putin had perfected. Since the Kremlin refuses to acknowledge the right of people to oust tyrants, it has to insist that Ukraine is ruled by a "junta" -- which is just shorthand for fascism. According to this logic, Americans had no right to rebel against King George, and the government led by Washington, Jefferson and Hamilton was nothing but a junta!

Finally, the Kremlin's insistence that democratic Ukraine is fascist goes back to old Soviet -- as well as tsarist Russian -- stereotypes of Ukrainians who insisted on their democratic and/or national rights as traitors, agents of imperialism, capitalist stooges and, of course, fascists. Ironically, continued use by Putin and his supporters of such terminology demonstrates just how deeply they are still ensnared in Stalinist political culture.

The bottom line is this: Putin has transformed Russia into a fascist state. Ukraine ousted Yanukovych in order to avoid becoming fully authoritarian. The war Putin unleashed against Ukraine is his way of telling Ukraine that fascism and democracy are incompatible.

Putin is the Russian Mussolini, but I remember you praising the latter.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #76
You are still veneering off the matter of the Right Sector. So yet again I have to repeat the interview with the Ukrainian government minister who when asked said the Right Sector was very much with them and works in conjunction with the Ukrainian Army. Everyone knows the Sector is Nazi inclined hence the addition of the swastika yet the Kiev government has them in their Cabinet and must know these crazies are at the same time hell-bent on refusing to accept a cease-fire! Now that is some government and system.

For some time now these head bangers have been parading annually and usually included for a while very old members of the Ukraine SS during WW2. Never did I ever here of condemnation from the West or for the memorial put up for their murderous Ukrainian "fuhrer." Ukraine was a mess before the upheaval a year ago and it is self created no-one else needed to cause this becaue it is very, very deeply divided and Kiev ignored the East and were ridiculous in handling things. How a unified country could continue was always in  dangerous of falling aprt. Even without the US or Russia this tragedy would still have happened and to add to the problem dishing our loads of money to a rapidly failed State is another waste of time.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #77
So yet again I have to repeat the interview with the Ukrainian government minister

Which one, and when did this happen? You saying you saw an interview means absolutely nothing. Do you not know the basic questions of who, what, where, how and why?

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #78

You are still veneering off the matter of the Right Sector. So yet again I have to repeat the interview with the Ukrainian government minister who when asked said the Right Sector was very much with them and works in conjunction with the Ukrainian Army. Everyone knows the Sector is Nazi inclined hence the addition of the swastika yet the Kiev government has them in their Cabinet and must know these crazies are at the same time hell-bent on refusing to accept a cease-fire! Now that is some government and system.

For some time now these head bangers have been parading annually and usually included for a while very old members of the Ukraine SS during WW2. Never did I ever here of condemnation from the West or for the memorial put up for their murderous Ukrainian "fuhrer." Ukraine was a mess before the upheaval a year ago and it is self created no-one else needed to cause this becaue it is very, very deeply divided and Kiev ignored the East and were ridiculous in handling things. How a unified country could continue was always in  dangerous of falling aprt. Even without the US or Russia this tragedy would still have happened and to add to the problem dishing our loads of money to a rapidly failed State is another waste of time.

You have mentioned "veneering" in previous posts. Is it possible that you mean "veering"?

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #79
Veneer: A thin panel of fine-looking wood laid on a base of particle board. Makes cheap, crappy furniture look like fine, well-made furniture.

Veering off: To turn aside suddenly. RJHowie veered off from the subject of Russian involvement in the Ukraine to make the thread yet another attack on "Ex-colonials".
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #80
But how about the content of his post? That is, instead of a spelling lesson.

Or, better yet....

In 1623 the English poisoned the wine at a "peace conference" with Powhatan leaders, killing about 200; they physically attacked and killed another 50.   

In 1637 in the Pequot War, English colonists commanded by John Mason, with Mohegan and Narragansett allies, launched a night attack on a large Pequot village on the Mystic River in present-day Connecticut, where they burned the inhabitants in their homes and killed all survivors, for total fatalities of about 600–700.   
PS Thank you Wikipedia!
Screw the Russians, this is much more fun.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #81
Veering off: To turn aside suddenly. RJHowie veered off from the subject of Russian involvement in the Ukraine to make the thread yet another attack on "Ex-colonials".

Another example:

RJHowie veered off from the subject of Russian involvement in Ukraine to misrepresent a a group within the country as the government or at least government supported when, in fact, they're internal threat to Ukraine that happens to be fighting Russians on their own.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #82
The Russian "involvement" in Ukraine is by the volunteers I mentioned and especially Coassacks. You really have a nerve telling me i am going off Sanguinemoon. It is an rather vague elementary way of avoiding what does not suit you. May I also say that the man in the White House has had the nerve to criticise Russia for interfering with Ukraine's sovereignty when you lot have been doing that very thing for decades across the globe! Now you do a dance over the nzi involvement WITH the Kiev government. Well what an interesting principled stand you show. It is okay for Nazi inclined ministers their Nazi Right Sector volunteers who are not going to stop fighting bu you make excuses for them?!

Ukrainian Army officers have already been seen being miffed about being informed they would have reinforcements sent to the place they are surrounded. Then the President had to come out with an excuse the reinforcements were 3 days too late! He also said the Army had hold of the airport when in fact it had been forced to retreat and all this during a time Ukrainian soldiers were surrendering because they were fed up being lied to not getting supplies or ammunition.  So rather than admit that the army is sunk low in the morale matter they try to cover that with trying to insinuate they are fighting the Russian Army. Jimbro's contribution is pointless going back centuries ago to a pre-modern and simple time instead of facing modern truths!

Kiev comes out with lie after lie because they are a bunch of losers. The army is stuck with a fight many of it's troops do not want to be in. This mess was started by Kiev NOT the east and they just come out with lie after lie because they are incompetent, incapable and happy like you are to have Nazis helping them. Dear, oh dear!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #84
The Russian "involvement" in Ukraine is by the volunteers I mentioned and especially Coassacks.

Yep.  The Russian army officer says to his troops "I need volunteers to go to Ukraine." The volunteers from his battalion step forward to volunteer :p Oh, you're daft enough to mean those are citizen's militias or the like. You give those rifles and little else. Only the Russian army drives the latest tanks.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #85
As usual tt92 trying to avoid anything that requires using his grey cells. It is always a fall back when you cannot answer a matter or incapable to time after time just go on slagging. Would not be so bad if you actually were properly involved but nope you like to think acting as you do but in fact saying nothing.

Meanwhile the West continues OT's involvement in Ukraine. Obama a while back at the time the coup happened stated  he had helped "broker a deal". Hhhm, interesting. That headbanger McCain was over there giving support (shows how desperate Kiev must have been). Then NATO that overdue lot for disbanding pushing for bases as we are being suffering propganada about the baltics even though that matter is utter bunkum as i pointed out. If I was Russia then I would be tempted to stop selling power at reduced rates to a failing mes of a country like Ukraine. And those in the West that loan money better steel themselves for another Greek repeat.

Lies just spew out of Kiev and the US led West just accepts them without any scrutiny or sense. And continuing to repeat the US hypocrisy the land of the free supported a coup against an elected government. This always gives an excuse for Yanks to spread their military as well as help military corporates and their Wall Street buddies. Small wonder America can be a global dictator when the run of the mill ex-colonists have the mindset of Sanguinemoonism. If looking for volunteers for the one-way trip to Mars send the White House lot because they are all the same and would not be missed.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #86
The winner of the Most Random Post Award goes to.......rjhowie!

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #87

As usual tt92 trying to avoid anything that requires using his grey cells. It is always a fall back when you cannot answer a matter or incapable to time after time just go on slagging. Would not be so bad if you actually were properly involved but nope you like to think acting as you do but in fact saying nothing.

Meanwhile the West continues OT's involvement in Ukraine. Obama a while back at the time the coup happened stated  he had helped "broker a deal". Hhhm, interesting. That headbanger McCain was over there giving support (shows how desperate Kiev must have been). Then NATO that overdue lot for disbanding pushing for bases as we are being suffering propganada about the baltics even though that matter is utter bunkum as i pointed out. If I was Russia then I would be tempted to stop selling power at reduced rates to a failing mes of a country like Ukraine. And those in the West that loan money better steel themselves for another Greek repeat.

Lies just spew out of Kiev and the US led West just accepts them without any scrutiny or sense. And continuing to repeat the US hypocrisy the land of the free supported a coup against an elected government. This always gives an excuse for Yanks to spread their military as well as help military corporates and their Wall Street buddies. Small wonder America can be a global dictator when the run of the mill ex-colonists have the mindset of Sanguinemoonism. If looking for volunteers for the one-way trip to Mars send the White House lot because they are all the same and would not be missed.

...Out of breath from reading this post by the ex-colonial...

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #88
And continuing to repeat the US hypocrisy the land of the free supported a coup against an elected government.

If the elected government is bad, it's time to otherthrow it.

Quote from: Thomas Jefferson
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure.

That's the option when all peaceful means have expired. Tell a red blooded American he can't rebel and he'll laugh and say "Fuck you." Oh dear, it seems I used profanity.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #89
We've also tried to stop a number of coups against elected-- or maybe not elected, but still ruling party-- governments. I reckon RJHowie isn't happy about that either. Seems you can't win. If you support the ruling party, you're a bad guy. If you want to overthrow the ruling party, you're a bad guy. Ain't no pleasing the man, so don't even try.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #90
That's the option when all peaceful means have expired. Tell a red blooded American he can't rebel and he'll laugh and say "Frick you." Oh dear, it seems I used profanity.

Not to worry. That's the sort of thing I hear at my wife's hair dresser. And 'frick' isn't profanity.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #91
Far too simple y far mjsmsprt40 (and Sanguinemoon). What country has the complete record of interfering with sovereignty and internal affairs like America?! Instead of accepting the hard facts since WW2 instead a petty lip as if unfairly singled out. It does not matter whether a government is elected or not if the place doesn't conform to your idea of "democracy" (you don't practice yourself) or give into to your commercial interests (hence the regular excusing of defending your interests) then heaven help them. Just think of all the dictatorships you supported in South America which was a big list in just one part of the world and how well your commercial side was in them too.

The average Yank doesn't see this because of the way they have been brought up to think they are the greatest country in the world and has some therefore inherent right to influence everyone else. Well good  on Russia sticking that rubbish up your nose.  You could "win" Chicago man if you practiced what you preached.  :devil:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #92

Far too simple y far mjsmsprt40 (and Sanguinemoon). What country has the complete record of interfering with sovereignty and internal affairs like America?! Instead of accepting the hard facts since WW2 instead a petty lip as if unfairly singled out. It does not matter whether a government is elected or not if the place doesn't conform to your idea of "democracy" (you don't practice yourself) or give into to your commercial interests (hence the regular excusing of defending your interests) then heaven help them. Just think of all the dictatorships you supported in South America which was a big list in just one part of the world and how well your commercial side was in them too.

The average Yank doesn't see this because of the way they have been brought up to think they are the greatest country in the world and has some therefore inherent right to influence everyone else. Well good  on Russia sticking that rubbish up your nose.  You could "win" Chicago man if you practiced what you preached.  :devil:


Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #94
Makes sense that average yank (or Brit for that matter) doesn't know because the British destroyed the records of anything  "might embarrass Her Majesty's government" , such as inhuman atrocities.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #95
Many, but not all.

The papers at Hanslope Park include monthly intelligence reports on the "elimination" of the colonial authority's enemies in 1950s Malaya; records showing ministers in London were aware of the torture and murder of Mau Mau insurgents in Kenya, including a case of aman said to have been "roasted alive"; and papers detailing the lengths to which the UK went to forcibly remove islanders from Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.

However, among the documents are a handful which show that many of the most sensitive papers from Britain's late colonial era were not hidden away, but simply destroyed. These papers give the instructions for systematic destruction issued in 1961 after Iain Macleod, secretary of state for the colonies, directed that post-independence governments should not get any material that "might embarrass Her Majesty's government", that could "embarrass members of the police, military forces, public servants or others eg police informers", that might compromise intelligence sources, or that might "be used unethically by ministers in the successor government".


Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #96
And still depending on tha tlefty, liberal, Guardian. Dear, oh dear.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #97