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Topic: Feature Requests (Read 95036 times)

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #100
 :yes: I meant ersi for my previous response.

Stop blocking ads on my favourite websites of any kind, providers of free information or free software projects is my personal philosophy, and that is just one of many other possible ways how to 'get involved' and 'to support'. The other way is to be a developer, like you guys. :hat: And also some other ways like 'spread the word' or 'tweets' over social media etc. So that's why I asked on howto white-list some websites from content blocking feature (also known as 'adblock').

I also made few other suggestions  :idea: what should be improved the most in Otter. Especially concerning 'download manager' and 'bookmark manager'.

Anyway, people here posted many 'Feature Requests' and TODO list already contains a big targets

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #101

One thing I quite like about Opera 12.x is the "ctrl+tab" order - it cycles through tabs in the order they were last used, in the same way as the "alt+tab" order. This is a lot more useful than cycling through in the displayed order when you have more than 5 tabs open.

This is now the only thing holding me back from switching completely to Otter. Any chance this can be added to the future-feature list?

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #102
-"Save background as" in context menu or the possibility to save images from within the inspector (for saving bing backgrounds)
-fanboy's annoyance list and easy privacy list as option in the content blocker
-more slim status bar/status bar too thick
-ability to put the menu beside the adress field in the navigation bar and/or a placeholder for toolbar items
-when the menubar is disabled, from where do I get my bookmarks? suggestion: optional bookmarks menu button for the toolbar
-bug?: searches via context menu do not open a in a new tab when holding ctrl button (and I don't want to disable the reuse current tab fuction)
-back to top button

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #103
@SEoF, we have ticket for that:

"Save background as" in context menu or the possibility to save images from within the inspector (for saving bing backgrounds)

Interesting concept for an action, it's definitely doable. But sadly not doable for Inspector.
fanboy's annoyance list and easy privacy list as option in the content blocker

I'm not sure if they will end up there but for sure it will be doable to add them in user friendly way, currently these could be manually added to configuration file but soon that configuration will be moved elsewhere.
more slim status bar/status bar too thick

Might be done as part of this ticket:
ability to put the menu beside the adress field in the navigation bar and/or a placeholder for toolbar items

Planned as part of the same ticket.
when the menubar is disabled, from where do I get my bookmarks? suggestion: optional bookmarks menu button for the toolbar

Sidebar? :-)
Also the upcoming menu button, the last part of this ticket:
Special type of toolbar just for showing bookmarks from specified folder is planned as part of #31.
searches via context menu do not open a in a new tab when holding ctrl button (and I don't want to disable the reuse current tab fuction)

I would consider that missing feature.
back to top button

Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #105
searches via context menu do not open a in a new tab when holding ctrl button (and I don't want to disable the reuse current tab fuction)

Done, now holding Shift forces them to always open in new tab and Ctrl opens them in new tab in background.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #106
Scrollspeed option request here.

As most other users of Otter I come directly from Opera Presto and have also tested some alternatives like Chrome before I found this Otter browser which i've found to be quite good.
There is one slight irritation however. The scrollspeed on webpages is noticeably slower compared to Opera Presto and other web-browsers like Chrome and IE etc.
On this feature-request page, 5, for example I tested to go from top to bottom. It took slightly more than 6 full pull on the scroll-wheel on the mouse to get almost all the way down. Took only about 3 and a half with Presto to get down to the bottom. With IE 11 only 3. With Chrome 4.

So now knowing this I would like to request a somewhat faster scrollspeed or an option to adjust scrollspeed in preferences.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #107
@Schaki, that should be doable, assuming that QtWebKit doesn't add own magic there to make it smoother etc.
Even in that case it should be possible to workaround by supplying it with modified events.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #108
When importing bookmarks from qupzilla, the bookmarks are in a subfolder called 'Bookmarks Menu'.
Thus, the ability to select multiple items in the bookmarks manager at once, to move or delete them, would be a helpful feature

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #109
ScrollToStartAction produces a 'Go to Start of the Page' monster button in the toolbar.
Is it somehow possible (for the user) to give it a shorter name or even an icon?

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #110
Thus, the ability to select multiple items in the bookmarks manager at once, to move or delete them, would be a helpful feature


Is it somehow possible (for the user) to give it a shorter name or even an icon?

Not yet, but should be done as part of:
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #111
Hi and thank you for your work on Otter.

A really important feature in our good old Opera is the panel switch on the side of the window. Switched on via a check mark in the "Panel Tab" under Appearance (Shift + F12).

On notebooks and 4: 3 screens this feature is very useful.

Keep on your good work.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #112
@rappelkiste_src, that narrow vertical bar which AFAIR used to be enabled by default some years ago?
That is quite easy to do (comparing to some of other features), I'll add it to my personal TODO.
I've used to use it quite often in the past.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #113
I feel compelled to mention Power/Custom Buttons-- to me they were one of the most impressive features in Opera.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #114
@Milesius, yes, I'm aware of them (d'oh, I'm using them myself ;-)) and I want to have a bit more modern replacement for them, using EcmaScript / JS APIs, similar to these usually used by extensions (it would be best to allow to share them, without API clashes).
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #115

@rappelkiste_src, that narrow vertical bar which AFAIR used to be enabled by default some years ago?
That is quite easy to do (comparing to some of other features), I'll add it to my personal TODO.
I've used to use it quite often in the past.

Not the narrow sidebar with only the icons for bookmarks, downloads. It's thinner than that. The new vivaldi browser has this Panel-Switch, too. For firefox I use the Addon "All-in-One-Sidebar" which has this feature, too.

It's only a thin vertical line. If you klick on the line, the complete panel with bookmarks appears. A second klick and the panel dissapears.  In my german opera 12.16 this feature is called "Panel-Umschalter an der Fensterseite zeigen".

Thanks for keeping an eye on it.

More Opera Stuff

Reply #116
- custom shortcuts (including single-key bindings; ability to remove shortcuts like Ctrl+backspace and AltGr+9 {can't do closing brackets using my keyboard layout!)
- custom layout (especially refering to and my beloved buttons (turn on/off proxy, turn off/on images, go to certificate settings, online/offline mode, …  :love:, probably also enable/disable javascript)
- navigation between links via Shift+arrows(any), Ctrl+arrow(up,down)
- notes panel
- links panel (including search for html tags, multiple downloads)
- windows panel
- collection of site-specific settings (also add: site-specific caching)
- dictionary

- socks proxy identification
- collection of accepted TLS-certificates

- show source code (context menu + Ctrl+u)
- show tcp headers (I believe you are on that one?!)
- otter:config (plus more possibilites and explanations)
- documentation in general

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #117
@rappelkiste_src, yeah, I know which one. :-)
One is toggle for entire sidebar, second one is switcher for active panel plus button to add new ones.

@dacks, some of these items are already done (but definitely there are some bugs or design cold be improved), but the real issue is documentation in general, see this.
For example, about:config was done even before first public release. ;-)
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Tab selecting order

Reply #118
Open 2 links in 2 tabs from one site/parent.
After watching and closing one of the two tabs, the parent is selected again, not the second tab.
Could you change this please? In other browsers the second tab would be selected.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #119
@rincewind, yep, depends on at least one of these:

Currently it's handled by QTabBar itself, which becomes annoying when trying to implement more flexible behavior.
We already started collecting data for LRU switching (timestamps updated per tab, each time when that tab gets selected) so it has chance to be at least partially done soon (blah, we need a good replacement for WIR, but less ambiguous ;-)).
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.


Re: Feature Requests

Reply #120
Hi all!

(first, sorry for my bad english)

This is a great browser. I like the idea to take over the features from old Opera, because Opera was the greatest browser available.
Sorry I am not a developer nor a programmer. I can't help. I am just a fan with requests.
I think a password manager and password filler hotkey and button will be a useful and handy feature. + setting master password to: 1. enable the autofill and/or 2. enable surfing - so anyone on my computer or other computer can't use my Otter browser - useful when it's portable. This missed from Opera, but will be great.

Any chance to bookmark panel? Like on this picture:

I'm missing these so much.

I also think that opensource is better than closed source. That's the point. Otter will be better than Vivaldi will be or Opera ever was. I wish I can contribute to this browser, but I suppose that many programmer are working on this and soon be the best browser. I know I'm right.
And then... something happened.
(the Narrator)

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #121

Any chance to bookmark panel? Like on this picture:

I respect the other users habits.

But I really can't understand why, having a powerfull browser like Opera, one should use a such outdated way to access some bookmarks, especially now that the pointless 16/9 screens is almost the only display option, wasting some additional vertical space is really a pity.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #122
About bookmark panel I thought that it would be an eligible, easily turn on/off feature.
I think that you have a 4:3 monitor. So this feature is not useful for you, I understand.
It is comfortable for me, because I can access the site with just one click. And I am a lazy man :)
And then... something happened.
(the Narrator)

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #123

About bookmark panel I thought that it would be an eligible, easily turn on/off feature.

This is pretty obvious for any Opera (and children) user I believe. Options, options, options... ;)

I think that you have a 4:3 monitor. So this feature is not useful for you, I understand.

I was not clear enough, I believe. So you understood exactly the opposite of what I meant.

I'm on a 16/10 monitor(s) (a good compromise). But that's not the point.

The point is that on a 4/3 monitor one can  happily trade some vertical space for an additional toolbar or whatever.

On a 16/9 monitor the vertical space is precious so, the less horizontal bar are present, the more pleasurable is the browser use.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #124
On a 16/9 monitor the vertical space is precious so, the less horizontal bar are present, the more pleasurable is the browser use.

16:9 is annoying, but that's a bit overdramatic. 1920x1080 is still slightly more vertical pixels than my 1280x1024. It's even slightly more than a 16:10 1680x1050. Now 10 years ago I had the same amount of vertical pixels on a 4:3 monitor with 1440x1080 and not simply sizing that up (to e.g. 1600x1200) is indeed quite annoying, but the simple matter of fact is that you only proportionally have less space.

A 16:10 24" 1920x1200 is definitely a significantly superior monitor to one with 1920x1080, but stagnation is not a loss of vertical space. I think your argument is really only somewhat applicable to 1024x600, but at the same time it's also contradicted by the programs we used back on 800x600.

Of course, there is the matter of Windows bloating up all the borders etc., thus reducing the amount of effective available space. But really, is anything with a resolution of 1024x600 going to run Windows Vista/7/8 anything other than poorly?