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Topic: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful (Read 112643 times)


Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #326
What if he's wrong? Anyone can make a mistake.

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #327
Anyone can make a mistake.

I voted for Thomas Dewey. Sadly, Tom was defeated by Roosevelt. Had Dewey won, we might have lost WWII. Think of how that might have turned out.

ºººººhmmmm...this might make a nice thread...anybody?..anybody?ººººº

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #328
Just imagine your grand kids in the Hitler Youth.  :faint:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #329
Just imagine your grand kids in the Hitler Youth.
…something like a Howie-led Boy Scout Troop…
I'm sorry to say -but my long association with with you leaves me no other choice- you are in all but having a membership card a Nazi.
You're not bright enough to parse the various prejudices you'd own. You seem (except in your posts…) a gentle man; it's your posts I attack:
I think Scotland should be nuked, if there's a chance of getting you… :)

Did you like that moment of celebrity? :) (I have no access to or control of America's nuclear arsenal. Rest easy!) I'd not, of course, like your demise prematurely — live long, and prosper!
We just seem to disagree on -well, everything!
That irks me: How can someone live as long as you have, and remain so clueless?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #332
Dear mouth, oops, I mean Oakdale, I was never in the boy Scouts as they were far too juvenile. I was a lifelong member of the far older uniformed Boys' Brigade founded in Glasgow in 1883 and spread over the world. Even in now Commy controlled Honk Kong there are 300 Companies and still growing. Each is normally attached to a church dear limited brain.  My own was formed in 1887 and we could look better at marching than what passes for it in the USA. And the BB also helped to start the Scouts as the first camp held by Baden Powell was on Brownsea Island on the River Thames (that is a river in England dear limited one). it had about a dozen boys from a local private school and the same from the loal Brigade Company. We beat them by 21 years and camped before them. Powell didn't really "start" the Scouts but when things spread he was asked to be the Leader.

Trouble with you lot of ex-colonists is your education gives to bits of knowledge and you think you have a mission for the world. Mind you I think the title of this thread is a brilliant informal one to describe the land of the would-be free and so-called brave!  :ko: 8)
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #333
You always seem, RJ, to be perfectly willing to commit yourself to a "cause" — provided you don't actually have to do anything… :)
Toy trains, and now summer camps! Good Lord, man, what the hell do you believe in?

(I mean, besides the "evil Jews" and the "evil Catholics" and the "evil Americans"… :) Had you learned to keep your mouth shut, you might have been taken for a reasonable man.)
I think the title of this thread is a brilliant informal one to describe the land of the would-be free and so-called brave!
And yet you adhere to a pacifist "let's go camping" group of — what? Silly sissies! If there is no England anymore, that's a shame. But if there's still a Scotland that's an -if you are an example of what it offers- abomination, and should be rendered - limb from limb!

You and Wallace deserved it.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #334
James J

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #335
Well jseaton2311 it is hard enough to explain any generality here to run-of-the-mill ex-colonists. It does not matter how simple one makes it it does not registe ror the grey cells have been so heavily brained it is not their fault.  So once again after a yawn will make it clear about me.

I worked for years in a City Council department as well as other varied positions before that. All my life i did voluntary community work including wide youth leadership. So much so that I had a whole chapter in a limited circulation publication (done by someone from Glasgow University, been interviewed for 15 minutes by the BBC, spoke at youth conferences and an inner city weekend one where I did three workshops on my efforts and knowledge. Served as a magistrate in District City Court due to my long experiences, thanked by families and youths for my involvement. Ran informal services, did funerals, etc and influenced many. In addition spoken to all sorts of meetings to organisations, ladies guild, a wide remit. Will also throw in politics and stood for my City Council where I was just pipped by a couple of hundred votes.

As I pointed out, have indicated what I have done and been recognised or and your comment shows my submission on the grey ells being wrongly used by some here has been well vindicated! Yes I have hobbies apart from leadership, public speaker and much else and it is not toy trains as you childishly try to  at but simulator work. In that area I have built the largest city tramway based on a real city - well streetcar to you lot. Now I am well into the largest rail simulator effort for the island of Ireland so even in the hobbies side I am no slouch. In September I will be speaking at a public rally where I am invited to annually. So causes, communities has been my life and there are a great many here who have appreciated my direct and in the front place unlike a lot of the armchair wallahs here!

For those who may be bordering on the thicko it will mean nothing beyond "du" as it doesn't suit them but for those that maybe still in the dark this is me. So if anyone wants to slag make sure you are of something of my practical history before looking silly in sounding off.  :hat: :P 8)
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #336
So: A big fish in a small pond :)

Howie, you amaze me. It's not your value as a human being and citizen that I question. It's your intelligence and your ability to apply it…
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #338

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #339
Well considering the appeal I have shown here in my corner of the world Oakdale you are full of keech. Sitting too long indoors on a chair sipping the hard stuff is warping your grey cells. Have of course made allowances for your unfortunate hermit life style but I have already proved you wrong dear clown.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #340
To have been wrong in most if not all of the particulars, you escalate — of course! You'd claim generalities… I confess, I did not recognize -at first- that these were your preoccupations.

But I do give you credit: You have proved yourself a complete ass! And I'd not thought such perfection could be achieved!
Congratulations, sir.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #341
Wacky and something I'd never want to do...or be near when it's done!

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #342
Weird and wacky? :) Well, it seems so at first… But the technique was perfected long ago, Jimbro. (You'll recall, I've mentioned that drone pilots really, really need to be pilots?) Forget the silly Top Gun movie: Flying is really an art and a discipline.
A type of genius, if you will… :)
Did you know that we have tankers that are themselves carrier-based? It is, indeed, mind-boggling!
But it's not as bad as it looks: The boom (the pipe through which the fuel flows) is itself maneuverable; it is not a stick hanging down from the tanker…
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #343
Even making allowance for your unfortunate habit Oakdale you would never, never have got as far as I have here in my country and that you dismiss it all shows your incapability to do anything but to hide behind words.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #344
Howie, I realize you don't like to think of yourself a "a little fish in a little pond"… You surely have accomplishments to proud of, and I don't begrudge you them. (Nor do I belittle your being rejected twice by your fellows for public office: Better men have failed to gain sinecures. :) ) And you're entitled -as far as I'm concerned- to your soap-box.

But there surely must be some explanation for your bitter enmity. Perhaps one of your "fine" Glaswegian psychiatrists could help you find it? (Or -being a simple man, and honest- you could simply say it yourself…
Is self-knowledge routinely eschewed by you and your countrymen?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #345
Deprecation is a predilection of the DnD clan boys. Keep up the good work, boys.

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #346
You kind of show the simplicity of American thinking Oakdale by the patter you use. Anything out of a controlled mindset is seen as 'bitter enmity.'  This only aids my view of how you lot get miffed so easily by straight words as something else! Yoiu are talking a load of cobblers and unlike you having been a wee sish in a wee bowl my lifetime has been something else. As for headshrinkers you are more in need than I dear boy! Anyway your place is the land of nutjobs and have more of a problem than most places and that is why the head shrinking service is soooooo big in the ex-colonies. Heavens apart from head banger polce a solider a day kills himself keeping up the numbers of the mentals!  On a lesser not I got rejected twice?  You lot get miffed bvery easily having been brought up to think you are wonderfully the greatest , etc, etc. When you find out you aren't the head shrinkers start warming their hands!

On a less important note may i sday jimbro I can recall you in a battle royal yonks ago with someone on the old oepra Forum so hopefully you will not get too special about yourself as you sre not Scots.....
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #347
Yoiu are talking a load of cobblers and unlike you having been a wee sish in a wee bowl my lifetime has been something else. As for headshrinkers you are more in need than I dear boy! Anyway your place is the land of nutjobs and have more of a problem than most places and that is why the head shrinking service is soooooo big in the ex-colonies. Heavens apart from head banger polce a solider a day kills himself keeping up the numbers of the mentals!  On a lesser not I got rejected twice?  You lot get miffed bvery easily having been brought up to think you are wonderfully the greatest , etc, etc. When you find out you aren't the head shrinkers start warming their hands!

Psychiatry has in fact never recruited as many UK trained doctors as it needs to fill its posts and in seeking to reverse this phenomenon we seek to overturn a historical precedent.  Improving the situation requires action on many fronts.  It particularly concerns me that we may be recruiting the wrong mix of students to medical school, as current science focused selection criteria favours technical knowledge over a candidate’s potential to flourish into the practitioner of holistic medicine that psychiatric practice requires and may preclude those who will eventually wish to take the path required by psychiatric practice.  A central message of “Who wants to be a psychiatrist?” is that we can all become involved in this debate and every day should regard ourselves as “walking, talking adverts for psychiatry”.

Let me say that I don't get miffed bvery easily.

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #348
It would appear that Scotland has been slipping vodka into Diet Irn Bru again; clearly there is no other reason for the otherwise "reasonable"  rjhowie to have his jimmies in such a rustle/tussle.