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Topic: Today's Bad News (Read 131378 times)

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #100
They happen all the time.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #101

No one speaks about Katmandu earthquake?
I have a theory. When the earth sakes, obviously, the shaking is much bigger at the top of the biggest mountain in earth.
A "7,something", at sea level,  Richter scale earthquake, at 9.000 meters altitude it's equal to a "20.something" earthquake.

Much bigger earthquake was the Chinese invasion of Nepal, and no one said nothing about.

I didn't think much good would come out of that. The people at the peaks were there to risk their lives, though the manner might have been unexpected. The devastation was down below.

China has never invaded Nepal. The country is on the fault line between India and China though.

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #103
Folklore in the printing industry has it that an editor, faced with a column inch unfilled, would Insert a piece "Small earthquake in Afghanistan. Not many killed."

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #104
Bad personal news for me and my wife. We just took our cat that we've had for 15 years to the vet's to be euthanized. Odd how personal problems sometimes outweigh the much bigger bad news from elsewhere.

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #105
I'm sorry for your loss. At least it had a good life.

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #106
Bad personal news for me and my wife. We just took our cat that we've had for 15 years to the vet's to be euthanized.

Sorry to read that. It's a heartbreaking thing to do, even when you know it's the right thing to do.
Had to do it with our last cat that we enjoyed 18 years with.  :(
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #107
Thanks to the two of you. It's the second time we've experience that. The first time it happened, the cat got out and two days later I found it out of sight behind a retainer wall. Two cats down and one that is likely to outlive me. :o

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #108
The 52 remaining working days I have at this current dead-end job I currently hold seems like an eternity.....

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #109
Well you would work in the ex-colonies.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #110
Sez the ex-colonist.

Socrates died 2414 years ago.

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #111
He would not be appreciated today in the ex-colonies as he wasn't a corporate.

I do feel for the Colonel and when I mark Fort Sumpter will give him a sighing thought.
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #112

Bad personal news for me and my wife. We just took our cat that we've had for 15 years to the vet's to be euthanized. Odd how personal problems sometimes outweigh the much bigger bad news from elsewhere.
So sad that happened. We have cats and we've gone through that heartbreak.

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #113
Adding up the amount of ‪#‎Millionaires‬ in both the House of Commons & the House of Lords - in TOTAL nearly 80% are MILLIONAIRES.

Currently 75% of 'Government Cabinet Ministers' - within parliament are Millionaires. Those that sit in the House of Commons & the House of Lords are Members of Parliament - The figures If you include both Houses TOTAL - members 1462 (650 MPs + 812 House Lords).

In TOTAL nearly 80% are MILLIONAIRES.

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #115

He would not be appreciated today in the ex-colonies as he wasn't a corporate.

I do feel for the Colonel and when I mark Fort Sumpter will give him a sighing thought.

How do you mark Fort Sumpter and with what and when and why?

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #116
Flagpoles are not very common here like in the ex-colonies but there are odd ones up with the saltire due to home owner being a Nationalist. My quite avenue has one such a minute's walk away so will now order one along with a Union Flag. It will be raised on the Monarch's Birthday Holiday, Remembrance Sunday, etc. I also have a that Imperial flag for the markjng of the assassination of course. As for the CSA flag that is included as the South was right to want out of the club but were refused. Interestingly that battle flag was like the Scots saltire with the 13 stars and amusingly grey was a common colour in Scotland centuries ago across the place. The hodden grey was widespread in the Lowlands!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #117
amusingly grey was a common colour in Scotland centuries ago across the place. The hodden grey was widespread in the Lowlands!
Are you really proud of having eyesight nowhere near as keen but elsewise as deficient as that of dogs? :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #119
Not my bad news, but bad anyway...poor bastard. Make sure you hide your bitcoin securely.
Hi everyone. I am totally devastated today. I just woke up to see a very large chunk of my bitcoin balance gone to the following address:


Transaction date: 6/13/2011 12:52 (EST)

I feel like killing myself now. This get me so f'ing pissed off. If only the wallet file was encrypted on the HD. I do feel like this is my fault somehow for now moving that money to a separate non windows computer. I backed up my wallet.dat file religiously and encrypted it but that does not do me much good when someone or some trojan or something has direct access to my computer somehow.

The transaction sent belongs rightfully to this address: 1J18yk7D353z3gRVcdbS7PV5Q8h5w6oWWG

Block explorer is down so I cannot even see where the funds went.

I tried restoring an earler backup of my wallet but naturally that does not work because the transaction has already been validated.

Needles to say I feel like I have lost faith in bitcoin.

Anyone have any ideas what I can do besides just jump off a bridge?!

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #121
It is just as well I don't fall into the trap of assuming dear Oakdale you are a wide typical of ex-colonistse ven though there are many of you. My only sadness is that your land depended on so many Scots and Scots-Ulster folk and okk at how they were sad due to the way the place turned out. Ah well.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #123
Followed the link as no dashed idea who he was.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #124
Not bad news for us, but it was for the folks on this Hong Kong flight when the pilot turned off the good engine after engine trouble in the other one.