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Topic: The Russians are coming (Read 37928 times)

The Russians are coming

I live in Wessex where one of the larger local towns is Bournemouth, famous for its magnificent football club, fine beaches and old fogies.

The town was startled the other day when it was reported: Russian bombers in the skies over Bournemouth: RAF jets scramble to intercept intruders.

It looks like they are casing the joint, maybe to look for a retirement home for the Magnificent Mr Putin.

Naturally we are taking this seriously and our fleet of Cesna bombers are being dusted off at Bournemouth Airport readily to retaliate should they drop Mr Putin on us.

Mod edit: Fixed what is presumed to have been a link.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #1
Wow! A melodramatic announcement.

;) For more accurate reporting:
No British airspace was violated. The Russians were   strictly in international airspace. So far there was no intruder and intercepting means escorting.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #2
sigh ... and I always thought that laughter was infectious!

Thanks Mr Mod!

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #3
...sez a Wessex fogie.

Every day the Rooskies are getting more and more like those damned Americans! Troops, ships and bombers all over the place.

Sorry, though, Mr. String, Vladimir isn't going anywhere to retire. He is Russia's permanent oligarchical president.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #4
From the Photo he seems to be a sort of "Non-Smiley". Isn't that a contradiction in terms?

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #5
He looks like a James Bond villain. All he needs is the cat in his lap, and the blonde temptress at his side, and 007 will be looking for him in no time.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #6
Well Russia has one awfully long way to go to try and even catch up with the good ole US  of A when it comes to warfare and invasions, etc. A plane flies down the English Channel as krake said in international airspace. Hardly likely to attack with one plane are they?  Short memories when people go bananas a this when you consider the days of US planes flying over Russia spying and having to get shot down. The word hypocrisy always rises. When we consider the last US President and the present one sends drones into countries to kill people many of them totally innocent it would be so easy to have a cartoon of them. And Obama has done even more in that line than GW Bush did. As for oligarchs may I remind that the West stooge in Kiev is one of them.

Mind you this so-called 2incident" is funny with the media as usely does going daft on propaganda.  :D
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #7

Well Russia has one awfully long way to go...

This does not stop them. Alaska is more than half a globe away from Moscow, but Russians were the first to colonise it. try and even catch up with the good ole US  of A when it comes to warfare and invasions, etc.

Sure, this makes US of A worse, but it doesn't make Russia any better. They are competing with each other in the same sport.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #8

This does not stop them. Alaska is more than half a globe away from Moscow, but Russians were the first to colonise it.

You're not subscribing to the hippest thread in DnD? It's not possible to be further away than half a globe and still be on the globe. The antipodes of Moscow is in the landforsaken triangel between Australia, Antarctica, and America. The closest antipodean airport is Waitangi [Tuuta], Chatham Islands, NZ. Moscow to Anchorage is only 7020 km, less than a fifth of the diameter of the planet.

To see them yourself, try this.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #9

This does not stop them. Alaska is more than half a globe away from Moscow, but Russians were the first to colonise it.

You're not subscribing to the hippest thread in DnD? It's not possible to be further away than half a globe and still be on the globe.

Actually I do, but I didn't mean half a globe in the antipodean way. I meant it in the flat-earth kind of way.

The antipodes are projections through the planet core. Nobody travels through the planet core. Everybody travels on the earth's surface along the compass lines. This is the flat-earth view of the globe.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #11
These bombers are old (1952) but modified a lot; read it all here Tupolev Tu-95.

But since the Ruskies are intent on threatening us with history lessons, we have to think how we should defend ourselves.

I've started looking for my set of Barrage Balloons

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #12
Most here brained by the propagandist and media hype. You could almost understand from those brought up in the Cold war to a degree but the rest/ Nah.Any country that the US of A cannot control, influence or invade puts the place right into the hands of the Goebells mentality.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #13

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #14

Personally, I don't think it means anything of consequence, but is a deflection from recent events in Crimea and Ukraine, which are far more troublesome.

Any comments?

What's so troublesome in Crimea for you? There are no signals that people from there are fleeing to the Ukraine.
In fact they are better off than their Ukrainian neighbors.
As for the Ukrainians we will have to see the results of the staged putch. They are not promising so far.
Let's hope that this regime change will work better than the ones in Iraq and Libya...

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #15

Personally, I don't think it means anything of consequence, but is a deflection from recent events in Crimea and Ukraine, which are far more troublesome.

Any comments?

What's so troublesome in Crimea for you?

When Russia annexes another country, I find that troublesome. When it moves into Ukraine to insure the safety of ethnic Russians, I find that troublesome.

Ultimately, though, if it becomes more troublesome, it's a European problem.

Long live Novorossiya.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #16

Personally, I don't think it means anything of consequence, but is a deflection from recent events in Crimea and Ukraine, which are far more troublesome.

Any comments?

What's so troublesome in Crimea for you?

When Russia annexes another country, I find that troublesome. When it moves into Ukraine to insure the safety of ethnic Russians, I find that troublesome.

Ultimately, though, if it becomes more troublesome, it's a European problem.

Long live Novorossiya.

I wonder. When I think of the way that both Krake and RJHowie write about us, I wonder.

For a moment, just suppose Russia gets another attack of "Empire Building" and decides the rest of Europe would make a fine addition to Moscow's holdings.

Do we, here in the States, step in and do anything about it---- or do we let Europe figure it out for themselves?
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #17

Do we, here in the States, step in and do anything about it---- or do we let Europe figure it out for themselves?

Haven't you already stepped in? Already forgotten the staged putch? That's how it started.
In case you are asking me, fix first Iraq which you messed up then move to Libya before fixing Europe too.
However, with military basis all around the world the US wan't ask anybody for permission if they feel the need for fixing/messing up further regions.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #18
I don't uderstand an earlier comment about our need to defend ourselves. Rhrm, from what? As for worrying about Russia annexing a place now that one is a nonsense. The Crimea as we all know (groan) did not appreciate being dumped in Ukraine years ago by theSoviets and the majority wanted back so they voted. Note the word and there were international observors there but it seems that unless the USA agrees to a referendum then you cannot have it. They were quick to be happy with one regarding Kosovo being taken out of Serbia because the majority were originally from Albania. Now what a remrkable difference on a majority, eh? Plus the US knew fine well the Kosovo Liberation Army was drug financed but still okay but because Crimea was outwith US imperial control principles get blurred. You couldn't make this up.

What is a concern here is the people who are here and not dumb who just fall back on a Cold War childhood and growing up. And as for mjsmsprt40 waxing about what "we should do." I wish for a change America would do damn nothing and let the world grow or fester as suits.  Russia DID NOT ask for Crimea nor once again does it want to 2 Easter Provinces it was the Kiev clown President and that evil and abrasive mental midget that is the Prime Minister. He almost spits hate.

Ukraine has long been a divided nation and the Western but leaning, well West and the East the opposite. Instead of sense in Kiev the multi-millionaire oligarch President has created the mess. That the idiot head  who looks like one from looking in goes to praise the Kiev fascist incliners tells you something. Who started the increase in the trouble? Kiev by launching a mass attack and if you listen to the news only Kiev soliders are emphasided at being killed.You lot just ignore the involvement of the Nazi Right lot in the National Guard - black uniforms right up their street and that the West Ukraine has history of very rightist and Bazi leaning history.Oh but that doesn't count as the country that America cannot pull the string on namely Russia is beyond them.

Kiev and it's Western string pullers created this civil war by totally ignoring the east and it's views and when a compromise of being Federal raised studiously ignored it.  The country is a mess, corrupt as hell, morale doubtful in it's army,people not wanting to in uniform (in the West0 and we westerners are playing a bad and stupid game. Oh and Crimea is more settled feels safe and will see in the near future a new bridge being built from the Russian mainland so good for them. Annexing is load of silly tripe fooled by mischievous propagandists. And that they have cooped in bright folk will have them cock-a-hoop thedopey are easy.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #19
1. The Russians aren't going to do anything so stupid as attacking Western Europe.
2. They aren't going to attempt to incorporate western Ukraine.

Putin is playing at reconstituting the old Union days, but without tanks and bazookas. The man constantly checks his popularity numbers.

From Forbes: "His approval rating in October 2014 was a preposterous 88%, with a mere 11% voicing disapproval."

Angela Merkel? 77%

Obama? 47%  :yuck:

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #20
From Russia With Love.
Worst Bond soundtrack ever.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #21

1. The Russians aren't going to do anything so stupid as attacking Western Europe.
2. They aren't going to attempt to incorporate western Ukraine.

Putin is playing at reconstituting the old Union days, but without tanks and bazookas. The man constantly checks his popularity numbers.

From Forbes: "His approval rating in October 2014 was a preposterous 88%, with a mere 11% voicing disapproval."

Angela Merkel? 77%

Obama? 47%  :yuck:

Me? 100%.  I approve of me 100%

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #22
Must say that jimbro does portrayin that last comment  a very good consolidated assessment of the present.

Meanwhile on a wider front the US is arguing as to whether or not to send in appropriate armaments to Ukrainian Army. One argument mentioned which is head scratching is indirectly it helps protect NATO?? We all know that Ukraine is not in NATO so that is pushing respect for brains. Although the ant-Kiev rebels are doing "well" they are still stating they are prepared for further dialogue with Kiev and exchange prisoners so we will see what Kiev says. The in your face lies about massive invasion is so insulting. Mind you O could stretch to ordinary volunteers willing to cross the Border from the Federation but do not see that is any principled worse than Kiev Nazis fighting in the National Guard.

If Kiev just agreed to have a Federal system (like you know who) the civil war would be done. Kiev could get over the embarrassment and have a united country again.

"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #24
If Kiev just agreed to have a Federal system (like you know who) the civil war would be done. Kiev could get over the embarrassment and have a united country again.

I'm not confident of future events, so I'll wait before pontificating like some other people do. :troll: