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Topic: Tripe about Ukraine (Read 247008 times)

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #102
This is a job for Super Portugal!

Go back to your pension that you take from the people that your country explores. Use it while you can because it will end soon.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #104
Firstly no great in depth stuff from jimbro who will usually come away with not knowing much about a subject so switch to the would-be satirical bent. As for the puppet picture that is a hoot coming from a man who lives in a nation that is run by big corporates and brains the ordinary into thinking their voting makes a difference.  And may i remind you string that Obama got the Peace Prize for what actually. He did nothing so you should have remembered that in your mockery. Anyway from those using their non-jimbro grey cellss.

The "Prime Minister" of Ukraine has condemned the parliament in the Crimea for it's vote for going out and for having a Referendum! He really has a damn nerve saying a democratic system is illegal. His would-be attempts at being reasonable to Russia are based on a more practical basis. They owe the Russians a lot of money and if Russia does anything with gas supplies it is going to be even worse for them in Kiev and elsewhere.It is him that fits the word for goodness sake. Kerry is stupid enough but is that eejit Prime Minister worse. He also came out with the stuff about the Crimea always being there so a neat part picture of history. worse? He was never elected nor his "government." However the Crimean PM and parliament WAS. So a bunch in Kiev put in by a mob is somehow legitimate and a parliament and vote system is not??  Note too that the rich people put into power in Kiev that I mentioned and  Oligarchs include that bespectacled Prime Minister.

So the Crimea operating a democratic system is illegal but the illegal lot in Kiev are legitimate?? And what about the gunmen that Kerry went on about as being sent by the ousted President. One of the groups in the opposition went out of it's way to kill opponents and 26 policemen (remember the riot police had no guns. A silence here on that one too. The sheer gall of Obama and his dopey Kerry lecturing us all on respecting democracy, sovereignty and such when all that America has done since WW2 has created wars, ignored governments, invaded, left a shambles. And the US is still ignoring sovereignty and drone killing (usually as a break from the US killing families with their wonderful marines or fighter pilots having a wingding doing the same. Talk about sheer gall and hypocrisy. .What sort of morality is that?  The media are over the top. The mayhem in Kiev was okay but when Russia moved to the Crimea we got bullyboy tripe and mayhem warnings yet in practice it was the alternative. I noticed in someone's newspaper a picture of a Russian warship face on and the article said it was heading for their reporter and he ducked waiting for a shell! Completely stupid.

The coup lot in Kiev did not take the East nor South of Ukraine into it's plans at all with the net result that those areas feel no solidarity with the government stealers. It scrapped Russian language so what does that tell the east and south? I did think that there might have been something in the possibility of a Federal system but that is vanishing quickly due to the double-standards of the West. And we should all know that the rump in the west if it gets into the EEC will suffer more economic hardship and be forced into austerity and crippling debts. By a vote the Crimea by the end of the month will be back where they have always wanted to be.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #105


Russian President Vladimir Putin nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Is it April 1st?
These can nominate a living candidate:

  • Members of national assemblies and governments of states

  • Members of international courts

  • University rectors; professors of social sciences, history, philosophy, law and theology; directors of peace research institutes and foreign policy institutes

  • Persons who have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

  • Board members of organizations that have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

  • Active and former members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee; (proposals by members of the Committee to be submitted no later than at the first meeting of the Committee after February 1)

  • Former advisers to the Norwegian Nobel Committee )

That is a quite numerous list, must be close to 100,000 people worldwide today that have the right to nominate somebody. Being nominated means nothing, and nominations in principle aren't public.

But at least he got a cool motorcade...


Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #108
Evil dictators? You are like some fanatical Fox TV follower. He was elected may I remind and you are fond of labelling others as being stuck on themes and you have one about Russia. Unfortunately you are so riven you fail to understand your own phobia. The way your country is run does not give you much real appraisal. One would have thought you were brighter than the media you have over there and the one-sided guff. You deliberately ignore the fact that the "revolution" did not include the east or south as they had no interest in all-Ukraine just their local situation. So the government in Kiev is not legal as it was never elected and threw out an elected President. He might not be everyone's cup of tea but his election was checked by European observors and got a clearance so what don't you understand. In addition the parliament in Crimea is an elected assembly unlike what is going on in Kiev. The acting Ukraine Prime Minister is acting and smart actor at that. So they essentially only represent the west and ignored the rest of the country. Obama and Kerry are something else. They bleat about democracy whilst supporting a faction that includes Nazis who are not going to go away. While at the same time the Laurel and Hardy two condemn democratic Crimea. And as I also reminded your nation has a long history of arrogance, and destroying governments and countries.

However I will acknowledge one leading US politician and his comments on tv were straight and honest. That was Ron Paul whom I found no fault with in his public statements about US global arrogance and lies on democracy, rights and sovereignty. Right this minute the US is still disrespecting that word sovereignty.  The media here right across the West has been appalling. It either contorts or outright lies. The acting Prime Minister went on about invasion and Russian tanks in Ukraine when that is untrue and even Ukrainian border guards have said that is not the case. For a bunch of people who created an illegal coup, immediately banned Russian as the second official language and didn't include the country in their take over. The violence that erupted in Kiev was theirs alone and the rest of the country did not see that as they were not to be included.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #109
The acting Prime Minister went on about invasion and Russian tanks in Ukraine when that is untrue and even Ukrainian border guards have said that is not the case.

When politicians want to build consensus, but the facts don't warrant the need, they fabricate provocatively hoping their opposition gets aggravated enough to take the bait, & react in a way that would warrant the need for a consensus to act in retaliation protecting the women, children, & the elderly, thus ensuring their political longevity.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #110

I watched that Obama on television going on about rights and stuff in Ukraine and how peaceful protestors should be allowed freedom to protest. Eh? Peaceful protesters can someone find them.Kind of funny when one remembers how the anti-Wall Street folk were treated. Anyway he along with the EEC are sticking their noses into a situation they should keep well out of. Time after time we have been media brained into a one sided report and interviews. Ukraine had an election and produced a President and there he stays until the next one. He has in fact bent over backwards and too much as it happens for all the good it did him. Doesn't Obama and the EEC leaders have sponges for brains? There are TWO SIDES BUT SOMEHOW THAT IS IGNORED. When the first report came out about deaths there was deliberately no mention that almost half were policemen. Molotov cocktails, firing  bricks and anything that hands can lay on at the officers. One policeman was actually beaten to a death pulp my the mob . And mob is what they are. They yak about Ukraine then attack and burn government buildings so how does that help any future governemnt. Neither can an elected man be expected to give up by terror gangs on the street.

It is none of America's business nor the EEC interfering politicians business to shout on about Ukraine's internal affairs. Now talk about sanctions? Can we remind everyone that one half of the country does not want to be in the EEC. And anyway what financial advantage is there in it? No-one has said that. There are two sides and if the terror gangs on Kiev streets are not careful there will be 2 Ukraines. Fair reporting is well overdue instead of the one-sided lynch mob mentality in DC and Brussels.
I can see the historical reasoning for your position. Britain has a fine tradition of invading and annexing other countries and territories. However, it is baffling the you criticise the EU (the EEC hasn't actually existed for some time :p ) and the US for their actions when Russia used the internal affairs of the Ukraine to justify military aggression. I say not only sanctions, but eject the Russia from the Un Security Council and the G8. And post erotic photos of Putin on gay websites and magazines.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #111

I say not only sanctions, but eject the Russia from the Un Security Council and the G8. And post erotic photos of Putin on gay websites and magazines.

Whilst not new, that's a great idea but needs some improvements.
Throw out China as well as a second step and replace the Un Security Council with NATO.

do you find shirtless Putin erotic? :o

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #112

do you find shirtless Putin erotic? :o
He doesn't care what Obama or any other Western politician has to say, so we need a more creative way to personally punish Putin (say that three times fast.) So I figured that would be a great way to humiliate him internationally.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #113

He doesn't care what Obama or any other Western politician has to say

Indeed, Russia isn't part of the COW (coallition of the willing). Indisputable, this has to be changed!

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #117
I wondered why Cameron had backed away from tough sanctions.

The importance of Russia to British businesses means the cost of imposing tough sanctions against Russia after its troops took control of Crimea could be higher than British Prime Minister David Cameron is willing to pay.

"Amidst all the calls for action on Ukraine, there will be voices cautioning on the need to look more at interests closer to home, and to weigh them in the balance" said Nicholas Redman, Senior Fellow, at the International Institute for Strategic Studies think-tank.

Also important is the fact that resident Russian oligarchs have massive investments in the UK.

Money trumps pretty much everything.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #118
Sanguinemoon may I remind that referring to Gt Britain you are going back into far history. Which nation in modern times has done more invasion, disruption of governments and countries? Easy answer hence the outright modern arrogance from politicians sniping at Putin. The US didn't car a damn about anyone else with their regular incursions. What I would like to know is why Obama and Kerry ignored that recorded conversation between the Estonian Foreign Minister and the EEC top woman. With a pause for clarification how much coverage did that get in the US media?

The hype continues with the Ukraine interim Prime Minister getting all arrogant over Crimea being theirs and always will be mince. A neat dance on history. Why is it okay to sook in with a crowd that took over Ukraine by force against a legimate government and ignored the constitution they bleat about? Likewise the Crimea Government was still intact and made it's vote democratically and now the Referendum. Considering the Kiev rebels ignored the constitution and took over illegally and the Crimea is being legal the West is pursuing a farce. So it is okay to have a stolen government in Kiev that made no effort to include the rest of the country. Banned Russian as the major language in the east and south even amongst non-ethnic Russians as all spot on? At the same time the legitimate government of Crimea is treated as if they are the bad guys.

Now the extreme nationalists and Nazis are in the Kiev government including one Nazi released from jail for violence. The leading neo-Nazi lot are now publicly recruiting for their private army. It makews you wonder where the morality is in the West with what they are supporting in Kiev. On the matter of sanctions there is another set of baloney. Not just here in Britain but in the US as well. For the US to consider the direction they are going in with their increasing debt is just unreall and the same daftness here too. Germany knows too well that if Russia in turn cuts off the pipes they are out the window economically. Ukraine already owes Russia a great sum for the gas it gets and if cut off they are finished.  It is high time all of us here in the West got beyond the stupid media hype that is showing itself in this thread too. Invasion tripe, media hype and so on. And before I forget the reference to Oligarchs. I had already raised that one here as it happens. Somehow it is okay for the rebel government okay to appoint them including provinces with a large Russian population and the excuses made for that exercise? The acting Prime Minister is from the same cumfy background and the reasons we are being told for appointing oligarchs is tripe in itself. Where the real principles are supporting an illegal government are beyond sense and dishing out money to a crowd of bandits and Nazis is unbelievable.

Ukraine in it's present form is finished and you can blame the Kiev bandits and Nazis.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #119
So, around and around we go. Do we take the word of the questionable government about the outright criminal government concerning the renegade government? Stay tuned, it's not over yet.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #121
Mr. Howie in this thread:

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #122

So, around and around we go. Do we take the word of the questionable government about the outright criminal government concerning the renegade government? Stay tuned, it's not over yet.

It's more at stake than "the word of the questionable government about the outright criminal government concerning the renegade government".
And you're right it's by far not over.
We'll keep tuned here in Europe to watch how far the USA will manage to destabilize Eastern Europe, to spoil relationship between Europe and Russia and to sow dissension among European countries. A nice tribute for American exceptionalism and hegemony.
And no I'm not speaking about Jimbro's USA, probably neither about yours but the USA with military basis all over the world meddling in the affairs of almost every country on this planet.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #123

So, around and around we go. Do we take the word of the questionable government about the outright criminal government concerning the renegade government? Stay tuned, it's not over yet.

It's more at stake than "the word of the questionable government about the outright criminal government concerning the renegade government".
And you're right it's by far not over.
We'll keep tuned here in Europe to watch how far the USA will manage to destabilize Eastern Europe, to spoil relationship between Europe and Russia and to sow dissension among European countries. A nice tribute for American exceptionalism and hegemony.
And no I'm not speaking about Jimbro's USA, probably neither about yours but the USA with military basis all over the world meddling in the affairs of almost every country of this planet.

Also a nice tribute to the lack of backbone by Germany, the undisputed leader of said EU/Europe. We've basically given NATO orders to listen to what Merkel has to say, so while it's entirely appropriate to heap blame on our foreign policy (as you will recall, I am the biggest critic of our despicable rampant Interventionism), you lot can take some blame as well, along with the UK.

All of that is in your neck of the woods, after all, and they have been wanting to join your EU for some time now....
But of course, feel free to project upon us, as we are used to it, and deservingly so.  :beer:

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #124
....All of that is in your neck of the woods, after all, and they have been wanting to join your EU for some time now....
But of course, feel free to project upon us, as we are used to it, and deservingly so.

I wouldn't go that far. England, ala Churchill, had been begging the USA on bended knee to get involved in Europe for years, before he finally succeeded in getting Roosevelt's promise for troop deployment around the mid-end of 1941 (in secret/private talks before signing the Atlantic Charter if I recall) - start of 1942 (after Germany declared war on the USA).

Looks like Déjà vu all over again --- with similar players, but different motives.

When will we ever learn to ignore the whimpering Brits  --  let them stew in their own swill for once?