Re: Tripe about Ukraine
Reply #65 –
What you forget is that the Crimea has been definitively kind of Russian for an awful long time. Note the stuff about the Baltic States which are in a different league but should tell you (in case the carefullt dished out media doesn't) that the mayor of the Estonian capital has came out in support of Russia.
A Colonel in the Ukranian Army made great play of the fact they had called up Reservists but omitted to say that less than 2% had responded. Units of the Ukranian Army special forces had refused to be involved in Crimea and the naval units in Crimea are in process of changing sides against Kiev. A Rear-Admiral has been filmed taking an oath of allegiance to the prime minister and goverment in Crimea. With moral in the Ukraine Armed Forces dissolving and defections they can make noises but that is all.
The West went to great lengths to support what was a coup by a selection of the population - probably around 30% if lucky. We go on about democracy yet support a coup against a democratically elected government/ The fact that it includes very extreme fascists someohow is not important. One representative of one of those parties has stated on television they are National Socialist "Just like Hitler but not as bad." That was obviously a quick thought of a reply. Who is prominent in the Defence Minisyry, etc? Fanatical nationalist extremists hence the sabre rattling.
Immediately the hoodlum sponsored government took over in Kiev they deleted Russian as the second official laguage but yesterday came out with stuff they were not picking on anyone. In the Crimea over 90% Russian is used in official and other areas so what does that tell people there? Over a hundred thousand seeking solace in Russia and hardly surprising. It is obvious that divisions are deep yet we in the West go hell bent on supporting a coup and illegal goverment as if it included all Ukraine. It doesn't an will not. The country needs reappraisal and if that means East, West and if need be Crimea as separates then so be it. The West can then tramp off into the EEC and see what that brings them. They will be burdened with more debt, restrictions and austerity packages. Anyone remember Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Greece?When one listens to Obama, Kerry (was his last job in a carnival?) and Cameron you could groan. All that tripe from DC about invading a sovereign state baloney. What has America been doing for decades but the same damn thing if it does not get what it wants.
On the economic front the murmurings about economic restrictions. visas and all that stuff is silly. The Russian Federation has the world's fifth economy, Europe depends on the pipelines and so on. Cameron knows that but toes the DC line. The West has been very immoral on the so-called principle regarding Ukraine and it is because unlike other parts of the corporate world which it for a while has dominated and controlled the modern Russia is one it cannot get away with that on. So let Ukraine divide and then let the bit that is in decline and run by illegal government slide into Europe it will find that is a mistake. Crimea already officially a semi-autonomous State will vote for separation and that is one H of a more democratic than the lot in Kiev we are supporting.