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Topic: Same Sex Marriage (Read 58355 times)

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #125
Sleep well, you clearly need it.
Sorry, wake up, the homosexual prime minister of Luxembourg is gong to marry with his homosexual boy friend tomorrow.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #126
I just woke up.
If we really ruled the world, I'd have a Portuguese slave.

the homosexual prime minister of Luxembourg is gong to marry with his homosexual boy friend tomorrow

And the happy couple will have their honeymoon in Iran. :}

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #127
Yeuch. ks for that news on Luxembourg Belfrager and will give that country a miss on my next continental visit.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #128
One homosexual does not an entire country ruin.

William III, Prince of Orange, King of England (1650-1702) 

Speculations about William III's sexuality have been countered by his English and American biographers, who have been unwilling to entertain the idea that a man of his nobility of character and special historical significance could have loved other men. Dutch writers on the other hand have been much more willing to accept the evidence that William was, indeed, bisexual.


Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #129
Oh this is an old one and not some wonderful disclosure jimbro. Just because the Dutch or some of them want to believe the bisexual thing proves damn nothing. He had two great loves. One was his wife to whom he constantly wrote to when away on military campaigns and secondly his Protestant faith. The keech about the sexual hint is a fable. In more practical terms he sacked a Court member of staff for his incompetence and the man spread a rumour. King William when it was brought to his notice found it hard to understand why the man said such lies.

Oh and on a passing note, King William was King of Great Britain NOT just England and was married to the ousted King James's daughter. The overwhelming majority of the population supported his coming over to get rid of a bad man on the throne. William put paid to the corruption of James, introduced the bill of Rights which banned torture and such giving people the right to their own minds. He was the last monarch to fight in a battle scene and led from the front and was even wounded at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690. And his adversary, James? He stayed in the background and fled south to Dublin beating his own Royal guards. One Irish upper clash lady in Dublin used excrement to describe him and that they had the wrong King leading them!

"King Billy had an orange cat which sat upon the fender
And every time it caught a mouse it shouted No Surrender!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #130
He had two great loves. One was his wife to whom he constantly wrote to when away on military campaigns and secondly his Protestant faith.

What's next? Henry VIII and his seven wifes?
Poor Ana Bolena... can God have mercy for her soul.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #131
Henry 8th may have started well but he ended up a dangerous clown with all those wives. What he did to them was a scandal. The Reformation in England was a paltry affair and lacked principle. It was more about sour grapes because the Pope would not support divorce. Up in the separate Kingdom of Scotland the same event was from the bottom not the top and wide based on principle arguments rather than some daft King and divorces grumps!The English religious side was very different from ours and thank heavens for that. I wouldn't have had any time for Henry but thankfully I was on the good side of that Border!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #133
When a mind wanders aimlessly, time is no barrier!
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #134
The English religious side was very different from ours and thank heavens for that.

Ooohh, do I notice there rjhowie's independentist hidden side?
Amazing, it's what I say, we'll see you someday asking for a private audience with His Holiness in Rome. Begging for an indulgence, I suppose? :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #135
For those with strong views on the Irish and/or Roman Catholics and/or gay marriage:

Ireland same-sex referendum set to approve gay marriage
Quote from: BBC
Early results suggest the Republic of Ireland has voted to legalise same-sex marriage in a historic referendum. More than 3.2m people were asked whether they wanted to amend the country's constitution to allow gay and lesbian couples to marry. Government ministers have said they believe it will pass, while prominent "no" campaigners have conceded defeat. Counting started at 09:00 BST on Saturday morning. An "unusually high" turnout has been reported.

If the change is approved, the Republic of Ireland would become the first country to legalise same-sex marriage through a popular vote. Minister for Health Leo Varadkar, who earlier this year came out as the Republic of Ireland's first openly gay minister, said the campaign had been "almost like a social revolution".

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #136
There's this commentary (and investigative journalism… Hey! Remember when reporters did that? For newspapers? : ) ) the money quote from which is:
This is foreign money being systematically invested to change public opinion, to deliver seamlessly a Yes in a referendum that has enormous consequences for family law for generations.
All the while soothing us by spinning it as just “seventeen little words”. Can American money buy an Irish referendum?
From America? Hm. Soros?

Are the forces for the annihilation of the human race in ascendency?
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #137
This is foreign money being systematically invested to change public opinion,  [...]

One of the most important phrases ever written here.
Good to know that in other countries there are also people that can see the truth. There's still hope.
Are the forces for the annihilation of the human race in ascendency?

I don't know if you are being ironic but I expect not. Resistance is not futile, resistance works and wins.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #138

Good to know that in other countries there are also people that can see the truth. There's still hope.

The truth is that the Irish people came out of the closet and there's no way to get them back in there. There's no hope.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #139

Good to know that in other countries there are also people that can see the truth. There's still hope.

The truth is that the Irish people came out of the closet and there's no way to get them back in there. There's no hope.

How many of them had the trouble of going out to vote for such imbecility? probably 10%. There's hope. :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #140
Ireland has officially passed the same-sex marraige referendum with 1.2 million people voting in its favour. The result was confirmed just before 7pm on Saturday although the result was clear from very early in the count. The Yes vote prevailed by 62 to 38 per cent with a large 60.5 per cent turnout.
In total, 1,201,607 people voted in favour with 734,300 against, giving a majority of 467,307. The total valid poll was 1,935,907.

There are only 4,500,000 people in the country. And about 10,000,000 backward people in Portugal, one of the other PIIGS.

Oink, oink!

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #141
If two priests decide to marry each other, do they need a third priest to officiate?

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #142
And the Irish Referendum also shows an awful blot of people some 38% didn't even bother to vote. Surprising.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #143
Same-sexers are extraordinarily touchy. Therefore John Haldane makes a case against them as politely as humanly possible.


Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #144
At the one hour point he seems to forget the rampant conservatism that took told. America didn't go "on party." It went in the opposite direction. The 1960's and 70's were the reaction and backlash to this. It might be right that the sexual revolution can be tied to the world wars, but he misses a very conservative decade in the US. As far as LGBT goes, it came from police harassment of LGBT people, particularly the Stone Wall Inn.  John Haldane also misses that homosexuality also exists in nature. Philosophers sit high in their ivory towers writing their papers on nature and whatnot but don't look outside the window to see what's really happening in nature. On what's "natural", as species pair-bonds for long periods of time if not for life, it seems unnatural to try to force humans to live alone and celibate. Before proclaiming what's natural and unnatural, first observe nature and what appears natural in the species. For humans, the natural behavior for most would be to find an opposite sex partner, but for a few percent it's to find a same-sex partner (based studies that go as far to show some brain structures in homosexual men are more similar to women than to heterosexual men. WW II didn't cause that..) The nice thing about being a philosopher must be the ability to say what you think, but not having to present empirical data to back it up.

I think he's also missing the positive factors. The divorce rate has been coming down for some time, his own graphs are starting to show a mild decrease in out of wedlock birth. There's other data showing the showing a decline in abortions in the US, at least. The family is trying to make comeback. Just leave LGBT people alone and let them get married. It won't cause the positive trends to reverse. Of course, there are negative statistics to cite but why must we always dwell on the negative and claim civilization is going to collapse just because the LGBT ask for something?
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #148
It might be right that the sexual revolution can be tied to the world wars, ...
From European perspective, there is an undeniable connection. Unpunished wild behaviour is rampant during wars. There was a considerable decadent fad between the wars. And now the morals of people have been permanently damaged. A case in point:

John Haldane also misses that homosexuality also exists in nature. Philosophers sit high in their ivory towers writing their papers on nature and whatnot but don't look outside the window to see what's really happening in nature. On what's "natural", as species pair-bonds for long periods of time if not for life, it seems unnatural to try to force humans to live alone and celibate. Before proclaiming what's natural and unnatural, first observe nature and what appears natural in the species.
Eating off the other male's offspring also exists in nature, therefore it's okay, right? And I'm sure there are homophobic species, so it's all natural. Seriously, you must be living in a very high ivory tower or in a sound-proof echo chamber if you think you are making any sort of sense.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #149
There are species that mate for life and do not have marriage.

You can also argue that since marriage is a man made concept the benefits included are for human purposes. So the only thing to ask is, do gays need it for those purposes? What happens in nature is irrelevant.