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Topic: What's Going On In Russia? (Read 45529 times)

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #25

Shows the ignorance Macallan of your own racial characteristics laddie.

So, Great Oracle of Glasgow, what exactly are my 'own racial characteristics'? :)


Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #26
You act as if you are living in the land of Moses and is a wonderful example to the world. And anyway, America is the world champion at spying on telephones, computers, tyexts and anything communicative. So at least there is one success based on fact rather than the ussual bloated self-praising propaganda. All countries do spying but you are very unique. just look at how many spy organisations you have in reality. Then you added another several years back "Homeland Security." Why the devil does a nation need so many? Either there is a deep rooted jingoist and emotional juvenile minded thing or there are an awful lot of flaws in the system. Either way you are still top of the pile. The hard fact is that the other favourite word (apart from that damn "awesome" never far away) is "security. The population has constantly been hit with this as a government excuse and i am sure many ex-colonists of the more broad thinking are tired of it. The result of the recent national elections show an awful low poll so I find that encouraging for you all but there again a bit frustrating as the Hill doesn't really run the country it is the money baron set.

It might be a break to persecute Russia but the lack of the people being treated right is more important than getting angry that there is a country you cannot control. You miss the Cold War so find any excuse to keep it sluttering.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #27

You act as if you are living in the land of Moses and is a wonderful example to the world. And anyway, America is the world champion at spying on telephones, computers, tyexts and anything communicative.

1. What gave you the idea that I'm american? Again? :rolleyes:
2. GCHQ. Is your memory really that flaky or are you just being selective?

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #28

Shows the ignorance Macallan of your own racial characteristics laddie. You folk get excited and emotional at the least wee thing due to your minds brained by the system.

Look who's throwing another fit :right:

The East Coast did go bananas so either you are being deliberately evasive or there is ignorance. Cities had long traffic jams, trains and buses full of people scared out their wits and fleeing.

Again. None of this happened, no matter how much you want it to be true. The only panic that happened that day happened in a bunch of newspapers trying to discredit their new competition.

Here the stiff upper lip would have applied and maturity which your country lacks.

My country? :right:

Indeed Glasgow being a down to earth and gritty city they would have been first to take anyone on!

You're indeed a fine example of maturity and critical thinking :left:

It is always the same on national traits. You will believe anything and run about like ants emotionally.

Weapon grade projection. The only one here who uncritically believes some nonsense story is you.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #29
He believes in the Tooth Fairy.
He thinks it is V. Putin.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #31
"The Land of Moses"?

Well, Charleton Heston did play Moses in a movie, so I suppose that might qualify.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #34
I knew that! :faint:

Furthermore, there's more than one kind of calculus.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #35
Macallan and tt92 being routinely so up themselves with their egotism and haughtiness are typical of a wide constituency so can be taken as such rather than anything intelligent or indepth. I could react by waving them as such but that would slip me to much towards their self-importance and would-be know all stance.  :P
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #36

Macallan and tt92 being routinely so up themselves with their egotism and haughtiness are typical of a wide constituency so can be taken as such rather than anything intelligent or indepth.

From the person who wouldn't know intelligence if it punched him in the face.
Very mature & grown up response to being wrong on everything.

I could react by waving them as such but that would slip me to much towards their self-importance and would-be know all stance.  :P

Translation: Wah! Meanies! Wah!

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #37
Boys, boys! A little civility.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #38
You have been confrontational yourself over the years jimbro so no high ground please you are no innocnet cookie.  Meanwhile back at the ranch.

Time after time in the old Opera Forum Macallan and the other boy have been so highly self opinionated and being as I put it simply so far up themselves in  their minds to scoff or snipe at me is as obvious as it comes. That Macallan has continued his self-importance in this Forum and is a "Moderator" (pause for a laugh) it kind of shows him up. If he wants to be in the wrestling game he should NOT be a Moderator the way he comes across here. He wants his cake and eat it so how can he moderate when he does the very thing he accuses others of?? In view of this my point of view is made more obvious. Anyone who doesn't fit in his loop of trying to be as clever as he thinks he is and does not waffle on but direct is a mental alien. In practical terms he has always, always tried to avoid saying where he is from although I kind of guessed that one a while back.Again it proves he is a chicken and not that brave or as confident as he poorly tries to portray.

Considering my public history where I come from and the public debates I have been in with well known characters he is an amateur who can hide on a forum but in real life probably a bit of a nerd!  :P :hat: :yes: Oh damn I should have been in hindsight a little more concerned for the poor young lad.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #40

He wants his cake and eat it so how can he moderate when he does the very thing he accuses others of??

There goes another irony meter :rolleyes:

In view of this my point of view is made more obvious. Anyone who doesn't fit in his loop of trying to be as clever as he thinks he is and does not waffle on but direct is a mental alien.

Maybe you should just spend a few seconds to fact check your little stories instead of throwing tantrums when people tell you they're bullshit :right:

In practical terms he has always, always tried to avoid saying where he is from although I kind of guessed that one a while back.Again it proves he is a chicken and not that brave or as confident as he poorly tries to portray.

In practice I told even you several times, not my fault if your attention span would embarrass a goldfish. Not that where I live or grew up is in any way relevant to anything here other than your idiotic attempts on insulting me.
Yes, I mean idiotic.
That little paragraph of yours about 'racial characteristics' americans supposedly share is nothing short of idiotic, for reasons obvious to anyone with half a brain.

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #41
Oh it fine suits you to allege I have tantrums when i don't. Having a wide experience of life and the judicial system you don't know me at all. You do lie to accuse me of things but when you act somewhat superior and lord it you outdo me. In the way you act and as a supposed Administrator you are something else.  Indeed you are so much haughty in regarding yourself in a natural intellectual and above it syndrome surely that shows the standard here when a Mod gets involved in the challenging stuff the way you do. I delayed when Opera went to coming here and I realise in hindsight I was right. It is a Forum with a tight small group and the position you hold makes it a mockery.  Small wonder there are those brighter ones who don't come on very often. It is no small wonder your country has become a mess with so many Macallan hypocrites around and that stuff about repeated telling me where you were from??  By all means you can challenge me on anything but as  Mod you are a joke and and shouldn't be in that position if you want to get into sword play. Do "have a nice day" and be "awesome.  :hat: :headbang:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #42

You do lie to accuse me of things but when you act somewhat superior and lord it you outdo me.

Care to back up your silly accusations? I can back up every single one of mine, I doubt you even understand the concept:rolleyes:

In the way you act and as a supposed Administrator you are something else.

Like what? :rolleyes:
When, where and how did I 'act and as a supposed Administrator'? :rolleyes:

Indeed you are so much haughty in regarding yourself in a natural intellectual and above it syndrome surely that shows the standard here when a Mod gets involved in the challenging stuff the way you do.

Can you repeat that in non-gibberish? :rolleyes:

I delayed when Opera went to coming here and I realise in hindsight I was right. It is a Forum with a tight small group and the position you hold makes it a mockery.

I'm so sorry for telling you that your bullshit story is still bullshit. It's still bullshit though.

Small wonder there are those brighter ones who don't come on very often. It is no small wonder your country has become a mess with so many Macallan hypocrites around and that stuff about repeated telling me where you were from??

Again, what in Cthulhu's name has 'my country' to do with anything whatsoever?

By all means you can challenge me on anything but as  Mod you are a joke and and shouldn't be in that position if you want to get into sword play.

Again, how is that in any way relevant? Did you actually read, let alone understand anything I wrote in the previous post? :rolleyes:

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #44
It's even more hip to be square than when Huey Lewis sang about it. Almost everybody is some kind of geek now :left:

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #45
Dear oh dear Macallan. You are so self-opinionated about your intelligence  and for someone trying to show how normal you prove otherwise. You just love playing on words and getting sniffy. Maybe those around you are dumbells so can get away with much of it!  In real life it does show a very  one word description of yourself.. Snob.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #46
On the thread theme rather than paying homage to the superciliousness of a mod, Russia will eventually weather the storm. It will remain a strongly independent nation that the US and it's hacks will not be able to dominate. More power to it's elbow as the West is  so arrogant and wants to control everyone.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #47
Yes, Howie because America sent unmarked troops into another country's territory, had a referendum with results that are so loopsided that was laughable, and annexed the other country's territory, after pulling the same stunt in a third country. Oh wait, that was Russia. So are you suggesting that America should make off with Canada's, then Mexico's territory (after a sham election, of course) in order to "remain a strongly independent nation ."

I'll be many people in California have family in Baja California and many people in the Washington State have family in British Columbia, so we can reunited families :yes: Indeed, some parts of the Canada were once parts of the US, so we get to have a historical claim to them! :yes: :knight:

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #48

Yes, Howie because America sent unmarked troops into another country's territory, had a referendum with results that are so loopsided that was laughable, and annexed the other country's territory, after pulling the same stunt in a third country. Oh wait, that was Russia. So are you suggesting that America should make off with Canada's, then Mexico's territory (after a sham election, of course) in order to "remain a strongly independent nation ."

I'll be many people in California have family in Baja California and many people in the Washington State have family in British Columbia, so we can reunited families :yes: Indeed, some parts of the Canada were once parts of the US, so we get to have a historical claim to them! :yes: :knight:

Hmmm.... I dunno, do you really think we might want to try that again? Last time we tried to grab Canadian land (the War of 1812) it came to a draw and we ended up with the borders we have today. Further, Canada and the US are on good terms with each other at the moment, and if things get dicey with an overseas adversary it's good to have a friend protecting your back.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: What's Going On In Russia?

Reply #49
Only ISIS hates Canada.