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Messages - OakdaleFTL

DnD Central / Re: Everything Trump…
Trump's lawyer was in turn compensated from campaign funds
This was neither charged nor litigated... But — that's your style! :)

As for the rest, I don't doubt you have a deficient understanding of the indictment and prosecution of the trial. Indeed, you have no interest in such minutia! Your stance has always been "Orange Man, Bad!". (With the enhancement of "If it's bad for U.S., it's good!".)
Which leads me to this:

if the political system values integrity and self-preservation. American political system clearly does not
You don't (or didn't?!) recognize the egregious lapses of integrity performed by the Democrats throughout these "Trump prosecution"? Let me quote a Berkeley law professor and former federal prosecutor:
John Yoo states it plainly:
"Regardless of the trial's outcome, its consequences will have a profound effect on the presidency. The weaker the Trump cases are, the more open the invitation is to future prosecutors of presidents of the opposite party. "After this Trump trial, any city, county, or state prosecutor might be encouraged to prosecute any federal officer for conjured violations of a state's criminal law or other patently partisan reasons."

To remedy "this breach of constitutional norms," Yoo indicated that Republicans' only recourse is to observe the Golden rule: "Do unto others as they have done unto you. In order to prevent the case against Trump from assuming a permanent place in the American political system, Republicans will have to bring charges against Democratic officers, even presidents."

(There's more to the article linked to... Even some that might interest you, ersi. But I know how you feel about reading, so I'll simply leave the option available.)
DnD Central / Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Inflation, destruction of the auto industry, destruction of the energy sector; DEI in the military, schools and corporations... The "Migrant Crisis" engineered by the administration...

And, yes, in his first term he's pursued all of that consistently.

His faux folksiness doesn't extend to the old maxim: When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging!
DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
When it comes to US. Supreme Court decisions, the crucial distinction that European posters don't understand is that the court is not a common law court... Which obviates most of the comments.

For those few who don't know the terminology, let me explain in simple terms: SCOTUS does not make law.
DnD Central / Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Nobody thinks Biden does anything... :)

Since you've long maintained your animosity and ill-wishes for the U.S., your support of Biden is quite understandable: His "team" will, if he wins a second term, do everything possible to destroy America.
And you'd applaud their efforts, ersi. Why, I wonder...[1]

Are you also gleeful about the predictable Jew-hatred becoming "popular"? :)
You've never explained your reasons...
DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
This one, restoring Trump to presidential candidacy in Colorado, may yet take the cake for being the worst SCOTUS decision ever.
By "worst" you -of course- mean contrary to your presumption of guilt of Trump. You have lots of company holding that opinion. (Although not very good company!)

I liked your section:
Also, SCOTUS deployed some technicalities in taking Trump's absolute immunity argument for consideration in order to delay the documents investigation case. Thus SCOTUS aims to ensure that Trump not only remains on the ballot as an insurrectionist, but also as the thief and distributor of state secrets, an asset of foreign powers.
Specially the "some technicalities".... :) You seem always able to ignore "technicalities" — such as due process, constitutional rights and rules of evidence — for your preferred outcome of trials: You're still a Soviet at heart, ersi!

And like many Europeans you simply wish the U.S. ill: If it's bad for the U.S,, you're for it!

Have you actually followed the case you mention? (Why would you, of course: "The man is guilty! Find the crime..."! Dictat.)
But the U.S. has not been defeated, yet! :)

BTW: Have you an opinion on the NYC trial? I'll bet you have a lot in common with Cohen... :)
DnD Central / Re: I'm bemused: No one here wants to discuss the Gaza-Israel war
Is Hamas a race or ethnicity? Against whom is the IDF "committing" genocide?

It's both interesting and not surprising that members of the UN aid organization dealing with Palestinian "refugees" participated in Hamas's October attack on Israel...

BTW: Has the UN Court you tout had anything to say about Ukraine? Yemen? Etc.?
DnD Central / Re: The awesomesauce with Chimerica
I have a slightly different take! (But I found the report of these war games hugely entertaining — and maybe even cogent.) What I'd ask is:
What does the CCP gain if it subjugates Taiwan?

The best they can hope for is the destruction of a vibrant and successful economy.

Typical leftist reasoning: If everybody else is doing as poorly as we are, we're doing okay...
DnD Central / Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
What you really mean is: The EU, Russia and the CCP don't want this... :)
 I understand your point of view: Bureaucratic power is the most important thing to maintain!
The U.S. must be cobbled... if it won't accede to its bureaucracy.
Good luck with that!

What you want is something that you can't deal with...  A United States that adheres to its original principles.                                                               
DnD Central / Re: Philosophy, Logic, Formal Systems
Arithmetic never was my strong suit.
Nor was logic, despite your pretensions! :)

There's much to be said in favor of the logistic thesis — but nothing that requires or forbids the grade-school learning of abilities, such as basic arithmetic! If you have difficulties with such, it's a matter of memory and apperception... Since you claim to be a philosopher of sorts, shouldn't you recognize and explicate your weird reasoning for rejecting modern logic?

Choosing a base for arithmetic is trivially inconsequential. Unless one is -shall we say- idiosyncratic?  (I mean, of course, idiopathic!)

I'd not have commented here but for your recent post! But dear ersi I stand by my inane verse!

But you've given me yet another chance to post this:

I'd agree that one needn't be a wiz at arithmetic to deal with dollars and cents. But innumeracy is indeed a debilitation...
DnD Central / Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Americans with their stupid non-system where the president has the freedom to be a treasonous nepotist election-denying incompetent buffoon and run again without any repercussions to himself while all his law[y]ers and more eager supporters are being jailed left and right.
Can't even manage to put your frothing-at-the-mouth anger into sentence form! :) But look on the bright side: Michelle Obama might be "drafted" to run...
DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
The following are notes for myself. You are completely unqualified for this discussion, Oakdale.

Quote from: OakdaleFTL
First, the U.S. is not subject to the so-called World Court. So, your "serious charge" amounts to nothing more than impotent moralizing.
Second, immigrant status is not conferred by mere aspiration.
This is exactly my point, knowing that "conservatives" and "literalists" in USA do not acknowledge the concept of human rights, even though Declaration of Independence of USA takes it "to be self-evident that all men and women are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights." It's an enlightenment concept, not a World Court concept.

A country that is in denial of this concept is not an enlightened country. It is in plain evidence now that what Declaration of Independence proclaims does not obtain in the legal and moral sense of the inhabitants of the country at all.
Human rights? Another symptom of your self-righteousness: You believe everyone in the world has the right to residence and citizenship anywhere they choose... Why? It's certainly not enlightenment. It's Soros-style agitprop.
How do you determine that residence and citizenship are inalienable? Hand-waving?
No. You just want to keep the argument going, and this red herring is just a means to that end. It doesn't matter that it's nonsensical!
DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
If immigrants had no nominal rights, then USA would be under serious charge due to lack of legal framework for human rights at home. But if immigrants have nominal rights, then bussing them *is* human trafficking and against the law. Which way is it?
First, the U.S. is not subject to the so-called World Court. So, your "serious charge" amounts to nothing more than impotent moralizing.
Second, immigrant status is not conferred by mere aspiration.
Third, if you're in the country legally (i.e., have been processed by Border Patrol and have a scheduled court hearing) and I offer you a bus or plane ticket to -say- New York, that is not "trafficking". That is largesse.
And since you only want to consider Florida's governor (and not Abbott of Texas... :) ), I'd ask how -do you think- the "migrants" got to Florida in the first place? :)

Of course, your quoted comment poses a false dilemma — and you know it. Is all your legal analysis predicated on self-righteous indignation? So it seems to me... If only you were Czar, eh? :)
DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
The facts are as follows:

The immigrants are taken to where they do not want to go. They are not going by themselves. They are taken to where nobody expects them, i.e. they are literally dumped at the destination. The name of the crime is human trafficking.

And you are completely clueless of the fact that the American constitution has been argued (by "conservatives" and "literalists") to guarantee literally nothing to non-citizens. You really have no grasp on law. Same as on facts.
Sigh... Your set of "facts" supporting the human trafficking charge happens to be another of your delusions.

FYI: Resident Aliens are both subject to U.S. jurisdiction and protected by most constitutional provisions — one obvious exception being the right to vote in federal elections. :)
What? I'm now required to agree with anyone you call "conservative" or "literalist"? No thanks: I'm not a follower! And -even if I were- your pervasive and constant bad faith would preclude me from accepting your recommendations at face value...
(But I did note your failure to cite an example or culprit! :) Typical "ersi".)
DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
But Trump will not be the overall winner of the presidential elections. He never got the popular vote ever once
Had you the ability and the inclination to pay attention, you'd know that winning the national popular vote doesn't matter...
Hillary Clinton learned that lesson the hard way! (Her husband tried to tell her...but I guess she believed her own hype. :) )
Of course you wouldn't consider the possibility that Trump meant American voters were more numerous and engaged than ever before... :)

My own opinion of DeSantis is that of course he should be in jail by now too, for bussing immigrants.
Why? Once an "immigrant" is cleared by the federal authorities[1], they can go wherever they want! In fact, the constitution guarantees such freedom of movement.

What I consider to be DeSantis' strong points you likely decry — so we needn't go into his record of electoral success and his record as governor. Yes, he's Trump-y enough for me, with the advantage of being eligible to serve two terms — time enough to right the ship!
Processed and given a court date for an administrative hearing...
DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
Are you off your meds, ersi? :) Your hallucinatory world must be fascinating — as a case study!

(BTW: I still prefer DeSantis for the 2024 nomination... Hope my mentioning it again doesn't cause you any "cognitive dissonance"; as if that were a possibility!)
DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
Slogans and name-calling, and an incredulous bias are what you offer?

The New York civil trial (with no plaintiff!) is likely to lead to a U.S. Supreme Court case... :) While you may not like it or even understand it, the federal constitution is the supreme law of the land; and this use of prosecutorial over-reach is an affront to due process.
But we'll see what happens, no?

Trump should have been stopped at the latest when he was pimping together with Jeffrey Epstein back in the 90's
You mean when he barred Epstein from his clubs? Let's add libel to the list...
DnD Central / Re: If the Confederates had won.....!
Trump's pro-KKK comments
I assume you meant his "many fine people on both sides" comment on the so-called Tiki Torch protests way back when, over the tearing down of statues in public spaces... Of course, you think the only respectable opinion about such is acquiescence to the Mob! Just as you approve of any Democrat talking point... (Not that I think you believe such! But it's your wont to argue...)

About Haley "representing" the Republican Party, we have a way of determining if, indeed, she is the standard bearer: Primaries and caucuses. We shall see whether a sufficient majority of Republicans think she should be The Candidate in the general election...
DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
I was unhappy to see you use the word "unhinged" — at the previous paragraph of your post I was quite willing to simply reply "You are too unhinged to try to reason with." But, of course, you went on! :)

You never seem to be concerned with about silly things like due process, trial by jury, and constitutional strictures... (I'm unfamiliar with the legal system in your country. Perhaps such concepts are unknown there?) If you don't like a man, to you he's guilty of anything you can come up with — or so it seems to me.

It's somewhat telling, that you keep mentioning QAnon — a brief phenomenon of a geek chat forum that most people never even heard of... Perhaps your familiarity of Soviet propaganda (as a recipient?) makes you prone to taking silly conspiracy theories seriously?

But -since you've managed to outline your feelings about the U.S. so extensively- I nominate you to take the position of our former friend R. J. Howie... And I'll give you credit for better grammar and spelling!
You portray a braying ass exceedingly well...
DnD Central / Re: If the Confederates had won.....!
So the current Republican Party is the ideological heir of Confederates
Perhaps Haley thinks so. She may be as clueless as you... :) But I've no good reason to consider her candidacy favorably. (She did reasonably good work representing the U.S. at the U.N. during the first Trump administration — but, other than that, she's not accomplished much of anything. Other than garnering beaucoup bucks from donors!)

So, no: The current Democrat party is still the ideological heir of the Confederates...
DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
With two states (by different means) removing Trump from their ballots and the U.S. Supreme Court deciding to adjudicate the Trump appeal of the Colorado Supreme Court's "decision", what do you expect to happen? :)

(I still think the Missouri v. Biden case is more important... Biden -after all- is only the President. The what is now known as the fourth branch of government -easily described as extra-constitutional- the bureaucracy needs to be reigned in. I seem to recall jax extolling the "virtues" of bureaucratic rule... :)

Why, I ask, is it such a risk to let the people vote? Well, you know it as well as I do: The folks currently in power have, as their primary concern, staying in power!)

But -since you prefer an outcome that hurts America (you're on record!)- your response will be -if at all honest- easily understood... :)
DnD Central / Re: If the Confederates had won.....!
Just to give you another chance to deprecate Americans, I'll note that "States Rights" was routinely touted as the main bone of contention in school history classes in the '60s... But -since President Lincoln essentially pardoned him, Jeff Davis -the president of the confederacy- was able to write a book explaining what he, his government, and its movement was about: He made it plain.
The preservation of black slavery was it.
DnD Central / Re: The Awesomesauce of Science
It has all the fingerprints of a desinformation campaign close to the US government
I've heard that line of argument before, somewhere... :) Remember when the emails, etc., from the Hunter Biden laptop were quasi-determined to be Russian disinfo, because -well, gee! it has all the earmarks of such? So said 50-some-odd current and former US intelligence officers, with enough weasel-wordage to absolve them of outright lying included.
Likewise, Fauci's NIAID did indeed fund gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology...

But don't presume malevolence when ineptitude will suffice! :)
DnD Central / Re: I'm bemused: No one here wants to discuss the Gaza-Israel war
Well, ersi, I'm glad to hear that you're not an anti-Semite! (Maybe someday you'll explain your animosity toward the USA... :) )

Yes, one can be anti-Zionist and even anti-Israel without being an anti-Semite... As I stated, I've been a Zionist for a long time.
Anyway, Israel's statehood has not been under threat at all this century.
Nor the USA, I presume!... (A rocket here, a rocket there! What, me worry? And, of course, Iran has no intention to follow through on its threats...)

You (obviously don't) see, there is a difference between people and their country/government/statehood. For example, you are an American but you hate your government. By your own (il)logic, you are therefore anti-American! When will you stop being racist and genocidal against Americans? Yeah, you didn't even know you were one of those!
My, my! How oddly your mind works!
I don't hate my government — I resent its perversion, waste and corruption. The American people -of whatever persuasion- are, in my experience, a warm and generous people; by and large, industrious, intelligent and cheerful.
While Gramsci's March Through the Institutions has made great strides here, I recognize (if you  don't mind the secularization of the stricture! :) ) that  "Despair is a Sin."

What ever definitions you apply to "racism" and "genocide", I'm reasonably certain they're either peculiar to you, readily jettisoned by you, or consonant with neo-Marxism.

But do enjoy the season!  :psmurf: (I guess Papa Smurf is close enough to Santa... :) )