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Topic: Same Sex Marriage (Read 58268 times)

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #75
Really, I am yet to see an argument for homosexuality that would not be an argument against it at the same time. There's nothing to support the concept of same-sex marriage, nothing coherent.

You can't imagine gay Eric, anymore than you can imagine an end to yourself.  My son, Joshua, is gay and afraid.  He is brilliantly artistic, but because of fools like you and Oakdale, he has a hard time expressing himself in what you call "your world".  All I can tell him is that Josh, this world was  not made for one as beautiful as you.  How much do assholes like you wish to stifle his talent and rights...oh for the love of god, please tell me...somebody please tell me.  Stop being logical and think fer chrissakes. 
James J

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #76
It's your line of argument. I assume it makes sense to you somehow. To me "animal urges" is not in itself something to be deplored (as beneath humans) nor celebrated (as natural, and thus intrinsically commendable).

We are animals, we are talking monkeys, which can explain some of our idiosyncrasies. (Nearly all of them if we were to believe some evolutionary psychologists, who sometimes seem to make it their task to make stories of why we are as we believe we are, scientific theologians in other words, rather than making testable hypotheses.) Some of these idiosyncrasies we do tend to celebrate, like our innate sociability and sense of fairness, other we tend to deplore, like our tendency to gang up on people when afraid.

That we like to partner up in monogamous partnerships (or as more cynical and sharper observers say, serially monogamous partnerships with episodes of cheating) is usually put on the "celebrate" rather than the "deplore" list, but again Buddhist monks would disagree. Some evolutionary psychologists claim that this tendency to pair up has helped our survival, in encouraging division of labour. We wouldn't need to pair up purely for procreational purposes, as living in lifelong pairs is more the exception than the rule.

As many time before jax, you are a voice of calm reason. 
James J

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #77
In a rational world, it would be self-evident that "same-sex marriage" is a logically impossible concept.

Course it is and yet it affects the entire western world. The real question it's why and how that's happening.

The domination of a lobby gay in media, politics and financial areas it's obvious. The fashion/artistic industry it's the top of the iceberg aimed to be perceived as funny, friendly and trendy.
The entire thing is sinister.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #78

Really, I am yet to see an argument for homosexuality that would not be an argument against it at the same time. There's nothing to support the concept of same-sex marriage, nothing coherent.

You can't imagine gay Eric, anymore than you can imagine an end to yourself.  My son, Joshua, is gay and afraid.  He is brilliantly artistic, but because of fools like you and Oakdale, he has a hard time expressing himself in what you call "your world".  How much do you assholes wish to stifle his talents...oh god, please tell me?

If there's a "your world" for me, there's also a "your world" for you and for Joshua too. Not my problem when you can't deal with it as effectively as I can. It's particularly not my problem when you reject the solutions I have on offer.

As to sources, last year this country went through a massive gay campaign and adopted a gay law in the process, so I am loaded with sources. But I won't embarrass you with this. You have never demonstrated any ability to deal with facts.


Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #80
My son, Joshua, is gay and afraid.  He is brilliantly artistic, but because of fools like you and Oakdale, he has a hard time expressing himself in what you call "your world".  All I can tell him is that Josh, this world was  not made for one as beautiful as you.  How much do assholes like you wish to stifle his talent and rights...oh for the love of god, please tell me...somebody please tell me.  Stop being logical and think fer chrissakes.

If he's afraid, it's because you taught him to be, James; or, at least, failed to teach him how to deal with his fears…
If he's "brilliantly artistic" he will (should he overcome his fears…?) likely find success. But if he has a hard time expressing himself then he is not any kind of "artistic" — exchange the "r" in that word for an "u". He's "special" - because he's your son, and the first to change from a caterpillar to a butterfly? :) If he's done something artistic, others will appreciate it.
(Jeez, Picasso was hailed as a genius…!)
If he's done something hateful and not been applauded, what did you (or he) expect? If he hasn't done anything, what's your gripe?

I can be (and certainly have been…) an asshole! But I sincerely doubt I've had any effect on your Josh's chances for success — in whatever field of endeavor he's chosen or pursued.
Just so you know I still have the ability to sting, James, calling people assholes for undisclosed reasons is (I take it) your SOP. I'd not -as you might have guessed- promote a "Poofs get priority" policy.
Of course, that -to you, and your son (?)- makes me a hater, and -of course- an asshole; but your take on "free will" obviates any point you'd make! :)

I'll repeat what I said: If Josh is any kind of artist, he'll create; and others will appreciate his work.
I think you greatly over-estimate his fragility… But I could be wrong.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #81
My 2 cents on this subject:

  • We are assuming too much what the reasons are for someone to be homosexual. There are many possibilities.
    In a religious context, where homosexuality is a concern, I have taught that the Bible speaks against homosexuality that is caused by strict rebellion against God (or against whatever is good). There's no sense on believing that it condemns people whose homosexuality wasn't chosen by them because of evil purposes. (This is another discussion: is homosexuality a choice anyway?) I believe that many of them wouldn't have chosen it if they could. So, my advice has been: try to understand, and offer help if someone asks for.

  • There's no need to prove why someone is allowed to do some thing. But there should be a good reason for someone to be disallowed any thing.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #82

  • We are assuming too much what the reasons are for someone to be homosexual.

No one is concerned, amongst those who opposes same sex "marriage", about "reasons" to be homosexual. We are discussing (or trying to discuss) why laws about such an imbecility as "same sex marriage" are intrinsically wrong.

Besides that, it seems to me that some posters feels some weird attraction for their opponents and engage into a sort of  "the most you oppose me, the most I love you" kind of thing... but that's typical of DnD..
A matter of attitude.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #83
You hit the nail well and very truly on the head there Belfrager. Apart from any stance I have on morality that corner seems to have more power than any other minority from 2 or 3% of a population. Now the President of the land of the free wants to ban any medical group that works with anyone not wanting to be queer. I know, I know folks there are some head shrinkers in that part who think they can cure the unfortunates but there are others who do not lean on the poor beggars but try to assist them. But we will get the usual hype from the open-mind selef esteemed who will draw swords if you dare to challenge them. So much for free speech and a 'liberal society.'
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #84
You two are cute together. :love:

I think y'all need to let go of gender roles and just accept you're meant to be.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #85
Oh sounds very principled nut you just need to say you don't agree with them and this tiny bunch go ape. So much for freedom of opinion.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #86
:left::right::left: Interesting. Interesting. :rolleyes:

There's a random nut (or two) in that.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #87
Oh sounds very principled nut you just need to say you don't agree with them and this tiny bunch go ape. So much for freedom of opinion.

However ape folks may go, that impacts your freedom of opinion not at all.

They're free to go ape. You're free to have an opinion.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #88
If there's a "your world" for me, there's also a "your world" for you and for Joshua too. Not my problem when you can't deal with it as effectively as I can. It's particularly not my problem when you reject the solutions I have on offer.

We really have to have a name for this kind of cop-out.  Maybe "Eric's Grand Cop-out #1"--you use it frequently enough.  Reality is not 'really' within you Eric, everything is odd, ethereal and wispy stuff.  You lag way behind when climbing the mountain of nature because the experimentalists ahead of  you, keep kicking up stones that hit you in the head.   :knight:  :cheers:

(I love you anyway).
James J

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #89

You hit the nail well and very truly on the head there Belfrager. Apart from any stance I have on morality that corner seems to have more power than any other minority from 2 or 3% of a population. Now the President of the land of the free wants to ban any medical group that works with anyone not wanting to be queer. I know, I know folks there are some head shrinkers in that part who think they can cure the unfortunates but there are others who do not lean on the poor beggars but try to assist them. But we will get the usual hype from the open-mind selef esteemed who will draw swords if you dare to challenge them. So much for free speech and a 'liberal society.'

You are so much more deranged than I ever thought RJ, and I am being serious here.  Do you ever really listen to yourself?  Your writing is so haphazard and full of stupid mistakes, that I don't think you think--you just click the keys and hope for the best. 
James J

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #90
I've always maintained that RJ types with his knuckles… :) (Probably walks on them, too!) But it wasn't so long ago that the DSM listed homosexuality as a (sometimes) treatable malady. So, your charge of "derangement" is not, in this case, supported.

(I should add -missing the whisper function- that you should not have brought up personal circumstances. It unfairly marks those who'd disagree with your opinion as personally attacking you and yours… But you brought it on yourself, and now you have to accept the consequences of your indiscretion.
I'd suggest we not mention "Josh" again…)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #91
If he's afraid, it's because you taught him to be, James; or, at least, failed to teach him how to deal with his fears…

I will illuminate you.  My son Josh, was yanked away from me in the middle of the night by my alcoholic/prescription-drug addicted wife who stole my car, my bank account and my precious baby son of 9 years old.  She left to parts unknown for years, until I was finally able to locate her.  We had a legal blow out in Missouri, where the judge all but declared my former wife legally insane.  She died a few short years later at the age of 51 in my arms with all three of my children in attendance.  At her death, she wore a t-shirt on that said "I Am a Porn Star". 

Pretty fucked up story, imho. 

“The known is finite, the unknown infinite; intellectually we stand on an islet in the midst of an illimitable ocean of inexplicability. Our business in every generation is to reclaim a little more land...". ― Thomas Henry Huxley, "On the Reception of the 'Origin of Species'.   :knight:  :cheers:

James J

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #92
My condolences and my sympathy, James. But I still believe a discussion/debate forum is the wrong venue to disclose such things.
Pretty fucked up story, imho.
That is not a story. It is a recital of disjointed facts.
I don't mean to belittle your pain or dispute the turmoil those events must have caused you. But they have no bearing upon this topic, here.
I'll give you an example of how personal stories can be used…

Many years ago my mother had married yet again and I had a new set of siblings. The youngest of which was gay, his oldest sister told me. And she used his own explanation to show me why:
She made the OK sign with her left hand and poked the index finger of my right hand through the O… Then she tightened the O to lower-case… :) She told me he'd said to her, "That's the difference!"
When I stopped laughing, I asked "Is the boy so dumb that he doesn't know that girls have assholes too?!"

Obviously, the boy's problems went far beyond failing to pay attention in Biology class… You'll admit that? Even on such a short take?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #93
Come on Oakdale show your usual concern for the proper control of words here and remind him he cursed twice!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #94
But it wasn't so long ago that the DSM listed homosexuality as a (sometimes) treatable malady.

The DSM is theoretical psychiatry on 'orange sunshine'. 

I imagine you must also 'kinda' believe that young girls' sexual development is driven by jealousy over the lack of a penis and sexual desire for their father, eh?   :knight:  :cheers:
James J

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #95
Obviously, the boy's problems went far beyond failing to pay attention in Biology class… You'll admit that?

I'm not sure which boy you are referring to in this story that has a "problem"(?).   :knight:  :cheers:
James J

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #96
My son Josh, was yanked away from me in the middle of the night by my alcoholic/prescription-drug addicted wife who stole my car, my bank account and my precious baby son of 9 years old.

Wow. Bad decision making is a habit of yours. Literally protected nothing here. Good job.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #97
I imagine […]
You have a fertile (…I'd say febrile :) ) imagination, James!
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #98
First the car, second the bank account and third precious babies. To each culture it's own order of values.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #99
I'd ask (specially, those proponents of SSM…) to view this video. It is longer than I'd like; but it is more than enough quickly to the point. (And I've been asked to view longer presentations… :) )
My question is: What do homosexuals have to say about such issues? What is their reaction to such concerns?
Indeed, are they even "involved"…?

Of course, there can not be a "homosexual" reply. Only individuals are such, and they are not a bloc… But a few here are queer, and I'd like their honest opinions about this.

Does it matter, to them? (I'd prefer not to dispute any and every claim made in the presentation… I'd merely focus upon the relative importance of the main contention.) And, of course, I'd reply! :)

The above italicization of course means that a general conclusion will be predicated on individual responses… This is the most we can do, to start.
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)