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Topic: Who's your favorite politician? (Read 19594 times)

Who's your favorite politician?

  • Angela Merkel

  • Barack Obama

  • David Cameron

  • Vladimir Putin, AKA, Vlad the Impaler

  • Francois Hollande

  • Tony Abbott

  • None of the above

  • There isn't one.

If I forgot someone you favor, please enter his or her name.
Please provide a reason or reasons for your choice.

Re: Who's your favorite politician?

Reply #1
There isn't one.

Normally, I don't trust politicians of any stripe. That said, I exempt Franklin D. Roosevelt for his role in combating the Depression and the WWII era. His great speech on the Depression is a classic.
Contrast that with this.

Re: Who's your favorite politician?

Reply #2
I'd lean toward 8. But more favorably, Frits Bolkestein (actually understands liberalism, welcomed Ayaan, good work on European integration), Neelie Kroes (good work as European Commissioner for Digital Agenda), and Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

Re: Who's your favorite politician?

Reply #3
Why in all that is fair didn't you add a sneaky and bias addition to one politicians and not the rest? Not a very intellectual thing at all but borders on the head shaking level. Pointless in fairness due to this silliness. 
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Who's your favorite politician?

Reply #4


Re: Who's your favorite politician?

Reply #5
@tt92: RJ likely means "Vladimir Putin, AKA, Vlad the Impaler" -number 4. on Jaybro's list… Apparently, Howie is always strong in support for strongmen? :)
(Jaybro's epithet seems more apropos lately — considering Vlad the Impaler was presumed to be the model for Dracula, the leader of the undead: Putin has not been putting in much face-time.
There is much speculation.)

My all-time favorite politician is, perhaps, an odd choice: Bruce Herschensohn.
When he was running against Boxer for an open California seat in the U.S. Senate he appeared on a Fresno talk show (hosted by Ray Appleton…) and took listener calls. The one I remember most was when a caller asked "What will you do for me?" Herschensohn said - basically, "Nothing. Nothing that I wouldn't do for any other Californian. I'd represent and defend your collective interests."
Of course, he lost the election!

A runner-up choice would be the greatly missed departed William F. Buckley, Jr., who ran for mayor of New York in 1965! A reporter asked him what he'd do if he won the election. Without missing a beat, Bill replied: "Demand a recount!"

I also have fond memories for others that I'm sure every American posting here (…perhaps excepting Smiley) would bemoan: The rest of the world will never accept America until we're as bad off, as venal, as decadent and as incompetent as they themselves are…
I'm afraid I'm just not "in with the In Crowd".
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Who's your favorite politician?

Reply #6
How about Deborah Bullwinkel? Village President here.

Before anybody asks-- nope, haven't heard anything of Rocky.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Who's your favorite politician?

Reply #7
I would say to the brain drain (tt92 if not obvious) that what I said is to the point and quite clear. One name was ridiculed and that should not have been done. If we are being asked in a poll on people they should just be listed without any bias comment from the composer.  You know that and have missed your circus vocation as a clown. I am aware that you think it is funny answering me even when the message is clear but i do make allowances for your stupidity in place of proper answers and your arrogance that replaces normal thinking. Maybe you should consult your locals down there - you know the kangaroos.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Who's your favorite politician?

Reply #8
If we are being asked in a poll on people they should just be listed without any bias comment from the composer.
Why, pray tell?

We most of us know each other here; have for years… If our peccadilloes are to be expunged from our posts (…even if just our polls), then we should probably stick to reading the AP (or whatever other politicized news site appeals). If you'd prefer Putin to any other, say so!
(You might be asked to explain: Have no fear! No one expects such a feat from you… :) )

BTW: In case there's not enough controversy (party and idiology-wise) yet, I'll mention a runner-up: Newt Gingrich!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Who's your favorite politician?

Reply #9

  • Angela Merkel, AKA, the Teflon Lady

  • Barack Obama, AKA, the Master of the Drones

  • David Cameron, AKA, the Cameleon

  • Vladimir Putin, AKA, Vlad the Impaler

Hmm, I'd say none from your list.

Uruguay's past president José Mujica had all my appreciation.

Re: Who's your favorite politician?

Reply #10

@tt92: RJ likely means "Vladimir Putin, AKA, Vlad the Impaler" -number 4. on Jaybro's list… Apparently, Howie is always strong in support for strongmen? :)
(Jaybro's epithet seems more apropos lately — considering Vlad the Impaler was presumed to be the model for Dracula, the leader of the undead: Putin has not been putting in much face-time.
There is much speculation.)

My all-time favorite politician is, perhaps, an odd choice: Bruce Herschensohn.
When he was running against Boxer for an open California seat in the U.S. Senate he appeared on a Fresno talk show (hosted by Ray Appleton…) and took listener calls. The one I remember most was when a caller asked "What will you do for me?" Herschensohn said - basically, "Nothing. Nothing that I wouldn't do for any other Californian. I'd represent and defend your collective interests."
Of course, he lost the election!

A runner-up choice would be the greatly missed departed William F. Buckley, Jr., who ran for mayor of New York in 1965! A reporter asked him what he'd do if he won the election. Without missing a beat, Bill replied: "Demand a recount!"

I also have fond memories for others that I'm sure every American posting here (…perhaps excepting Smiley) would bemoan: The rest of the world will never accept America until we're as bad off, as venal, as decadent and as incompetent as they themselves are…
I'm afraid I'm just not "in with the In Crowd".

Thanks Oak.
Sometimes rj's incoherent effusions give a hint of what he was trying to say, even when (as in this case) his syntax leans towards saying the exact opposite of what he was probably trying to do.
Poor little devil.

Re: Who's your favorite politician?

Reply #11
My favourite politician is, of course, Tony Abbott.
He is ignorant, stupid, unprincipled, and a liar. He is interested only in ensuring his continued incumbency. He would not recognise an altruistic impulse if it leapt up and bit him on the arse. As our representative on the international stage he is a cringe-inducing embarrassment. He is the quintessential political animal. If he hadn't occurred as a natural excrescence someone would have invented him.
Every country should have a Tony Abbott at least once so that their other politicians could look good.

Re: Who's your favorite politician?

Reply #12
It's a dead heat........

Barrack Hussein Obama  ➤➤  Hillary Rottenham Clinton  ➤➤  Vlad the Yowie

Note, BHO is just a shade darker that HRC, & Vlad is in his bedtime 'yowies'.

Re: Who's your favorite politician?

Reply #13
Sometimes rj's incoherent effusions give a hint of what he was trying to say […]

He's an ill-educated Scot (… is that an oxymoron? :) Obviously, not; I've known, slightly, many examples to the contrary — RJ is unique, a one-of-a-kind!) who likely thinks effulgence, effluence and effluvium all mean the same thing.
He's heard of "books" and claims to have read one, himself! (He also claims to have written one — it may or may not be the "one and the same," as he'd put it, were he that facile.) But dictionaries are tomes whose plots are too complicated…
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Who's your favorite politician?

Reply #14
I will tell you lot this and that is that you think highly of yourselves and to a degree get away with it here on a small forum like this. In real life you probably keep your mouths shut like regular drunks do when sober. Call me what you will and sneer away makes no damn difference because in most cases you cannot answer an item and instead  wander off. Even in a wee thread like this one on politicians there should not have been an example of bias. Even a child (includes many American minds) would notice that. I sigh often re the land of nutjobs over the pond  and now Australia can be added sadly especially when you consider someone like that country's present leader is a  nut job. So Aussie-Irish-Labour man I agree with you!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Who's your favorite politician?

Reply #15
I like those Italian politicians that promises to show their boobs if they are elected.
Tangible promises, promises that one can actually touch.

At the masculine side, nobody can beat Berlusconi.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Who's your favorite politician?

Reply #16
+1 to José Mujica

moreover ,  how a poor man can be a President ?

AFAIK That Swag only achievable if you' re Rich .

Re: Who's your favorite politician?

Reply #17

I like those Italian politicians that promises to show their boobs if they are elected.
Tangible promises, promises that one can actually touch.

At the masculine side, nobody can beat Berlusconi.

You probably have Cicciolina in mind. At least she proudly presented her boobs after being elected into the Italian parliament.
As for Mr Bunga, Bunga he might be available too. All you need to do is to invite them both to Portugal, give them the Portuguese citizenship and elect them.
I'm sure they would do an outstanding job, whatever kind of job this might be.

Re: Who's your favorite politician?

Reply #18
You probably have Cicciolina in mind. At least she proudly presented her boobs after being elected into the Italian parliament.

False advertising! That woman is 62 years old! Whither the wrinkles, Ms. Cicciolina?

Re: Who's your favorite politician?

Reply #20
However, don't advertisments often raise wrong expectations?

Perhaps if you grew up in the boondocks. Everybody knows that something like an "apartment with character" means old junk from the 19-long-agos. "New and improved" means "more sugar, more thickener, and less of whatever you actually want," etc. Just like how the word theory means something different depending on what kind of discourse it is.

Re: Who's your favorite politician?

Reply #21
…I'm a little surprised no one has remarked upon Netanyahu's re-election!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Who's your favorite politician?

Reply #22
Glad to see the [glow=blue,2,300]'Right' [/glow] Man won!

Re: Who's your favorite politician?

Reply #23

…I'm a little surprised no one has remarked upon Netanyahu's re-election!
Oddly enough, I've heard a number of Palestinians prefer him. I can only assume that Hezbollah can thus more easily feel justified in their terrorist ways.

Re: Who's your favorite politician?

Reply #24
Oddly enough, I've heard a number of Palestinians prefer him.

Well, before the election drew near he spoke of support for a two-state solution.
JERUSALEM — Under pressure on the eve of a surprisingly close election, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel on Monday doubled down on his appeal to right-wing voters, declaring definitively that if he was returned to office he would never establish a Palestinian state.

The statement reversed Mr. Netanyahu’s endorsement of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a 2009 speech at Bar Ilan University, and fulfilled many world leaders’ suspicions that he was never really serious about peace negotiations. If he manages to eke out a fourth term, the new stance would further fray Mr. Netanyahu’s ruinous relationship with the Obama administration and heighten tension with European countries already frustrated with the stalled peace process.

And a number of conservative Republicans voted for Obama.

Why do I distrust politicians? Guess why.