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Topic: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West (Read 46135 times)

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #150
Too much can be made of Islamist groups. Pick a major religion and you'll find murder, violence and mayhem.

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #151

Too much can be made of Islamist groups. Pick a major religion and you'll find murder, violence and mayhem.

Or a large enough group of atheists.
Or lettuce growers.

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #152

Too much can be made of Islamist groups. Pick a major religion and you'll find murder, violence and mayhem.

Or a large enough group of atheists.
Or lettuce growers.

Lettuce not make too much of the atheist threat. We are a largely peaceful group compared to the Christian rabble rousers.

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #154
A letter in the Vinegar Courier, the third largest newspaper in the Netherlands and the largest quality newspaper. (The fourth largest and best is the NRC.)
"We Jews should seriously consider moving to Israel" Google Translation here.

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #155
What a nonsense from jimbro that rather daft comment about other religions. There is one religion creating havoc all over the world and ALL the time not just some rogue lot in some corner and fine he knows it.

As for the patter about European Jews suggesting going to Israel yet another bit of hype I think. There are enough of them in Israel as it damn well is hence them stealing land from others like a certain country in Europe in the pre-War days. Now we get senior government ministers like Theresa May Home Secretary coming out with all sorts of platitudes because of mainland Europe. Protecting of innocents is one thing but there was no threat here and in London I see n a picture of what was really a Jewish vigilante police style car vehicle on patrol.

In a recent poll in France itself over 40%- was it nearer 47% thought the reaction of all that Charlie stuff was wrong and it was and is. When a founder of Charlie comes out and says the magazine was going over the top with Islam it opens the debate to more clinical looks rather than all the media hype and Charlie cards held up. Even did it in the European parliament as if some great principled lot from an organisation that hasn't been cleared by auditors for well over a decade and more!  Still think the Frenchies were over the top and slowed the impression they had got worse than anyone else. America, Britain, Nigeria to name but three have had worse.  :irked:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #156
I think this says volumes about what the real central issues surrounding the CHARLIE HEBDO KILLINGS are.


Think this says it all

If only all our politicians stop the politically correct spin and be as refreshingly straight forward as this guy! I'm sure you won't see this interview aired in the mainstream media.
Part of the transcript of an interview aired on Al Jazeera that a friend sent me, where Scott Morrison, MP was invited for comment.

Transcript Station:
Program: The STREAM Time:7:06 AM
AL JAZEERA Summary ID:W00059934129


I’m sorry. I have to interrupt here. I’m sorry I am not going to sit here and listen to people stupidly suggest that the French or the magazine or anyone brought this on themselves. Are you for real? We have a dozen people dead, killed in the name of a religious belief and you are seriously going to even slightly justify this?
COMPERE: I don’t think anyone is justifying anything here.
MORRISON: Well that’s not what I am hearing. I’m hearing this vaguely worded defence that France shouldn’t have done this and Sarkozy said that two years ago, and if they didn’t draw Mohammed then this might not of happened or whatever. It is obscene and a gutless way of almost saying they all deserved this. Well if you believe that you are about as bad as the idiot who thinks the pretty girl in the short skirt is asking to be raped so she better watch out.
COMPERE: That’s a ridiculous comparison.
MORRISON: Is it ridiculous? Tell me how? It’s the “you were asking for it” way of thinking. Your logic is those who drew the pictures should have known better and should have known what the response would be. Where as I say, if you can’t accept that people have different views to you then maybe the problem is with you if your response is the pull out an AK and go nuts.
COMPERE: Well, the material was designed to offend.
MORRISON: And so what. A lot of what I’ve heard here today has offended me but if you’re civilised, and I think that’s a major issue with some of the people we are talking about, if you are civilised you just get on with it. We shouldn’t have to have special rules for special people.
COMPERE: No-one is suggesting special rules just an understanding that some things are offensive.
MORRISON: So OK, we can have a bit of fun with the Pope, with Buddha, Jesus Christ on the Cross, The Dalai Lama, The Queen, Barack Obama. Want to add to the list? But not anything or anyone associated with Muslims. They’re special apparently. And that’s where all this free speech talk I’m hearing falls to bits. If you defend free speech then you defend offensive speech as well. It’s real easy to stand up for the nice stuff but sometime it gets ugly and if you are fair dinkum, as we say in Australia, you stand for all. Now, I’m not fond of Jesus Christ jokes but if you crack one you shouldn’t fear a few goons showing up with AK47s and shooting everyone in the office dead at their desks. So please, spare me the justification garbage for these terrorists being upset and just responding to provocation. If you think they are even slightly justified for killing people who drew some pictures then I’m afraid you are over in their column.
COMPERE: OK I take your point but if you deliberately set out to offend there are consequences.
MORRISON: Yes there are. People might not buy your magazine or you get nasty letters in the mail from upset people but not a dozen of your workmates dead at their desks, and here we are again talking about consequences. It’s back to the same argument as the pretty girl in the bar example. If you think she’s asking to be raped you are, in my view, unfit for civilised society. You are uncivilised and maybe that’s something we should be spending a bit of energy on.
* * End * *
Transcript produced by iSentia

What's your take?

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #157
The point is exactly here: (it's been debated in another thread)

COMPERE: I don’t think anyone is justifying anything here.
MORRISON: Well that’s not what I am hearing.

What exactly are they talking about? And who are they?

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #158
I am a Christian. Worse (from some points of view here) a fundamentalist Christian. How many times have my God been chewed up here on this forum alone?

OK--- who here is afraid that I and a bunch of my friends will show up with guns and shoot up the place because somebody drew an unflattering drawing of Jesus or suggested that followers of my faith are less than wonderful? Not many I'd think, but if you draw a picture of Mohammed--- any picture at all, even one favorable-- it seems the hotheads want to grab guns and kill everyone who had anything to do with it.

Back when we had the old forum, I do remember one of their number suggesting that I and my fellows should riot like they do when my Christ is made fun of--- but the thing is, Jesus said NOT to behave that way, so if I and my fellows riot because we're being dissed, we would be disobeying what Jesus said to do. I wonder if Mohammed told his followers to burn, pillage and kill if someone dissed him--- or are they taking it upon themselves to behave this way in spite of anything their prophet said.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #159
MORRISON: Yes there are. People might not buy your magazine or you get nasty letters in the mail from upset people but not a dozen of your workmates dead at their desks, and here we are again talking about consequences. It’s back to the same argument as the pretty girl in the bar example. If you think she’s asking to be raped you are, in my view, unfit for civilised society. You are uncivilised and maybe that’s something we should be spending a bit of energy on.

Hear, hear!

I wonder if Mohammed told his followers to burn, pillage and kill if someone dissed him--- or are they taking it upon themselves to behave this way in spite of anything their prophet said.

He did order such things when people mocked him through poetry.

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #160
Free Speech has caused bus loads of ignorant young cherubs to join the ISIS Islamic Jihad, condoned by Muslims everywhere*, mostly because they despise Free Speech, & Jihad promises the end of Free Speech.



*  "Who can protest and does not, is an accomplice in the act."

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #161
I have always stated that Islam and the political idea of democracy are not good bedfellows. There was a period centuries ago when there were some progressive things in that religion but as wider attitudes started growing elsewhere that faded into history and gradually Islam became prehistoric and worse. Everywhere they have left their hell hole countries and came to in the West they have brought with tem bombings, killings and mayhem whether moderate Islam exists or not.

They seem to be intellectually incapable of using the democratic systems where they plunk to and breed like mad. Instead their young flock off to some backward Islam place and behead and create mass killings. The so-called liberal democracy of the West has been so easy fore them and what is happening here and across Europe WILL get worse because as Islam flourishes so too does a chunk of militant head bangers. If they don't think we are good enough let them shove off even though they are hypocritical enough to use no-Muslim techy stuff to do what they want. Everywhere across the globe they seethe, destabilise and create havoc Some moderates willsay the militants are wrong but not enough.

Even with the "moderates" when a government minister sent out a letter to all the mosques down in England he got lambasted by the would-be tolerants. His communication was totally innocent and encouraging co-operation and trying to get the young away from going to fight overseas, etc.  Kind of says something that.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #162

I have always stated that Islam and the political idea of democracy are not good bedfellows. There was a period centuries ago when there were some progressive things in that religion but as wider attitudes started growing elsewhere that faded into history and gradually Islam became prehistoric and worse. Everywhere they have left their hell hole countries and came to in the West they have brought with tem bombings, killings and mayhem whether moderate Islam exists or not.

They seem to be intellectually incapable of using the democratic systems where they plunk to and breed like mad. Instead their young flock off to some backward Islam place and behead and create mass killings. The so-called liberal democracy of the West has been so easy fore them and what is happening here and across Europe WILL get worse because as Islam flourishes so too does a chunk of militant head bangers. If they don't think we are good enough let them shove off even though they are hypocritical enough to use no-Muslim techy stuff to do what they want. Everywhere across the globe they seethe, destabilise and create havoc Some moderates willsay the militants are wrong but not enough.

Even with the "moderates" when a government minister sent out a letter to all the mosques down in England he got lambasted by the would-be tolerants. His communication was totally innocent and encouraging co-operation and trying to get the young away from going to fight overseas, etc.  Kind of says something that.

Firstly, there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim.
Who can protest and does not, is an accomplice in the act.   — The Talmud

Secondly, if they tell us (non-muslims, non-believers) otherwise it's most probably a black tongued lie to cover their real agenda, or avoid having to tell the truth.

The Modern Version of the Koran, minus their Satanic Verses, teaches them to lie if it will help them gain advantage, or enable their end-goal of Islamic World Domination.

Quote from:      The Religion of Peace    

There are two forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, taqiyya and kitman.  These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them. 

One of many:
Bukhari (49:857) - "He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a liar."
Lying is permitted when the end justifies the means says the Koran.

Furthermore, the ongoing appeasement of Islam by especially Europe, but also by Western Civilization as a a whole, is not only idiotic & cowardly, it's down right criminal!!!

Please listen to this entire message, & especially pay attention from 6:00 onward........


If we continue to cower to Islam, we will find more & more of our youth willing to volunteer for Islam (ISIS,  al qaeda, etc...) because in our cowardice they will see our submission, & with that they will have all the justification they need to wage holy war on us, because we are the last form of authority left between Islam & World Domination.


Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #163
In Belgium, Delefortrie says, he felt discriminated against, specifically complaining that he hadn't been allowed to pray at work. He also said that there were so many regulations pertaining to the construction of mosques that when they were finished, they looked like garages. "If you spend years pounding on someone, it is only logical that he fights back," Delefortrie says.

Did you ever stop to consider that there is nothing unique about mosques? That the local Jain temple had to go through the exact same rules and somehow it doesn't seem to "look like a garage"? Maybe — just maybe — consider building from scratch instead of converting old breweries and garages if the industrial aesthetic bothers you so much. The fact that you think you should get a special pass, that you think being treated the same as everyone else means you're being discriminated against — well, aren't you bloody special? Grow up.

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #164
Appeasement has a tendency to produce disastrous results. Remember Neville Chamberlain, stepping off that plane with Herr Hitler's signature in his hand? A few months later the world began to reap what appeasement sows.

There can be no appeasement with a man who stands behind you, knife in hand, getting ready to cut your head off.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #165
Terrorism is a relatively trivial problem in a sea of serious problems.
— You are 17,600 times more likely to die from heart disease than from a terrorist attack

— You are 12,571 times more likely to die from cancer than from a terrorist attack

— You are 11,000 times more likely to die in an airplane accident than from a terrorist plot involving an airplane

— You are 1048 times more likely to die from a car accident than from a terrorist attack

— You are 404 times more likely to die in a fall than from a terrorist attack

— You are 87 times more likely to drown than die in a terrorist attack

— You are 13 times more likely to die in a railway accident than from a terrorist attack

— You are 12 times more likely to die from accidental suffocation in bed than from a terrorist attack

— You are 9 times more likely to choke to death on your own vomit than die in a terrorist attack

— You are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist

— You are 8 times more likely to die from accidental electrocution than from a terrorist attack

— You are 6 times more likely to die from hot weather than from a terrorist attack

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #166
The Radicalization of Luke Skywalker: A Jedi's Path To Jihad

A more focused study, however, is needed to truly understand that the Star Wars films are actually the story of the radicalization of Luke Skywalker. From introducing him to us in A New Hope (as a simple farm boy gazing into the Tatooine sunset), to his eventual transformation into the radicalized insurgent of Return of the Jedi (as one who sets his own father’s corpse on fire and celebrates the successful bombing of the Death Star), each film in the original trilogy is another step in Luke’s descent into terrorism. By carefully looking for the same signs governments and scholars use to detect radicalization, we can witness Luke’s dark journey into religious fundamentalism and extremism happen before our very eyes.

When we first meet Luke Skywalker, he’s an orphaned farm boy with barely any friends, living with his Aunt and Uncle, and wanting to join the Galactic Academy like all the other guys his age. You see, Luke didn’t become a space terrorist overnight, but he did exhibit signs that would make him a prime candidate for terrorist recruiters. The process of radicalization, as described by Anthony Stahelski in the Journal of Homeland Security, notes terrorists tend to:

  • Come from families where the father is absent (check)

  • Have difficulty forming relationships outside the home (check)

  • Be attracted to groups offering acceptance and comradeship (checkmate)

Luke is just the kind of isolated disaffected young man that terror recruiters seek out.

Obi Wan — a religious fanatic with a history of looking for young boys to recruit and teach an extreme interpretation of the Force — is practically salivating when he stumbles upon Luke, knowing he’s found a prime candidate for radicalization. Stahelski notes terror groups place a focus on depluralization, stripping away the recruit’s membership from all groups and isolating them to increase their susceptibility to terrorist messaging. Within moments of meeting Luke, Obi-Wan tells Luke he must abandon his family and join him, going so far as telling a shocking lie that the Empire killed Luke’s father, hoping to inspire Luke to a life of jihad.

Shocked and confused by this onslaught of terrorist brainwashing, Luke hurries home only to find the charred corpses of his aunt and uncle. The Empire’s accidental harming of Luke’s Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen can be directly compared to the casualties of President Obama’s drone campaign, whose body count terrorists capitalize upon for recruitment. This is precisely what Obi-Wan does, preying upon Luke’s emotional state to take him under his spell and towards a life of extremism.

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #167
Drone strikes: About 2,500 dead
ISIS strikes: To date, more than 170,000 people (mostly Christians and Shiites).
The Holocaust: About 6,000,000 Jews.
Russia in WWII: At least 11,000,000 soldiers (killed and missing) as well as somewhere between 7,000,000 and 20,000,000 million of its civilian population. =====================================================
One doesn't justify the other. Killing is hell.

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #168
A law professor writes:
The major justification for freedom of speech is the marketplace of ideas—the claim that if people can say whatever they want, the best ideas will flourish. But just what is it that we can learn from ISIS? The social value of beheading apostates? The finer points of crucifixion? Those who regard free speech as fundamental need to consider whether legal principles that arose centuries ago make sense in the age of Snapchat. It is possible, as Cass Sunstein has explained in Bloomberg View, to modify the current test for free speech violations so as to advance public safety without throwing out important protections for dissent. A simple balancing test would permit laws to target dangerous speech that does not advance public debate.
(source; read it all!)
As many "law professors, Eric Posner is slightly confused: Freedom is not something that needs a justification… And certainly not by a government; the opposite is true, that the deprivation of freedom requires considerable justification!

His "suggestion" is one of the most slippery slopes yet suggested, as part of our strategy in the Long War…
I'm agin' it.
The Register adds this

My suggestion: Train and deploy cyber warriors! It's not like it wasn't going to happen anyway.
But what do I know? :(
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #169
There may be something else to consider: As a correspondent to Dr. Pournelle's site mentions,
Declared war identified the enemy, brought full mobilization of all the national assets for the duration and included central command of the economy with price controls, rationing, conscription and funding through war bonds. It was old-fashioned, big war that employed the operational art, and U.S. tactics conformed to our notions of national ideals, culture and honor.

If we no longer practice big declared war, what are we doing instead and how is that working out for us? How did we devolve from old fashioned war to today’s persistent conflict? How will America use its military power in the future?
…I have some sympathy for our president: He knows the words; but he doesn't know their meaning. Do we need to defeat Islamists? Or maintain our values? I'd do both. But that's just me… :)

I still want the U.S. Congress to declare War. It's their purview; and their responsibility.

This idea of Presidential prerogative (…Imperial Prerogative!) needs to end…
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #171
Oops! Cicero Magazine… (I've fixed the link in my post above.) Sorry for the confusion. But I'll bet you got a kick out of it, Bel! :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #172
You're wrong, there's simply no eromagazine at least as a website.
A matter of attitude.


Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #173
You're wrong, there's simply no eromagazine at least as a website.

If you didn't Google it, you could merely have hovered the link — to see how I'd mangled it… :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #174
You are of course right OakdaleFTL that the imperialistic President idea should end. Here the Prime Minster traditionally could just go ahead with an attack but of recent times they have wisely let the House of Commons do it.
"Quit you like men:be strong"