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Topic: E-mail Software (Read 3785 times)

E-mail Software

What do you use? I've been using Icedove/Thunderbird for a while now. It just gave me this helpful message:

These improper connections? Which improper connections? What's improper about them? Sheesh.

Re: E-mail Software

Reply #1
I've been using claws for a while now.

Re: E-mail Software

Reply #2
Does "Icedove FAQ" help? (Just asking...)

Re: E-mail Software

Reply #3
1. No, because the account settings window blocks out access to the rest of the interface.
2. No, because the Help menu doesn't feature an FAQ. I suspect they simply replaced all occurrences of "Thunderbird" with "Icedove", suggesting this Thunderbird FAQ might be what's intended. That, too, I couldn't easily find through the help). 3. No, because the only thing in the FAQ even vaguely related refers to the MozillaZine knowledge base, which doesn't seem to contain anything about this error message.

Now I happen to know the cause had something to do with the e-mail switching from self-hosted to Office 365, so using the Office 365 server configuration combined with a bit of fiddling with trash settings and such made it work, but that error message was beyond unhelpful.

Re: E-mail Software

Reply #4
"See <whatever> for more information" gives me shivers...

Re: E-mail Software

Reply #5
So it should. *grins*

At least with straight links you (usually) still have the web archive if they no longer work.

Re: E-mail Software

Reply #6

I've been using claws for a while now.

I'm likely to try it out.
On this subject: what do you all recommend as e-mail client software?
As far as I can see, everything seems moving to webmail. I have philosophic issues with that. It doesn't make sense to me, having to go to the post office to view my mail messages. Offline viewing is a must to me - since the old days of Microsoft Mail and Microsoft Exchange (I didn't use Eudora or Pegasus then).
When I was forced to go to Microsoft Outlook flavored mail clients, I was saved by good old Opera M2, which I am using until these days. HTML mail is rendered by the same engine as the web browser. Wonderful!
The fact is: Opera M2 is becoming obsolete and Opera Presto rather buggy. And I see no options anywhere, where mail and web browser are integrated. I have hope on Otter, but it may take a long time until it gets a mail client.
In the while, what is the best option, in your opinion?


Re: E-mail Software

Reply #7
Yes, everything has been moving towards webmail for quite a while now. I have not noticed any new e-mailers, just the same old ones. If you don't like Thunderbird or Seamonkey or Evolution, then there's nothing very robust and versatile to be recommended, except perhaps some paid software that I am not familiar with.

The best is of course Mutt, but it's a major PITA to configure it. I still use Opera mostly. I think it's still adequate for e-mail.

Re: E-mail Software

Reply #8
The Bat! 7.0 actually just came out the other day. Whether it's recommended today I don't know, but it was certainly highly regarded in the early 2000s.

I use Thunderbird in the form of Iceweaseldove. I wouldn't call it my favorite, but it gets the job done decently enough.

Edit: whoopsie, I messed up weasel and dove. :P

Re: E-mail Software

Reply #9
If you look at ad/paid apps, then eM client was hyped at some point

I have never tried it though.

On Linux the selection is more obscure and it's possible to talk endlessly about it.

Re: E-mail Software

Reply #10
Windows? No, thanks.
But I thank you all.

Re: E-mail Software

Reply #11
Oh, my interest in Windows software isn't very great either. But on Linux I'm not aware of any paid clients. Doesn't mean they don't exist; I've been using Windows for over 20 years and Linux only on a truly regular basis for about 6, maybe 7 years and only as my primary OS for 4 years. My Windows installation is good for little but the occasional game.

Windows 10 is the best Windows yet, btw. Upgrading my Windows 7 did not touch the MBR. Astounding, is it not? It's also conceivable that it touched the MBR on a drive it's not even installed on, in which case it'd be the worst Windows yet.