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Topic: Bookmarks (Read 5841 times)


Noticed in the latest Win version that there is an option to import bookmarks direct from Opera. Unfortunately Otter crashes or rather freezes when trying to import. Left it for around 5 minutes but nowt happened. Task Manager showed it using 25% CPU.

Re: Bookmarks

Reply #1
@djgl, how many entries they have (more than one hundred etc.)?
There used to be issue with file being updated each time, which could cause such lockup in some conditions.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Bookmarks

Reply #2
Opera/Blink imported only two of my bookmarks folders seemingly at random, so I guess it's not much better. :P

Re: Bookmarks

Reply #3
@Frenzie, they are unable to import own format? :-D
They could simply keep it as is, it is far from being perfect but at least works.
I wonder what they are using now, some custom format, XBEL or maybe something different.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Bookmarks

Reply #4
@Frenzie, they are unable to import own format? :-D

Actually I investigated it a bit further. What it imported was in fact my bookmarks bar and my bookmarks bar only, which I must have used or customized for testing at some point in the past 10 years or so. It included some quick search boxes for search engines I haven't used in years (like, which I honestly doubt I ever used because I've been almost exclusively using search keywords since the early 2000s.

Now that an actual bookmarks manager has been reintroduced I notice my other bookmarks are in there also, in a folder called "Imported Bookmarks". I can only imagine they've been hiding there, inaccessible and out of sight (except through a Chrome extension) since I first installed Opera Developer. As best as I can tell I'd have to drag them over to the "proper" bookmarks one by one, for there is no select all, nor does Ctrl + A work.

Suffice it to say it looks kind of snazzy, but is otherwise still a fairly poor show (no nicknames/keywords either). But at least it's being worked on.

Edit: link to a more relevant topic for this discussion

Re: Bookmarks

Reply #5
@Frenzie, they chosen wrong order in bringing back stuff then. ;-)
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Bookmarks

Reply #6
You can say that again. :)

Re: Bookmarks

Reply #7

@djgl, how many entries they have (more than one hundred etc.)?
There used to be issue with file being updated each time, which could cause such lockup in some conditions.

Probably over 1000, could be a lot more. The adr file is 3600 KB.

From what I have read in other Opera forums this is quite common.

Re: Bookmarks

Reply #8
@djgl, do you have SDK installed?
Then you could check if it was fixed already, or wait for new packages.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Bookmarks

Reply #9
Hm, I got curious how it'd deal with my bookmarks (about 400 or so?) and I didn't get any lockups with the latest from git, but it doesn't seem to have dealt with folders correctly at all. Btw, that brought out what I suppose is some kind of Qt issue. It looks like the bookmarks underneath the folders are (mostly) those that actually belong in them. On a separate note, notice how much junk Opera kept on stuffing in that Opera folder over the years. A long time ago I actually had the silly notion of keeping my Opera-related bookmarks in there. They long since cured me of that notion.

Re: Bookmarks

Reply #10
@Frenzie, nah, it's something wrong in importing algorithm, should be easy to fix.
It probably got broken during conversion to model.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Bookmarks

Reply #11

@djgl, do you have SDK installed?
Then you could check if it was fixed already, or wait for new packages.

I don't think I have. Do you have a d/l link for this? Or I will just wait for the next release.

Re: Bookmarks

Reply #12
Oops, I just realized how completely unclear I was. The Qt issue is how the menu shows up on the wrong screen altogether and then just disappears into nothing. The best handling of long menus I've seen was probably on Windows 98. On later versions they introduced this annoying scrolling menu (still better than nothing), but there it had a little thing at the end, hovering which extended yet another menu in whatever direction was appropriate, and so on ad infinitum.

Re: Bookmarks

Reply #13
@djgl, it's listed in INSTALL file ( ;-)
But now you could simply wait for binaries, these should be ready soon.

@Frenzie, ah, this one.
Well, we could try to improve that, by subclassing them or creating submenus if needed (should be doable).

Opera import is now fixed, it got broken while porting to model.
BTW, should we ignore Trash folder or let to import it (as normal folder, our Trash isn't persistent)?
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Bookmarks

Reply #14
The Qt issue is how the menu shows up on the wrong screen altogether and then just disappears into nothing.

And, curiously, it properly maintains the slightly less than 1024px height appropriate to my 1280x1024 monitor.

Well, we could try to improve that, by subclassing them or creating submenus if needed (should be doable).

In normal practice the problem is far less likely to show up, although on smaller resolutions (like my netbook's minuscule 1024*600) it could still be relevant. Still, it seems like something that should be handled by Qt automatically.

BTW, should we ignore Trash folder or let to import it (as normal folder, our Trash isn't persistent)?

I'd prefer to make trash persistent instead. The whole reason it exists is in case you accidentally delete something, and not being persistent somewhat defeats the point. :)

Re: Bookmarks

Reply #15
@Frenzie, surely they should offer good defaults, I guess that there might already exists such reports.

About trash, it was always annoying for me that you had to manually empty it, it is not that obvious. ;-)
In case of accidental deletion you can easily restore deleted items, at least until last window will be closed.
This should be enough to prevent accidental data loss, but we could also add warning shown when closing Bookmarks Manager.
Or add warning when deleting bookmarks which would explain that Trash is not persistent.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.


Re: Bookmarks

Reply #16
In case of accidental deletion you can easily restore deleted items, at least until last window will be closed.

You might not notice that you accidentally deleted something until you find it in the trash. An unlikely scenario to be sure, but the entire purpose of the trash is to be able to undo mistakes.

I prefer a lack of annoying pop-ups, but if you don't want it persistent I'd say there is no other option than showing an annoying dialog when closing the bookmarks manager or when closing Otter (whichever occurs first).

It's my opinion that any hard drive larger than a few hundred MB should have plenty of space (and probably speed) so as to never accidentally lose anything that'd take up only a few kilobytes. :)

Also, you say until the last window is closed — but what if it crashes?

Or add warning when deleting bookmarks which would explain that Trash is not persistent.

That'll either be annoying or forgotten. A better option might be like how in Windows Explorer you can either Delete (i.e., move to trash) or Shift + Delete (i.e., actually delete). Possibly coupled with some options for when to show confirmation dialogs and whether to use a persistent trash or not. Windows by default asks confirmations for everything, but I prefer no confirmation for persistent trash and only a confirmation for real delete. Incidentally, that's the default in Thunar.

Anyway, this shouldn't be about anyone's preferences so much as about what everyone expects because of how the trash can works in real life as well as how their metaphorical equivalent has been modeled in Windows, Mac OS, and most Linux DEs. Those trash cans tend to auto-empty based on size limits, but if you want to auto-empty bookmarks (although I don't think there is a need) a webmail-provider-like so-many-days type option could perform a similar role. One could set it to one day if so desired for a near-equivalent to per session trash without any of the downsides.