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Topic: Obama is a groan (Read 2161 times)

Obama is a groan

It was good to see so many Heads of State at the recent marking of D-Day in France and make no exception BUT.

Why did Obama have to sit there on the platform through the gathering chewing gum. The man is fancy with his words but he has no idea of being a Head of State. And throw in in as well this bleeding habit of jogging up and down airplane stairs. Then sometimes appearing in half rolled up sleeves to show us what? Is he trying to show he is one of us?  A touch of dignity would be better for a man who leads a big and prominent nation.  :(
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Obama is a groan

Reply #1
Don't you get it, Howie? Nobody that should be President wants the job anymore.

Re: Obama is a groan

Reply #2
Why you want to make a cover story is beyond comprehension. The lack of depth and statesmanship style went one awful long time ago so that one is a bit too easy to make as an excuse!  He is typical of many of the modern incumbents who appeal to the patriotism of the fooled. Tell them the world need the country and all the baloney that goes with it and you are in.
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: Obama is a groan

Reply #3
He is typical of many of the modern incumbents who appeal to the patriotism of the fooled.
Not necessarily even patriotism, although it can be. There's also the wishes of his corporate donors and the pet issues of his supporters.  At this point in history, I'm not even sure the American people even want a statesman. They want a president they can relate to. I also think it's hard to maintain a facade of statesmanship, when every little mistake is heard around the world in a matter of seconds

Re: Obama is a groan

Reply #5
Don't worry Mr. Howie, Charles will soon be on the British throne, and it'll be just like having Phillip on the throne.

Re: Obama is a groan

Reply #6
Like all British, including the great Tony Blair, he's fantastic statesmen. Am I right? :yes:

Re: Obama is a groan

Reply #7
Americans get conned with every President they get. Like children when it comes to politics. Interesting to see the Southern laddie is on the back-burner as there isn't someone decent in his corner to portray and instead tries to do a danc with our succession.  You just need to see these political  conventions to illustrate my comment about juvenile and being conned by the corporates who over the decades have gradually taken over things and added to the frustration of the more diligent and thinking ordinary Joe.

As for Blair I never could stand the man or his mouth. All that cool Britannia baloney. He was so enthralled by his bosom pal GW he forgot that British people think differently. He is self-conceited a liar and a pal of the war starters in DC. He is far from being a popular figure here at all and i wouldn't trust him to empty my  midden (look that up foreigners. At least there is one thing in favour of GW in that finishing his time he disappeared into the background unlike liar Blair. If ever a nation was so far up itself it is the ex-colonies. So self-righteous, arrogant, imperialistic and dangerous! And what do you know that gobby woman, Clinton will probably be the next con merchant in the White House and she has lied in public too.

I do feel for the sensible ex-colonists and althoughI had two pleasant holidays over there i would certainly not want to live in it. Would be as bad as having to be forced to kiss the Pope's ring!
"Quit you like men:be strong"