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Topic: Slowness in Scotland openings (Read 4054 times)

Slowness in Scotland openings

I note that in Northern Ireland shops can start opening on Friday and the Irish Republic already started. Some signs of progress in England and includes national Trust there and Ulster. However nothing in Scotland including OUR NT staying shut all due too our First Minister being like a controller is slower.  She acts like a Prime Minister and not just a First Minister of one of the UK nations.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #1
In the Netherlands this kind of thing is up to the 25 individual safety/security regions (i.e., about twice as many as the number of provinces).

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #2
It's all about the R number. You would know that if you paid attention.

She acts like a Prime Minister and not just a First Minister of one of the UK nations.

And very popular she is because of that.

The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #3
That graph is no doubt near the mark and is so because Scots are so damnably emotional they can be brained easily. When i can pop into a cafe or similar and have a tea and bun or snack then I will probably stop turning her voice down on television news.  I stick by what i said about the way she acts on those platform shows having three like the PM!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #4
That graph is no doubt near the mark and is so because Scots are so damnably emotional they can be brained easily
It was a UK wide poll.  :lol:
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #5
When i can pop into a cafe or similar and have a tea and bun or snack then I will probably stop turning her voice down on television news.
That's damn near American of you. I wish I could say I'm shocked by the level of spoiled people are here... I'm just not shocked at all.

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #6
How interesting a rabid nationalist like Luxor is all for a UK poll. I speak to individuals who when I mention that wee Sturgeon they are not happy with her so a passing pleasure. Other parts of Gt Britain are opening up better than here and maybe one day even a routine like getting to Heritage buildings will be back in Scotland! People not being able to get t a barbers for ages folk with clothes in dry cleaners for ages and still waiting. There was even passing news that when routine shops get their doors open maybe cafes selling stuff outside will be a chance. For heavens sake what with our weather??!

Me being near American  ensbb3 the idea of being a nutjobland type would be a groan.  I note elsewhere you ignore the hard truth that in your place leaders of your revolution against us were slave owners on independence so daftness across the pond is a routine!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #7
Luxor is all for a UK poll.

I can show you a Scottish one if it will make you feel better. Same result though.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #8
Nah just a pity you are so stuck thinking your wee pal is so wonderful. However I live on hope when she gets the heave ho!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #9
Was also a bit odd that wee Sturgeon did a body-swerve about shop re-openings etc here north of the border and being vague. Why are England AND Northern Ireland opening up before us? She is weird as could be like them and the close Irish south of the border.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #10
When I can get back into my McDonald's sit and read my paper over a doughnut and coffee I wil turn the sound up when that Sturgeon waffles on tv. England, Ulster and Europe ahead of us but that woman likes to act as if she is something!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #12
Well Belfrager I have long had a tradition of never being jealous of anyone but due to the control freakery in this part of Gt Britain controlled by the Nationalists you have temporarily succeeded. You fortunate and lucky Portuguese man.

Back to the control pest here Sturgeon may I remind that Northern Ireland is widening things even further. Cafes, restaurants pubs to be back on 3rd July. So the fortunates over the Irish Sea along with the south of Ireland, England and Europe away ahead of our fuehrer. When i get over there in t summer on my wide rail simulator project I can get around like a normal society and NOT like here.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #13
The Sturgeon mouth ignores England, Northerner Ireland, Irish Republic, Europe and is a waste of space. Now Scotland re the virus thing has a worse unemployment figure than the rest of the UK. Scots just mealy mouthed just take it even though many are getting bored stiff but equally many feeling they have ti keep their mouths shut. Talk about being controlled freak style is an obvious outcome.  :irked:
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #14
Getting a bit tired of that we Sturgeon being bloody minded and behind, England, Ulster, Eire and everywhere else on the easing of things. Modern scots are just too willy-nilly and too frightened to say much. When i can get into a cafe for a tea or coffee and a doughnut whilst reading my paper I will turn up the sound when she is on tv......... :whistle:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #15
I noticed when turned up the sound temporarily when Sturgeon was on tv that she was pushing for large sums of money to be produced by the British Government re business etc. Now without the Barnett Formula or the extra  recently given to Scotland what she would do if independent.  ???
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #16
what she would do if independent.

The same as every other independent country.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #17
When a man with a brain (hopefully!) comes out with such a daft and pointless answer can be a groan.

Scotland has an ageing population and it DEPENDS in the Barnett Formula from the overall UK government to fund it plus occasional extras. So having been part of a situation like Gt Britain for centuries and not getting the money Scotland would have a problem which that pointless answer ignores.  :-[
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #18
Scotland has an ageing population and it DEPENDS in the Barnett Formula

Unionist myth,  Complete and utter bollocks in 2014 and still complete and utter bollocks in 2020.

If we were independent all money raised in Scotland would stay in Scotland. Not sent south so that our Imperial masters can give us back pocket money, while telling us we should be grateful for their benevolence.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #19
May i say to readers that this man is typical of his mass of associates in that they liBarnett Formula and as happened recently extra cash delivered. Neither is our population boosting to a comfortable scenario either and the population IS getting older and thus in in turn less tax o be got. We would as a separate country require more money to cope with that and the further costs of embassies across the globe as well as paying for our own military. Nats just emotionally rubbish folk who are Unionist and depend on that wee bunch of Green MSP's to keep them in place. Sturgeon is a wee woman who tries to make up for that by her mouth indeed comes on television with her regular boring control freakery acting as if she is a Prime Minister of a big capable nation. Typical of the guff is her telling us to stay north of the Border but at the same time want to attract visitors here!

It is comfort for his lot to rubbish, slag or ignore the failings of the SNP minds but limited grey cells are difficult to attend to when the hard facts are ignored!   :faint:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #20
Really? You want to start this tiresome nonsense again? Not happening rj, move on find a hobby or something. Take your nonsense elsewhere.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #21
I will give you the passing benefit Luxor of grey cells but just that they are being misused as what I saying is factual but true. Any time I have went to my local polling station and I briefly passingly challenge SNP rep or reps at the gate of the church used they retreat a bit when I get away from the usual emotional guff and cannot face the financial truths.  By all means try slagging me off but clever people will see that you cannot face the factual! And dear readers another failing aspect from Luxor's corner mentality is the waffle about Gaelic. Only 1% of Scots have it and surprise, surprise it is failing even up north west where it is seriously declining. My other passing groan is all that nonsense having every railway station with a Gaelic name along with English in such circumstances. It is all as pointed out historical and emotional rubbish (!). Kilts are nice but are not the national dress at all and neither are bagpipes a national instrument. When it comes to other hard truths on the cost of this country being separate is of no importance topmost Nats they just get carried away with all that propaganda and braining.

So slag away boy or just don't bother with the thing and I will maintain nit wanting to see a financial disaster!!  :cheers:

ps. That's diet Irn Bru as I am teetotal.........
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #22
The Scottish cringe is strong with this one.  :troll:
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #23
Readers will note this that man just ignores the hard and honest financial and other facts. I got the same ignorance and dancing away when dealing with the modern Brigadoons dishing out leaflets at polling stations.

Today got a great bit of goodness on a wet day. At my bus stop an elderly man started sounding off about the virus to me and he utterly crucified Sturgeon wondering who she thought she was. Amusingly on the way home from my supermarket visitor the bus driver I spoke to approaching my stop had a similar view. To the rest of you here on this increasingly distant visiting site folk like the Luxors of the world actually do not take much note of challenges on hard finances on an independent Scotland but lowering their arguments by dismissing folk like myself who raise the factual truths. Being slagged off on such things by an empty brain does little. Luxor is readers a typical emotional Scot who rubbishing whilst skipping facts illustrates the pointless stuff he mouths.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #24
At my bus stop an elderly man started sounding off about the virus to me and he utterly crucified Sturgeon wondering who she thought she was

We'll file that under "Things that didn't happen today".
You were probably talking to your reflection in a shop window. Easy mistake to make.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.