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Topic: Style Up! (Read 7028 times)

Style Up!

Surely it's no secret that I don't like how the design of this forum is, specifically how the tints of the logo ended up.

There has emerged a volunteer proposal to do something with the design
From this proposal it's not clear to me if the volunteer wants to design this forum or, but I have this idea:

Why not give Ping sections each their unique design? At least an opportunity to style themselves? I believe this should be technologically possible - the General section in one style and each Ping board their own style. It should be possible to apply specific CSS to each Ping board separately.

Re: Style Up!

Reply #2
Why not give Ping sections each their unique design? At least an opportunity to style themselves? I believe this should be technologically possible - the General section in one style and each Ping board their own style. It should be possible to apply specific CSS to each Ping board separately.

Well, I've expressed my dislike about the forum's design but it's better a bad design than no design at all.
If each section has its own design, the result would be a lack of visual unity able to cross the entire forum and giving it it's own and only personality.
In practice you'll be dismantling one forum into several.

To do it rightly, it would be necessary some very strong visual elements, common to all sections. and than each section with minor variations.
I'm afraid it's not worthy the amount of work it gives and I fear the result to be disastrous.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Style Up!

Reply #3
This request only concerns the Ping boards which you two don't visit. Otherwise, in a good browser you can style the whole internet your own way - which is what I do.

Re: Style Up!

Reply #5
@ersi - I think PlasmaApple was referring to the Otter Web site, not the forum.

Your idea that each Ping has its own style is intriguing, although I doubt it's feasible for each Ping separately. Maybe if he sees the post Steeno can comment (Steeno generated the choice of Logos for us and has made literally dozens of web sites). However this forum site was mainly done by Frans using the available tools of the forum software, the logo being provided to colour match the chosen background. So Frans has probably something to say on terms of the flexibility of what we have now.

There was some desultory talk some time ago about simple changes such as a colour change for each season of the year, but this did not happen, not least because of the extra work load at the time.

One could imagine all sorts of different designs for backgrounds, fonts, layout etc., floral designs, graffiti messages, pet cats, and so on. But to do that and expect, repeat expect, to make everyone happy would require huge effort and, in fact, not be possible.

In my view the only way one could expect not to have constant controversy would be to not raise those expectations in the beginning, and, if it were feasible, allow our Admin free reign to vary things without the overhead of a big debate all the time. We must always keep in mind the amount of work involved.

That's not to say we shouldn't explore such things and see if there is an appetite for "jazzing up"; we just have to keep our feet on the ground.

Re: Style Up!

Reply #6
So Frans has probably something to say on terms of the flexibility of what we have now.

Flexibility comes down to I have no time for the next month. ;)

Giving specific boards their own theme is built-in functionality, I believe. But someone'd still have to make 'em, of course.

Re: Style Up!

Reply #7

One could imagine all sorts of different designs for backgrounds, fonts, layout etc., floral designs, graffiti messages, pet cats, and so on. But to do that and expect, repeat expect, to make everyone happy would require huge effort and, in fact, not be possible.

My recommendation was meant with functionality in mind. The design is not for anyone to like, but to distinguish the place one is browsing.

Besides, I only spoke about the Ping boards. The overwhelming majority of Central and Lounge members do not go to Ping, and those who go to Ping, they don't go there to like the style, fonts, and colours, but to talk business. Knowing the general membership, yes, they complain about styles, but this change is not meant for them.

So, I had functionality in mind, to make a visual distinction between the business sector and the leisure sector here, so that people - particularly new members - notice clearly when they land in a different section and probably should change their tune.

Re: Style Up!

Reply #8
I get your point ersi, and certainly it would be the nature of a Ping that it would have a somewhat different character than our madcap forum. That thought was indeed fundamental to making them a separate part of the forum.

Just to throw another thought into the process, there could be a slight downside from the forum's viewpoint if Pings were too "different"; While it's good (and satisfying) to act as a host to, say, the Otter Forum, we in DnD hope also to benefit from those who are attracted there posting also in the DnD past. So it's important that we don't build any sort of wall around Pings which would make it's devotees feel they were excluded from the rest of DnD.

But I think the above is a minor problem which could be overcome.

It would be interesting to know what Emdek thinks of this. Thanks in large part to yourself, the Otter Forum seems to be developing nicely.

Re: Style Up!

Reply #9
Being a tech outsider, I'm not sure what all this is about. Functionality is what I see as important.

What is it that you tech savvy folks want?