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Is it now time to post in the Lounge here, rather than the Lounge on MyOpera?

Yes let's get this board going.
[ 10 ] (76.9%)
No we should hang on to the death over there, dividing our time using both for now.
[ 0 ] (0%)
[ 3 ] (23.1%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Topic: Is it now time to post in the Lounge here rather than the lounge on MyOpera? (Read 11740 times)

Is it now time to post in the Lounge here rather than the lounge on MyOpera?

It's decision time folks.
DnD Sanctuary is now viable and raring to go.  :D
So do we carry on posting in both lounges or concentrate solely on this one?
It's gone a bit quiet in the other place so I think I can guess what the result will be. But I think it would be best for us all to know where we are.  ;)

The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Is it now time to post in the Lounge here rather than the lounge on MyOpera?

Reply #1
I think we should get this board going. Lately the Lounge in Opera forum has 'invented' a new bug where you get a blank page after submitting or replying to a post.

Re: Is it now time to post in the Lounge here rather than the lounge on MyOpera?

Reply #2

Lately the Lounge in Opera forum has 'invented' a new bug where you get a blank page after submitting or replying to a post.

Not just me then, that's happened with every single post I've made today.  ::)
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Is it now time to post in the Lounge here rather than the lounge on MyOpera?

Reply #3
I've been getting that too, on all of the My Opera forums .

Re: Is it now time to post in the Lounge here rather than the lounge on MyOpera?

Reply #4
 The poll is totally wrong - unless the forum should allow changing one's cast...


Re: Is it now time to post in the Lounge here rather than the lounge on MyOpera?

Reply #5

  Lux, ya broke the [glow=red,2,300]Cardinal Rule of D&D Polls!!  [/glow] 

                        Where the hell is the mandatory [glow=red,2,300] BEER OPTION?[/glow]


Re: Is it now time to post in the Lounge here rather than the lounge on MyOpera?

Reply #6

The poll is totally wrong - unless the forum should allow changing one's cast...

OK You should be able to change it now if you wish.

  Lux, ya broke the [glow=red,2,300]Cardinal Rule of D&D Polls!!  [/glow] 

                        Where the hell is the mandatory [glow=red,2,300] BEER OPTION?[/glow]

I did wonder who would be first to bring that up.   :P
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Is it now time to post in the Lounge here rather than the lounge on MyOpera?

Reply #7
Thank you for the Beer Option......

Now, with all important options available, I cast my vote for the only logical choice of the day....

I suggest each & every one of us actively PM fellow MyOpera D&D members with positive messaging--- especially active posters --- to give [glow=gold,2,300]The DnD Sanctuary [/glow] a shot .... for them to come take a good look at this forum, advocate the benefits of DnD to get them involved --- that they can truly say what they  want about their browsing preferences, or anything else, without the need to adhere to any obvious or implied loyalties.

[glow=blue,2,300]The DnD Sanctuary's [/glow] diversity is it's strength.

Let everyone know we here are free to speak our minds for or against any browser ---- for or against anything else for that matter,  without obvious restriction(s).

Let them know that [glow=red,2,300]The DnD Sanctuary [/glow]is an apolitical, nonsectarian debating & discussing place, where particular browser preference is not a determined & overbearing prerequisite --- that DnD is truly designed with the poster's freedom, liberty, & overall enjoyment in mind.

Re: Is it now time to post in the Lounge here rather than the lounge on MyOpera?

Reply #8
I find the error messages after every attempt to post quite annoying. I say, let's get this board going!  :D

Re: Is it now time to post in the Lounge here rather than the lounge on MyOpera?

Reply #9
I expect more, and more annoying, bugs over thataway from now until closing time. The MyOpera Team has no incentive to really fix anything now, do they? I'm surprised they try to keep a lid on spam, since the board's days are likely numbered.

In the meantime, it looks to me like Franz is doing quite a job here and his effort is worthy of our support. I reckon you know how I vote.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Is it now time to post in the Lounge here rather than the lounge on MyOpera?

Reply #10

I reckon you know how I vote.

Since everyone voted the same way that's not hard to guess  :P

Re: Is it now time to post in the Lounge here rather than the lounge on MyOpera?

Reply #12

I find the reminder about new replies made during the time I was typing, quite useful here. Those prevent me from looking "slow" in lounge 'games'.

Yes that's a definite bonus compared to MyOpera. Lost count of the number of times I posted just to see that a couple of posts had been made before mine appeared. Fine if I noticed it at the time, but not so good if I didn't.  :-[
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Is it now time to post in the Lounge here rather than the lounge on MyOpera?

Reply #13
I find the reminder about new replies made during the time I was typing, quite useful here.

Yup. It's pretty neat, and I didn't even know about it when I decided on Simple Machines.

Re: Is it now time to post in the Lounge here rather than the lounge on MyOpera?

Reply #15
"MyOpera"? What is this "MyOpera" of which you speak??? ;)
You are the result of 3.8 billion years of evolutionary success.
Act like it!

Re: Is it now time to post in the Lounge here rather than the lounge on MyOpera?

Reply #16
"MyOpera"? What is this "MyOpera" of which you speak???

Are you questioning the lack of space between My and Opera? 
That's how I've always typed it anywhere, don't think I'm alone (has a quick look).   No definitely not just me Linkie.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.