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Topic: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen (Read 12001 times)

Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

Reply #25
No smart alex you are not answering all the charges and fine you damn know it. I did credit you with some intelligence but bodyswrv the overall thing. I have listed not ONE but a SERIES of failings and you HAVE majority-wise not answered and the rest of this site are leaving you to crawl on so why don't you just shove off as you will never properly answer and the rest here are letting you away with it. Maybe this site is a waste as you get away with lying your head off hiding behind sarcasm and supposed satirical guff. You lot are never going to win independence. Not surprised this site is now so small.................
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

Reply #26
I did credit you with some intelligence

Cheers!  :cheers: That's more than I would ever credit you with.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

Reply #27
Look smart alex you have misused my comment as is your style. I thought you had intelligence. Can I say to readers AGAIN. That each item I have listed has either been public ally discussed in the Scottish parliament, television programmes, new including newspapers, etc.  What this real fool is doing is AVOIDING them. Small world that his lot of emotional head-bangers have lost so many votes and places. Instead of even trying to be sensible he falls back on stupidity without probably fully realising it. Thinks he is being funny but the inability of answering anything more than one question is danced away from.  That the number of luxor type voters has fell away is great news. But the rest of you here even allowing for being foreigners have just sat dumb. If someone did not answer things and do a brainless dance you would be moaning so go for a walk.

You Luxor are as a waste as is that National newspaper rag so dig away t me but you are only proving your lack, inability so i do hope you are doing a sensible job and not letting people groan.

Answers are frankly stupid.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

Reply #28
 :zzz:  :zzz:  :zzz:  :zzz:  :zzz:  :zzz:
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

Reply #29
Article 5 of the FIDE Laws of Chess gives the ways a game may end in a draw, and they are detailed in Article 9: (Schiller 2003:26–29).
    • Stalemate – if the player on turn has no legal move but is not in check, this is stalemate and the game is automatically a draw.
    • Threefold repetition – if an identical position has occurred at least three times during the course of the game with the same player to move each time, and is the current position on the board or will occur after the player on turn makes his move, the player on move may claim a draw (to the arbiter). In such a case the draw is not automatic - a player must claim it if he wants the draw. When the position will occur for the third time after the player's intended next move, he writes the move on his score sheet but does not make the move on the board and claims the draw. Article 9.2 states that a position is considered identical to another if the same player is on move, the same types of pieces of the same colors occupy the same squares, and the same moves are available to each player; in particular, each player has the same castling and en passant capturing rights. (A player may lose his right to castle; and an en passant capture is available only at the first opportunity.) If the claim is not made on the move in which the repetition occurs, the player forfeits the right to make the claim. Of course, the opportunity may present itself again.
      • A similar rule was added in section 9.6 of the FIDE laws of chess on July 1, 2014. If the same position occurs for five consecutive moves by both players, the game is automatically a draw (i.e. a player does not have to claim it).
    • The fifty-move rule – if in the previous 50 moves by each side, no pawn has moved and no capture has been made, a draw may be claimed by either player. Here again, the draw is not automatic and must be claimed if the player wants the draw. If the player whose turn it is to move has made only 49 such moves, he may write his next move on the scoresheet and claim a draw. As with the threefold repetition, the right to claim the draw is forfeited if it is not used on that move, but the opportunity may occur again.
      • A similar rule was added in section 9.6 of the FIDE laws of chess on July 1, 2014. If no capture or no pawn move has occurred in the last 75 moves (by both players), the game is automatically a draw (i.e. a player does not have to claim it). If the last move was a checkmate, the checkmate stands.
    • Impossibility of checkmate – if a position arises in which neither player could possibly give checkmate by a series of legal moves, the game is a draw. This is usually because there is insufficient material left, but it is possible in other positions too. Combinations with insufficient material to checkmate are:
      • king versus king
      • king and bishop versus king
      • king and knight versus king
      • king and bishop versus king and bishop with the bishops on the same colour. (Any number of additional bishops of either color on the same color of square due to underpromotion do not affect the situation.)
    • Mutual agreement – a player may offer a draw to his opponent at any stage of a game. If the opponent accepts, the game is a draw.

    Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

    Reply #30
    I groaned at your attempt there to break a deadlock but it is really a nonsense. I would apologise to you all that the Nationalist brain dead here (Luxor) is incapable of answering what were very direct points discussed by the media and politicians so why does he ignore them and try and be what he thinks is funny but just plain ignorant, stupid and so on. Did he try to show a disagreement or try to argue any of the very well known points I raised here?  He is like that wee neb the Nats Leader who is increasingly getting people here sickened off and they are losing massive numbers of votes and being incompetent on everything. Inability to defend while falling back on satire on a groundless basis is just plain nonsense is not funny and like his pals in the Jacobite corner not going to succeed in independence. The SNP are incompetent on the majority of what they are meant to be sorting out because they are hell bent on independence and the voting trend is showing they are declining.

    The rest here on this forum just sail along with it and that there are no answers to honest failings is ridiculous. You might as well put in the stupid we things he does as an avoidance to the truth facts.
    "Quit you like men:be strong"

    Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

    Reply #31
    The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

    Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

    Reply #32
    You have unintentionally done well in giving an excellent view of how nutjob nationalist cannot answer anything apart from stealing our flag wailing with singing flower of Scotland and ignoring the obvious. my compliments for consistency..........
    "Quit you like men:be strong"

    Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

    Reply #33
    stealing our flag
    No one has stolen anybody's flag you muppet.
    Thought your flag was the butchers apron anyway.
    The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

    Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

    Reply #34
    On a wider front the Jacobites could have worn aprons for the massacring they did. Illustrates you declining grey clls that fit in well with what passes for SNP logic! And you lot of mental midgets have acted clandestine over the Saltire. Inability to be able to defend your corner is perfectly fine because you are never going to succeed with all that independence guff. So concentrated on that daftness and Sturgeon portrays that the routine things I mention (and you cannot deal with) is useless for Scotland. Pundits to the rest of you folks here is that the SNP is reckoned to be going to lose even more MP's the next time round. Lost lots of Councillors, lost MSP's and UK MP's shows the hard truth.

    To the wider audience here not one in my extended list have I added something not true and not being challenged and reported on as hard facts.  Sturgeon readers was put in a difficult corner on the failings of the SNP regime but the more mouthy street mouthers gave her more problems.  Many decades ago when attempts were made to separate another part of the UK a leader against it had a cry of "Not an inch" on the border. I say the same about our border so Scotland is not going to move an inch away from GB.

    For the wider readership I can tell you that when the Jacobites were soundly defeated in the Battle of Culloden back in the 18th century it wasn't an English army but a British one due to the numbers of Scots especially in the lowlands. As for Luxor when he leaves school and grows up like many others he might slowly get away from this independence rubbish and maybe take up a hobby rather than end up frustratingly drunk on a Saturday night!  :hat:
    "Quit you like men:be strong"

    Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

    Reply #35
    Drone, drone, drone.
    The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

    Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

    Reply #36
    Hope it lands on you as won't be missed having an empty head.........
    "Quit you like men:be strong"

    Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

    Reply #37
    Guess we are two of a kind then.
    The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

    Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

    Reply #38
    You really are something else.

    You have not properly answered damn all as I* did not indicate one point but a damn list. So don't come on here trying to act as if you are A1. Instead of answering the selection of failings of the independence  corner you try to act smart instead of doing the obvious.  How you think an inactivity on that is progress is beyond  even a simple mind. The rest of you here just sit and watch this crossfire  and ignore what I am saying so once more I will remind you all that Luxor simply evaded the list of issues i have given and I am also right in the decline of independence idiocy. That he is allowed to get away with ignoring actual issues and enjoys a slag off crossfire as an evasion only makes one wonder why this thread site is still here.
    "Quit you like men:be strong"

    Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

    Reply #39
    You really are something else.
    At least I'm something which is more than can be said of you.  :lol:
    The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

    Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

    Reply #40
    No the only thing one can say about you is you are not able to answer but do a body swerve and act like you appear well, stupid instead of being sensible. hardly surprising this site has much reduced since taking over from the opera loss but rather limited and you get away wityh anything. Incapable of proper response and instead make a fool of yourself to a grey cell mind. So just sod off as you are unable to answer a LIST of subjects discussed by politicians, news reports and so on. instead you do a dance and it is hardly surprising to the rest here that his cause is in a state of decline and will never succeed in their stupid nationalistic and pointless stuff.

    To the wider readers it proves that the nationalist modern Jacobites are incapable of properly answering a wide range of things and instead scoff. The SNP record in Scotland has been woeful and he emphasises that in this thread..
    "Quit you like men:be strong"


    Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

    Reply #41
    The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

    Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

    Reply #42
    Yes but you are too thick to make it worth while.
    "Quit you like men:be strong"

    Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

    Reply #43
    We can all look forward to you keeping quiet then. Result!
    The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

    Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

    Reply #44
    You are just so similar to wee Sturgeon. She yacks on concentrating about independence because she has so many arrogants to keep happy. The net result is she is totally incapable of running the country as first Minister.  You are so like her because you cannot answer all the things raised by me and they have by media, reports, politicians and so on. One rather glib so-called answer to the LIST?? You are lying your damn head off and getting away with it because the wee group here on this site haven't much of a clue about things here. You have NOT answered each of the items and fine you damn well know it. So you really make yourself look pointless because they are in the dark.

    May I remind the rest of you here that where has he answered the mes in the amalgamated police force the National Health Service failings, increased taxes, soldiers being also increased in Scotland, massive decline in SNP support in town councils, Scottish parliament, the UK parliament. Not responded to because he like the modern Jacobites are heel bent on separation but that isn't going to happen. You all sit dumb and I have made it so obvious he is doing a dance. So by all means let him away with his crass ignorance and utter stupidity,
    "Quit you like men:be strong"

    Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

    Reply #45
    The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

    Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

    Reply #46
    And folks on top of the list of not being able to answer list by the nationalist bums and their clown here the latest failing by the Jacobites is that Scotland has two and a half times more of a drugs problem (eight time that of Europe with Dundee away in front. When the SNP Health idiot, oops Health Minister was interviewed on Channel 4 News she could not give a definitive answer. Then pressed why nothing done in their ten years of power she did another dance so it goes to show that Luxor for all his tempts at ridicule is very much in their mentality. All she did was dance around like Sturgeon and sometimes you get answers like "we are working on it." A decade in power and we still have a problem with the definitive issues I have raised here..

    The inbuilt brain dead man on this forum is therefore typical and one can see he is fully part of the dancers that are in the Edinburgh Government. Ten years and no improvement in most areas including what i have raised. It would not be so bad if the Luxor infantile brain could properly answer instead if the utter nonsense of saying that he "answered" my list. He is a waste of time here, incapable but acting just like the SNP halfwits. He may well know personally the failings but instead of trying to deal with them he thinks he is being funny, satirical and giving a stance. The practicality is he is showing crassness and an obvious incapability. Call me what he likes due to his inability and  inability to face facts. He is a waste of time as is this forum, :down:
    "Quit you like men:be strong"

    Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

    Reply #47
    You're still yacking.  :zzz:  :zzz:
    The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

    Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

    Reply #48
    How you lot let this fool get away with ignoring things and refusing to answer subjects raised and now this latest one is beyond me and this declining site is a waste of time for anyone using their brains. Luxor is trying to be in his corner tto very much ignore the basic thing of answering a LIST. This latest serious one on the massive drug score for Scotland and the inability of his lot of equally gormless nationalists after 10 years is head shaking. This was done by Channel 4 and well detailed so why is he just as hopeless as you lot i am afraid are? This IS a serious addition yet he gets away with that answer? Let it sink in that Scotland is two and a half times worse than the rest of the UK and 8 times that of Europe and the city of Dundee a drug disaster. Yet 10 years of a nationalist bunch of stookies cannot answer? Luxor just goes into that mode being of his brainless corner but as i am being direct gets away with the lack of facing honesty.  I am hardly surprised that a long contributor like the jimbro who used to be regular is off and he was right in doing that as we are going nowhere here and the oafish Nationalist here gets away with complete ignorance, smart alex  and brainless inability to answer.

    Anyone with a reasonable brain can see he is not going to answer and instead try repeatedly to be smart but in practice brainless. Now this latest addition to the independence corner Nats is danced around? For heaven's sake such a big and serious issue that the SNP could NOT answer on tv is danced around by this nonsense man here??  Oh I can get off of course and the decline continue but that in itself is not a problem but it is for you lot not challenging him to properly answer the things well known in this part of the world and led to the decline in the modern Jacobite dafties. A big drugs thing is just a laugh...?

    I left primary school an awful long time ago but the running and practice of this forum has not.
    "Quit you like men:be strong"

    Re: Scottish Nationalist disgusting flag disrespect and towards the Queen

    Reply #49
    It's only you I'm ignoring.  :yes:
    The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.