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Topic: What's Going on in Russia? (Read 22251 times)

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #75
Russia apologists seemingly do little more than invent bizarrely irrelevant tu quoques and whataboutisms. Russia's annexing Crimea? What about our annexation of Indonesia? It was also in the '10s and '20s after all… you know, the 1610s and 1620s. And remember when we kicked the native Americans out of New Amsterdam? How dare we say anything about Chechnya and Georgia?!

They might at least try to come up with something we're actually doing right now (e.g., absurd immigration policies), even if "we do some bad things too" is hardly a defense.

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #76
Oh, you have those Russia apologists in Benelux too? So their network is wider than some self-hating Germans and unquestioning Trumpites. And an isolated Scotsman.

A particularly funny aspect of those Western Russia apologists is that their sources are obscure conspiracy websites or darknet forums. Why do they not check their information against Russia's official news - in Russian? Well, they would be too astonished to find a direct correlation, that's why.

Doesn't it occur to them that it is possible to condemn all colonialism, both historical and current, whether done by USA, UK, or Russia? This takes away their tu quoque defence.

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #77
Some Europeans thinks that the best way of being anti-American is by being pro-Russia.
I think that the best way for Europeans to be should be to be Patriots first and pro-Europe second. Enough things to be.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #78
Even for an educated American you border on rubbish Colonel starting with the daftness on Stalin who was an evil and despicable dictator. America leads the constant nipping at Russia yet you lot cannot even run your own country right when you see the level of poverty, legal nonsense and control freakery. Over 40 million on food stamps over 2 million in jail, people on death row for months and from time to time years. You spend half the world's military expense as well, interfere with places, try to spike countries that will not accept your control.  Oh and you have over a dozen security agencies! The Stalin thing you came up with made me shake my head and how nonsensical that was and even more so as dictatorship ceased before Putin! I am smiling now because you lot will get stuck with Trump yet again later in the year!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #79

Better to end up in Georgia than in Central Asia, I guess.



Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #80
I didn't know you also watched NFKRZ. I enjoy the explorations of dilapidated Soviet architecture.

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #81
Post-Soviet architecture in ex-USSR countries is even more dilapidated, if that's your thing.

I have done some of my own similar explorations in the countryside where I live. But I don't youtube about it, just keeping a small private photo collection. Hope to be more active on this theme now that the covid restrictions are receding.

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #82
Iran shares tips and tricks with Russia on how to circumvent sanctions

For example, in response to unilateral sanctions by Donald Trump, some EU countries devised an alternative scheme of transactions, says a representative of foreign affairs at the central bank of Iran.

Iran also proposes trade with Russia based on local currencies.

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #83
Why exactly the remaining Russian troops packed up and left Trostyanets last Friday remains unclear. Was there an order? Did they just flee the city due to mounting exhaustion and dwindling supplies of munitions? Before they left, the Russians mined the chocolate museum. They had already mined the botanical garden and its Nymph Grotto dating from 1809. At the train station and other locations, they left behind graffiti reading "Zelenskyy is a fag," the same phrase sprayed on a number of walls, or "For the honor of Russia." Or simply a heart next to the word "Russia." From Russia with Love. Trostyanets now looks as though it was descended upon by a horde of teenagers armed with spray cans and tanks.

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #84
@Frenzie: How accurate is the description you posted? (Yes, I read the whole piece...)

There must be an out for Putin, but I don't see it. And I don't believe he himself sees one... Now would be a very good time for some "masterful" diplomacy. Or a miracle.

Starting at 28:34 in the most recent episode of What The Frock is some worthy and welcome speculation, from Dave Bowman... (The most reassuring bit comes at 38:10.)
(Yes, I can still readily find things that make me smile.).
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #86
Now, I have not read the article, but I can tell what Putin's exit plan is.

First, from the beginning, Putin has never called this a war or invasion. These words are banned in Russian press. Also the invasion to Crimea was not a war, invasion, not even a military or special operation. In Putin's mind (and according to Russian press) it was a "re-uniting" by the voluntary manifestation of Crimean people. (In reality it was a "green men" operation taking hostage Crimea's parliament.)

Of course, Putin's real plan, Plan A, is to capture entire Ukraine. This was the plan already in 2014, but downing the Malaysian airplane full of Dutch by accident delayed the plan. Also in 2014, even though annexation of Crimea and separation of Donbass went smooth as butter (since at that moment there was no government in Kiev), it became evident that taking entire Ukraine was not going to be very smooth and in worst case might fail.

So, Putin's exit plan, Plan B, is to say that the little he achieved was all he had planned. [Edit]He'd say that this had been just a tiny "special operation" by kind invitation of the brotherly Donbass republics, nothing more; "war" and "invasion" be Western propaganda.[/edit] And unfortunately in the West there are some (not just some random some; they are you know who) who are calling for ceasefire and end of hostilities, basically rewarding Putin for yet another military incursion and encouraging him to try better next time.

The way to stop Putin (and his regime) is to make him actually retreat. Specifically, beat him out of Donbass, Crimea AND Sevastopol. Nuke cowards be damned.

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #87
@Frenzie: I was asking if there's any reason to doubt any of it? Is it managed story-telling — or straightforward reporting?
Yes, I should have been more explicit... The viciousness of the Russian troops, I don't doubt. It's the lack of discipline that I find most remarkable, even from conscrips.
I think Bowman has it right when he opines that this Russian military would not stand a chance against any NATO force.
The sad fact is, it takes a lot of money to train and equip an effective military. And KGB was never known for its understanding the military...

I'm afraid I have to agree with you, ersi. Putin has to realize how much American weapons have advanced... If he begins an "exchange" it won't last long, and since it will have to be limited — and then it becomes open target season, on him.
Yes, it's probably too late to allow a face-saving retreat from his invasion: For the safety of Europe, it must be defeated.

I'd hoped the world had moved past such "history"...
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #88
History (or "history", that is history as a legendary backbone of a nation) is super duper important to Putin. Two things to look up in this context:
- Vladimir Putin: The Real Lessons of the 75th Anniversary of World War II (my review)
- Vladimir Putin: On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians (a Harvard review)

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #89
I think Der Spiegel is a credible source. But Russia's military being even worse than I anticipated is not a new story. The story is the liberation, the destruction and the mining.

Anyway, have an opinion piece from them.

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #90
I keep hearing folks say Putin/Russia has to answer for  war crimes, "like the Nazis did at Nuremberg"...seemingly without realizing that the Nazis were first defeated. Putting the cart before the horse...
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #91
How is saying Russia should be defeated putting the cart before the horse?

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #92
"Russia should be defeated" is what is missing... Unless the sentiment is only aspirational, in which case talk about war crimes is akin to saying "God will punish them."
It's like Zelinsky's plaint to the U.N. "Then what are you for?" To which everyone mutters under their breath "How droll. How naive..."
The U.N. is for posturing, and spending other people's money more inefficiently than their own governments can.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #94
Okay. Point taken. Also left unsaid is by whom...
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #95
A Russian trying to scratch the surface of the extent and magnitude of Russia's propaganda. Not a bad scratch. I sincerely hope she won't get novichoked by Putin.


OakdaleFTL, pay attention. Similar to an average older-generation Russian, you have the same unquestioning attitude to the alternate reality that your favourite party has built.

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #96
you have the same unquestioning attitude to the alternate reality that your favourite party has built.
Is your presumptuousness innate or learned? If the latter, did you absorb it in schools swamped by Communist bilge? :) At any rate, it is truly a marvel to behold! Your perceptions regarding my "orthodoxy" as a member of the Republican Party[1]  are woefully inadequate, mainly due -I'm sure- to an understandable ignorance and an obvious superiority complex that borders on the pathological...
...Which is far less even an influence than a rule book: My allegiances are to the Constitution that secures bedrock freedoms — here, and to the land (and its peoples) where it holds sway
Will you ever outgrow your predilection to try to put everything you don't understand "in a nutshell"?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #97
My allegiances are to the Constitution that secures bedrock freedoms
You have fundamental misconceptions about where your allegiances lie. A Trumpite's allegiances lie with Trump. Only a Trumpite can say that Trump had successes in office.[1] Actually, a Trumpite *must* say that Trump had successes, because otherwise you'd be labelled a R.I.N.O. and that would be an existential disaster when Trumpism is your driving ideology.

Anyway, back on topic, yesterday I discovered a YT channel called Redacted that declares that "our constitutional “right to know” should not be compromised by media-driven falsehoods and corporate storylines." They represent "a concerted effort to save the truth, preserve information, and fight propaganda." With just two talking heads, a former Fox News anchor and his probable wife, it's not very concerted, I'd say.


Their saving of truth and fighting of propaganda entails making the case for Putin. In the above video, they say Ukraine has Nazis (without a single relevant example) so it should be de-Nazified, Russian troops are greeted with blessings (in "Eastern Ukraine" instead of an actual location, and the little group of women looks obviously imported, not local), and Russian army sets up humanitarian centres (as every occupying force always must do to some extent). And they present it all as if it were hidden from Western audience. But in reality, they are snipping reportage clips from Telesur (state broadcaster of Venezuela) who only has access to the Russian side and makes a much feebler case for Putin than Russian state media. I have access to Russian state media, so I can compare. To make a lie appear truthful, you should provide it with sufficient detail (at least proper dates and locations) as you would a common truth and Russian state media does not miss this when they present e.g. allegedly captured Ukrainian soldiers who say things like "We were being told that Russians pillage and rape and murder, but it is very peaceful here and we are treated humanely..."

The channel anchor thinks he is doing journalism. What he is really doing is sharing readily available "content" soaked in his commentary. Which is the same activity as the half-naked[2] youtuber I shared earlier. Except that, in comparison between the two, the former Fox News employee manages to obtain worse quality content, serving it with a far more obviously slanted commentary.

A very sad state of affairs in American journalism. Not saying just right-wing American journalism. There should be no right-wing or left-wing to journalism.
Because for observers of facts on the ground, Trump had no successes, definitely none whatsoever when it comes to the constitution or freedoms.
He wears a shirtless sleeve in some of his videos. And you don't want to see him when he stands up, trust me.

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #98
[Typical blather from Mini-Howie, about what i believe...]
Anyway, back on topic, yesterday I discovered a YT channel called Redacted that declares
...And jumped right on it! Aha! says ersie: I found someone stupid on YouTube who says lots of stupid and uninformed things... Who once worked at Fox! Therefore, Fox promotes stupid and uninformed  opinions! OakdaleFTL won't denounce Fox; hence OakdleFTL believes and supports stupid and uninformed opinions and those who hold them, and hence OakdaleRTL is an ignoramus.. QED!

I'd never heard of the Morrises... Now that I have (...I listened for a minute or so) I know enough not to waste my time on their "work". But you should know, ersi, I'm not going to pay much attention to your suggestions for podcasts if you persist in merely mendaciously trolling!
This is your source? A real-estate con artist?
He graduated with a bachelor's degree from the University of Pittsburgh in 1999.[self-published source?] He was a frequent guest-panelist on the Fox News late-night satire show, Red Eye w/ Greg Gutfeld.
Get a hobby! :) Maybe learn some logic, beyond simple Venn Diagrams and a few syllogisms... (Or at least use WVO Quine's axiomatization! Let the symbolism do the heavy lifting you're incapable of doing.)

For posting: Keep to discussing things you know something about! (I ask as a favor: It's become painful, seeing you embarrass yourself. (If I find a cure or palliative for your TDS, I'll inform you post haste!)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #99
For posting: Keep to discussing things you know something about! (I ask as a favor: It's become painful, seeing you embarrass yourself. (If I find a cure or palliative for your TDS, I'll inform you post haste!)
...says a sworn Trumpite who did not notice the insurrection happen and doesn't know what news is. It is easy for you to say those things because you are at a point where it is impossible to embarrass yourself any further.

In the previous post, Fox News was the least of my concerns. For what I care (namely I don't), the Morrises may only be claiming a connection to Fox News while having no real connection. Actual Ukraine events are my main concern.

Redacted's take is interesting for using knee-jerk left-wing material while they themselves are knee-jerk right-wingers. The interesting phenomenon here is that knee-jerk left-wing and knee-jerk right-wing are on the same page for the time being.

The phenomenon works as follows. For knee-jerk left-wingers any conflict anywhere must somehow be the fault of USA and the USA is always on the wrong side in every conflict. For knee-jerk right-wingers Democrats are evil and whatever Democrats do is wrong or evil. Right now Democrats have the presidency, so both right-wing and left-wing knee-jerk activist-commentators converge to the same goal: Let's propagate something that makes the current US administration look bad. Wrt Ukraine, it happens to be Russia's talking points that readily serve the purpose.