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Topic: The Pope that resigned and the shocking Vatican corruption is massive (Read 1693 times)

The Pope that resigned and the shocking Vatican corruption is massive

This link goes on for an hour or so but gives financial and sexual widespread corruption. America is included in the decline of priests and a number of priests state on the video what they had to put up with and if you have the time the depth of scandal is massive.  Even a pope had enough. Watch this....
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: The Pope that resigned and the shocking Vatican corruption is massive

Reply #1
As always, RJ, you prefer your prejudices to reality… And any source that supports them. you're okay with. (You're much like Sang in that way… :) )
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Pope that resigned and the shocking Vatican corruption is massive

Reply #2
You are not being amusing but being silly Oakdale. Watch the damn thing before you mouth off . It includes a number of priests some of whom were sexually abused as boys others who departed and wholesale and direct situations that cannot be denied or scoffed off. Even one Pope stating the obvious and disgusted is included in the report. Sexual abuse, homosexuality, financial crime it is a damning insight and only shows that the corruption of centuries ago is still here and priests who were decent blokes got sickened off by the rampant nature of things and no sorting out. Some countries get it worse tha others but it is fully rampant across the church and you cannot but feel sorry for those who have been sickened off. %he Borgias were novices.

So do watch rather than the routine reaction stuff.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Pope that resigned and the shocking Vatican corruption is massive

Reply #3
Still think it was a revealing condemnation and the long term corruption is still there and hardly surprising a Pope who thought he could change things resigned.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Pope that resigned and the shocking Vatican corruption is massive

Reply #4
I lucked out. 11 and 1/2 years in Catholic schools and never molested. Frankly, the half year in a public school was a breath of fresh air. Art, music, science class! The worst part of Catholic school was the brand of nuns who taught in the second school, 6 and 1/2 years. Polish and buried in the Middle Ages. I think I would have been a different/better person had I attended public schools.

Four years in the Navy made a huge difference in my life. I'll not bore you about that.

Re: The Pope that resigned and the shocking Vatican corruption is massive

Reply #5
Aww, but I got such romantic ideas about the American navy through Pynchon's V. ;)

Re: The Pope that resigned and the shocking Vatican corruption is massive

Reply #6
That insertion a while back from Oakdale was his typical limited mentality and of course the routine and usual attempt to satirically  bump off the man from the centre of the Universe and as he is a Yank and therefore limited,  I mean Glasgow. And dear Mr Tennessee your modesty does you well and shown here for some time.  I met a primary school janitor who had served in the American navy for years them came over here to retire. Jolly man. Also met two other pond sailors on a Glasgow suburban train (in civvies). Young and pleasant so there is some vestige of hope over the water.
"Quit you like men:be strong"