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Topic: Are we sick? (Read 4669 times)

Are we sick?

The "medical" bots are changing their tactics, aren't they? The last "guy" has tried to disguise itself from that particular "specialty" which has so far indicated "die, droid!", but it's still visible of the link hover.
Are we sick or what? And if we are, why aren't those "doctors" trying to "treat" us?
And why don't we have any other "fields" influx? Surgeons? Proctologists?:)

Re: Are we sick?

Reply #1
Hey, guys! Let's not multiply our "presence" here without an unavoidable necessity. Jim's laziness is enough.
In case you want to not get lost, there are other ways. Facebook, Vivaldi, our accounts on MyOpera are going to sustain on, let alone that most of us the D&D core are in email contact with many of others including, but not limited to, the Dutch. Even more, I'd like Jim to ponder about his primary account here.

Re: Are we sick?

Reply #2
Right now, 4 "guests" "Registering for an account", and - another? - 4 -- "Unknown Action":rolleyes:

4 registering again...  

Re: Are we sick?

Reply #3
Good thing our spam prevention is working. :)

Re: Are we sick?

Reply #5
Well, would you rather the "guests" registered with their Florida medicine credentials? :P