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Topic: Random Chat (Read 487050 times)

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1925
I remember the time when both Scotland and Ireland were in the World Cup...I think, not quite sure. Yeah that is frustrating when your national soccer team not making progress and not able to qualify for anything  :(

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1926
I remember the time when both Scotland and Ireland were in the World Cup...
You must have a long memory, Scotland hasn't qualified for the World Cup since 1998.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1927
It's not that long ago. :D

(I'm pretty sure I remember more of the '94 and '98 WCs than of, say, 2012 or 2014 anyway.)

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1928
It's not that long ago.  :D
It is if your Scottish, if feels like an eternity.  :P
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.


Re: Random Chat

Reply #1929
I tried it like once, lol.

That's funny, that's exactly the same amount of times I've made fresh pasta. Came to the conclusion that life is far too short to be bothered with doing it ever again. Dried stuff from the grocery store is just as good and less hassle.  :D
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1930
Over here one raw unpeeled potato costs 50¢. Or I can buy a whole piece of fully cooked, peeled & sliced potato in a tin for 50¢. Hmm...:sherlock:

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1931
Over here one raw unpeeled potato costs 50¢. Or I can buy a whole piece of fully cooked, peeled & sliced potato in a tin for 50¢. Hmm... :sherlock:
I would still buy the raw unpeeled one. The ready prepared one has probably got salt and other additives in it.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1932
Yes the cooked potato in a tin has liquid in it and most likely salt and other additives. Although I would buy that one just because all I have to do is heat it up and it is ready to  be eaten :P

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1933
Yes the cooked potato in a tin has liquid in it
I've had them myself a long time ago and if I remember correctly they had an odd taste. Not something I would choose to eat ever again, no matter how convenient they are.   :P
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1934
Yup I remember that odd taste. I ate it because by the time I got home from work I didn't have the extra time to cook fresh potatoes. Come to think of it I haven't eaten those processed potatoes in months, probably because of that odd taste :D

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1935
Precooked potatoes in plastic taste fine.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1936
Precooked potatoes in plastic taste fine.
I have seen mashed potato in the supermarket, couldn't tell you what they taste like though.
It always makes me wonder who's life is that busy, that they don't have the time to mash some potatoes.  :eyes:
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1937
Yup I've seen mashed potatoes and hash brown in plastics at the supermarket but I haven't tried those.

Quote from: Luxor
True. Not for lunch though, but for my evening meal yes indeed.
Sometimes after eating a burger at work during lunch break I feel tired and my stomach feels awkward. Lately I switched to eating a salad for lunch because it makes me feel healthier and I have more energy afterwards. :up:

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1939
Sometimes after eating a burger at work during lunch break I feel tired and my stomach feels awkward.
It can be hard to avoid having a burger, as so many places sell them. But yeah a salad is probably better for you if you have to go back to work, a big burger might make you sleepy and having a snooze at work does tend to be frowned upon by bosses.  :P

I've been having a lot of salads lately as it's just too damn hot to be bothered with cooking. Which has surprised my wife as I'm not really a fan of salads.  ;)

That'd depend on what else they toss in there.  ;)
True enough, I've never been curious enough to look at the ingredients so it shall remain a mystery.  :P
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1940
Quote from: Luxor
I've been having a lot of salads lately as it's just too damn hot to be bothered with cooking. Which has surprised my wife as I'm not really a fan of salads. 
Yes cooking heats up the entire kitchen. I wasn't a fan of salads either but now I'm eating a salad every day for lunch. But I'm sure your wife is glad that you did :D

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1941
But I'm sure your wife is glad that you did  :D
Not sure, I think she's in a state of shock.  :D
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1943
About 2 years ago my favorite coffee shop closed down. So I moved on to another coffee shop for my favorite coffee hangout. Now this coffee shop is closing down permanently as of tomorrow.  :awww:

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1944
Other coffee shops in your area will be worried that you use them now, as you seem to be a bit of a jinx.  :P
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1945
Hey Everyone.

It's Kc4 here. Was just playing around with my repos in Fedora and discovered OtterBrowser and was pretty excited to try it out.

Will be nice to have the classic Opera feel again :lol:

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1947
Hi and welcome. @klingoncowboy4
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1948
Howdy all! How's everyone been doing?

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1949
Hello stranger, long time no see.  :)
I'm still surviving, how are you doing?
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.